Ascoviridae ist eine Familie von doppelsträngigen DNA-Viren, die ausschließlich Wirbellose wie Insekten infizieren und sich durch ein einzigartiges intrazelluläres Stadium während ihrer Replikation auszeichnen.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but Ascoviridae is not a term commonly used in medical definitions. Instead, it is a family of large, double-stranded DNA viruses that primarily infect arthropods, such as insects. The name "Ascoviridae" comes from the characteristic inclusion bodies, called ascus, that these viruses form in the cells of their hosts during infection.

These viruses are not known to infect humans or other mammals and are mainly studied in the context of insect pathology and potential applications for pest control. Therefore, Ascoviridae does not have a direct medical relevance to human health.

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