Effect of TRH on beta-gonadotropin subunits in patients with pituitary microincidentalomas. (1/178)

OBJECTIVE: To explore the hypothesis that most of the pituitary abnormalities compatible with the diagnosis of microadenoma, and detected in about 10% of the normal adult population, represent asymptomatic gonadotropinomas. DESIGN: Patients diagnosed with pituitary microincidentalomas at the Institute of Endocrinology of the Tel Aviv Medical Center were evaluated. Circulating beta-subunits of gonadotropin hormones were measured before and 30, 45, 60 and 90 min after the intravenous injection of 400 microgram TRH. PATIENTS: Twenty-two patients with pituitary incidentaloma and 16 normal volunteers were tested. RESULTS: In 16 of the 22 patients, an abnormal beta-subunit response was detected after the TRH challenge. Three patients had an abnormal increase in both beta-FSH and beta-LH after TRH administration. Isolated pathological beta-FSH or beta-LH responses were demonstrated in five and eight patients respectively. Six patients had normal basal and stimulated gonadotropin subunit values, raising the possibility that their lesions were not pituitary microadenomas. There was a significant overall difference between the response to TRH of the patient and control groups. In the gonadotropin positive group, comprising 16 patients, serum beta-FSH increased from 6.4+/-1.6 ng/ml to 9.2+/-1.3 ng/ml (P=0.042) 1 h after TRH stimulation, whereas no changes were detected in the control group after TRH injection (basal: 4.1+/-0.8 ng/ml, peak: 5.1+/-0.8 ng/ml; P=0.15). Serum beta-LH increased from 10.5+/-3.2 ng/ml to 23.4+/-4.9 ng/ml (P=0.0037) at this time, in contrast to a lack of response in controls (basal: 6.4+/-1.5 ng/ml, peak: 8.2+/-2.3 ng/ml; P=0.24). CONCLUSION: In about 73% of patients with pituitary incidentalomas smaller than 10 mm, TRH elicits an increase in gonadotropin beta-subunits. This observation raises the possibility that non-functioning pituitary micro- and macroadenomas, which share a similar response to TRH, originate in a common ancestor cell type, probably a pituitary gonadotrope.  (+info)

LbetaT2 gonadotroph cells secrete follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in response to active A. (2/178)

Secretion of luteinizing hormone in response to gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) has been described in the recently developed LbetaT2 gonadotroph cell line. We evaluated the expression of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)beta mRNA and secretion of FSH from LbetaT2 cells in response to GnRH and activin A. LbetaT2 cells were treated with activin A in doses from 0 to 50 ng/ml, with or without a daily 10 nM GnRH pulse, or with GnRH alone. FSH secretion was stimulated over 6-fold by concomitant GnRH and activin A in a dose-responsive fashion at 72 h of treatment. FSHbeta mRNA was detectable by ribonuclease protection assay only in cells treated with activin A with or without GnRH. The demonstration of FSHbeta gene expression in LbetaT2 cells further validates these cells as mature, differentiated gonadotrophs and as an important tool for the study of gonadotroph physiology.  (+info)

Ontogeny of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone gene expression during pubertal development in the female striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Teleostei). (3/178)

Pubertal development in teleost fish is characterized by gonadal growth that is directly stimulated by the pituitary gonadotropins, FSH and LH. We used a quantitative ribonuclease protection assay to provide, for the first time, the developmental profiles of the alpha-, betaFSH-, and betaLH-subunit gene expression in a seasonal breeding fish, the female striped bass (3-yr study, n = 207). Two-year-old females were sexually immature, although a transient rise in all gonadotropin subunit mRNAs was measured in the pituitary. Pubertal ovarian development occurred in 65% of 3-yr-old females, characterized by the appearance of lipid droplets within the oocytes. This reproductive phase, termed pubertal development, was associated with a 34-fold increase in the mRNA levels of betaFSH and a rise in the pituitary concentration of LH. The first sexual maturation took place in 4-yr-old females and coincided with a 218-fold increase in the mRNA levels of betaFSH. During this time period, the mRNA levels of the alpha and betaLH subunits increased by 11- and 8-fold, respectively. At the final stages of vitellogenic growth, mRNA levels of betaFSH declined to basal levels, whereas the mRNA levels of the alpha and betaLH subunits remained elevated. Throughout the study, pituitary LH concentration was positively correlated to the mRNA levels of betaLH, but plasma levels of LH remained low and unchanged (0.4-0.8 ng/ml) despite increasing levels of pituitary LH concentration, suggesting a regulated secretion pathway. Taken together, the data show that the profiles of betaFSH and betaLH mRNAs appear to follow an annual rhythm that is associated with developmental events in the growing oocytes. In particular, increasing levels of betaFSH mRNA appear to underlie the first sexual maturity in the female striped bass.  (+info)

