Mutations affecting gyrase in Haemophilus influenzae. (57/101)

Mutants separately resistant to novobiocin, coumermycin, nalidixic acid, and oxolinic acid contained gyrase activity as measured in vitro that was resistant to the antibiotics, indicating that the mutations represented structural alterations of the enzyme. One Novr mutant contained an altered B subunit of the enzyme, as judged by the ability of a plasmid, pNov1, containing the mutation to complement a temperature-sensitive gyrase B mutation in Escherichia coli and to cause novobiocin resistance in that strain. Three other Novr mutations did not confer antibiotic resistance to the gyrase but appeared to increase the amount of active enzyme in the cell. One of these, novB1, could only act in cis, whereas a new mutation, novC, could act in trans. An RNA polymerase mutation partially substituted for the novB1 mutation, suggesting that novB1 may be a mutation in a promoter region for the B subunit gene. Growth responses of strains containing various combinations of mutations on plasmids or on the chromosome indicated that low-level resistance to novobiocin or coumermycin may have resulted from multiple copies of wild-type genes coding for the gyrase B subunit, whereas high-level resistance required a structural change in the gyrase B gene and was also dependent on alteration in a regulatory region. When there was mismatch at the novB locus, with the novB1 mutation either on a plasmid or the chromosome, and the corresponding wild-type gene present in trans, chromosome to plasmid recombination during transformation was much higher than when the genes matched, probably because plasmid to chromosome recombination, eliminating the plasmid, was inhibited by the mismatch.  (+info)

Gyrase activity and number of copies of the gyrase B subunit gene in Haemophilus influenzae. (58/101)

Gyrase activities in extracts of various strains of Haemophilus influenzae can differ by more than an order of magnitude (J. K. Setlow, E. Cabrera-Juarez, W. L. Albritton, D. Spikes, and A. Mutschler, J. Bacteriol. 164:525-534, 1985). Measurements of in vitro activity and copy number indicated that most of these differences arose from variations in the number of copies of the gene for the gyrase B subunit, with some strains containing multicopy plasmids coding for that subunit. The quantitative relationship between gyrase and copy number depended on the mutations in the plasmids and in the host. The gyrase and copy number were considerably lower in plasmid-bearing strains carrying the prophage HP1c1. Two mutations affecting gyrase that are apparently regulatory caused an increase in gyrase without a concomitant increase in copy number. The possibility that the in vivo gyrase activity did not reflect the in vitro data was explored by measurement of alkaline phosphatase and ATPase activity in the extracts. Alkaline phosphatase activity increased with increasing gyrase activity measured in vitro, but ATPase activity did not. We conclude that extra supercoiling enhanced transcription of the alkaline phosphatase gene but not the ATPase gene and that it is unlikely that there is much discrepancy between gyrase activity assayed in vitro and the activity in the cell.  (+info)

DNA supercoiling and suppression of the leu-500 promoter mutation. (59/101)

top mutations (formerly supX) eliminate DNA topoisomerase I activity and suppress the leu-500 promoter mutation in Salmonella typhimurium (K. M. Overbye, S. K. Basu, and P. Margolin, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 47:785-791, 1983). Sublethal doses of coumermycin which reduce intracellular levels of supercoiling activity in a top mutant eliminated suppression of the leu-500 mutation. This result provides evidence that increased DNA supercoiling suppresses the leu-500 promoter mutation in top mutants.  (+info)

Novobiocin inhibits RNA polymerase III transcription in vitro by a mechanism distinct from DNA topoisomerase II. (60/101)

The role of DNA topoisomerases in eucaryotic class III gene transcription in vitro has been studied through the use of inhibitory drugs and antisera to DNA topoisomerases I and II. The DNA topoisomerase II inhibitors, novobiocin and coumermycin AI, were found to inhibit transcription of cloned 5S and tRNA genes. Novobiocin acts by interfering with an ATP-requiring step in the pathway to stable preinitiation complex formation. However, it is unlikely that this step reflects the enzymatic action of DNA topoisomerase II since a specific inhibitor of this enzyme (VM-26) and anti-DNA topoisomerase II antibodies fail to inhibit transcription under conditions where topoisomerase II enzymatic activity is inhibited. Similarly, a specific inhibitor of DNA topoisomerase I (camptothecin) and anti-DNA topoisomerase I antibodies fail to inhibit class III gene transcription. These results argue against a role for either DNA topoisomerase in 5S or tRNA gene transcription in vitro.  (+info)

