A binding site for homeodomain and Pax proteins is necessary for L1 cell adhesion molecule gene expression by Pax-6 and bone morphogenetic proteins. (1/934)

The cell adhesion molecule L1 regulates axonal guidance and fasciculation during development. We previously identified the regulatory region of the L1 gene and showed that it was sufficient for establishing the neural pattern of L1 expression in transgenic mice. In the present study, we characterize a DNA element within this region called the HPD that contains binding motifs for both homeodomain and Pax proteins and responds to signals from bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). An ATTA sequence within the core of the HPD was required for binding to the homeodomain protein Barx2 while a separate paired domain recognition motif was necessary for binding to Pax-6. In cellular transfection experiments, L1-luciferase reporter constructs containing the HPD were activated an average of 4-fold by Pax-6 in N2A cells and 5-fold by BMP-2 and BMP-4 in Ng108 cells. Both of these responses were eliminated on deletion of the HPD from L1 constructs. In transgenic mice, deletion of the HPD from an L1-lacZ reporter resulted in a loss of beta-galactosidase expression in the telencephalon and mesencephalon. Collectively, our experiments indicate that the HPD regulates L1 expression in neural tissues via homeodomain and Pax proteins and is likely to be a target of BMP signaling during development.  (+info)

Ectopic bone morphogenetic proteins 5 and 4 in the chicken forebrain lead to cyclopia and holoprosencephaly. (2/934)

Proper dorsal-ventral patterning in the developing central nervous system requires signals from both the dorsal and ventral portions of the neural tube. Data from multiple studies have demonstrated that bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and Sonic hedgehog protein are secreted factors that regulate dorsal and ventral specification, respectively, within the caudal neural tube. In the developing rostral central nervous system Sonic hedgehog protein also participates in ventral regionalization; however, the roles of BMPs in the developing brain are less clear. We hypothesized that BMPs also play a role in dorsal specification of the vertebrate forebrain. To test our hypothesis we implanted beads soaked in recombinant BMP5 or BMP4 into the neural tube of the chicken forebrain. Experimental embryos showed a loss of the basal telencephalon that resulted in holoprosencephaly (a single cerebral hemisphere), cyclopia (a single midline eye), and loss of ventral midline structures. In situ hybridization using a panel of probes to genes expressed in the dorsal and ventral forebrain revealed the loss of ventral markers with the maintenance of dorsal markers. Furthermore, we found that the loss of the basal telencephalon was the result of excessive cell death and not a change in cell fates. These data provide evidence that BMP signaling participates in dorsal-ventral patterning of the developing brain in vivo, and disturbances in dorsal-ventral signaling result in specific malformations of the forebrain.  (+info)

Distinct neural stem cells proliferate in response to EGF and FGF in the developing mouse telencephalon. (3/934)

Multipotent, self-renewing neural stem cells reside in the embryonic mouse telencephalic germinal zone. Using an in vitro neurosphere assay for neural stem cell proliferation, we demonstrate that FGF-responsive neural stem cells are present as early as E8.5 in the anterior neural plate, but EGF-responsive neural stem cells emerge later in development in a temporally and spatially specific manner. By separately blocking EGF and FGF2 signaling, we also show that EGF alone and FGF2 alone can independently elicit neural stem cell proliferation and at relatively high cell densities separate cell nonautonomous effects can substantially enhance the mitogen-induced proliferation. At lower cell densities, neural stem cell proliferation is additive in the presence of EGF and FGF2 combined, revealing two different stem cell populations. However, both FGF-responsive and EGF-responsive neural stem cells retain their self-renewal and multilineage potential, regardless of growth factor conditions. These results support a model in which separate, lineage-related EGF- and FGF-responsive neural stem cells are present in the embryonic telencephalic germinal zone.  (+info)

The flat-top gene is required for the expansion and regionalization of the telencephalic primordium. (4/934)

The telencephalic vesicles form in the mouse embryo by the expansion of precursor regions in the anterior neural tube. Once the vesicles have formed, discrete dorsal and ventral territories can be recognized that later give rise to cortical and subcortical structures, respectively. To investigate the mechanisms that regulate the expansion and regionalization of the telencephalon, we have carried out a screen to identify recessive mutations that disrupt these events. We isolated a mouse mutant in which an early and critical step in development of the telencephalic vesicles is disrupted. Telencephalic primordia are present in flat-top embryos but they fail to progress to form the telencephalic vesicles. An increased rate of proliferation in the forebrain neurectoderm that accompanies telencephalic expansion in wild-type embryos fails to occur in flat-top embryos. Regionalization events that would normally take place during expansion of the primordia also fail to occur. Thus the phenotype of the flat-top mouse reveals that outgrowth of the telencephalic vesicles and their regionalization are coupled processes.  (+info)

