Control of cricket stridulation by a command neuron: efficacy depends on the behavioral state. (9/935)

Crickets use different song patterns for acoustic communication. The stridulatory pattern-generating networks are housed within the thoracic ganglia but are controlled by the brain. This descending control of stridulation was identified by intracellular recordings and stainings of brain neurons. Its impact on the generation of calling song was analyzed both in resting and stridulating crickets and during cercal wind stimulation, which impaired the stridulatory movements and caused transient silencing reactions. A descending interneuron in the brain serves as a command neuron for calling-song stridulation. The neuron has a dorsal soma position, anterior dendritic processes, and an axon that descends in the contralateral connective. The neuron is present in each side of the CNS. It is not activated in resting crickets. Intracellular depolarization of the interneuron so that its spike frequency is increased to 60-80 spikes/s reliably elicits calling-song stridulation. The spike frequency is modulated slightly in the chirp cycle with the maximum activity in phase with each chirp. There is a high positive correlation between the chirp repetition rate and the interneuron's spike frequency. Only a very weak correlation, however, exists between the syllable repetition rate and the interneuron activity. The effectiveness of the command neuron depends on the activity state of the cricket. In resting crickets, experimentally evoked short bursts of action potentials elicit only incomplete calling-song chirps. In crickets that previously had stridulated during the experiment, short elicitation of interneuron activity can trigger sustained calling songs during which the interneuron exhibits a spike frequency of approximately 30 spikes/s. During sustained calling songs, the command neuron activity is necessary to maintain the stridulatory behavior. Inhibition of the interneuron stops stridulation. A transient increase in the spike frequency of the interneuron speeds up the chirp rate and thereby resets the timing of the chirp pattern generator. The interneuron also is excited by cercal wind stimulation. Cercal wind stimulation can impair the pattern of chirp and syllable generation, but these changes are not reflected in the discharge pattern of the command neuron. During wind-evoked silencing reactions, the activity of the calling-song command neuron remains unchanged, but under these conditions, its activity is no longer sufficient to maintain stridulation. Therefore stridulation can be suppressed by cercal inputs from the terminal ganglia without directly inhibiting the descending command activity.  (+info)

Localized neuronal activation in the zebra finch brain is related to the strength of song learning. (10/935)

Songbirds (Oscines) learn their songs from a tutor. It is not known where in the brain the memories of these learned sounds are stored. Recent evidence suggests that song perception in songbirds involves neuronal activation in brain regions that have not traditionally been implicated in the control of song production or song learning, notably the caudal part of the neostriatum (NCM) and of the hyperstriatum ventrale. Zebra finch males (Taeniopygia guttata castanotis) were reared without their father and exposed to a tape-recorded song during the sensitive period for song learning. When, as adults, they were reexposed to the tutor song, the males showed increased expression of the protein products of the immediate early genes egr-1 (ZENK) and c-fos in the NCM and caudal hyperstriatum ventrale, but not in the conventional "song-control nuclei." The strength of the immediate early gene response (which is a reflection of neuronal activation) in the NCM correlated significantly and positively with the number of song elements that the birds had copied from the tutor song. These results show localized neural activation in response to tutor song exposure that correlates with the strength of song learning.  (+info)

Testing for symmetry in the conditional discriminations of language-trained chimpanzees. (11/935)

If subjects are taught to match Stimulus A to B and then, without further training, match B to A, they have passed a test of symmetry. It has been suggested that non-humans' lack of success on symmetry tests might be overcome by giving them a history of symmetry exemplar training, that is, by directly teaching a large number of conditional relations (e.g., AB, CD, EF,...) and also directly training the "reverse" of these relations (e.g., BA, DC, FE,...). The chimpanzee subjects of the present study, Sherman, Austin, and Lana, had already received extensive symmetry exemplar training as a result of attempts to teach a selection-based language system of lexigrams. The present study systematically subjected 2 of these chimps (Sherman and Lana), for the first time, to standard symmetry tests in controlled conditions. Both chimps failed the tests, even when their correct responses on test trials were reinforced. The findings do not support the exemplar training hypothesis, and cast doubt upon whether the chimps can pass tests of stimulus equivalence.  (+info)

Transformations of an auditory temporal code in the medulla of a sound-producing fish. (12/935)

The fish auditory system provides important insights into the evolution and mechanisms of vertebrate hearing. Fish have relatively simple auditory systems, without a cochlea for mechanical frequency analysis. However, as in all vertebrates, the primary auditory afferents of fish represent sounds as stimulus-entrained spike trains. Thus, fish provide important models for studying how temporal spiking patterns are used in higher level neural computations. In this paper we demonstrate that one of the fundamental transformations of information in the auditory system of a sound-producing fish, Pollimyrus, takes place in the auditory medulla. We discovered a class of neurons in which evoked spiking patterns were relatively independent of the stimulus fine structure and appeared to reflect intrinsic properties of the neurons. These neurons generated sustained responses but were poorly phase-locked to tones compared with the primary afferents. The interval histograms showed that spike timing was regular. However, in contrast to primary afferents, the mode of the interspike interval distribution was independent of the period of tonal stimuli. The tuning of the neurons was broad, with best sensitivity in the same spectral region where these animals concentrate energy in their communication sounds. The physiology of these neurons was similar to that of the chopper neurons known in the auditory brainstem of mammals. Our findings suggest that this medullary transformation, from phase-locked afferent input to chopper-like physiology, is basic to vertebrate auditory processing, even within lineages that have not evolved a cochlea.  (+info)

