Influence of approach velocity and mesh size on the entrainment and contact of a lowland river fish assemblage at a screened irrigation pump. (49/70)


Short-term effects of land leveling on irrigation-related some soil properties in a clay loam soil. (50/70)


Season, irrigation, leaf age, and Escherichia coli inoculation influence the bacterial diversity in the lettuce phyllosphere. (51/70)


Infrared warming reduced winter wheat yields and some physiological parameters, which were mitigated by irrigation and worsened by delayed sowing. (52/70)


Influence of land mosaic composition and structure on patchy populations: the case of the water vole (Arvicola sapidus) in Mediterranean farmland. (53/70)


The case for distributed irrigation as a development priority in sub-Saharan Africa. (54/70)


Foliar symptoms triggered by ozone stress in irrigated holm oaks from the city of Madrid, Spain. (55/70)


Solubility and leaching risks of organic carbon in paddy soils as affected by irrigation managements. (56/70)
