Breakfast consumption and daily physical activity in 9-10-year-old British children. (1/47)


Breakfast habits among adolescents and their association with daily energy and fish, vegetable, and fruit intake: a community-based cross-sectional study. (2/47)


Weekend catch-up sleep is associated with decreased risk of being overweight among fifth-grade students with short sleep duration. (3/47)


Bean and rice meals reduce postprandial glycemic response in adults with type 2 diabetes: a cross-over study. (4/47)


Healthier food choices as a result of the revised healthy diet programme Krachtvoer for students of prevocational schools. (5/47)


Can breakfast tryptophan and vitamin B6 intake and morning exposure to sunlight promote morning-typology in young children aged 2 to 6 years? (6/47)


Insulin at normal physiological levels does not prolong QT(c) interval in thorough QT studies performed in healthy volunteers. (7/47)


Nutritional quality of breakfast and physical activity independently predict the literacy and numeracy scores of children after adjusting for socioeconomic status. (8/47)
