An immature epithelial tumor of the JAW originating from the epithelial rests of Malassez or from other epithelial remnants of the ENAMEL from the developmental period. It is a slowly growing tumor, usually benign, but displays a marked propensity for invasive growth.
Cancers or tumors of the MAXILLA or MANDIBLE unspecified. For neoplasms of the maxilla, MAXILLARY NEOPLASMS is available and of the mandible, MANDIBULAR NEOPLASMS is available.
Tumors or cancer of the MANDIBLE.
Cancer or tumors of the MAXILLA or upper jaw.
Neoplasms produced from tooth-forming tissues.
Cyst due to the occlusion of the duct of a follicle or small gland.
Slow-growing fluid-filled epithelial sac at the apex of a tooth with a nonvital pulp or defective root canal filling.
Surgical procedures used to treat disease, injuries, and defects of the oral and maxillofacial region.
Cysts found in the jaws and arising from epithelium involved in tooth formation. They include follicular cysts (e.g., primordial cyst, dentigerous cyst, multilocular cyst), lateral periodontal cysts, and radicular cysts. They may become keratinized (odontogenic keratocysts). Follicular cysts may give rise to ameloblastomas and, in rare cases, undergo malignant transformation.
Most common follicular odontogenic cyst. Occurs in relation to a partially erupted or unerupted tooth with at least the crown of the tooth to which the cyst is attached protruding into the cystic cavity. May give rise to an ameloblastoma and, in rare instances, undergo malignant transformation.
Extraoral body-section radiography depicting an entire maxilla, or both maxilla and mandible, on a single film.
A small, circumscribed, benign tumor of the genital tract, composed of small glandlike spaces lined by flattened or cuboidal mesothelium-like cells. (From Dorland, 27th ed)
Anomaly of the tooth, found chiefly in upper lateral incisors. It is characterized by invagination of the enamel at the incisal edge.
'Gingival neoplasms' are abnormal, uncontrolled growths of tissue originating from the gingiva, which can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), often manifesting as swellings, ulcerations, or masses within the oral cavity.
The inhabitants of peripheral or adjacent areas of a city or town.
Maxillary diseases refer to various medical conditions primarily affecting the maxilla (upper jaw) bone, including inflammatory processes, tumors, cysts, or traumatic injuries, which may cause symptoms such as pain, swelling, or functional impairment.