Differential regulation of pituitary gonadotropin subunit messenger ribonucleic acid levels in photostimulated Siberian hamsters. (4/178)

FSH levels begin to rise 3-5 days after male Siberian hamsters are transferred from inhibitory short photoperiods to stimulatory long photoperiods. In contrast, LH levels do not increase for several weeks. This differential pattern of FSH and LH secretion represents one of the most profound in vivo examples of differential regulation of the gonadotropins. The present study was undertaken to characterize the molecular mechanisms controlling differential FSH and LH synthesis and secretion in photostimulated Siberian hamsters. First, we cloned species-specific cDNAs for the three gonadotropin subunits: the common alpha subunit and the unique FSHbeta and LHbeta subunits. All three subunits share high nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence identity with the orthologous cDNAs from rats. We then used these new molecular probes to examine the gonadotropin subunit mRNA levels from pituitaries of short-day male hamsters transferred to long days for 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, or 20 days. Short-day (SD) and long-day (LD) controls remained in short and long days, respectively, from the time of weaning. We measured serum FSH and LH levels by RIA. FSHbeta, LHbeta, and alpha subunit mRNA levels were measured from individual pituitaries using a microlysate ribonuclease protection assay. Serum FSH and pituitary FSHbeta mRNA levels changed similarly following long-day transfer. Both were significantly elevated after five long days (2.3- and 3.6-fold, respectively; P < 0.02) and declined thereafter, but they remained above SD control values through 20 long days. Alpha subunit mRNA levels also increased significantly relative to SD control values (maximum 2-fold increase after seven long days; P < 0.03), although to a lesser extent than FSHbeta. Neither serum LH nor pituitary LHbeta mRNA levels changed significantly following long-day transfer. The results indicate that long-day-associated increases in serum FSH levels in Siberian hamsters reflect an underlying increase in pituitary FSHbeta and alpha subunit mRNA accumulation.  (+info)

Gonadotroph-lactotroph associations and expression of prolactin receptors in the equine pituitary gland throughout the seasonal reproductive cycle. (5/178)

An interaction between gonadotroph and lactotroph cells of the pituitary gland has long been recognized in several species. The current study was conducted to investigate whether an association between gonadotrophs and lactotrophs occurs in mares and whether prolactin receptors are expressed within the pituitary gland of this species. The effects of both reproductive state and season on these variables were examined in pituitary glands obtained from sexually active mares in July (breeding season), sexually active mares in November (non-breeding season) and anoestrous mares in November. Pituitaries were dissected out immediately after death and immunofluorescent staining was carried out on 6 micrometer sections using specific antibodies to the LHbeta subunit, FSHbeta subunit, prolactin and prolactin receptor. Gonadotrophs were observed in both the pars distalis and pars tuberalis; although they appeared mostly as isolated cells, small groups of gonadotrophs were also identified in the pars distalis. In contrast, lactotrophs were observed only as clusters of cells exclusively in the pars distalis of sexually active and anoestrous mares in November and in most of the sexually active mares in July. A specific gonadotroph-lactotroph association was identified only between large isolated gonadotrophs and lactotroph clusters. Double immunofluorescent staining for FSHbeta and prolactin revealed a similar gonadotroph-lactotroph association to the one detected for LH gonadotrophs. No statistical difference in the gonadotroph:lactotroph ratio was observed as a result of changes in reproductive status or season. However, a tendency for a simultaneous decrease in the number of gonadotrophs and an increase in the number of lactotrophs was detected in anoestrous animals. Prolactin receptor immunoreactivity was found in the pars distalis, but not in the pars tuberalis, of sexually active (July and November) and anoestrous animals for both long and short forms of the receptor. No prolactin receptor co-localization for either form of the receptor was observed in LH or FSH gonadotrophs in either of the reproductive states examined during both summer and winter seasons. Furthermore, no significant difference was apparent in the proportion of cells expressing prolactin receptors between mares of different reproductive state or season. The specific anatomical association between gonadotroph and lactotroph cells and the expression of prolactin receptors in the equine pituitary gland indicate a potential role of prolactin in the regulation of gonadotrophin secretion. However, the absence of evidence for co-localization of prolactin receptors in LH or FSH cells does not support the hypothesis of a direct effect of prolactin on the gonadotroph as reported in a short day breeder. The results raise the possibility that, in horses, an intermediate regulatory cell may mediate the action of prolactin on gonadotroph function.  (+info)

Functional compensation by Egr4 in Egr1-dependent luteinizing hormone regulation and Leydig cell steroidogenesis. (6/178)

