"Radioactive waste" refers to any material that contains radioactive nuclides in concentrations or quantities that pose a threat to human health and the environment. It is produced as a byproduct of various industrial, medical, and research activities, such as nuclear power generation, mining, and medical isotope production. This waste can remain radioactive for varying lengths of time, ranging from days to thousands of years, and must be managed and disposed of in a safe and responsible manner to prevent the release of radiation into the environment.
"Avfallshantering och återvinning innebär insamling, transporter, sortering, behandling, neutralisering, recycling och disposering av föremål, substanser eller avfallsmassor som genereras av mänsklig verksamhet, med syfte att reducera miljöpåverkan, bevara naturresurser och maximera potentialen till återbruk och energianvändning."
Radioactive water-contaminating substances refer to elements or compounds that emit radiation and can contaminate water supplies, posing risks to human health and the environment. Examples include radionuclides such as tritium, uranium, and plutonium, which can enter water bodies through various anthropogenic activities like nuclear power plant accidents, waste disposal, or mining operations.