Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor rescues target-deprived sympathetic spinal cord neurons but requires transforming growth factor-beta as cofactor in vivo. (1/203)

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a potent neurotrophic factor for several populations of CNS and peripheral neurons. Synthesis and storage of GDNF by the neuron-like adrenal medullary cells suggest roles in adrenal functions and/or in the maintenance of spinal cord neurons that innervate the adrenal medulla. We show that unilateral adrenomedullectomy causes degeneration of all sympathetic preganglionic neurons within the intermediolateral column (IML) of spinal cord segments T7-T10 that project to the adrenal medulla. In situ hybridization revealed that IML neurons express the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked alpha receptor 1 and c-Ret receptors, which are essential for GDNF signaling. IML neurons also display immunoreactivity for transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) receptor II. Administration of GDNF (recombinant human, 1 microg) in Gelfoam implanted into the medullectomized adrenal gland rescued all Fluoro-Gold-labeled preganglionic neurons projecting to the adrenal medulla after four weeks. Cytochrome c applied as a control protein was not effective. The protective effect of GDNF was prevented by co-administration to the Gelfoam of neutralizing antibodies recognizing all three TGF-beta isoforms but not GDNF. This suggests that the presence of endogenous TGF-beta was essential for permitting a neurotrophic effect of GDNF. Our data indicate that GDNF has a capacity to protect a population of autonomic spinal cord neurons from target-deprived cell death. Furthermore, our results demonstrate for the first time that the previously reported requirement of TGF-beta for permitting trophic actions of GDNF in vitro (Kreiglstein et al., 1998) also applies to the in vivo situation.  (+info)

Electrophysiological properties of electrical synapses between rat sympathetic preganglionic neurones in vitro. (2/203)

1. The electrophysiological properties of electrical synaptic transmission between sympathetic preganglionic neurones (SPNs) in slices of rat spinal cord were investigated using simultaneous dual-electrode patch-clamp recordings. Electrotonic coupling was directly demonstrated between 21 pairs of SPNs. 2. Coupling coefficients determined from the steady-state response of both neurones to current steps injected into either neurone ranged from 0. 02 to 0.48 (0.18 +/- 0.02, mean +/- s.e.m.). Synapses were bidirectional and symmetrical for the majority of connections with coupling coefficients similar in either direction. Asymmetrical coupling between a minority of cell pairs was due to differences in passive neuronal properties rather than rectification of the synaptic conductances. 3. Action potentials were manifest in adjoining cells as biphasic electrical postsynaptic potentials (ePSPs), composed of a rapid depolarising component followed by a more prolonged hyperpolarisation with amplitudes of 1.2 +/- 0.2 and 2.1 +/- 0.6 mV, respectively. 4. Postsynaptic potentials resembled low-pass filtered presynaptic spikes with frequency dependence determined by the junctional conductance and postsynaptic membrane properties. Increases in presynaptic action potential frequency caused attenuation of the hyperpolarising component of the ePSP that was attributed to shorter duration presynaptic spikes being more markedly filtered. 5. Synchronisation of spontaneous action potentials between electrotonically coupled neurones was driven by subthreshold membrane potential activity resembling repetitive ePSPs. Synchronous spike firing in previously silent neurones could be driven by suprathreshold ePSPs induced by suprathreshold depolarisation of a single adjoining neurone. 6. These data characterise reliable communication of sub- and suprathreshold activity by electrical synapses enabling synchronised SPN firing which may contribute to generation of coherent sympathetic rhythms and promote summation of inputs to postganglionic neurones.  (+info)

Characterization of non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic inhibitory responses of the isolated guinea-pig trachea: differences between pre- and post-ganglionic nerve stimulation. (3/203)

1 Differences in the mechanism of non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic (NANC) inhibitory responses to preganglionic- and post-ganglionic nerve stimulation were investigated in the guinea-pig isolated trachea. 2 Stimulation of the vagus nerve at frequencies above 4 Hz elicited NANC relaxation of the trachealis muscle. Responses to low frequencies of stimulation (4-8 Hz) were abolished by the nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor L-NOARG (10 microM), while a L-NOARG resistant component was observed at higher stimulus frequencies. The L-NOARG-resistant component of NANC inhibitory responses to higher frequencies of vagus nerve stimulation were significantly attenuated by the proteinase alpha-chymotrypsin (2 U/ml), suggesting that a neuropeptide such as VIP may contribute to NANC responses. 3 When postganglionic nerves were stimulated by electrical field stimulation (EFS), responses were readily elicited at frequencies below 4 Hz. Like responses to vagus nerve stimulation, responses to low frequency (<4 Hz) EFS were abolished by L-NOARG while a L-NOARG-resistant component was apparent at higher stimulus frequencies. 4 The L-NOARG-resistant component of NANC inhibitory responses to EFS was sensitive to alpha-chymotrypsin only if stimuli were delivered in either long trains at a low frequency (4 Hz for 10-30 s) or short trains of high frequency (16 Hz for 2.5-7.5 s). 5 Responses to preganglionic nerve stimulation were approximately 35% of the amplitude of responses to EFS in the same preparations. 6 In conclusion, responses to preganglionic and postganglionic NANC inhibitory nerve stimulation in the guinea-pig trachea differ in maximum amplitude, frequency-response characteristics and the contributions of cotransmitters. We suggest that these differences may be explained by filtering of preganglionic input to postganglionic NANC neurons. These results have implications in all studies where EFS is considered to be representative of physiological stimulation of post-ganglionic nerve stimulation.  (+info)

