Home case management of malaria: an ethnographic study of lay people's classification of drugs in Suneka division, Kenya. (9/338)

Lay people in malaria-affected regions frequently have to choose from many over-the-counter malaria management drugs, requiring them to be able to identify these medications and distinguish between them. Lay people make these distinctions at two levels - age of the patient and the whether he or she has fever, pain or malaria. Sometimes decisions are based on incorrect information given by friends and relatives, causing prolonged suffering to the patient, exacerbating chloroquine resistance and leading to resistance to the sulfodoxine/pyrymethamine drugs now recommended as first-line treatment in Kenya.  (+info)

Plant-animal subsistence ratios and macronutrient energy estimations in worldwide hunter-gatherer diets. (10/338)

Both anthropologists and nutritionists have long recognized that the diets of modern-day hunter-gatherers may represent a reference standard for modern human nutrition and a model for defense against certain diseases of affluence. Because the hunter-gatherer way of life is now probably extinct in its purely un-Westernized form, nutritionists and anthropologists must rely on indirect procedures to reconstruct the traditional diet of preagricultural humans. In this analysis, we incorporate the most recent ethnographic compilation of plant-to-animal economic subsistence patterns of hunter-gatherers to estimate likely dietary macronutrient intakes (% of energy) for environmentally diverse hunter-gatherer populations. Furthermore, we show how differences in the percentage of body fat in prey animals would alter protein intakes in hunter-gatherers and how a maximal protein ceiling influences the selection of other macronutrients. Our analysis showed that whenever and wherever it was ecologically possible, hunter-gatherers consumed high amounts (45-65% of energy) of animal food. Most (73%) of the worldwide hunter-gatherer societies derived >50% (> or =56-65% of energy) of their subsistence from animal foods, whereas only 14% of these societies derived >50% (> or =56-65% of energy) of their subsistence from gathered plant foods. This high reliance on animal-based foods coupled with the relatively low carbohydrate content of wild plant foods produces universally characteristic macronutrient consumption ratios in which protein is elevated (19-35% of energy) at the expense of carbohydrates (22-40% of energy).  (+info)

Culture, sexuality, and women's agency in the prevention of HIV/AIDS in southern Africa. (11/338)

Using an ethnographic approach, the authors explored the awareness among women in southern Africa of the HIV epidemic and the methods they might use to protect themselves from the virus. The research, conducted from 1992 through 1999, focused specifically on heterosexual transmission in 5 sites that were selected to reflect urban and rural experiences, various populations, and economic and political opportunities for women at different historical moments over the course of the HIV epidemic. The authors found that the female condom and other woman-controlled methods are regarded as culturally appropriate among many men and women in southern Africa and are crucial to the future of HIV/AIDS prevention. The data reported in this article demonstrate that cultural acceptability for such methods among women varies along different axes, both over time and among different populations. For this reason, local circumstances need to be taken into account. Given that women have been clearly asking for protective methods they can use, however, political and economic concerns, combined with historically powerful patterns of gender discrimination and neglect of women's sexuality, must be viewed as the main obstacles to the development and distribution of methods women can control.  (+info)

The social geography of AIDS and hepatitis risk: qualitative approaches for assessing local differences in sterile-syringe access among injection drug users. (12/338)

While significant gains have been achieved in understanding and reducing AIDS and hepatitis risks among injection drug users (IDUs), it is necessary to move beyond individual-level characteristics to gain a fuller understanding of the impact of social context on risk. In this study, 6 qualitative methods were used in combination with more traditional epidemiologic survey approaches and laboratory bioassay procedures to examine neighborhood differences in access to sterile syringes among IDUs in 3 northeastern cities. These methods consisted of (1) neighborhood-based IDU focus groups to construct social maps of local equipment acquisition and drug use sites; (2) ethnographic descriptions of target neighborhoods; (3) IDU diary keeping on drug use and injection equipment acquisition; (4) ethnographic day visits with IDUs in natural settings; (5) interviews with IDUs about syringe acquisition and collection of syringes for laboratory analysis; and (6) focused field observation and processual interviewing during drug injection. Preliminary findings from each of these methods are reported to illustrate the methods' value in elucidating the impact of local and regional social factors on sterile syringe access.  (+info)

The benefits of anthropological approaches for health promotion research and practice. (13/338)

