Olika växter av släktet Lactuca, särskilt L. sativa, vilka odlas för de ätliga bladens skull.
Crinivirus är ett släkte av virus som infekterar växter och sprids av bladlöss och trips. Viruspartikeln har en icke-upplöst, lineär, dubbelsträngat RNA-genom. Criniviruset orsakar ofta mosaik- eller nekrosliknande symptom på växtbladen, vilket kan leda till en minskad skörd och ekonomisk förlust för odlare.
"Agricultural irrigation is the purposeful application of water to crops at controlled rates and scheduled times to meet their moisture requirements for optimum growth, development, and yield, using various methods and systems such as surface or localized irrigation, drip or sprinkler systems, to improve crop productivity and ensure food security in agriculture."
"Oral vaccination" refers to the administration of vaccines through the mouth, specifically via the oral mucosa. This method allows for the delivery of antigens directly to the immune cells present in the mucosal lining, stimulating both local and systemic immune responses. Oral vaccines have the potential to offer several advantages over traditional injection-based vaccines, including ease of administration, reduced need for trained healthcare professionals, and potential for inducing broader immunity against pathogens that commonly infect through the oral route. However, creating effective oral vaccines can be challenging due to factors such as degradation by digestive enzymes and inconsistent absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.