Fast (3 Hz and 10 Hz) and slow (respiratory) rhythms in cervical sympathetic nerve and unit discharges of the cat. (4/203)

1. In seven decerebrate cats, recordings were taken from the preganglionic cervical sympathetic (CSy) nerves and from 74 individual CSy fibres. Correlation and spectral analyses showed that nerve and fibre discharges had several types of rhythm that were coherent (correlated) between population and unit activity: respiratory, '3 Hz' (2-6 Hz, usually cardiac related), and '10 Hz' (7-13 Hz). 2. Almost all units (73/74) had respiratory modulation of their discharge, either phasic (firing during only one phase) or tonic (firing during both the inspiratory (I) and expiratory (E) phases). The most common pattern consisted of tonic I-modulated firing. When the vagi were intact, lung afferent input during I greatly reduced CSy unit and nerve discharge, as evaluated by the no-inflation test. 3. The incidence of unit-nerve coherent fast rhythms (3 Hz or 10 Hz ranges) depended on unit discharge pattern: they were present in an appreciable fraction (30/58 or 52 %) of tonic units, but in only a small fraction (2/15 or 13 %) of phasic units. 4. When baroreceptor innervation (aortic depressor amd carotid sinus nerves) was intact, rhythms correlated to the cardiac cycle frequency were found in 20/34 (59 %) of units. The cardiac origin of these rhythms was confirmed by residual autospectral and partial coherence analysis and by their absence after baroreceptor denervation. 4. The 10 Hz coherent rhythm was found in 7/34 units when baroreceptor innervation was intact, where it co-existed with the cardiac-locked rhythm; after barodenervation it was found in 9/50 neurones. Where both rhythms were present, the 10 Hz component was sometimes synchronized in a 3:1 ratio to the 3 Hz (cardiac-related) frequency component. 5. The tonic and phasic CSy units seem to form distinct populations, as indicated by the differential responses to cardiac-related afferent inputs when baroreceptor innervation is intact. The high incidence of cardiac-related correlation found among tonic units suggests that they are involved in vasomotor regulation. The high incidence of respiratory modulation of discharge suggests that the CSy units may be involved in regulation of the nasal vasculature and consequent ventilation-related control of nasal airway resistance.  (+info)

Effect of pulmonary C-fibre afferent stimulation on cardiac vagal neurones in the nucleus ambiguus in anaesthetized cats. (5/203)

It has been demonstrated previously that the vagal bradycardia evoked by activation of pulmonary C-fibres is not respiratory modulated. Experiments were carried out in alpha-chloralose anaesthetized cats to determine if these cardiac vagal preganglionic neurones (CVPNs) in the nucleus ambiguus (NA), which have respiratory modulated activity, can be activated when pulmonary C-fibre afferents are stimulated by right atrial injections of phenylbiguanide (PBG). Eleven CVPNs with B-fibre axons in the right cardiac vagal branches were identified and found to be localized within or ventrolateral to the nucleus ambiguus. Ionophoretic application of a high current of dl-homocysteic acid (DLH) induced a vagally mediated bradycardia and hypotension in six of eight sites from which CVPNs were recorded. The activity of B-fibre CVPNs, whether spontaneous (n = 4) or induced by ionophoresis of DLH (n = 7) was respiratory modulated, firing perferentially during post-inspiration and stage 2 expiration. This activity also correlated with the rising phase of the arterial blood pressure wave consistent with these CVPNs receiving an arterial baroreceptor input. Right atrial injections of PBG excited nine of eleven CVPNs tested. In eight of these activated neurones the onset latency of the excitation was within the pulmonary circulation time, consistent with being activated only by pulmonary C-fibre afferents. In two neurones the PBG-evoked excitation still occurred when central inspiratory drive was inhibited, as indicated by the disappearance of phrenic nerve activity. In conclusion, B-fibre respiratory modulated CVPNs can be activated following stimulation of pulmonary C-fibre afferents.  (+info)