The Egr family of zinc finger transcription factors, whose members are encoded by Egr1 (NGFI-A), Egr2 (Krox20), Egr3, and Egr4 (NGFI-C) regulate critical genetic programs involved in cellular growth, differentiation, and function. Egr1 regulates luteinizing hormone beta subunit (LHbeta) gene expression in the pituitary gland. Due to decreased levels of LHbeta, female Egr1-deficient mice are anovulatory, have low levels of progesterone, and are infertile. By contrast, male mutant mice show no identifiable defects in spermatogenesis, testosterone synthesis, or fertility. Here, we have shown that serum LH levels in male Egr1-deficient mice are adequate for maintenance of Leydig cell steroidogenesis and fertility because of partial functional redundancy with the closely related transcription factor Egr4. Egr4-Egr1 double mutant male mice had low steady-state levels of serum LH, physiologically low serum levels of testosterone, and atrophy of androgen-dependent organs that were not present in either Egr1- or Egr4-deficient males. In double mutant male mice, atrophic androgen-dependent organs and Leydig cell steroidogenesis were fully restored by administration of exogenous testosterone or human chorionic gonadotropin (an LH receptor agonist), respectively. Moreover, a normal distribution of gonadotropin-releasing hormone-containing neurons and normal innervation of the median eminence in the hypothalamus, as well as decreased levels of LH gene expression in Egr4-Egr1-relative to Egr1-deficient male mice, indicates a defect of LH regulation in pituitary gonadotropes. These results elucidate a novel level of redundancy between Egr4 and Egr1 in regulating LH production in male mice.  (+info)

Early maturity in the male striped bass, Morone saxatilis: follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone gene expression and their regulation by gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue and testosterone. (7/178)

Striped bass are seasonal breeding fish, spawning once a year during the spring. All 3-yr-old males are sexually mature; however, 60-64% of the fish mature earlier as 1- or 2-yr-old animals. The endocrine basis underlying early maturity in 2-yr-old males was studied at the molecular level by monitoring changes in pituitary beta FSH and beta LH mRNA levels by ribonuclease protection assay, and correlating these changes to stages of testicular development. In maturing males, the mRNA levels of beta FSH were elevated during early spermatogenesis, whereas beta LH mRNA levels peaked during spermiation. The appearance of spermatozoa in the testis was associated with a decrease in beta FSH mRNA and a rise in beta LH mRNA abundance. Immature males had lower levels of beta LH mRNA than maturing males, but there were no differences in beta FSH mRNA levels between immature and maturing males. The regulation of gonadotropin gene expression in 2-yr-old males was studied by the chronic administration of GnRH analogue (GnRHa) and testosterone (T), with or without pimozide (P) supplementation. In immature males, the combination of T and GnRHa stimulated a three- to fivefold increase in beta FSH and beta LH mRNA levels, but the same treatment had no effect on gonadotropin gene expression in maturing males. In addition, the coadministration of P to immature males suppressed the stimulatory effect of GnRHa and T on beta FSH and beta LH mRNA levels, suggesting that dopamine may have a novel role in regulating gonadotropin gene expression.  (+info)

Candidate gene analysis for loci affecting litter size and ovulation rate in swine. (8/178)

A candidate gene approach was used to determine whether specific loci explain responses in ovulation rate (OR) and number of fully formed (FF), live (NBA), stillborn, and mummified pigs at birth observed in two lines selected for ovulation rate and litter size compared with a randomly selected control line. Line IOL was selected for an index of OR and embryonic survival for eight generations, followed by eight generations of two-stage selection for OR and litter size. Line C was selected at random for 16 generations. Line COL, derived from line C at Generation 8, underwent eight generations of two-stage selection. Lines IOL and C differed in mean EBV by 6.1 ova and 4.7 FF, whereas lines COL and C differed by 2.2 ova and 2.9 FF. Pigs of Generation 7 of two-stage selection lines were genotyped for the retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4, n = 190) and epidermal growth factor (EGF, n = 189) loci, whereas pigs of Generations 7 and 8 were genotyped for the estrogen receptor (ESR, n = 523), prolactin receptor (PRLR, n = 524), follicle-stimulating hormone beta (FSHbeta, n = 520), and prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2, n = 523) loci. Based on chi-square analysis for homogeneity of genotypic frequencies, distributions for PRLR, FSHbeta, and PTGS2 were different among lines (P < 0.005). Differences in gene frequencies between IOL vs C and COL vs C were 0.33 +/- 0.25 and 0.16 +/- 0.26 for PRLR, 0.35 +/- 0.20 and 0.15 +/- 0.24 for FSHbeta, and 0.16 +/- 0.16 and 0.08 +/- 0.18 for PTGS2. Although these differences are consistent with a model of selection acting on these loci, estimates of additive and dominance effects at these loci did not differ from zero (P > 0.05), and several of them had signs inconsistent with the changes in allele frequencies. We were not able to find significant associations between the polymorphic markers and phenotypes studied; however, we cannot rule out that other genetic variation within these candidate genes has an effect on the traits studied.  (+info)