Pituitary insufficiency after penetrating injury to the sella turcica. (1/52)

We report a 28-year-old male patient with a pituitary insufficiency after a simple fracture of the sella turcica. He was injured by a long nail that punctured the lower jaw. No fracture other than that of the sella turcica was detected. An endocrinological examination revealed both anterior and pituitary dysfunction and diabetes insipidus that continued for about two months.  (+info)

Orbitocranial injury caused by wood. (2/52)

A rare case of a patient with orbitocranial injury by a wooden foreign body is reported. Penetrating periorbital wound by a wooden stick with entry site at the right upper eyelid was related to the invasion into the temporal lobe. Fortunately, the anterior and posterior segments of eye were unharmed, but right ocular motility was markedly restricted mechanically in all directions. Forced duction test was strong positive, especially the dextroversion of the right eye. Computed tomography scan showed a well-delineated low density from the orbital wall into the temporal lobe. The wooden foreign body was subsequently removed from the orbit and the temporal lobe, through the neurosurgical frontotemporal approach. After the wooden foreign body was removed, the ocular movement of the right eye fully recovered without any intracranial or ocular complications.  (+info)

Screwdriver assaults and intracranial injuries. (3/52)

Four patients with intracranial penetrating injuries from screwdrivers are presented. Two cases were fatal; the others were left with functional deficits. In two of the patients a penetrating injury was not suspected initially because the history was limited and the significance of the small entry wounds were not appreciated. Unless these wounds are carefully examined a penetrating injury is easily overlooked.  (+info)

Intracerebellar penetrating injury and abscess due to a wooden foreign body--case report. (4/52)

A 4-year-old boy presented with chopstick penetration into the cerebellum via the temporal squamosa and tentorium cerebelli, which resulted in a cerebellar abscess 1.5 years after the injury. The neuroimaging appearance of the wooden chopstick were unusual, hyperdense on computed tomography, and isointense on T2-weighted and hypointense on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Abscess aspiration and continuous drainage was performed with real-time intraoperative ultrasound guidance. The chopstick fragment was surgically removed and the patient discharged with minor neurological deficits. Wooden foreign body may show changes in properties after a long period of intraparenchymal retention. Extra care is required to remove wooden foreign bodies because of the high risk of infection.  (+info)

A novel role for protein tyrosine phosphatase shp1 in controlling glial activation in the normal and injured nervous system. (5/52)

Tyrosine phosphorylation regulated by protein tyrosine kinases and phosphatases plays an important role in the activation of glial cells. Here we examined the expression of intracellular protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP1 in the normal and injured adult rat and mouse CNS. Our study showed that in the intact CNS, SHP1 was expressed in astrocytes as well as in pyramidal cells in hippocampus and cortex. Axotomy of peripheral nerves and direct cortical lesion led to a massive upregulation of SHP1 in activated microglia and astrocytes, whereas the neuronal expression of SHP1 was not affected. In vitro experiments revealed that in astrocytes, SHP1 associates with epidermal growth factor (EGF)-receptor, whereas in microglia, SHP1 associates with colony-stimulating factor (CSF)-1-receptor. In postnatal and adult moth-eaten viable (me(v)/me(v)) mice, which are characterized by reduced SHP1 activity, a strong increase in reactive astrocytes, defined by GFAP immunoreactivity, was observed throughout the intact CNS, whereas neither the morphology nor the number of microglial cells appeared modified. Absence of (3)[H]-thymidine-labeled nuclei indicated that astrocytic proliferation does not occur. In response to injury, cell number as well as proliferation of microglia were reduced in me(v)/me(v) mice, whereas the posttraumatic astrocytic reaction did not differ from wild-type littermates. The majority of activated microglia in mutant mice showed rounded and ameboid morphology. However, the regeneration rate after facial nerve injury in me(v)/me(v) mice was similar to that in wild-type littermates. These results emphasize that SHP1 as a part of different signaling pathways plays an important role in the global regulation of astrocytic and microglial activation in the normal and injured CNS.  (+info)

Regulation of neuregulin expression in the injured rat brain and cultured astrocytes. (6/52)

In this report, we investigated whether reactive astrocytes produce neuregulins (glial growth factor 2/heregulin/acetylcholine receptor-inducing activity or neu differentiation factor) and its putative receptors, ErbB2 and ErbB3 tyrosine kinases, in the injured CNS in vivo. Significant immunoreactivities with anti-neuregulin, anti-ErbB2, and anti-ErbB3 antibodies were detected on astrocytes at the injured site 4 d after injury to the adult rat cerebral cortex. To elucidate the mechanisms for the upregulation of neuregulin expression in astrocytes, primary cultured astrocytes were treated with certain reagents, including forskolin, that are known to elevate the intracellular level of cAMP and induce marked morphological changes in astrocytes. Western blot analysis showed that the expression of a 52 kDa membrane-spanning form of a neuregulin protein was enhanced in cultured astrocytes after administration of forskolin. The upregulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein was also observed in astrocytes treated with forskolin. In contrast, inactivation of protein kinase C because of chronic treatment with phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acetate downregulated the expression of the 52 kDa isoform, although other splice variants with apparent molecular sizes of 65 and 60 kDa were upregulated. These results suggest that the enhancement of neuregulin expression at injured sites is induced, at least in part, by elevation in intracellular cAMP levels and/or a protein kinase C signaling pathway. The neuregulin expressed on reactive astrocytes may stimulate their proliferation and support the survival of neurons surrounding cortical brain wounds in vivo.  (+info)

Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin promotes beta-sheet amyloid plaque deposition in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. (7/52)

Alpha(1)-antichymotrypsin (ACT), an acute-phase inflammatory protein, is an integral component of the amyloid deposits in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and has been shown to catalyze amyloid beta-peptide polymerization in vitro. We have investigated the impact of ACT on amyloid deposition in vivo by generating transgenic GFAP-ACT-expressing mice and crossing them with the PDGF-hAPP/V717F mice, which deposit amyloid in an age-dependent manner. The number of amyloid deposits measured by Congo Red birefringence was increased in the double ACT/amyloid precursor protein (APP) transgenic mice compared with transgenic mice that only expressed APP, particularly in the hippocampus where ACT expression was highest, and the increase was preceded by elevated total amyloid beta-peptide levels at an early age. Our data demonstrate that ACT promotes amyloid deposition and provide a specific mechanism by which inflammation and the subsequent upregulation of astrocytic ACT expression in AD brain contributes to AD pathogenesis.  (+info)

Ventromedial prefrontal cortex lesions in humans eliminate implicit gender stereotyping. (8/52)

Patients with prefrontal cortex lesions and controls were administered an implicit association task (IAT) that measured the degree of association between male and female names and their stereotypical attributes of strength and weakness. They also completed three questionnaires measuring their explicit judgment regarding gender-related stereotypical attributes. There were no between-group differences on the explicit measures. On the IAT, patients with dorsolateral lesions and controls showed a strong association, whereas patients with ventromedial prefrontal cortex lesions had a significantly lower association, between the stereotypical attributes of men and women and their concepts of gender. This finding provides support for the hypothesis that patients with ventromedial prefrontal lesions have a deficit in automatically accessing certain aspects of overlearned associated social knowledge.  (+info)