Phylogenetic relationships and diversity of beta-rhizobia associated with Mimosa species grown in Sishuangbanna, China. (1/484)


Interpopulation differences in competitive effect and response of the mosquito Aedes aegypti and resistance to invasion by a superior competitor. (2/484)


Spatial and temporal genetic structure in a hybrid cordgrass invasion. (3/484)


Trophic ecology of the invasive argentine ant: spatio-temporal variation in resource assimilation and isotopic enrichment. (4/484)


An enzootic vector-borne virus is amplified at epizootic levels by an invasive avian host. (5/484)


Endemic predators, invasive prey and native diversity. (6/484)


Correlates of rediscovery and the detectability of extinction in mammals. (7/484)


Transcriptomic responses to heat stress in invasive and native blue mussels (genus Mytilus): molecular correlates of invasive success. (8/484)
