The use of chemical agents in TERRORISM. This includes the malevolent use of nerve agents, blood agents, blister agents, and choking agents (NOXAE).
The use or threatened use of force or violence against persons or property in violation of criminal laws for purposes of intimidation, coercion, or ransom, in support of political or social objectives.
Planned and coordinated pre-event accumulation of ESSENTIAL DRUGS and medical supplies.
Tactical warfare using incendiary mixtures, smokes, or irritant, burning, or asphyxiating gases.
Warfare involving the use of living organisms or their products as disease etiologic agents against people, animals, or plants.
Chemicals that are used to cause the disturbance, disease, or death of humans during WARFARE.
The removal of contaminating material, such as radioactive materials, biological materials, or CHEMICAL WARFARE AGENTS, from a person or object.
Procedures outlined for the care of casualties and the maintenance of services in disasters.
The use of biological agents in TERRORISM. This includes the malevolent use of BACTERIA; VIRUSES; or other BIOLOGICAL TOXINS against people, ANIMALS; or PLANTS.
Preventive emergency measures and programs designed to protect the individual or community in times of hostile attack.
Temporary shelter provided in response to a major disaster or emergency.
Anxiety disorders manifested by the development of characteristic symptoms following a psychologically traumatic event that is outside the normal range of usual human experience. Symptoms include re-experiencing the traumatic event, increased arousal, and numbing of responsiveness to or reduced involvement with the external world. Traumatic stress disorders can be further classified by the time of onset and the duration of these symptoms.
Living organisms or their toxic products that are used to cause disease or death of humans during WARFARE.
Regulations to assure protection of property and equipment.
Statistical calculations on the occurrence of disease or other health-related conditions in defined populations.
A weapon designed to explode when deployed. It frequently refers to a hollow case filled with EXPLOSIVE AGENTS.
The systematic application of information and computer sciences to public health practice, research, and learning.
Hostile conflict between organized groups of people.
An acute, highly contagious, often fatal infectious disease caused by an orthopoxvirus characterized by a biphasic febrile course and distinctive progressive skin eruptions. Vaccination has succeeded in eradicating smallpox worldwide. (Dorland, 28th ed)
Management of public health organizations or agencies.
Dimethoxyphenylethylamine is a synthetic psychoactive drug, structurally related to amphetamines, with stimulant and hallucinogenic effects, often associated with the class of drugs known as "entactogens" due to their empathogenic properties.
A system containing any combination of computers, computer terminals, printers, audio or visual display devices, or telephones interconnected by telecommunications equipment or cables: used to transmit or receive information. (Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed)
A violation of the criminal law, i.e., a breach of the conduct code specifically sanctioned by the state, which through its administrative agencies prosecutes offenders and imposes and administers punishments. The concept includes unacceptable actions whether prosecuted or going unpunished.
Administrative units of government responsible for policy making and management of governmental activities.
A disorder characterized by incomplete arousals from sleep associated with behavior suggesting extreme fright. This condition primarily affects children and young adults and the individual generally has no recall of the event. Episodes tend to occur during stage III or IV. SOMNAMBULISM is frequently associated with this condition. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p391)
Systems composed of a computer or computers, peripheral equipment, such as disks, printers, and terminals, and telecommunications capabilities.