Defects in thalamocortical axon pathfinding correlate with altered cell domains in Mash-1-deficient mice. (5/934)

We have analyzed the pathfinding of thalamocortical axons (TCAs) from dorsal thalamus to neocortex in relation to specific cell domains in the forebrain of wild-type and Mash-1-deficient mice. In wild-type mice, we identified four cell domains that constitute the proximal part of the TCA pathway. These domains are distinguished by patterns of gene expression and by the presence of neurons retrogradely labeled from dorsal thalamus. Since the cells that form these domains are generated in forebrain proliferative zones that express high levels of Mash-1, we studied Mash-1 mutant mice to assess the potential roles of these domains in TCA pathfinding. In null mutants, each of the domains is altered: the two Pax-6 domains, one in ventral thalamus and one in hypothalamus, are expanded in size; a complementary RPTP(delta) domain in ventral thalamus is correspondingly reduced and the normally graded expression of RPTP(delta) in that domain is no longer apparent. In ventral telencephalon, a domain characterized in the wild type by Netrin-1 and Nkx-2.1 expression and by retrogradely labeled neurons is absent in the mutant. Defects in TCA pathfinding are localized to the borders of each of these altered domains. Many TCAs fail to enter the expanded, ventral thalamic Pax-6 domain that constitutes the most proximal part of the TCA pathway, and form a dense whorl at the border between dorsal and ventral thalamus. A proportion of TCAs do extend further distally into ventral thalamus, but many of these stall at an aberrant, abrupt border of high RPTP(delta) expression. A small proportion of TCAs extend around the RPTP(delta) domain and reach the ventral thalamic-hypothalamic border, but few of these axons turn at that border to extend into the ventral telencephalon. These findings demonstrate that Mash-1 is required for the normal development of cell domains that in turn are required for normal TCA pathfinding. In addition, these findings support the hypothesis that ventral telencephalic neurons and their axons guide TCAs through ventral thalamus and into ventral telencephalon.  (+info)

Vertebrate slit, a secreted ligand for the transmembrane protein roundabout, is a repellent for olfactory bulb axons. (6/934)

The olfactory bulb plays a central role in olfactory information processing through its connections with both peripheral and cortical structures. Axons projecting from the olfactory bulb to the telencephalon are guided by a repulsive activity in the septum. The molecular nature of the repellent is not known. We report here the isolation of vertebrate homologs of the Drosophila slit gene and show that Slit protein binds to the transmembrane protein Roundabout (Robo). Slit is expressed in the septum whereas Robo is expressed in the olfactory bulb. Functionally, Slit acts as a chemorepellent for olfactory bulb axons. These results establish a ligand-receptor relationship between two molecules important for neural development, suggest a role for Slit in olfactory bulb axon guidance, and reveal the existence of a new family of axon guidance molecules.  (+info)

Mutations in the zebrafish unmask shared regulatory pathways controlling the development of catecholaminergic neurons. (7/934)

The mechanism by which pluripotent progenitors give rise to distinct classes of mature neurons in vertebrates is not well understood. To address this issue we undertook a genetic screen for mutations which affect the commitment and differentiation of catecholaminergic (CA) [dopaminergic (DA), noradrenergic (NA), and adrenergic] neurons in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. The identified mutations constitute five complementation groups. motionless and foggy affect the number and differentiation state of hypothalamic DA, telencephalic DA, retinal DA, locus coeruleus (LC) NA, and sympathetic NA neurons. The too few mutation leads to a specific reduction in the number of hypothalamic DA neurons. no soul lacks arch-associated NA cells and has defects in pharyngeal arches, and soulless lacks both arch-associated and LC cell groups. Our analyses suggest that the genes defined by these mutations regulate different steps in the differentiation of multipotent CA progenitors. They further reveal an underlying universal mechanism for the control of CA cell fates, which involve combinatorial usage of regulatory genes.  (+info)

Seasonal neuroplasticity in the songbird telencephalon: a role for melatonin. (8/934)

Neuroplasticity in the vocal control system of songbirds is strongly influenced by seasonal fluctuations in circulating testosterone. These seasonally plastic telencephalic structures are implicated in the learning and production of song in songbirds. The role of the indoleamine melatonin in seasonal adaptations in birds has remained unclear. In this experiment, European starlings were castrated to remove the neuromodulating activity of gonadal steroids and were exposed to different photoperiods to induce reproductive states characteristic of different seasonal conditions. Long days increased the volume of the song-control nucleus high vocal center compared with its volume on short days. Exogenous melatonin attenuated the long-day-induced volumetric increase in high vocal center and also decreased the volume of another song-control nucleus, area X. This effect was observed regardless of reproductive state. To our knowledge, this is the first direct evidence of a role for melatonin in functional plasticity within the central nervous system of vertebrates.  (+info)