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in Chemicals and Drugs by

3 Answers

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by (2.7k points)

There is no such Vitamin contains minerals both are essential for good health. Different Vitamins such as A, B, C, D, E, K  and mineral such as iron, zinc, copper, potassium, folic and amino acids. Check out these Vitamin and supplements products that can help to fulfill your body nutrients with a healthy diet.

Thanks & Regards

DanielShaw [ Medical Assistant]

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by (580 points)

The body requires vitamins and minerals for normal growth, function and health. The best way to obtain the vitamins and minerals is through a healthy diet based on a variety of foods. But if you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency, a vitamin or mineral supplement may be appropriate. Minerals are the main components in your teeth and bones, and they serve as building blocks for other cells and enzymes. Minerals also help regulate the balance of fluids in your body and control the movement of nerve impulses.

Get yourself tested for complete vitamin evaluation profile

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