I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Portugal" is a country and cannot be directly translated into a medical definition as it is not a medical term. However, if we are talking about the name "Portugal" being used in a medical context, it could refer to the "Portuguese Cockle Fish Poisoning." It is a type of foodborne illness caused by eating toxic cockles harvested from Portuguese coastal waters, particularly in the Algarve region. The poisoning is due to high levels of paralytic shellfish toxins produced by certain types of algae that the cockles consume. This is the closest medical definition I can think of for the term "Portugal."
En ögrupp tillhörande Portugal, belägen i norra Atlanten, utanför Portugals kust.
En allmän benämning på folkkulturtraditioner och folkminnen, myntad av den brittiske forn- och folklivsforskaren WJ Thoms 1846.
Världsdel som utgör ca en femtedel av den eurasiska kontinenten. Ytan är ca 10.6 miljoner km2, och den samlade folkmängden uppgår till ca 730 miljoner invånare (1999).