The motion of air relative to the earth's surface.
The motion of air currents.
Materials or phenomena which can provide energy directly or via conversion.
The use of wings or wing-like appendages to remain aloft and move through the air.
A system using beamed and reflected radio signals to and from an object in such a way that range, bearing, and other characteristics of the object may be determined.
Units that convert some other form of energy into electrical energy.
Forms of energy that are constantly and rapidly renewed by natural processes such as solar, ocean wave, and wind energy. (from McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 6th ed)
The state of the ATMOSPHERE over minutes to months.
Devices that control the supply of electric current for running electrical equipment.

Incidence and causes of tenosynovitis of the wrist extensors in long distance paddle canoeists. (1/444)

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the incidence and causes of acute tenosynovitis of the forearm of long distance canoeists. METHOD: A systematic sample of canoeists competing in four canoe marathons were interviewed. The interview included questions about the presence and severity of pain in the forearm and average training distances. Features of the paddles and canoes were determined. RESULTS: An average of 23% of the competitors in each race developed this condition. The incidence was significantly higher in the dominant than the nondominant hand but was unrelated to the type of canoe and the angle of the paddle blades. Canoeists who covered more than 100 km a week for eight weeks preceding the race had a significantly lower incidence of tenosynovitis than those who trained less. Environmental conditions during racing, including fast flowing water, high winds, and choppy waters, and the paddling techniques, especially hyperextension of the wrist during the pushing phase of the stroke, were both related to the incidence of tenosynovitis. CONCLUSION: Tenosynovitis is a common injury in long distance canoeists. The study suggests that development of tenosynovitis is not related to the equipment used, but is probably caused by difficult paddling conditions, in particular uneven surface conditions, which may cause an altered paddling style. However, a number of factors can affect canoeing style. Level of fitness and the ability to balance even a less stable canoe, thereby maintaining optimum paddling style without repeated eccentric loading of the forearm tendons to limit hyperextension of the wrist, would seem to be important.  (+info)

Hyperendemic focus of Q fever related to sheep and wind. (2/444)

Q fever is a worldwide zoonosis which is caused by Coxiella burnetii and presents as both acute or chronic cases. The disease can be transmitted from animal reservoirs to humans by the inhalation of infected aerosols. The authors investigated the epidemiology of Q fever in the Bouches-du-Rhone district of southern France. The study area was centered around the small town of Martigues near the cities of Marseille and Aix-en-Provence, where the incidence of the disease seemed higher than in neighboring areas. Epidemiologic data included sheep breeding and wind. Between 1990 and 1995, Q fever was diagnosed in 289 patients, leading to an incidence rate of 35.4 per 100,000 in the study area (range: 6-132), compared with 6.6 in the area of Marseille, and 11.4 in the area of Aix-en-Provence. There was a graphical and statistical relation between the sheep densities, the incidence of the disease, and the strong, local wind known as the Mistral, which blows from the northwest. Although Coxiella burnetii transmission is multifactorial, we may speculate that the high endemicity in the study area is related to a contamination by aerosols because the Mistral blows through the local steppe where 70,000 sheep are bred. This public health problem requires further studies in order to confirm this hypothesis, and to identify more individual and preventable risk factors.  (+info)

Shade and wind barrier effects on summertime feedlot cattle performance. (3/444)

In each of three summertime trials conducted over consecutive years, approximately 110 predominantly black and black-white-face steers were blocked by weight and randomly allotted to one of 16 pens in a 2x2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Factors consisted of cattle being fed in facilities with or without wind barriers and with or without shade. Steers were fed dry-rolled corn-based diets (1.43 Mcal/ kg, NEg). Mean starting date and days on feed were June 26 and 79, respectively. In unshaded areas, temperature and humidity averaged 21.6 degrees C and 77.9%, and the blackglobe-humidity index (BGHI) at 1500 averaged between 84.0 and 89.1. Each of four 6.1-x6.1-m structures (mean height = 3.4 m) with white steel roofs provided shade (2.65 m2/steer) for two pens. In facilities with wind barriers provided, airflow was reduced from the north and northwest by a 25-m-wide shelterbelt containing six rows of trees. For cattle fed in pens with wind barriers, shade increased (P<.05) gain from 0 to 56 d and decreased (P<.05) DMI/ADG from 0 to 28 d. Differences (P<.05) in performance were not found between shaded and unshaded cattle in any portion of the feeding period for cattle fed in the pens without wind barriers and over the entire feeding period in either type of facility. The shade response in pens with wind barriers seemed to be greater the 1st yr than in subsequent years. Differences in weather patterns among years, especially air temperature, humidity, and solar radiation, may partially explain this interaction. Also, in yr 1, cattle tended to have greater fat thickness at finish than in yr 2 and 3. Correlations between BGHI and DMI tended to be greater during the early portion of the trial (0 to 28 d) than over the entire trial. Correlations between the difference in BGHI under shade vs no shade and percentage of shade use had the greatest magnitude and were significant only in the first 28 d vs over the entire feeding period. Although no heat-related cattle deaths occurred in this study, results suggest that shade improves cattle performance in the summer when they are fed in facilities with winter wind protection available and have not become acclimated to hot conditions. Once cattle are acclimated or hot conditions subside, compensation by unshaded cattle offsets much of the initial benefits of providing shade.  (+info)

Heat balance when wearing protective clothing. (4/444)

This issue of the Annals of Occupational Hygiene is dedicated to the topic of heat stress evaluation. For this evaluation, several evaluation programs and international standards are available. In order to understand the reasoning and underlying theory behind these programs and standards, a basic knowledge of heat exchange processes between workers and their environment is needed. This paper provides an overview of the relevant heat exchange processes, and defines the relevant parameters (air and radiant temperature, humidity, wind speed, metabolic heat production and clothing insulation). Further it presents in more detail the relation between clothing material properties and properties of clothing ensembles made from those materials. The effects of clothing design, clothing fit, and clothing air permeability are discussed, and finally an overview of methods for the determination of clothing heat and vapour resistance is given.  (+info)

Clothing evaporative heat resistance--proposal for improved representation in standards and models. (5/444)

Clothing heat and vapour resistance are important inputs for standards and models dealing with thermal comfort, heat- and cold-stress. A vast database of static clothing heat resistance values is available, and this was recently expanded with correction equations to account for effects of movement and wind on the static value of heat resistance in order to obtain the dynamic heat resistance of clothing ensembles. For clothing vapour resistance, few data were available so far. Indices for vapour permeability (im) and reduction factors for vapour transfer (Fpcl) of clothing were used instead, using a relation between heat and vapour resistance to derive the clothing vapour resistance from the value for clothing heat resistance. This paper reviews the two commonly used approaches (im and Fpcl), as well as five alternative approaches to the problem. The different approaches were evaluated for their accuracy and their usability. The present paper shows that the currently used relations are not adequate when the wearer of the clothing starts moving, or is exposed to wind. Alternative approaches are shown to improve the determination of dynamic clothing vapour resistance, though some are thought to be too complex. An empirical description of the relation between the clothing permeability index (im) and the changes in clothing heat resistance due to wind and movement was selected as the most promising method for deriving clothing vapour resistance. For this method the user needs to know the static heat resistance, the static im value of the clothing and the wind- and movement-speed of the wearer. This method results in a predicted maximal decrease in clothing vapour resistance by 78%, when clothing heat resistance is reduced by 50%, which is consistent with theoretical expectations and available data.  (+info)