Behaviour-locked signal analysis reveals weak 200-300 Hz comb vibrations during the honeybee waggle dance. (13/935)

Waggle-dancing honeybees produce vibratory movements that may facilitate communication by indicating the location of the waggle dancer. However, an important component of these vibrations has never been previously detected in the comb. We developed a method of fine-scale behavioural analysis that allowed us to analyze separately comb vibrations near a honeybee waggle dancer during the waggle and return phases of her dance. We simultaneously recorded honeybee waggle dances using digital video and laser-Doppler vibrometry, and performed a behaviour-locked Fast Fourier Transform analysis on the substratum vibrations. This analysis revealed significantly higher-amplitude 200-300 Hz vibrations during the waggle phase than during the return phase (P=0.012). We found no significant differences in the flanking frequency regions between 100-200 Hz (P=0.227) and 300-400 Hz (P=0.065). We recorded peak waggle phase vibrations from 206 to 292 Hz (244+/-28 Hz; mean +/- s. d., N=11). The maximum measured signal - noise level was +12.4 dB during the waggle phase (mean +5.8+/-2.7 dB). The maximum vibrational velocity, calculated from a filtered signal, was 128 microm s(-)(1) peak-to-peak, corresponding to a displacement of 0.09 microm peak-to-peak at 223 Hz. On average, we measured a vibrational velocity of 79+/-28 microm s(-)(1) peak-to-peak from filtered signals. These signal amplitudes overlap with the detection threshold of the honeybee subgenual organ.  (+info)

Signals and behavioural responses are not coupled in males: aggression affected by replacement of an evolutionarily lost colour signal. (14/935)

Male Sceloporus virgatus lack the blue abdominal patches which are used during aggressive encounters in other Sceloporus lizards. Herein we report that, despite having lost this signal, males have retained a behavioural response to experimentally restored blue abdominal patches. We tested two adaptive hypotheses: selection acted primarily upon signallers or selection acted upon both signallers and receivers. The first predicts that only the signal is lost and that male interactions should be affected by the restoration of blue patches. The latter predicts that both the signal and behavioural response are lost and the display of the restored blue patches should have no effect on male-male interactions. We compared the behaviour of receivers in paired encounters where one male (signaller) had blue-painted abdominal patches to a set of trials where both males had white-painted abdomens, unmanipulated abdomens or a novel-painted pattern. The receivers of the blue-painted signal were more likely to display submissive behaviour. The receivers in either the unmanipulated, white-painted or novel-painted signal trials were more likely to display neutral behaviour. These results support the hypothesis that receivers have retained a behavioural response and selection has acted primarily on the signaller. We believe this is the first documentation of males responding to an evolutionarily lost signal in conspecific males.  (+info)

Ants estimate area using Buffon's needle. (15/935)

We show for the first time, to our knowledge, that ants can measure the size of potential nest sites. Nest size assessment is by individual scouts. Such scouts always make more than one visit to a potential nest before initiating an emigration of their nest mates and they deploy individual-specific trails within the potential new nest on their first visit. We test three alternative hypotheses for the way in which scouts might measure nests. Experiments indicated that individual scouts use the intersection frequency between their own paths to assess nest areas. These results are consistent with ants using a 'Buffon's needle algorithm' to assess nest areas.  (+info)

Dishonest signalling in a fiddler crab. (16/935)

Animal communication theory predicts that low-frequency cheating should be common in generally honest signalling systems. However, perhaps because cheats are designed to go undetected, there are few examples of dishonest signals in natural populations. Here we present what we believe is the first example of a dishonest signal which is used commonly by males to attract mates and fight sexual rivals. After losing their large claw male fiddler crabs (Uca annulipes) grow a new one which has less mass, is a less effective weapon and costs less to use in signalling than an equivalent-length claw of the original form. Males with original claws do not differentially fight males with regenerated claws even though they are likely to win. Regenerated claws effectively bluff fighting ability and deter potential opponents before they fight. During mate searching, females do not discriminate against males with low-mass, regenerated claws, indicating that they are deceived as to the true costs males pay to produce sexual signals. Up to 44% of males in natural populations have regenerated claws, a level unanticipated by current signalling theory. The apparent rarity of cheating may be an artefact of the usual difficulty of detecting cheats and dishonesty may be quite common.  (+info)