Forty lives in the bebop business: mental health in a group of eminent jazz musicians. (1/11)

BACKGROUND: Above-average levels of psychopathology have been demonstrated convincingly in groups of outstanding individuals working in the arts. Currently, jazz musicians have not been studied in this regard. AIMS: To investigate any evidence of psychopathology in a group of eminent jazz musicians. METHOD: Biographical material relating to 40 eminent American modern jazz musicians was reviewed and an attempt was made to formulate diagnoses using DSM-IV. RESULTS: Evidence was provided of levels of psychopathology in the sample of jazz musicians similar to those found in other previously investigated creative groups, with the exception of substance related problems. An interesting connection between creativity and sensation-seeking was highlighted. CONCLUSIONS: The link between psychopathology and creativity in the arts was given further weight. Future studies of jazz musicians using larger samples and making comparison with groups from different eras of music would give greater clarification to this area.  (+info)


In an analysis of the information requests received and recorded in the Cleveland Medical Library over a two-year period, the requests were classified in four groups according to whether they were direct inquiries (factual), indirect (subject), biographical and directory, or requests for verification of literature citations. An attempt was made to discover some of the major characteristics and the volume of activity in each class. The results reflect the information services supplied by a single library with its own unique clientele and functions, rather than provide a means of generalizing about information services in all libraries, although they may give us some useful insights. Detailed analyses are made of direct and of biographical and directory questions. The largest number of inquiries received were those in which literature references on a specified subject were requested (indirect inquiries); these represented over 50 percent of the total. Most of the requests in this category called for limited coverage (five articles or less) in the recent literature (not over five years). Requests for verification of citations ranked next with 25 percent of the total, followed by direct (factual) inquiries (12 percent) and biographical and directory inquiries (9 percent), although it is recognized that these last two classes are probably underrepresented in the sample.  (+info)


The printing house of Benjamin Franklin produced several works of a medical nature in Colonial America at a time when very few medical treatises were being written or printed. Benjamin Franklin was also indirectly responsible for the founding of the first medical library in this country. For these reasons he was, in addition to his many other talents, an early contributor to American medical literature. Included in this bibliography are all the known medical books, pamphlets, and broadsides in English with Benjamin Franklin's name in the imprint, issued in America. These eighteen titles span the years 1732 to 1765 and are presented chronologically with indications of their relation to the practice and practitioners of Colonial medicine. Benjamin Franklin's press produced as wide a variety of contributions as did his versatile life, and the early history of medicine in this country bears the influence of both.I am pleased with your scheme of a Medical Library at the Hospital, and I fancy I can procure you some donations among my medical friends here, if you will send me a catalogue of what books you already have. Enclosed I send you the only book of the kind in my possession here, having just received it as a present from the author.-Benjamin Franklin to Dr. Cadwallader Evans, London, May 5, 1767 (1).  (+info)


A bibliography consisting of twenty biographical volumes covering the development of psychiatry and neurology is presented as a nucleus and guide for historical explorations. Titles of histories of psychiatry, neurology, and medicine in general are appended.  (+info)


This is an essay about the Dutch linen-draper of the seventeenth century who made more than 500 microscopes and used them to observe the tail of an eel, the sting of a bee, the nose of a louse, the brain of a fly, the spinning apparatus of a spider, the bacteria from his own mouth, etc., and who wrote enthusiastic letters to the Royal Society of London carefully describing what he saw.  (+info)

National Museum of Dentistry exhibition: the future is now! African Americans in dentistry. (6/11)

Inspired by recently published NDA II: The Story of America's Second National Dental Association and sponsored jointly by the National Dental Association Foundation and the Colgate-Palmolive Company, an historical exhibit on dentistry in the African-American community was one of the celebrations for the Golden Anniversary of the American Academy of the History of Dentistry. This exhibit premiered on Sept. 27, 2002 in the National Museum of Dentistry located on the medical/dental campus of the University of Maryland in Baltimore. The Museum recently became an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution. Contents of the exhibit were photographs, charts, artifacts, memorabilia, etc. These materials presented an overview of African-American activities in dental education, research, patient care, general practice, dental specialities, military service, and public health. Also included were inter-racial relationships, socioeconomic developments, and participation in civil rights endeavors that played a major role in changing out-dated accepted customs. The exhibit's purpose was to celebrate dentistry's ministrations as a health professional among African Americans in particular and the nation at large over the past two centuries. Respect for and progress of black dentists paralleled that of black physicians who were instrumental in including dentist and pharmacists as equal members in the National Medical Association since the latter's inception in 1895.  (+info)

Encouraging adolescents toward mental health careers via website biographies. (7/11)

This project designed, developed, implemented and is currently evaluating the effectiveness of an interactive, multi-media website designed to encourage adolescents to consider careers in mental health. This Web-based learning environment features biographies of mental health scientists. Evaluation is conducted in a systematic, structured way using cognitive achievement, usability (ease of use), and affective scales (e.g., fun to use) as outcome measures  (+info)

Spatial cyberinfrastructures, ontologies, and the humanities. (8/11)