The effects of wind and human movement on the heat and vapour transfer properties of clothing. (6/444)

This paper integrates the research presented in the papers in this special issue of Holmer et al. and Havenith et al. [Holmer, I., Nilsson, H., Havenith, G., Parsons, K. C. (1999) Clothing convective heat exchange: proposal for improved prediction in standards and models. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, in press; Havenith, G., Holmer, I., den Hartog, E. and Parsons, K. C. (1999) Clothing evaporative heat resistance: proposal for improved representation in standards and models. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, in press] to provide a practical suggestion for improving existing clothing models so that they can account for the effects of wind and human movement. The proposed method is presented and described in the form of a BASIC computer program. Analytical methods (for example ISO 7933) for the assessment of the thermal strain caused by human exposure to hot environments require a mathematical quantification of the thermal properties of clothing. These effects are usually considered in terms of 'dry' thermal insulation and vapour resistance. This simple 'model' of clothing can account for the insulation properties of clothing which reduce heat loss (or gain) between the body and the environment and, for example, the resistance to the transfer of evaporated sweat from the skin, which is important for cooling the body in a hot environment. When a clothed person is exposed to wind, however, and when the person is active, there is a potentially significant limitation in the simple model of clothing presented above. Heat and mass transfer can take place between the microclimate (within clothing and next to the skin surface) and the external environment. The method described in this paper 'corrects' static values of clothing properties to provide dynamic values that take account of wind and human movement. It therefore allows a more complete representation of the effects of clothing on the heat strain of workers.  (+info)

The role of performance tests, manikins and test houses in defining clothing characteristics relevant to risk assessment. (7/444)

Clothing is an important determinant of human heat exchange and accordingly a critical factor for heat stress risk assessment. A large number of international standards exist concerning protective properties of clothing. However, few standards deal with ergonomic properties and requirements of clothing, making it difficult to evaluate the function of a clothing ensemble in terms of both protection and physiological strain or discomfort. The paper examines existing test methods and procedures for improvement of the situation. Much of the work are presently at research stages, but should in the near future be available for test houses and consumers.  (+info)

Effects of complex radiative and convective environments on the thermal biology of the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). (8/444)

The energy budgets of small endotherms are profoundly affected by characteristics of the physical environment such as wind speed, air temperature and solar radiation. Among these, solar radiation represents a potentially very large heat load to small animals and may have an important influence on their thermoregulatory metabolism and heat balance. In this investigation, we examined the interactive effects of wind speed and irradiance on body temperature, thermoregulatory metabolism and heat balance in the white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). We measured changes in metabolic heat production by exposing birds to different wind speeds (0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 m s(-1)) and irradiance combinations (<3 W m(-2) and 936+/-11 W m(-2); mean +/- s.d.) at an air temperature of 10 degrees C. Body temperature was not affected by wind speed, but was significantly higher in animals not exposed to simulated solar radiation compared with those exposed at most wind speeds. In the absence of solar radiation, metabolic heat production was strongly affected by wind speed and increased by 30 % from 122 to 159 W m(-2) as wind speed increased from 0.25 to 2.0 m s(-1). Metabolic heat production was even more strongly influenced by wind speed in the presence of simulated solar radiation and increased by 51% from 94 to 142 W m(-2) as wind speed increased from 0.25 to 2. 0 m s(-1). Solar heat gain was negatively correlated with wind speed and declined from 28 to 12 W m(-2) as wind speed increased from 0.25 to 2.0 m s(-1) and, at its maximum, equaled 11% of the radiation intercepted by the animal. The overall thermal impact of the various wind speed and irradiance combinations on the animal's heat balance was examined for each treatment. Under cold conditions, with no solar radiation present, an increase in wind speed from 0.25 to 2.0 m s(-1) was equivalent to a decrease in chamber air temperature of 12.7 degrees C. With simulated solar radiation present, a similar increase in wind speed was equivalent to a decrease in chamber air temperature of 16 degrees C. Overall, shifting environmental conditions from a wind speed of 0.25 m s(-1) and irradiance of 936 W m(-2) to a wind speed of 2.0 m s(-1) with no short-wave radiation present was equivalent to decreasing chamber air temperature by approximately 20 degrees C. The sensitivity to changes in the convective environment, combined with the complex effects of changes in irradiance levels revealed by re-analyzing data published previously, significantly complicates the task of estimating the heat balance of animals in nature.  (+info)

In medical terms, "wind" is not a widely used or recognized term. It might be used informally to describe symptoms such as abdominal bloating, rumbling, or the sensation of gas moving within the intestines. However, these sensations are more accurately described as related to bowel function and gas in the digestive tract. If you're experiencing persistent or severe symptoms that you're describing as "wind," it would be best to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation.

"Air movements" is not a medical term or concept. It generally refers to the movement or circulation of air, which can occur naturally (such as through wind) or mechanically (such as through fans or ventilation systems). In some contexts, it may refer specifically to the movement of air in operating rooms or other controlled environments for medical purposes. However, without more specific context, it is difficult to provide a precise definition or medical interpretation of "air movements."

"Energy-generating resources" is a broad term that refers to various methods and technologies used to convert different forms of energy into electricity or other useful forms. While there isn't a specific medical definition for this term, it is often discussed in the context of public health and environmental medicine due to its impact on air quality, climate change, and human health. Here are some examples of energy-generating resources:

1. Fossil fuels: These include coal, oil, and natural gas, which are non-renewable resources. They are burned to produce heat, which is then converted into electricity. The combustion process releases greenhouse gases and pollutants, contributing to climate change and air pollution-related health issues.
2. Nuclear power: This energy source involves the fission of atomic nuclei to generate heat, which is used to produce steam and drive turbines for electricity generation. While nuclear power itself does not emit greenhouse gases, it poses potential risks associated with radioactive waste disposal, accidents, and proliferation.
3. Renewable resources: These are sustainable energy sources that can be replenished naturally over time. Examples include solar power (photovoltaic or concentrated), wind power, hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, and biomass. These resources have lower environmental impacts and contribute less to air pollution and climate change compared to fossil fuels.
4. Hydrogen fuel cells: These devices convert chemical energy from hydrogen into electricity through an electrochemical reaction with oxygen or another oxidizing agent. They are clean energy sources, as the only byproducts are water and heat. However, the production of hydrogen can have environmental impacts depending on the method used (e.g., steam methane reforming vs. electrolysis powered by renewable energy).
5. Energy storage systems: While not a primary source of energy generation, energy storage technologies like batteries and capacitors play an essential role in optimizing the use of energy-generating resources. They can store excess energy produced during periods of low demand or high resource availability (e.g., solar power during the day) and release it during peak demand or resource scarcity, improving overall system efficiency and reducing the need for backup generation from fossil fuels.