In recent years health education practitioners have been looking for ways to extend the social psychological analysis of human behavior with approaches that focus on the cultural and social context of human behavior. In this article the value of the 'thick description' approach, borrowed from anthropology, is explored by examples from the Caribbean and South Africa. It demonstrates that an anthropological approach has much to offer as a basis for sound interventions for understanding human behavior. However, although an anthropological approach offers valuable starting points for interventions, its broad scope exceeds the traditional goals of health education (changing health beliefs, health counseling). Interventions will not aim at informing individuals, but at improving cultures. They may concern the change of basic cultural and social structures such as gender roles. To limit the risk of ethnocentrism, adequate ways need to be developed to make optimal use of the information thick description offers, while avoiding ethnocentrism. The article ends with a discussion concerning the assets of a dialogical approach towards health promotion. A dialogue between health promoters and their target population may help solve the problem of ethnocentrism in broadly scoped interventions.  (+info)

Cultural and biomedical meanings of the complaint of leukorrhea in South Asian women. (14/338)

Among women in South Asia, the complaint of vaginal discharge (often called leukorrhea) is extraordinarily common. From a biomedical perspective, this symptom suggests that reproductive tract infection (RTI) is prevalent in the subcontinent; however, several recent studies provide evidence that the prevalence of RTI is relatively low. Women who do not have RTI frequently report the symptom of vaginal discharge. An anthropological perspective on the cultural meanings of leukorrhea can shed light on this puzzling phenomenon. According to Ayurvedic concepts of health and illness, genital secretions are considered a highly purified form of dhatu, or bodily substance, and loss of this precious substance is thought to result in progressive weakness or even death. Many South Asian women who complain of vaginal discharge also report a variety of somatic symptoms such as dizziness, backache and weakness. The link between unexplained gynaecological symptoms and mental health concerns has been explored by both psychiatrists and anthropologists in South Asia. Leukorrhea may represent a culturally shaped "bodily idiom of distress", in which concerns about loss of genital secretions reflect wider issues of social stress. Problems may arise when a symptom with deep cultural meaning is interpreted in a purely biomedical framework. In the syndromic approach to the treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), health workers are trained to treat women presumptively based on history and a risk assessment, but without clinical or laboratory confirmation of infection. A recent evaluation of this approach demonstrates that many women who complain of vaginal discharge do not have RTI, and are inappropriately treated with antibiotics. It seems likely that women are over-reporting vaginal discharge because of its deep cultural meanings, meanings that need to be understood within an anthropological rather than biomedical framework.  (+info)

Physiological responses to water-walking in middle aged women. (15/338)

The purpose of the present study was to examine the physiological responses to water-walking using the Flowmill, which has a treadmill at the base of a water-flume, in two groups of women. In the first group, the women were known to regularly swim and exercise in water (group A), while in the second, they did not routinely participate in water-exercise (group B). In both groups, twelve healthy female volunteers in their fifties participated in the study. All of the subjects walked in water using the Flowmill for the first time. Subjects completed four consecutive bouts of 4-minute duration at progressively increasing speeds (20, 30, 40, and 50 m.min-1), with 1-minute rests between each bout. In addition, water-velocity was adjusted to the walking speed of each bout. The water-depth of the Flowmill was the level of the xiphoid process. The water and room temperatures were 30.3 +/- 0.1 degrees C and 24.9 +/- 0.4 degrees C, respectively. In both groups, the relationship between walking speed and oxygen uptake (VO2) as well as that between walking speed and heart rate (HR) changed exponentially as the walking speed increased, and the relationship between HR and VO2 was linear. The relationship between HR and VO2 was similar in both groups, and there was no significant difference between the predicted maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) of the two groups. VO2 and HR of group B during water-walking, however, were significantly higher than those of group A at all walking speeds. The results of this study clearly showed that experience in moving through the water strongly affects physiological responses to water-exercise, even when fitness levels are equivalent.  (+info)

Selenium status in an iodine deficient population of the West Ivory Coast. (16/338)

Selenium is an essential trace element which is part of the active site of seleno-dependent glutathione peroxidase and type 1 deiodinase. Therefore, it plays a key role in thyroid hormone metabolism. The present work was undertaken in order to evaluate selenium status in two Ivory Coast populations: the first with high (Glanle) and the second with low (Abidjan) prevalence of iodine deficiency. Selenium, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione and diglutathione were determined in blood and/or urine. In plasma and erythrocytes, selenium and glutathione peroxidase were dramatically low in Glanle. Compared to Abidjan, selenium, glutathione peroxidase, vitamin E and riboflavin status were decreased whereas diglutathione was increased in Glanle. The results clearly demonstrate a selenium deficiency and suggest an oxidant stress in Glanle. Causes and consequences of this selenium deficiency and oxidant stress remain to be determined.  (+info)