"Government Publications" in a medical context typically refers to reports, bulletins, guidelines, or data issued by governmental agencies that provide information related to public health, medical research, disease prevention, and healthcare policies.
Discussion of documents issued by local, regional, or national governments or by their agencies or subdivisions.
Copies of a work or document distributed to the public by sale, rental, lease, or lending. (From ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science, 1983, p181)
The complex of political institutions, laws, and customs through which the function of governing is carried out in a specific political unit.
The influence of study results on the chances of publication and the tendency of investigators, reviewers, and editors to submit or accept manuscripts for publication based on the direction or strength of the study findings. Publication bias has an impact on the interpretation of clinical trials and meta-analyses. Bias can be minimized by insistence by editors on high-quality research, thorough literature reviews, acknowledgement of conflicts of interest, modification of peer review practices, etc.
"The business or profession of the commercial production and issuance of literature" (Webster's 3d). It includes the publisher, publication processes, editing and editors. Production may be by conventional printing methods or by electronic publishing.
Federal, state, or local government organized methods of financial assistance.