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For those who attended the cc that night, you'll probably know that I've finally decided on woodcutting for OSRS Gold For Sale my first 99. I wanted a skill that wasn't "bought," per se. I'll likely end up using one of these (fletching and cooking) to trim my cape for woodcutting.

Let me explain: I'm not sure how I can reach there. Clearly, I'm going to need to get this done quickly before I get insane. So , I'm wondering what's the fastest strategy that still makes decent money from 71 to 99? 

If there's a strategy that involves changing the type of tree or using a different strategy then please describe it. If you're suggesting a saw mill, can you explain how that works? I've heard that it's great xp, however I'm not completely sure of how to achieve it or if it's worth the money.

Well , i was once a lover of woodcutting , so i know a tiny bit about it. Ivy 68-99 is the fastest however you will only receive birds' nests out of it. If I were you, I'd perform 71-85 yews, 85-99 magics for $ but if you don't need a ton of money go yews all the way.

You could also try maples, however they're not worth a lot, maples have 100xp per a log and quite fast, almost similar to maples. Summary: If your goal is cash, 71-85 yews are 85-99 magical. If you're after no cash whatsoever, 71 to 99 ivy. If you are looking for a little bit of Buy OSRS Fire Cape Maples or Willows willows are better, maples are more expensive but willows are faster. It's all in the details of the kind of thing you are looking for.

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