Properties of the prophenoloxidase activating enzyme of the freshwater crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus. (57/713)

The prophenoloxidase activating enzyme (ppA), a serine proteinase catalyzing the conversion of prophenoloxidase to an active phenoloxidase, has a molecular mass of about 36 kDa in its active form. This protein was cloned from a blood cell cDNA library and its corresponding cDNA of 1736 base pairs encodes a zymogenic protein (proppA) of 468 amino acids. An antibody raised against a synthetic peptide derived from a region of the cDNA sequence could efficiently inhibit the beta-1,3-glucan triggered activation of prophenoloxidase in vitro. The C-terminal half of the proppA is composed of a typical serine proteinase domain, with a sequence similar to other invertebrate and vertebrate serine proteinases. The N-terminal half contains a cationic glycine-rich domain, a cationic proline-rich domain and a clip-domain, in which the disulfide-bonding pattern is likely to be identical to those of the horseshoe crab big defensin and mammalian beta-defensins. Antibodies made against both the C- and the N-terminal halves recognize two proppAs under reducing conditions. However, under nonreducing conditions only the anti-C antibody recognized the two proppAs, which suggests that a conformational change takes place upon reduction that allows the anti-N to react with the N-terminal half of proppA. The recombinant clip-domain in crayfish proppA was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and the resulting peptide exhibited antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacterial strains such as Micrococcus luteus Ml11 and Bacillus megaterium Bm11 with 50% growth inhibitory concentrations of 1.43 microM and 17.9 microM, respectively. These results suggest that the clip-domains in proppAs may function as antibacterial peptides.  (+info)

Identification of genomic variations among geographic isolates of white spot syndrome virus using restriction analysis and Southern blot hybridization. (58/713)

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is widely distributed in most of the Asian countries where penaeid shrimp are cultured, as well as in some regions of the USA. Six geographic isolates of WSSV-1 each from penaeid shrimp from China, India, Thailand, and the US states of Texas and South Carolina, and 1 isolated from crayfish at the National Zoological Park in Washington, DC-were compared by combining the methods of restriction analysis and Southern blot hybridization. DNA was extracted from purified viruses and then digested with selected endonucleases: AccI, BglII, ClaI, BamHI, EcoRI, HindII, HaeI, SacI and XhoI. The blots were detected with digoxigenin-11-dUTP-labeled WSSV genomic probes: LN4, C42 and A6. No distinctive differences among the 5 WSSV isolates from penaeid shrimp were detected; however, differences in the WSSV isolate from crayfish were observed. A 2.8 kb DNA fragment originating from the crayfish isolate and encompassing the LN4 region was subcloned into pBluescript and sequenced for comparison with the LN4 fragment from the Thailand WSSV isolate. The results indicate that some genomic components of WSSV from different geographic regions share a high degree of homology. This method can be used to distinguish between the WSSV isolate from crayfish and the WSSV isolates from penaeid shrimp.  (+info)

Daily variations in crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone and serotonin immunoreactivity during the development of crayfish. (59/713)

The present study investigated changes in crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone (CHH) and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) immunoreactivity in the retina and the X-organ/sinus gland complex (XO-SG) of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii at two developmental stages, post-embryonic stage two (PO2) and the juvenile stage, at three different times of day, under a photoperiod cycle of 12 h:12 h L:D, using qualitative and quantitative immunohistochemical methods. In the retina, CHH immunoreactivity is located in the tapetal cells, while 5-HT immunoreactivity is found in the retinular cells. In the XO-SG, CHH-immunoreactivity is localized to the CHH-producing cell perikarya and in their axons and endings in the sinus gland, while 5-HT immunoreactivity is restricted to axon endings branching into the perikarya of the CHH-producing cells. A stereological analysis demonstrates that the PO2 and juvenile stages show significant differences in the amount of the immunoreactive CHH and 5-HT material at the three selected time points, indicating daily and related changes in the levels of CHH and 5-HT in the XO-SG and the retina. Our findings therefore support the idea that daily rhythms in the secretory activity of the XO-SG complex affect the circadian sensitivity of the eye. Furthermore, the differences found between the PO2 and juvenile stages suggest that both CHH and 5-HT are key factors in the development of the circadian rhythm of retinal sensitivity.  (+info)

Local specification of relative strengths of synapses between different abdominal stretch-receptor axons and their common target neurons. (60/713)

Stretch-receptor (SR) axons form a parallel array of 20 excitatory synapses with target neurons in the crayfish CNS. In each postsynaptic neuron, EPSPs from different SR axons differ significantly in size. These amplitudes are correlated with the segment in which each axon originates and form a segmental gradient of synaptic excitation in individual postsynaptic neurons. These differences might arise postsynaptically because of differential postsynaptic attenuation or presynaptically because of local regulation of the strength of each synapse. To examine these possibilities, we stimulated each SR axon separately and studied integration of its EPSPs in an identified neuron, Flexor Inhibitor 6 (FI6). Transmission from SR axons to FI6 was chemical and direct: EPSPs were accompanied by an increased postsynaptic conductance, were affected by extracellular Ca(2+), and showed frequency-dependent depression. EPSPs from different SR axons summed linearly. The rise times of EPSPs from different SR axons were not significantly different. We also filled individual SR axons and FI6 neurons and mapped and counted their points of contact. Each SR axon contacted each FI6 bilaterally, and contacts of SR axons from different segments were intermingled on FI6. SR axons that made the strongest synapses made more points-of-contact with FI6. These results imply that differences in strength do not arise because of differential postsynaptic attenuation of EPSPs, but rather because certain SR axons predictably make more points of contact with FI6 than do others. Thus, this gradient in excitation requires that each synapse be regulated by an exchange between the SR axon and its target neuron.  (+info)

