The United States Public Health Service (USPHS) is a division of the Department of Health and Human Services that is focused on protecting and promoting the health and well-being of all Americans. It consists of a group of uniformed officers who work in various public health roles, including research, clinical care, health education, and policy development. The USPHS aims to improve the health of the nation through prevention, detection, and response to infectious diseases, environmental hazards, and other public health threats.
Det administrativa styrandet av olika folkhälsoorganisationer.
''Veterinärmedicin'' är den gren av medicinen som handlar om diagnostisering, behandling och prevention av sjukdomar hos djur, samt deras hälsotillstånd och välfärd. Den omfattar också forskning kring djursjukdomar och deras preventiva åtgärder.
A "State Government" in the medical context typically refers to the administrative body responsible for overseeing and regulating healthcare policies, services, and practices within a federal state. This includes managing public health programs, licensing healthcare professionals and facilities, establishing guidelines for medical education, and ensuring compliance with national healthcare standards and regulations. However, the specific responsibilities and powers of a State Government in this regard may vary depending on the legal and political framework of each country.
En gren av medicinen inriktad på förebyggande och kontroll av sjukdom och handikapp i samhället och främjande av en god fysisk och mental folkhälsa, på internationell, nationell och lokal nivå.