In summary, "energy-generating resources" refer to various methods used to convert different forms of energy into electricity or other useful forms. The environmental and health impacts of these resources vary significantly, with renewable sources generally having lower impacts compared to fossil fuel-based options.

"Animal Flight" is not a medical term per se, but it is a concept that is studied in the field of comparative physiology and biomechanics, which are disciplines related to medicine. Animal flight refers to the ability of certain animal species to move through the air by flapping their wings or other appendages. This mode of locomotion is most commonly associated with birds, bats, and insects, but some mammals such as flying squirrels and sugar gliders are also capable of gliding through the air.

The study of animal flight involves understanding the biomechanics of how animals generate lift and propulsion, as well as the physiological adaptations that allow them to sustain flight. For example, birds have lightweight skeletons and powerful chest muscles that enable them to flap their wings rapidly and generate lift. Bats, on the other hand, use a more complex system of membranes and joints to manipulate their wings and achieve maneuverability in flight.

Understanding animal flight has important implications for the design of aircraft and other engineering systems, as well as for our broader understanding of how animals have evolved to adapt to their environments.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Radar" is not a medical term. Radar is an acronym that stands for Radio Detection and Ranging, which is a technology used in detecting the range, angle, or velocity of objects using radio waves. It is commonly used in various fields such as aviation, navigation, meteorology, and defense. If you have any medical terms you would like me to define, please let me know!

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "power plants" is not a term used in medical definitions. It is a term commonly used to refer to industrial facilities that generate and distribute power, typically in the form of electricity. If you have any questions related to medicine or health, I would be happy to try to help answer those!

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Renewable Energy" is not a term that has a medical definition. It is a concept in the field of energy policy and environmental science. Renewable energy refers to energy sources that are naturally replenished and can be harnessed without causing long-term damage to the environment. Examples include solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, and biomass. These energy sources are considered important for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "weather" is not a medical term. Weather refers to the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, including factors such as temperature, humidity, cloudiness, precipitation, and wind. If you have any questions about medical terms or concepts, I would be happy to try to help answer those for you!

Electric power supplies are devices that convert electrical energy from a source into a form suitable for powering various types of equipment or devices. They can include a wide range of products such as batteries, generators, transformers, and rectifiers. The main function of an electric power supply is to maintain a stable voltage and current to the load, despite variations in the input voltage or changes in the load's electrical characteristics.

In medical terminology, electric power supplies are used in various medical devices such as diagnostic equipment, therapeutic machines, and monitoring systems. They provide a reliable source of power to these devices, ensuring their proper functioning and enabling accurate measurements and treatments. In some cases, medical power supplies may also include features such as uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems or emergency power-off functions to ensure patient safety in the event of a power failure or other electrical issues.

