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in Education, Distance by

Writing stories is not an easy task. When you start writing the story you should have a complete picture of the story .write in on a sitting.  if you are writing a short short story try to write on one sitting. And if you are writing a novel then you try to complete in three months.try to write the leading character or one of the major characters in a story. It is very important that in stories try to include a protagonist. It gets a good review and takes the reader a very interesting one. While writing stories try to include good dialogue, it will get really interested and make the reader follow in it. The important things we need to do this don’t make the reader bored it will get a bad impression to stores. Always include twist and interesting move in stories so that let the reader and they will finish the story in one sit. Writing good dialogues comes from two things intimate knowledge of your character and it will have a review. Try to include an unexpected incident that is Good stories often involve death. In most of the story we you see you find a death that is tricks and tips to write the stories because you find more interested and you will get the sentiment. All the points are some of the tips of the story so you will help you and make the story. Make practice. You can refer to the Custom essay writing services.  Will help you get any kind of writing helps .make you sure that first, you write more short stories that will get a confidant to get to write a novel.  Read two or three times of stories so you will understand the mistake. Tell another person to read and review and ask the review .so you can know what and all to include. always make the end  something different

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