Cognitive functioning in schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and affective psychoses: meta-analytic study. (49/123)


Therapist fidelity with an exposure-based treatment of PTSD in adults with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. (50/123)


Comorbid mood, psychosis, and marijuana abuse disorders: a theoretical review. (51/123)


Superior temporal gyrus volume in antipsychotic-naive people at risk of psychosis. (52/123)


Side-effects of generic. (53/123)

New trends in medicine which are much more oriented towards pharmacoeconomy, are ever so common these days. There's an aim within the focus of the health system which is cutting down treatment expenses, and that relates to psychiatry practice too. Prescription drugs issued by specialist doctors are allowed to be switched with cheaper ones of the same group of drugs by GP doctors, with an aim of cost reduction. "Instead of the medicament prescribed, a GP doctor is allowed to prescribe an alternative medicament of the same efficacy in the dosage of an adequate strength" (taken from the specialist medical report form). A 74 years old man is treated for psychotic depression. Exogenic environmental factors caused the symptoms manifestation due to which hospitalization in a psychiatric ward occurred in two incidences. At the risperidone introduction soon after the second hospitalization event, a long term remission was obtained which lasted for several years. Despite a stable dose of psychopharmacs, new episode of the illness occurred. Researching the potential factors which lead towards the aggravation of the course of the illness disclosed that instead of the original risperidone, the pharmacist issued a generic in an equivalent dose.  (+info)

Hyperprolactinaemia - a risperidone side-effect. (54/123)

A 47 year old patient has been treated for psychotic depression for the last 5 years. The illness began manifesting through the symptoms of depressive thoughts, intrapsychic tension, projectivity, derealisation phenomena and pre-psychotic fears. She was treated with a combination of antidepressives, anxiolitics and hypnotics in ambulatory conditions. The therapy applied did not obtain the effects expected due to which an atypical antipsychotic was administered subsequently - risperidone, a 2 mg dose in the evening. After commencing the antipsychotic treatment, the symptoms started to weaken and a steady remission was obtained. Two years after a regular risperidone administration (in combination with fluoxetine, alprazolam and flurazepam) the patient reported some "bleeding" in October 2006. Hormonal blood tests were performed and high prolactin values were registered (2567.0 mIJ/L),due to which a gradual risperidone retractement was indicated. Medicamentous hyperprolactinaemia is a well known side effect of risperidone. A gradual risperidone retractement lead to a lowered and normal prolactin level within a month.  (+info)

Specificity of familial transmission of schizophrenia psychosis spectrum and affective psychoses in the New England family study's high-risk design. (55/123)


Venlafaxine - quetiapine combination in the treatment of complicated clinical picture of enduring personality changes following PTSD in comorbidity with psychotic depression. (56/123)

PTSD is a complex disorder, which frequently occurs in comorbidity with anxious disorder, personality disorder, addiction or substance abuse disorder, depressive disorder with or without psychotic symptoms and psychotic disorder. PTSD symptoms may result from deregulation of several different neurotransmitter systems. Pharmacotherapy of PTSD depends on clinical features and the presence of comorbid disorders. Pharmacotherapy of PTSD involves use of anxiolytics, adrenergic receptor antagonists, antidepressants, anticonvulsants and novel antipsychotics. Serotoninergic effect of antidepressants is not only effective in treating depression, but also appears to be helpful in PTSD treatment, particularly in reduction of intrusive symptoms, emotional reactivity, impulsiveness, aggression and suicidal ideation. Anypsychotics with serotoninergic-dopaminergic antagonism are being prescribed often in treatment of psychotic depression, while in PTSD treatment they are proved to be efficient in relieving intrusive symptoms and nightmares. Quetiapine as serotoninergic-dopaminergic antagonist is efficient in treatment of chronic insomnia as well as in reduction of aggressiveness. Considering PTSD refractoriness to therapy, high incidence of comorbidity and significant functional impairment, it is important to search for new psychopharmacological combinations in order to improve mental status of the patient. The paper presents 46 years old male patient with the diagnosis of Enduring personality changes following war PTSD (F62.0) in comorbidity with Recurrent depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms (F33.3), who was treated with combination of venlafaxine and quetiapine.  (+info)