Reelin controls position of autonomic neurons in the spinal cord. (6/203)

Mutation of the reeler gene (Reln) disrupts neuronal migration in several brain regions and gives rise to functional deficits such as ataxic gait and trembling in the reeler mutant mouse. Thus, the Reln product, reelin, is thought to control cell-cell interactions critical for cell positioning in the brain. Although an abundance of reelin transcript is found in the embryonic spinal cord [Ikeda, Y. & Terashima, T. (1997) Dev. Dyn. 210, 157-172; Schiffmann, S. N., Bernier, B. & Goffinet, A. M. (1997) Eur. J. Neurosci. 9, 1055-1071], it is generally thought that neuronal migration in the spinal cord is not affected by reelin. Here, however, we show that migration of sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the spinal cord is affected by reelin. This study thus indicates that reelin affects neuronal migration outside of the brain. Moreover, the relationship between reelin and migrating preganglionic neurons suggests that reelin acts as a barrier to neuronal migration.  (+info)

Reflex secretion of proteins into submandibular saliva in conscious rats, before and after preganglionic sympathectomy. (7/203)

1. An indwelling catheter was placed in the left submandibular duct of rats, under pentobarbitone anaesthesia, and connected to an outflow cannula that emerged above the skull. 2. Saliva was collected from the outflow cannula in conscious rats, the same day after recovery from anaesthesia, under four different reflex conditions: grooming, heat exposure, rejection of a bitter tasting substance and feeding on softened chow, repeated in different orders. 3. Saliva flow was greatest for grooming and least for rejection. Protein concentrations were least with heat but much greater and similar for the other stimulations. Acinar peroxidase activity was high for feeding, intermediate for grooming and rejection, and again lowest with heat. Tubular tissue kallikrein activities were moderately low, being greatest with feeding and least with grooming. Secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) concentration was least with heat and similar for the other stimulations. 4. The next day, under pentobarbitone anaesthesia, the left preganglionic sympathetic trunk was sectioned (sympathetic decentralization) and, after recovery, the preceding stimulations were repeated. Flow of saliva showed little change, but protein and peroxidase concentrations and outputs decreased dramatically with grooming, rejection and feeding to levels similar to those with heat, which showed little change. Tissue kallikrein was lowered less dramatically, but the reductions in output were significant except with heat. Patterns of proteins resolved by electrophoresis changed for grooming, rejection and feeding and became similar to saliva from heat, which showed little change. No significant effects on SIgA concentrations occurred. 5. Gland weights from the sympathetically decentralized side were greater than from the intact side at the end of the experiments and histologically showed retention of acinar mucin. 6. Thus reflex sympathetic drive varied with the different stimulations; it was least during heat, but it had pronounced effects on acinar secretion of proteins during the other stimulations. At the same time this sympathetic drive had less impact on tissue kallikrein secretion from tubules and had little influence on flow or the concentration of SIgA secreted.  (+info)

Lack of neurotrophin-4 causes selective structural and chemical deficits in sympathetic ganglia and their preganglionic innervation. (8/203)

Neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) is perhaps the still most enigmatic member of the neurotrophin family. We show here that NT-4 is expressed in neurons of paravertebral and prevertebral sympathetic ganglia, i.e., the superior cervical (SCG), stellate (SG), and celiac (CG) ganglion. Mice deficient for NT-4 showed a significant reduction (20-30%) of preganglionic sympathetic neurons in the intermediolateral column (IML) of the thoracic spinal cord. In contrast, neuron numbers in the SCG, SG, and CG were unchanged. Numbers of axons in the thoracic sympathetic trunk (TST) connecting the SG with lower paravertebral ganglia were also reduced, whereas axon numbers in the cervical sympathetic trunk (CST) were unaltered. Axon losses in the TST were paralleled by losses of synaptic terminals on SG neurons visualized by electron microscopy. Furthermore, immunoreactivity for the synaptic vesicle antigen SV2 was clearly reduced in the SG and CG. Levels of catecholamines and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity were dramatically reduced in the SG and the CG but not in the SCG. Despite this severe phenotype in the sympathetic system, blood pressure levels were not reduced and displayed a pattern more typical of deficits in baroreceptor afferents. Numbers of IML neurons were unaltered at postnatal day 4, suggesting a postnatal requirement for their maintenance. In light of these and previous data, we hypothesize that NT-4 provided by postganglionic sympathetic neurons is required for establishing and/or maintaining synapses of IML neurons on postganglionic cells. Impairment of synaptic connectivity may consequently reduce impulse flow, causing a reduction in transmitter synthesis in postganglionic neurons.  (+info)