Opposing actions of nitric oxide on synaptic inputs of identified interneurones in the central nervous system of the crayfish. (61/713)

Little is known of the action of nitric oxide (NO) at the synaptic level on identified interneurones in local circuits that process mechanosensory signals. Here, we examine the action of NO in the terminal abdominal ganglion of the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, where it has modulatory effects on the synaptic inputs of 17 identified ascending interneurones mediated by electrical stimulation of a sensory nerve. To analyse the role of NO in the processing of sensory signals, we bath-applied the NO donor SNAP, the NO scavenger PTIO, the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor l-NAME, the NOS substrate l-arginine, a cyclic GMP (cGMP) analogue, 8-Br-cGMP, and the soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) inhibitor ODQ. The effects of these chemicals on the synaptic inputs of the interneurones could be divided into two distinct classes. The NO donor SNAP enhanced the inputs to one class of interneurone (class 1) and depressed those to another (class 2). Neither the inactive isomer NAP nor degassed SNAP had any effect on the inputs to these same classes of interneurone. The NO scavenger PTIO caused the opposite effects to those of the NO donor SNAP, indicating that endogenous NO may have an action in local circuits. Preventing the synthesis of NO using l-NAME had the opposite effect to that of SNAP on each response class of interneurone. Increasing the synthesis of endogenous NO by applying l-arginine led to effects on both response classes of interneurone similar to those of SNAP. Taken together, these results suggested that NO was the active component in mediating the changes in amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potentials. Finally, the effects of 8-Br-cGMP were similar to those of the NO donor, indicating the possible involvement of a NO-sensitive guanylate cyclase. This was confirmed by preventing the synthesis of cGMP by sGC using ODQ, which caused the opposite effects to those of 8-Br-cGMP on the two response classes of interneurone. The results indicate that a NO--cGMP signal transduction pathway, in which NO regulates transmitter release from mechanosensory afferents onto intersegmental ascending interneurones, is probably present in the local circuits of the crayfish.  (+info)

Patterns of neural circuit activation and behavior during dominance hierarchy formation in freely behaving crayfish. (62/713)

Creation of a dominance hierarchy within a population of animals typically involves a period of agonistic activity in which winning and losing decide relative positions in the hierarchy. Among crayfish, fighting between size-matched animals leads to an abrupt change of behavior as the new subordinate retreats and escapes from the attacks and approaches of the dominant (Issa et al., 1999). We used high-speed videography and electrical recordings of aquarium field potentials to monitor the release of aggressive and defensive behavior, including the activation of neural circuits for four different tail-flip behaviors. We found that the sequence of tail-flip circuit excitation traced the development of their dominance hierarchy. Offensive tail flipping, attacks, and approaches by both animals were followed by a sharp rise in the frequency of nongiant and medial giant escape tail flips and a fall in the frequency of offensive tail flips of the new subordinate. These changes suggest that sudden, coordinated changes in the excitability of a set of neural circuits in one animal produce the changes in behavior that mark its transition to subordinate status.  (+info)

Activation of pro-astacin. Immunological and model peptide studies on the processing of immature astacin, a zinc-endopeptidase from the crayfish Astacus astacus. (63/713)

To contribute knowledge of the processing and activation of invertebrate proteolytic enzymes, we studied the metalloprotease astacin, a digestive enzyme from the freshwater crayfish Astacus astacus (decapod crustacean). It is the prototype of the protein family of astacins, members of which occur in organisms from bacteria to man and are involved in a variety of physiological reactions. According to its genomic structure, astacin is produced as a zymogen [Geier, G., Jacob, E., Stocker, W. & Zwilling, R. (1997) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 337, 300-307]. To localize and follow the processing of pro-astacin in different parts of the digestive tract, we synthesized two peptides covering the pro part of pro-astacin and raised antibodies against them. In addition, antiserum against the whole active astacin was produced. Using immunohistochemical investigation, we detected pro-astacin in the F cells of the hepatopancreas and all the way into the tubular lumen and the collecting ducts of this gland. Immunoblot assays revealed only active astacin, and never pro-astacin, present in the cardiac stomach. We conclude from these studies that astacin is secreted into the lumen of the hepatopancreatic tubules in its pro form and is activated on its way to the stomach. To investigate which of the two endopeptidases found in the digestive tract of crayfish, astacin or trypsin, is responsible for cleaving the propeptide from pro-astacin, we synthesized different peptides that mimick the activation site. MS analysis of the cleavage products of astacin and trypsin showed that astacin is capable of catalyzing its own activation. Any contribution of trypsin would require the successive action of an aminopeptidase. Substituting glycine for arginine at position -1 of the activation site does not prevent astacin activity. As most members of the astacin protein family have basic amino-acid residues in this position, in these cases also astacin-specific cleavage would be possible.  (+info)

Fan organs of crayfish enhance chemical information flow. (64/713)

Animals as well as autonomous robots need to acquire environmental signals in order to adjust their activity in time and space. Some information is accessible to the sensors only as a result of specific behaviors for stimulus acquisition. Due to the slow rate of molecular diffusion, dispersal of chemical stimuli depends on fluid flow. Aquatic crustaceans can generate directed water currents by specialized appendages. Here I describe the crayfish fan organs, which are feathered flagella of the mouthparts, and their activity in sending and receiving chemical signals in environments with stagnant flow conditions. During the power-stroke, the fan opens and displaces water; during the return stroke, it collapses and thereby minimizes drag. These organs can create a variety of flow fields including water jets, and in many different directions. Bilateral upward fanning draws water horizontally from all directions toward the anterior chemoreceptors. Unilateral upward fanning draws water from only one side towards the body. The versatility of the crayfish fan organ makes it a candidate for biomimetic reconstruction and use in autonomous robots that can search chemical sources.  (+info)