Rhamnaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes around 50 genera and over 900 species. These plants are often characterized by their simple, opposite leaves and their small, regular flowers with four or five petals. The fruits of Rhamnaceae plants can vary widely in form, including drupes, samaras, and capsules. Examples of plants in this family include the buckthorns (Rhamnus), coffee trees (Coffea), and the familiar invasive species, Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica).
'Ziziphus' är ett släkte inom familjen Rhamnaceae, och innehåller cirka 40 arter av buskar och träd som förekommer naturligt i varma och tempererade områden över hela världen. Ett vanligt känt exemplar är jujubeträdet (*Ziziphus zizyphus*), vars frukter, även kallade jujuberor, har använts i traditionell medicin för att lindra symptom på bland annat sömnsjuka, hosta och diarré.
Annonaceae, also known as the custard apple family, is a group of flowering plants that include trees, shrubs, and vines. These plants are characterized by their large, often fragrant flowers with numerous stamens and carpels. The fruits of Annonaceae are typically fleshy and may be berry-like or more complex in structure. Many species in this family have economic importance as sources of food, medicine, and timber. Examples of Annonaceae include the soursop (Annona muricata), the pawpaw (Asimina triloba), and the ylang-ylang tree (Cananga odorata).