A plant genus of the family ASTERACEAE. Members contain bidensyneosides (polyacetylene glucosides).
A member of the AGARICALES known for edible MUSHROOMS.
An extensive order of basidiomycetous fungi whose fruiting bodies are commonly called mushrooms.
Hydrocarbons with more than one triple bond; or an oxidized form of POLYENES. They can react with SULFUR to form THIOPHENES.
A plant genus of the family FABACEAE that contains butrin and isobutrin.
A trihydroxybenzene or dihydroxy phenol that can be prepared by heating GALLIC ACID.
A plant genus of the family CUCURBITACEAE. It is a source of momordin.
A genus of large SEA CUCUMBERS in the family Holothuriidae possessing thick body walls, a warty body surface, and microscopic ossicles.