An order of heavy-bodied, largely terrestrial BIRDS including pheasants, TURKEYS, grouse, QUAIL, and CHICKENS.
A genus of BIRDS in the family Phasianidae, order GALLIFORMES, containing the common European and other Old World QUAIL.
Large woodland game BIRDS in the subfamily Meleagridinae, family Phasianidae, order GALLIFORMES. Formerly they were considered a distinct family, Melegrididae.
Warm-blooded VERTEBRATES possessing FEATHERS and belonging to the class Aves.
The relationships of groups of organisms as reflected by their genetic makeup.
Prospective patient listings for appointments or treatments.
A system of record keeping in which a list of the patient's problems is made and all history, physical findings, laboratory data, etc. pertinent to each problem are placed under that heading.
The terms, expressions, designations, or symbols used in a particular science, discipline, or specialized subject area.
A book is not a medical term, but generally refers to a set of printed or written sheets of paper bound together that can contain a wide range of information including literature, research, educational content, and more, which may be utilized in the medical field for various purposes such as learning, reference, or patient education.
Sequential operating programs and data which instruct the functioning of a digital computer.
A loose confederation of computer communication networks around the world. The networks that make up the Internet are connected through several backbone networks. The Internet grew out of the US Government ARPAnet project and was designed to facilitate information exchange.
I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Book Selection" is not a term with a recognized medical definition in the field of healthcare or medicine. It might be related to literature or library science, where it refers to the process of choosing books for a collection based on various criteria such as relevance, quality, and diversity.