En inosinnukleotid som innehåller en pyrofosfatgrupp som förestrats mot C5 i sockerdelen.
En purinnukleosid med hypoxantin bundet med N9-väteatomen till kol C1 i ribos. Den utgör ett mellanleed i nedbrytningen av puriner och purinnukleosider till urinsyra samt i purinsparande reaktionsförlopp. Den finns också i antikodonet hos vissa tRNA-molekyler.
Inosin-5'-monofosfat. En purinnukleotid med hypoxantin som bas och en fosfatgrupp förestrad mot sockerdelen.
Inosin nucleotides are purine nucleotides that play a crucial role in various biological processes, such as energy transfer and signal transduction. They consist of a nitrogenous base (inosine), a pentose sugar (ribose), and one or more phosphate groups. Inosin nucleotides can be further phosphorylated to form inosin mono-, di-, or triphosphates, which have different functions and roles within the cell. They are involved in the regulation of gene expression, protein synthesis, and cell signaling pathways, among other processes. Inosin nucleotides can also act as precursors for the synthesis of other essential molecules, such as ATP and GTP.