Airflow Climatology Wind advisory Wind engineering List of local winds North wind South wind West wind East wind JetStream ( ... Wind speeds during downslope wind effect can exceed 160 kilometers per hour (99 mph). Wind shear, sometimes referred to as wind ... In Central America, examples include the Papagayo wind, the Panama wind, and the Tehuano wind. In Europe, similar winds are ... Winds that flow over mountains down into lower elevations are known as downslope winds. These winds are warm and dry. In Europe ...
... includes the single "Change Myself" and was Rundgren's final album on a major label until 2004's Liars. As with its ... 2nd Wind is the thirteenth album by American musician Todd Rundgren, released in 1991 on Warner Bros. Records. It reached ... "Todd Rundgren - 2nd Wind review". AllMusic. All Media Network. Retrieved 2015-09-27. Quantick, David (March 2012). "Todd ... In 2002, Image Entertainment released a DVD entitled The 2nd Wind Recording Sessions, which detailed the making of the album, ...
A wind organ is a musical instrument designed to be 'played' by the wind. Designs of wind organs vary depending on the artist ... when the wind blows against them, similar to the way wire fences vibrate in the wind. v t e (Articles with short description, ... Some are made of hollow receptacles that sound as the wind blows across their mouths while others are constructed from taut ... Wind-activated musical instruments, All stub articles, Aerophone instrument stubs). ...
... is a 178 Megawatt wind farm in the American state of Kansas. The farm is situated on 15,000 acres of privately owned ... Kansas portal Weather portal Renewable energy portal Wind power in Kansas Wind power in the United States KAKE News (2016-10-24 ... "Microsoft will buy power from Bloom Wind farm near Dodge City , The Wichita Eagle". Retrieved 2016-11-16. Official ... "Microsoft Ups The Ante in Wind Power". Retrieved 2016-11-16. Voorhisdvoorhis, Dan. " ...
"Wind song" is a popular song by Ruslana (winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2004). Ruslana performed the song during the ...
"Wind Tre - Tre". Retrieved 4 September 2019. "Wind Tre - Wind Tre Business". Retrieved 4 ... "Wind Tre Business". Retrieved 18 June 2017. "Wind Tre - Wind". Retrieved 4 September 2019. " ... owner of Wind) was completed. The project envisaged the merger of Wind Telecomunicazioni S.p.A. and H3G S.p.A. into Wind Tre S. ... "Wind Tre - Board and Shareholder Structure". Retrieved 4 September 2019. "Wind Tre is ready, the first mobile ...
Informatie over Harmen Wind bij Tresoar/Sirkwy Harmen Wind op Teake Oppewal: 'Levensbericht. Harmen Wind'. In: ... Harmen Wind (Leeuwarden, 24 December 1945 - Doesburg, 1 October 2010) was a Dutch poet and writer. Wind grew up in Oldeboorn ... On 30 November 2015, Wind's poems, along with Albertina Soepboer, Arjen Hut, Bartle Lavermann, Sannemaj Betten, Wilco Berga, A ...
... is a phenomenon in endurance sports, such as marathons or road running (as well as other sports), whereby an ... A "third wind" phenomenon is also seen in GSD-V individuals, where after approximately 2 hours, they see a further improvement ... Second-wind phenomena in metabolic disorders such as McArdle's disease are attributed to this metabolic switch and the same or ... Others claim second winds are due to endorphin production. Heavy breathing during exercise also provides cooling for the body. ...
... may refer to: Black Wind (Cussler novel), a 2004 Dirk Pitt novel by Clive Cussler and Dirk Cussler Black Wind (F. ... a 1965 Mexican film Black Wind, the translation of Machin Shin, an entity in the Wheel of Time series "Black Wind", an episode ... Paul Wilson novel), a novel by F. Paul Wilson Black Wind (film), ... page lists articles associated with the title Black Wind. If an ...
... the result was never accepted due to wind assistance problems. The wind gauge did show a legal tail wind of 1.2 m/s, but this ... wind assistance is the benefit that an athlete receives during a race or event as registered by a wind gauge. Wind is one of ... Other wind-assisted series from Arles were recorded in 1987 and 2006. There is no wind speed rule for road events, but the ... He succeeded, and the wind had died down to only +0.3, enough to record a legal wind for the record as well. In a later ...
A Japanese Fūrin wind chime A set of small wind chimes Wind chimes in Nagano, Japan Old hard disk platters used as a wind chime ... Stoneware wind chimes are also more durable and able to resist stronger winds without suffering chipping or damage. A wind ... Wikimedia Commons has media related to Wind chimes. How To Design Your Own Wind Chimes Wind Chimes Sound Generator (Online) ( ... Wind chimes are thought to be good luck in parts of Asia and are used in Feng Shui. Wind chimes started to become modernized ...
Field recordings of wind are featured on the album. Elverum used distorted cymbals to emulate the sound of wind. The theme of ... These include the "voice of...wind", himself and a combination of them. Wind is represented on the album as "River" The symbol/ ... "Wind's Poem - Mount Eerie". AllMusic. Retrieved August 9, 2011. Gumshoe. "Mount Eerie - Wind's Poem". Tiny Mix Tapes. Retrieved ... Elverum described the central theme of the album as wind. Specifically its "destruction-and-rebirth cycle", "wind as an example ...
Balanced wind Geostrophic current Thermal wind Gradient wind Prevailing winds "geostrophic". Unabridged (Online ... The true wind almost always differs from the geostrophic wind due to other forces such as friction from the ground. Thus, the ... This explains why high-pressure system winds radiate out from the center of the system, while low-pressure systems have winds ... ISBN 978-0-12-384867-3. Geostrophic approximation Definition of geostrophic wind Geostrophic wind description (Articles with ...
... (シャイニング・ウィンド, Shainingu Windo) is an action role-playing game developed by Nextech and published by Sega for the ... An anime adaptation of the two games, called Shining Tears X Wind, began airing in early April 2007. Like Shining Tears, the ... "IGN: Shining Wind Preview". 2006-09-24. Retrieved 2007-04-26. (Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from September 2013, All ... The main characters from Shining Tears appear in Shining Wind as well. ...
... was a Canadian progressive rock band from the province of Québec formed in 1983. Stephen Geysens - keyboards, ... "Biographie de Visible Wind". Visible Wind. Retrieved 4 July 2016. (Articles with short description, ...
... Rockfish Gap, Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia Wind gap opened by an ancient stream on a Karstic terrain in the Ciudad ... A wind gap (or air gap) is a gap through which a waterway once flowed that is now dry as a result of stream capture. A water ... Examples of wind gaps in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia include Swift Run Gap, Rockfish Gap, and Buford's Gap. The last ... Water gaps and wind gaps often provide routes which, due to their gently inclined profile, are suitable for trails, roads, and ...
New Winds, chestnut filly, 2016, by New Approach. Won two races. "West Wind pedigree". Equineline. "Machiavellian Stud Record ... West Wind is a chestnut mare with a white star and a white sock on her left hind leg bred in England, by her owner Sheikh ... West Wind ran a beautiful race. The trainer was very sweet on her before the race and she quickened beautifully as soon as I ... West Wind was unraced as a juvenile and began her racing career in the Prix Nikellora over 1600 metres on very soft ground at ...
The Wind Wand is constructed out of fibreglass and carbon fibre. It weighs around 900 kg and has a diameter of 200 mm. The Wind ... "Our Wind Wand". Archived from the original on 18 November 2009. Retrieved 15 December 2009. "Wind wand returns ... The red fibreglass tube stands vertical in still air, but bends in the wind. On 17 September 2017, the Wind Wand was struck by ... The Wind Wand is a 48-metre kinetic sculpture located in New Plymouth, New Zealand. The sculpture includes a 45-metre tube of ...
... may refer to Golden Wind (manga), the fifth part of the manga series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure JoJo's Bizarre ... a Hong Kong cargo ship in service during 1966 The Golden Wind, a historical novel by L. Sprague de Camp, 1969 Golden Wind Zen ... Adventure: Golden Wind, an anime adaptation of the manga series MV Golden Wind, ... Order, an American Zen Buddhist Order This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Golden Wind. If an ...
