While the term "Komplizenschaft" is not typically used in medical contexts, it generally refers to a situation where one person knowingly and intentionally participates in or contributes to the wrongful acts of another, which could potentially apply to medical settings if a healthcare professional assists in another's unethical or illegal behavior related to patient care.
Die Erzeugung von Embryonen zu Forschungszwecken bezieht sich auf die gezielte Schaffung und Verwendung von menschlichen Embryonen in der Wissenschaft, um biomedizinische Fragestellungen zu adressieren, Entwicklungsprozesse besser zu verstehen oder neue therapeutische Ansätze zu erforschen, wobei diese Embryonen normalerweise nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne und/oder erreichten Entwicklungsstadien nicht für reproduktive Zwecke verwendet werden.
Stem cell research is a branch of medical investigation focused on the study and manipulation of stem cells, which are undifferentiated cells with the ability to develop into various specialized cell types, in order to understand their properties, develop new therapies, and potentially replace damaged or diseased cells and tissues.