Ett växtsläkte av familjen Asteraceae. Växterna innehåller skandenolid (ett seskviterpenlakton) och germakranolider.
In a medical context, "plant weeds" typically refers to plants that are not desired in a specific location, often because they compete with crops or other desirable plants for resources such as water, nutrients, and sunlight. These plants can be native or non-native species that have become overabundant and can negatively impact the health and biodiversity of an ecosystem.
"Biological control agents" refer to organisms or biological substances that are used to suppress or reduce the population of pests or harmful organisms in order to manage their negative impact on crops, humans, animals, or the environment. These biological control agents can include predators, parasites, pathogens, or competitors that naturally regulate the target pest population. They provide an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides for pest management.
I medicinen refererar 'snärjor' till smala, flexibla remsor eller band som används för att hålla sönderfallna benfragment på plats under benfrakturbehandling, ofta i kombination med gips- eller bandagering.
'Aerial plant parts' refer to the above-ground portions of a plant, including leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits, which can have various medicinal properties and uses.
Diterpenes are a class of organic compounds derived from four isoprene units and have the chemical formula C20H32. Kauranes are a subclass of diterpenes characterized by a specific carbon skeleton structure, which contains a perhydrophenanthrene ring system. They are widely distributed in nature and can be found in various plants, fungi, and insects. Some kauranes have shown biological activities, such as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and cytotoxic properties, making them of interest to researchers in the fields of natural products chemistry and pharmacology.
Familjen korgblommiga växter. Den kallas även Compositae.