Official Myspace S.L.U. Official Myspace Dandi Wind (Interview) Dandi Wind discography Dandi Wind - Bait the Traps (Articles ... "NME artists - Dandi Wind". NME. Archived from the original on 2011-06-04. Retrieved 2011-06-20. "Dandi Wind - Yolk of the ... "Dandi Wind Blows-Off Shanghai Date". Retrieved 2022-02-21. "Fan Death". Issuu. Retrieved 2022-02-21. "Dandi Wind ... "Dandi Wind Blows Out Of Town". The Georgia Straight. Retrieved 2011-06-20. "Dandi Wind - Refined Chaos". Trash Menagerie. ...
In the 1980s, Jacobs Wind Electric Co. partnered with Control Data to develop a new line of wind energy systems capable of ... A significant number were installed in pioneering wind farms in Hawaii and California.[citation needed] Jacobs wind systems ... Jacobs Wind Electric Company Marcellus Jacobs biography (PDF) Righter, p.95 Robert Righter, Wind Energy in America. Norman, ... Inc Wind Turbine Industries - SERI Archive film, interview Wind-Works - Photos, details many Jacobs ...
East wind North wind West wind Southerly Sirocco Skilling, Tom (18 April 2016). "Ask Tom: Could you explain wind direction ... A south wind is a wind that originates in the south and blows in a northward direction. Words used in English to describe the ... In Roman mythology the south wind was represented by Auster. In Egyptian mythology, Shehbui is the god of the south wind.[ ... a cold south wind blowing into Brazil from the Antarctic), khamsin (a hot spring wind in Egypt, with various spellings), kona ( ...
An east wind is a wind that originates in the east and blows in a westward direction. This wind is referenced as symbolism in ... " ("East Wind"), a German anti-aircraft vehicle from the Second World War North wind Polar easterlies South wind West wind ... There's an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson, and a ... "In Minas Tirith they endure the East Wind, but they do not ask it for tidings. ..." An east wind is referred in Bleak House by ...
... drift across Europe following the north wind. West wind East wind South wind Dzungarian Gate "North Wind Mask (Negakfok)". The ... A north wind is a wind that originates in the north and blows in a southward direction. The north wind has had historical and ... the north wind is a hot wind which often leads to bushfires. In Greek mythology, Boreas was the god of the north wind and ... The North wind plays a part in the Norwegian fable "East of the sun and west of the moon" as the only wind capable of helping a ...
"US Wind plans 1.2GW offshore wind farm off Maryland". Retrieved 28 November 2021. "Momentum Wind". ... "Maryland PSC Gives Go-Ahead to US Wind, Deepwater Wind Projects". Offshore Wind. May 11, 2017. Archived from the original on ... In 2014 US Wind won the auction for a 25-year leases for both Wind Energy Areas (WEA) in Maryland established by the BOEM with ... US Wind is an offshore wind energy development company founded in 2011 that is a subsidiary of Italy-based Renexia SpA, part of ...
... may refer to: MSI Wind Netbook, a laptop computer MSI Wind PC, a desktop computer This disambiguation page lists ... articles associated with the title MSI Wind. If an internal link led you here, you may wish to change the link to point ...
... the solar wind), Axford suggested the term "polar wind." The idea for the polar wind originated with the desire to solve the ... caused by the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's atmosphere. The solar wind ionizes gas molecules in the upper ... The polar wind or plasma fountain is a permanent outflow of plasma from the polar regions of Earth's magnetosphere, ... Plasma fountain Source, press release: Carlowicz, Mike; "Solar Wind Squeezes Some of Earth's Atmosphere into Space", December ...
... was built in 1815 by Edward McCarty and his sons and is the oldest building in Keyser. The structure played an ...
"Jonas Wind". Vfl Wolfsburg. Retrieved 1 September 2022. Jonas Wind at Soccerway. Retrieved 4 June 2021. "Jonas Wind årets KB- ... He is the son of former goalkeeper Per Wind. Wind began his career in Avedøre IF in 2007 and moved to Rosenhøj Boldklub in 2010 ... On 19th August 2023, Wind scored 2 goals in a 2-0 home win against Heidenheim. On 7 October 2020, Wind made his international ... "Wind, Jonas". National Football Teams. Benjamin Strack-Zimmermann. Retrieved 17 June 2021. "Wind, Jonas". National Football ...
In common usage, wind gradient, more specifically wind speed gradient or wind velocity gradient, or alternatively shear wind, ... Wind shear is certainly felt because the wind speed at the masthead will be higher than at deck level. Thus gusts of wind can ... also known as wind gradient. Typically, due to aerodynamic drag, there is a wind gradient in the wind flow, especially in the ... If the pilot runs into the wind gradient as he is turning into the wind, there will obviously be less wind across the lower ...
Wind Energy Areas off Every Coast: The Department of the Interior (DOI) released a first-ever offshore wind leasing strategy, ... Responsible and Efficient Permitting: DOI approved the nations first large-scale offshore wind projects, Vineyard Wind and ... FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Continues to Advance American Offshore Wind Opportunities * Home ... Floating Offshore Wind Targets: Deep-water areas that require floating platforms are home to two-thirds of Americas offshore ...
Airflow Climatology Wind advisory Wind engineering List of local winds North wind South wind West wind East wind JetStream ( ... Wind speeds during downslope wind effect can exceed 160 kilometers per hour (99 mph). Wind shear, sometimes referred to as wind ... In Central America, examples include the Papagayo wind, the Panama wind, and the Tehuano wind. In Europe, similar winds are ... Winds that flow over mountains down into lower elevations are known as downslope winds. These winds are warm and dry. In Europe ...
Dream, Design, Deliver with 3M™ VHB™ Flame Retardant Tape 5958FR. It is a black, 0.040 in (1.0 mil) modified acrylic adhesive with a very conformable, foam core. The fast and easy to use permanent bonding method provides high strength, long-term durability and is flame retardant. It offers design flexibility with its viscoelasticity and powerful ability to bond to a variety of surfaces.
2nd Wind includes the single "Change Myself" and was Rundgrens final album on a major label until 2004s Liars. As with its ... 2nd Wind is the thirteenth album by American musician Todd Rundgren, released in 1991 on Warner Bros. Records. It reached ... "Todd Rundgren - 2nd Wind review". AllMusic. All Media Network. Retrieved 2015-09-27. Quantick, David (March 2012). "Todd ... In 2002, Image Entertainment released a DVD entitled The 2nd Wind Recording Sessions, which detailed the making of the album, ...
Is a new wind energy development right for your community?. Utility-scale wind energy projects are being sited on rural lands ... Planning for Wind Energy, produced by the American Planning Association, is an in-depth report of wind energy development and ... Sample Zoning for Wind Energy Systems, produced by Michigan State University Extension as part of the Land Use Series, includes ... Wind turbines provide clean energy primarily through utility-scale projects in rural communities. The past few decades have ...
SolarAero recently unveiled a new bladeless wind turbine that offers several advantages over current wind turbines... ... Wind turbines transform moving air currents into clean energy; there isnt much to hate about that, especially... ... TU Delft and Mecanoo Unveil New Bladeless Bird-Friendly Wind Turbine Design. *Lidija Grozdanic ... Researchers at TU Delft recently teamed up with Dutch architecture firm Mecanoo to design a bird-friendly wind... ...
The national Spanish wind energy industry began exporting its wind generators by forming contracts for the erection of wind ... Aerial view of a wind farm in Spain. A wind farm in a mountainous area in Galicia, Spain. Spain is one of the countries with ... Wind power industry[edit]. A 2005 report showed the Spanish wind energy sector hosting the involvement of over 500 companies, ... Iberdrola Plans Six Offshore Wind Projects *^ Toke, D; et al. (2007). "Wind power development outcomes: How can we account for ...
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Epoxy Adhesive 2216 is a high-performance, general-purpose epoxy adhesive made to stand up to demanding conditions and environments, such as in the transportation, construction, general aerospace, and appliance repair industries. Its high-strength formula is designed to perform with long-lasting results in conditions involving shock, vibration, and flexing, among other thermal elements. A wide range of substrates can be used with this epoxy to provide a secure bond including, metals, masonry, ceramic, glass, metal, and most plastics, and more. 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Epoxy Adhesive 2216 is easy to use, requiring an even mixture of parts A and B and providing product consistency that minimizes dripping and product loss, while providing self-leveling. The working time is 120 minutes, allowing for correct product placement, repositioning, or adjustments. This epoxy will cure in approximately seven days at 75 °F (24 °C) or in 60 minutes when heat curing is used at a temperature of 200
