"I was always on guard"--an exploration of woman abuse in a group of women with musculoskeletal pain. (1/234)

OBJECTIVES: We aimed to explore experiences of abuse of women, and the way it was described and hinted at, in a group of women suffering from biomedically undefined long-term musculo-skeletal pain (UMSD). METHOD: Twenty women patients participated. Data were gained through repeated semi-structured interviews conducted over 2 years and qualitatively analysed according to grounded theory. RESULTS: Eleven participants had experienced abuse. Abuse was difficult to disclose due to shame, fear of the listener's preconceptions and fear of the abuser. In the interviews it was diminished, 'sugar-coated' and renamed. However, the women gave hints of abuse before avowing it. 'An understanding listener', who was expected to apprehend the hints, ask about abuse and confirm that it was valid to talk about it, was described as a precondition for disclosure. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that it is important to explore woman abuse when investigating and treating UMSD. When there are hints of abuse, one should avoid blaming, stand by, be patient and ask about abuse even if the woman has once negated it. Fear of the abuser permeated the narratives and it is therefore suggested that doctors must consider carefully the danger involved.  (+info)

Domestic violence in northern India. (2/234)

This study examined the prevalence and characteristics of wife abuse as reported by nearly 6,700 married men living in five districts of northern India during 1995-1996. In addition, associations between wife abuse and sociodemographic factors were investigated to enable two theoretical/conceptual perspectives regarding abuse to be evaluated: that abuse is more common among families under stress and among more "private" families. The district-specific percentages of men who reported physically abusing their wives ranged from 18% to 45%, with 18-40% of the men in each district having had nonconsensual sex with their wives and 4-9% having physically forced their wives to have sex. The authors used logistic regression analyses to control for a variety of sociodemographic variables and found positive associations between wife abuse and stress-related factors, including the husband having a low educational level, the couple living in poverty, the husband being young when he first lived with his wife, and the couple having multiple children. Contrariwise, there was no strong empirical support for the idea that wife abuse may be more common in more "private" families.  (+info)

Women battering in primary care practice. (3/234)

BACKGROUND: The organization of health care system to emphasize managed care has placed the primary care provider in an ideal position to assess the impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) on the health of women. Primary care practice provides a setting in which women can develop an ongoing relationship with their health care provider in which they feel safe to discuss IPV and possible options to improve their lives. Women's health and safety could be dramatically improved if primary care providers were prepared to assess, intervene and appropriately refer women who are in violent relationships. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this article is to describe the prevalence of intimate partner violence in primary care populations and review the known physical, mental health and pregnancy consequences of abuse as well as discuss the implications of intimate partner violence on primary care practice.  (+info)

Physical and nonphysical partner abuse and other risk factors for low birth weight among full term and preterm babies: a multiethnic case-control study. (4/234)

This study sought to determine the risk of low birth weight from intimate partner abuse. The case-control design was used in a purposively ethnically stratified multisite sample of 1,004 women interviewed during the 72 hours after delivery between 1991 and 1996. Abuse was determined by the Index of Spouse Abuse and a modification of the Abuse Assessment Screen. Separate analyses were conducted for 252 full term and 326 preterm infants. The final multiple logistic regression models were constructed to determine relative risk for low birth weight after controlling for other complications of pregnancy. Physical and nonphysical abuse as determined by the Index of Spouse Abuse were both significant risk factors for low birth weight for the full term infants but not the preterm infants on a bivariate level. However, the risk estimates decreased in significance in the adjusted models. Although today's short delivery stays make it difficult to assess for abuse, it is necessary to screen for domestic violence at delivery, especially for women who may not have obtained prenatal care. The unadjusted significant risk for low birth weight that became nonsignificant when adjusted suggests that other abuse-related maternal health problems (notably low weight gain and poor obstetric history) are confounders (or mediators) that help to explain the relation between abuse and low birth weight in full term infants.  (+info)

Knowledge and attitudes of primary care physicians regarding battered women. Comparison between specialists in family medicine and GPs. (5/234)

BACKGROUND: Domestic violence is a widespread public health problem and an important part of primary care practice. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the approach of primary care physicians (family physicians and GPs) to the care of battered women. METHODS: A self-report questionnaire containing items about experience, knowledge and attitudes regarding the care of battered women was mailed to a random sample of 300 primary care physicians employed by the two major health management organizations in Israel. The population included family physicians, who have 4 years of residency training in primary care, and GPs, who do not undergo specialization after completing their medical studies. RESULTS: A total of 236 physicians (130 family physicians and 106 GPs) responded. In general, the physicians had had very little exposure to the problem and estimated its prevalence in the community as less than half that indicated in the medical literature. Compared with the GPs, however, the family physicians reported more exposure to the subject (P < 0.001) and had better knowledge of its prevalence and risk factors (P < 0.001). They also showed a greater tendency to view the problem as universal (P < 0.05) and as part of their professional responsibilities. However, both groups tended not to include the care of battered women with no physical injury within their professional duties. CONCLUSIONS: Physicians should be made more aware of the problem of battered women within the context of their routine professional practice and of the importance of keeping abreast of the subject. Educators should place more emphasis on imparting knowledge and skills in the management of battered women, especially for GPs.  (+info)