Effects of DNA gyrase inhibitors in Escherichia coli topoisomerase I mutants. (61/101)

Relaxation of titratable supercoils in bacterial nucleoids was measured following treatment of topA mutants with coumermycin or oxolinic acid, inhibitors of DNA gyrase. Relaxation occurred after treatment of the mutants with either inhibitor. We detected no significant difference in relaxation between topA- and topA+ strains treated with coumermycin. This finding, together with previous observations, supports the idea that relaxation caused by coumermycin probably arises from the relaxing activity of gyrase itself. The source of DNA relaxation caused by oxolinic acid was not identified. Nucleoid supercoiling can be increased by adding oxolinic acid to a strain that carries three topoisomerase mutations: delta topA, gyrB225, and gyrA (Nalr) (S. H. Manes, G. J. Pruss, and K. Drlica, J. Bacteriol. 155:420-423, 1983). We found that this increase in supercoiling requires partial sensitivity to the drug and at the delta topA and gyrA mutations. Full resistance to oxolinic acid in the presence of the delta topA, gyrB225, and gyrA mutations was conferred by an additional mutation that maps at or near gyrB.  (+info)

Fusions of the Escherichia coli gyrA and gyrB control regions to the galactokinase gene are inducible by coumermycin treatment. (62/101)

We have previously shown that the genes encoding the two subunits of Escherichia coli DNA gyrase are regulated in a manner which is dependent on DNA conformation. When the DNA encoding the gyrA and gyrB genes is relaxed, both genes are expressed at a high level; in negatively supercoiled DNA they are expressed at a low level. In this paper we describe fusions of both the gyrA and gyrB 5' sequences to the E. coli galactokinase gene. In such fusions we found that galactokinase can be induced by treating the cells with coumermycin A1, an inhibitor of DNA gyrase. Our results suggest that the regulation occurs at the transcriptional level and that only a small region of DNA is necessary for coumermycin-induced gene expression.  (+info)

Inhibition of hydrogenase synthesis by DNA gyrase inhibitors in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. (63/101)

Derepression of an uptake hydrogenase in Bradyrhizobium japonicum is dependent on a microaerophilic environment. Addition of DNA gyrase inhibitors during depression of hydrogenase specifically prevented expression of the hydrogenase enzyme. Antibodies to individual hydrogenase subunits failed to detect the protein after derepression in the presence of inhibitors, although there was no general inhibition of protein synthesis. The general pattern of proteins synthesized from 14C-labeled amino acids during derepression was not significantly different whether proteins were labeled in the presence or in the absence of gyrase inhibitors. In contrast, if transcription or translation was inhibited by addition of inhibitors of those functions, virtually no proteins were labeled during derepression. This indicated that most of the 14C-labeled proteins were synthesized de novo during derepression, synthesis of most proteins was unaffected by gyrase inhibitors, and the dependence of hydrogenase synthesis on gyrase activity was a specific one.  (+info)

Vaccinia virus encapsidates a novel topoisomerase with the properties of a eucaryotic type I enzyme. (64/101)

A DNA topoisomerase has been purified from vaccinia virus cores. The native enzyme is composed of a single subunit of 32,000 daltons. The enzyme relaxes both positively and negatively supercoiled DNA in the absence of an energy cofactor. Enzymatic activity is stimulated by magnesium ions and inhibited by ATP, and during relaxation the topoisomerase changes the linking number of the DNA substrate by steps of one. Trapping of the covalent DNA-enzyme intermediate has been achieved, and analysis of the cleavage of duplex DNA by the enzyme reveals that it makes a single-strand break and forms a covalent bond through the 3'-end of the broken strand. Enzymatic activity and formation of the trapped intermediate are inhibited by the drugs novobiocin, coumermycin A1, and berenil. The virally encapsidated enzyme has novel properties but most closely resembles a eucaryotic type I topoisomerase.  (+info)