"Dark Winds: Season 1 (2022)". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved June 16, 2022.. *^ "Dark Winds: Season 1". Metacritic. Retrieved June ... "Dark Winds: Season 2 (2023)". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved July 31, 2023.. *^ "Dark Winds: Season 2". Metacritic. Retrieved July ... "Dark Winds (2021-2022)". Writers Guild of America West. February 1, 2022. Retrieved May 18, 2022.. ... Dark Winds is an American psychological thriller television series created by Graham Roland based on the Leaphorn & Chee novel ...
UD Professor Jeremy Firestone describes teaching wind energy science and discussing policy in Iceland ... Q: Does Iceland currently have a robust wind-energy sector?. Firestone: It does not. Iceland has only two wind turbines at ... Regarding offshore wind, it has barely been discussed. It has mostly been discussions around wind energy on land. I did, ... At hub height, one would expect the wind speed to be greater. And as there is a cubic relationship between wind speed and power ...
... wind farms and wind-powered buildings and developments. ... about wind power in architecture and design including wind ... Wind Catching Systems designs giant floating wind farm with 117 turbines. Norwegian company Wind Catching Systems is developing ... Wind power *. Pioneering wind-powered cargo ship charts course for greener shipping. A Mitsubishi Corporation cargo ship has ... O-Wind Turbine captures energy even in the middle of dense cities. An omnidirectional wind turbine that works in the middle of ...
"Utilizing reanalysis and synthesis datasets in wind resource characterization for large-scale wind integration", Wind ... C. N. Elkinton, Manwell, J. F., and McGowan, J. G., "Algorithms for offshore wind farm layout optimization", Wind Engineering, ... "American Wind Energy Association, Washington, DC (United States), 1995.. I. E Baring-Gould, Green, H. J., V van Dijk, A. P., ... "Limitations and recommendations regarding the Shinozuka method for simulating wind data", Wind engineering, vol. 15, pp. 147- ...
... wind power station; wind park; windfarm; windpark; wind power plant; energia eólica offshore; Wind farm; СЦС,/nowiki, ... Central part of Tehachapi Wind Resource Area (Alta Wind Energy Center, Tehachapi Pass wind farm), California - satellite image. ... ZephIR 150 wind lidar deployed for wind farm development.jpg 1,134 × 756; 629 KB. ... Media in category "Wind farms". The following 79 files are in this category, out of 79 total. ...
Join the boy scouts in their newest adventure of treasure hunting to free Wind Peaks of a poisonous spell. ... Wind Peaks 2 continues the magical adventures of the boy scouts group, in this chapter find out what happened to the kids, hunt ... Join the boy scouts in their newest adventure of treasure hunting to free Wind Peaks of a poisonous spell. ...
Wind Directions. As of 2014, Wind Directions is no longer being published.. Wind Directions was published four times a year by ... About the European Wind Energy Association. EWEA is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting wind power in Europe and ... Wind Directions highlighted the benefits of wind power and positioned it as the leading technology in transforming the global ... It had been reporting on the wind industry since 1978 and has over 27,000 subscribers in the wind industry. ...
As more wind farms arise, researchers strive to save wildlife from deadly collisions with turbines. ... Pilot Hill Wind Project. Recently, the system also was deployed by Kawailoa Wind, the state of Hawaiis largest wind farm, ... Shifting Winds. As more wind farms arise, researchers strive to save wildlife-especially raptors and bats-from deadly ... During the past decade, the United States more than tripled its wind energy capacity, and wind now supplies more than 6 percent ...
Offshore Wind Outlook 2019 - Analysis and key findings. A report by the International Energy Agency. ... Offshore wind is set for robust growth in the EU, with current policies aiming to multiply offshore wind capacity by 4 over the ... Offshore wind output varies according to the strength of the wind, but its hourly variability is lower than that of solar PV. ... Offshore wind is in a category of its own, as the only variable baseload power generation technology. New offshore wind ...
Wind chimes are made from various materials including wood, metal or glass, and over time become coated from outdoor dirt and ... Wind chimes provide a charming melody as they tinkle lazily in the wind. ... Wind chimes provide a charming melody as they tinkle lazily in the wind. Wind chimes are made from various materials including ... Wipe the wax over the metal areas of the wind chimes to help reduce surface water spots. Place the wind chimes back in their ...
Ed Lenz built a DIY vertical wind turbine on his roof and it provides about 10 percent of his houses power needs. Heres how ... Ed Lenzs house is pretty hard to miss-its the one with a home-built vertical-axis wind turbine on the roof. A career tinkerer ... The slow-turning vertical-axis design is most efficient in gusts of 6 to 20 mph, so its ideal for relatively low-wind areas ... How it works: As the wind turns the wings, magnets in the alternator spin, generating voltage in the wire coils. The current ...
Learn all about East Wind both on screen and in comics! ... East Wind tracked her along with the South and West Winds ... the East Wind let his throwing stars fly which inadvertently led to South Winds death. Once the West Wind filled the room with ... The ninja known as the East Wind belongs to an ancient order called the Four Winds, serving their spiritual leader the Master ... Moments after Elektra left, East Wind was questioned by Shang-Chi and swore the Four Winds would rise again. ...
Get the latest wind info from our tech-obsessed editors with breaking news, in-depth reviews, hands-on videos, and our insights ... Googles DeepMind can predict wind patterns a day in advance. DeepMind knows which way the wind blows ... wind. *. Hard sail test hits the high seas, aiming to reduce cargo ship emissions by 30 percent. The Pyxis Ocean is currently ... Strong winds and clear skies help set UK renewable energy record. On Wednesday, over half of the UKs energy was provided by ...
Navigate your oriental ship safely across the many table-top seas using two hand-fans to influence the wind. Steer enemy ships ... Title: Child of the Wind. Genre: Action, Casual, Indie, Strategy. Developer: Freetale ... Child of the Wind has been developed from the ground up for Virtual Reality to create the most enjoyable experience possible. ... Harness the influence of the winds using your hand-fans to steer your ship out of harms way and smash enemy ships against the ...
Collectively, hydroelectric dams, wind farms, gas-recovery plants and other renewable energy projects are the major attraction ... Not only are most wind turbines located in remote, fiberless outposts, they are also tall and noisy. Technicians climb up and ... And so, Teo and Berglectric began outfitting a couple of wind farms in Klickitat County on the Columbia River Gorge with ... Of course, with a communications solution engineered and ready to deploy, we hope that more wind farm projects are encouraged ...
The brilliant LA Philharmonic Wind Quintet returns to the Utzon Room with an entertaining dance-infused program. ... Hear the LA Philharmonic Wind Quintet perform treasures of the wind quintet repertoire including French master Jean Françaixs ... The LA Phil Wind Quintet is excited to reunite with our Australian audiences in Sydney and cant wait to share a very special ... Jean Francaix Wind Quintet No. 1. Ross Edwards Incantations. Valerie Coleman Tzigane. Leonard Bernstein West Side Story ...
... which consists of 76 wind turbines, up to 120 km of cable routes and 2 offshore substations, located 28 km north of the Polish ... The planned project is the Baltic Power Offshore Wind Farm and connection infrastructure, ... The planned project is the Baltic Power Offshore Wind Farm and connection infrastructure, which consists of 76 wind turbines, ... The purpose of the planned project is to generate electricity using a renewable energy source - wind - with a total installed ...
Anemonen im Wind. by Tamara McKinley , category Literature & Fiction , This book has not been rated. ISBN: 3838711688 Books ...