Sheltered versus nonsheltered homeless women differences in health, behavior, victimization, and utilization of care. (6/234)

OBJECTIVE: To contrast sociodemographic characteristics, physical and mental health status, substance use, sexual behaviors, victimization, and utilization of health services between homeless women residing in sheltered and non-sheltered environments. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. A structured scale was used to measure mental health status. Physical health status, substance use, sexual behavior, history of adult victimization, and health services utilization were measured by content-specific items. SETTING: Shelters (N = 47) and outdoor locations in Los Angeles. PARTICIPANTS: One thousand fifty-one homeless women. RESULTS: Homeless women living on the streets were more likely than sheltered women to be white and longer-term homeless. Controlling for sociodemographic characteristics, multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that unsheltered women had over 3 times greater odds of fair or poor physical health, and over 12 times greater odds of poor mental health than sheltered homeless women. They were also more likely than sheltered women to report using alcohol or noninjection drugs, to have multiple sexual partners, and to have a history of physical assault. About half of the overall sample reported utilization of a variety of health services; however, unsheltered homeless women were less likely to utilize all of the health services that were assessed, including drug treatment. CONCLUSIONS: There is a critical need for aggressive outreach programs that provide mental health services and substance abuse treatment for homeless women on the streets. Comprehensive services that also include medical care, family planning, violence prevention, and behavioral risk reduction may be particularly valuable for homeless women, especially those living in unsheltered environments.  (+info)

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) primary prevention through fas diagnosis: II. A comprehensive profile of 80 birth mothers of children with FAS. (7/234)

A 5-year, fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) primary prevention study was conducted in Washington State to: (1) assess the feasibility of using a FAS diagnostic and prevention clinic as a centre for identifying and targeting primary prevention intervention to high-risk women; (2) generate a comprehensive, lifetime profile of these women; (3) identify factors that have enhanced and/or hindered their ability to achieve abstinence. The results of this study are presented in two parts. Objective 1 is summarized in the preceding paper and objectives 2 and 3 are summarized here. Comprehensive interviews were conducted with 80 women, who had given birth to a child diagnosed with FAS, to document their sociodemographics, reproductive and family planning history, social and healthcare utilization patterns, adverse social experiences, social support network, alcohol use and treatment history, mental health, and intelligence quotient (IQ). These high-risk women were diverse in racial, educational and economic backgrounds, were often victims of abuse, and challenged by mental health issues. Despite their rather harsh psychosocial profile, many demonstrated the ability to overcome their alcohol dependence over time. Relative to the women who had not achieved abstinence, the women who had achieved abstinence had significantly higher IQs, higher household incomes, larger more satisfactory social support networks, were more likely to report a religious affiliation, and were more likely to be receiving mental health treatment for their mental health disorders. The rate of unintended pregnancies and alcohol-exposed pregnancies was substantial. Key barriers to achieving effective family planning were maternal alcohol and drug use, lack of access to birth control and lack of support by their partner to use birth control. A FAS diagnostic and prevention clinic can be used to identify women at high risk for producing children damaged by prenatal alcohol exposure. Primary prevention programmes targeted to this population could lead to measurable reductions in the incidence of FAS.  (+info)

The association between violence victimisation and common symptoms in Swedish women. (8/234)

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between violence and abuse suffered by women during childhood or adult life, and the manifestation of a high level of common physical and mental symptoms. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A questionnaire was sent to a random population of women, 40 to 50 years of age, living in a rural Swedish community. The response rate was 81.7 per cent (397 women). Odds ratios were used to estimate bivariate associations between the experience of violence/abuse and common symptoms. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to test for confounding and effect modification. MAIN RESULTS: The experience of violence or abuse during childhood was reported by 32.2 per cent of the women, while 15.6 per cent reported being abused as an adult. In both cases, these experiences reached statistical significance in their association with a high level of common symptoms (OR=1.67; 95% CI 1. 08, 2.49 and OR=2.26; 95%CI 1.30, 3.92, respectively). The associations between childhood and as well adult experience of violence or abuse and common symptoms were largely independent of potential confounders such as unemployment, job strain, social support, and sense of coherence. The combined exposure to adult violence/abuse and low psychosocial coping resources, such as low social support or a low level of sense of coherence, considerably increased the odds ratio for common symptoms and a synergistic effect seemed to exist. CONCLUSION: Violence or abuse experience is an important factor when considering illness manifestations in terms of common symptoms in women 40 to 50 years of age.  (+info)