The consulting and certification teams contribute to a successful growth of global wind energy. ... Meteorology for wind energy training course. Offshore Wind Financing in Poland. Offshore Wind Interactive Training Course. ... Wind farm projects & investment risk training course. Wind Turbine Power Performance IEC 61400-12-1 training course. Wind ... A guide to wind farm performance optimization. APQP4Wind Academy. Asset Management for Wind Farm Owners training course. Bottom ...
PRNewswire/ -- Wound Healing Partnering 2009-2014 report provides understanding and access to the wound healing partnering ... Trends in wound healing partnering deals. -Top wound healing deals by value. -Deals listed by company A-Z, industry sector, ... The leading wound healing deals by value since 2009. In Wound Healing Partnering 2009-2014, the available deals are listed by: ... Wound Healing Partnering 2009-2014 is intended to provide the reader with an in-depth understanding and access to wound healing ...
New animation shows how a wind turbine turns wind energy into electricity using the aerodynamic force from the rotor blades. ... The Power of Wind. Wind turbines harness the wind-a clean, free, and widely available renewable energy source-to generate ... About the Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) About the Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) * Careers at WETO Careers at ... A wind turbine turns wind energy into electricity using the aerodynamic force from the rotor blades, which work like an ...
Wind Energy Center. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. University of Massachusetts Amherst. 160 Governors Drive. Amherst, ...
  • Wind turbine service technicians maintain and repair wind turbines. (
  • Wind turbine technicians often monitor turbines from the ground. (
  • Wind turbine service technicians, also known as windtechs , maintain and repair wind turbines. (
  • Windtechs maintain and fix the components of wind turbines, large mechanical structures that convert wind energy into electricity. (
  • Lower costs, cheaper wind turbines and hurricane safe. (
  • Offshore wind turbines could soon provide more electricity for Germany - to the tune of 1,610 megawatts (MW). (
  • In June 2020, Virginia became the first state in the nation to stand offshore wind turbines in federal waters. (
  • In addition to tremendous job opportunities, offshore wind turbines made and constructed with American parts and labor also deliver significant cost savings. (
  • Early concept for offshore wind turbines! (
  • Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into useful form, such as electricity, using wind turbines. (
  • Currently, I am an aerodynamic & aeroacoustics design engineer at Siemens Wind Power A/S (DK), working in R&D projects related to outer shape blade design, aeroacoustics modeling applied to wind turbines and rotor performance validation which also involve some wind tunnel testing. (
  • The present largest wind turbines have a capacity of 5-6 MW. (
  • Scientists have now presented the first design basis for developing mega wind turbines of 20 MW. (
  • Following five years of research at the joint European project UpWind, led by Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, the Technical University of Denmark (Risø DTU), scientists have now presented the first design basis for developing mega wind turbines of 20 MW. (
  • The researchers focused on the main components in wind turbines to find answers to two fundamental questions: Is it technically possible to build a 20 megawatt wind turbine? (
  • The overall conclusion we can draw from the UpWind project is that if you built a 20 MW wind turbine based on existing technologies and methods, it will be 15-20 percent more expensive than today's wind turbines. (
  • Risø DTU and DTU Mechanical Engineering has significantly contributed in the development of aeroelastic design methods for wind turbines of up to 20 MW. (
  • Should we introduce these innovations to existing wind turbines, they would probably be more expensive, but if they are implemented on very large turbines the savings from load reductions probably would be competitive. (
  • It will open up new opportunities to gain insights into the wind turbulence, which affects wind turbines. (
  • Next, they added industry-standard 1.5-megawatt wind turbines across each parcel (excluding unfriendly terrain such as steep hills, forests, and urban areas) in the model and estimated each parcel's energy output. (
  • The potential output of 1.5 MW wind turbines is shown as a percentage of maximum output over time. (
  • The plan is to dot the empty seascape with wind turbines that could reach 800 feet into the sky, helping to power up to 500,000 homes with renewable, clean green energy. (
  • It reverses a move by the Tories to end support for onshore wind to appeal to communities who opposed turbines in their areas, which prompted widespread criticism that they were curbing the cheapest form of clean energy. (
  • To fully unleash the full potential of onshore wind, we would also encourage the Government to also review planning rules so that applications for new onshore wind turbines in England face a fair and reasonable local planning process and are treated in the same way as other renewable or low carbon energy projects. (
  • In 2012, low quality turbines and delayed grid connections wasted as much of China's wind power potential as forced outages. (
  • NOTE: Health professionals should see Emergency Wound Management for Healthcare Professionals . (
  • Seek immediate medical care if a wound develops redness, swelling, or oozing or other signs of working infection such as fever, increasing pain, shortness of breath, fast heart rate, or confusion or disorientation, high heart rate. (
  • After the wound is clean, your doctor will apply a dressing to keep the wound moist, which promotes healing, and help prevent infection. (
  • Cruse PJ, Foord R. The epidemiology of wound infection. (
  • Shaving of hair is not necessary, and may increase the chance of wound infection. (
  • Puncture wounds can carry bits of clothing and debris into wound resulting in infection. (
  • If germs get into a wound, infection can set in. (
  • Researchers have invented a nano-thin superbug-slaying material that could one day be integrated into wound dressings and implants to prevent or heal bacterial infections. (
  • If wound infections develop, see "Guidance for Management of Wound Infections" (see below). (
  • Most wound infections are due to staphylococci and streptococci. (
  • Incision and drainage of any subcutaneous collections of pus (abscesses) is also an important component of treating wound infections. (
  • Few studies have analysed the bacterial pathogenesis of infections associated with war-wound in the Eastern Mediterranean region. (
  • The study found that this portable approach offered 74% accuracy in wound assessment, including 100% sensitivity and 91% specificity in detecting infected wounds. (
  • A wound care center, or clinic, is a medical facility for treating wounds that do not heal. (
  • Then again, says McElroy, China is already aggressively upgrading its power grids to link remote hydropower projects with population centers - a process that could expand to distributing massive generation from notoriously unpredictable wind farms. (
  • Wind power, like solar power, is finally cheaper than fossil fuels, but there aren't enough wind farms to supply. (
  • In a bid to clamp down on the NIMBY ("not in my backyard") opposition to wind farms, international design collective. (
  • WASHINGTON - Geronimo Wind Energy recently won regulators' permission to build two wind farms in Minnesota. (
  • Without the credit, experts believe investors will be reluctant to put money into building wind farms, customers will be leery of signing long-term contacts to buy electricity from them and companies making parts for giant windmills will go out of business in states like Iowa, Colorado and Minnesota. (
  • In Minnesota, 13 wind farms proposed by nine companies have state-approved site permits but lack an important ingredient to begin construction -- a buyer for the power. (
  • Right now, the PTC is the immediate thing that is holding our projects up,' said John Ihle, founder of PlainStates Energy, a renewable energy developer based in Breckenridge, Minn., that has approval from the state to build three wind farms in Otter Tail, Todd and Pope counties. (
  • Great River Energy, the state's No.2 power producer, recently projected no need for new power plants, including wind farms, until the next decade. (
  • With the tax credit, new wind farms can profitably sell electricity to utilities at 4 cents to 6 cents per kilowatt hour, industry officials say. (
  • This morning we're reading about wind energy and farms. (
  • 2.) BP cuts ribbon on giant U.S. wind farms . (
  • In the U.K., Nick Boles told John Hayes, a fellow Conservative, that "local people have genuine concerns" and "wind farms are not appropriate in all settings. (
  • The modeling reveals extensive regions, concentrated in northern and western China, where much energy can be generated at costs similar to the government-set energy rates earned by established wind farms, which range from 0.38 to 0.55 Chinese yuan (6 cents to 8 cents) per kilowatt-hour (kwh). (
  • For one thing, 0.516 Chinese yuan is at the low end of the tariffs for future wind farms that China's National People's Congress approved last month. (
  • In fact, the Global Wind Energy Council says China's underdeveloped transmission system is already an impediment, delaying the start of energy production from new wind farms. (
  • A surcharge of 0.001-0.002 Chinese yuan per kWh that Chinese consumers pay to support integration of renewable energy barely covers the direct cost of patching wind farms into the grids. (
  • If towers only were built at depths comparable to those already achieved elsewhere in offshore wind farms, the lakes' wind potential would be closer to 100 GW--still a prodigious amount. (
  • Duke Energy, TotalEnergies To Develop New Massive Offshore Wind Farms off N.C. (
  • Consultancy OWC is set to research cable landfall and onshore constraint issues related to the expected growth in new offshore wind farms in the US. (
  • It will explore the potential for coordinating use of transmission to enable multiple offshore wind farms to use the same landfall location and potentially the same onshore cable corridor. (
  • Tories ban on new onshore wind farms finally lifted to allow new renewable energy revolution. (
  • A block on onshore wind and solar farms is to be lifted to help tackle climate change, the government has confirmed. (
  • Since 2015, onshore wind projects - along with solar farms - have been prevented from competing with other technologies in auctions to secure contracts that pay an agreed price for electricity low carbon power schemes. (
  • Using data from 2012, they conclude that delays in connecting new wind farms to the grid, low-quality equipment, and deliberate favoring of coal power over wind by grid operators are each about equally at fault. (
  • Here the Harvard-Tsinghua team is projecting backward, using statistical methods to understand why China's wind farms delivered 39 terawatt-hours less energy in 2012 than their U.S. counterparts despite having 15 gigawatts greater generating capacity. (
  • Instead, they found that lower wind turbine quality, greater delays in connecting wind farms to the grid, and more frequent deliberate curtailment of wind farm output each reduced Chinese output by more than 19 terawatt-hours relative to its potential in 2012. (
  • 19 TWh is alot of energy - 50 percent more than what all of California's wind farms deliver today. (
  • Your provider may use one or multiple types of dressings as your wound heals. (
  • Artificial skin -- a "fake skin" that covers the wound for days at a time as it heals. (
  • Too much scarring can cause problems after a wound heals. (
  • I know it's normal for there to be redness as the wound heals but I'm not sure what the white middle part is. (
  • This tissue must be removed to help your wound heal. (
  • Importantly, cells with variations of GSDMB found in some people with IBD were not able to heal the artificial wound. (
  • This microscopic image shows stem cells (stained green) migrating into a mouse skin wound to heal it. (
  • If you have a wound that won't heal, talk with your doctor. (
  • The median annual wage for wind turbine technicians was $57,320 in May 2022. (
  • Employment of wind turbine technicians is projected to grow 45 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations. (
  • Wind turbine technicians held about 11,200 jobs in 2022. (
  • Our first three Spring 2022 Wind Energy Fellows Seminar Series talks have been posted to the Wind Energy Center YouTube channel here . (
  • Professor Matthew Lackner discusses the future of offshore wind energy and the technical developments, advantages, and challenges of this resource during this lecture as part of the historic Newport Art Museum's Winter Speaker Series on February 12, 2022, as described in the Newport Daily News . (
  • Harvard University and Tsinghua University researchers merged meteorological and wind-turbine modeling to map China's wind-energy potential. (
  • Harvard University and Tsinghua University researchers parse the causes of China's wind energy gap in a report today in the journal Nature Energy . (
  • Winds occur on a range of scales, from thunderstorm flows lasting tens of minutes, to local breezes generated by heating of land surfaces and lasting a few hours, to global winds resulting from the difference in absorption of solar energy between the climate zones on Earth. (
  • energy content, or wind energy. (
  • Globally, the two major driving factors of large-scale wind patterns (the atmospheric circulation) are the differential heating between the equator and the poles (difference in absorption of solar energy leading to buoyancy forces) and the rotation of the planet. (
  • With its Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project, Virginia is also in line to be home to the nation's largest offshore wind project - bringing 2,600 megawatts of clean energy to over 650,000 homes by 2026. (
  • Wind energy boasts a national record of avoiding 189 million tons of CO2 emissions since 2001(3). (
  • Offshore wind energy in Virginia will improve public health and wellness, and confront the climate crisis head-on. (
  • View the latest videos featuring faculty, alumni and students affiliated with the University of Massachusetts Amherst Wind Energy Center at the College of Engineering. (
  • In this webinar hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy's WINDExchange initiative, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Professor Sanjay Arwade discusses seafloor soils, integrated site characterization, offshore wind site investigation and CPT testing. (
  • We have launched a new learning resource for our wind energy community. (
  • You can now watch, listen and learn from worldwide renewable and wind industry educators and leaders in hour-long videos, presented in partnership with the Energy Transition Institute (ETI). (
  • In November 2021, a video on Professor William E. Heronemus , wind energy program founder at UMass Amherst in the 1970's, debuted. (
  • Professor Matther Lackner details the main sources of energy in the 20th century and the future of wind energy. (
  • Professor Erin Baker hosts a panel discussion on offshore wind energy in the U.S., hosted by the Woodrow Wilson Center . (
  • J. F. Manwell and Cromack, D. E. , Understanding Wind Energy . (
  • J. F. Manwell and , " Understanding wind energy for water pumping " , in VITA Understanding technology series , vol. 62, VITA, 1988. (
  • J. F. Manwell and McGowan, J. G. , " Wind diesel system simulation: A screening level model " , International journal of solar energy , vol. 17, pp. 223-240, 1995. (
  • A. Lacroix and Manwell, J. F. , " Wind energy: cold weather issues " , University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Renewable Energy Laboratory , 2000. (
  • J. F. Manwell and Kirchhoff, R. H. , " Wind energy from turbulence: Constant tip speed ratio operation " , Solar energy , vol. 34, pp. 59-67, 1985. (
  • M. R. Elkinton , McGowan, J. G. , and Manwell, J. F. , " Wind power systems for zero net energy housing in the United States " , Renewable Energy , vol. 34, pp. 1270-1278, 2009. (
  • A. L. Rogers , Manwell, J. F. , and Ellis, A. F. , " Wind shear over forested areas " , Proceedings of the ASME/AIAA 2005 Wind Energy Symposium, Reno NV , 2005. (
  • Wind energy is way down the list of priorities [of tax breaks] for extensions,' Peterson said. (
  • The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), the trade group lobbying for the credit extension, points to the Senate Finance Committee's overwhelming bipartisan approval of tax extensions including the PTC as the basis for hope. (
  • Wind energy offers considerable promise: the wind itself is free, clean, and it is inexhaustible. (
  • In recent years, research on wind energy has accelerated, and new developments in efficient and cost- effective ways of harnessing wind energy are making it increasingly attractive and competitive. (
  • The wind energy sector is looking for well-trained and enthusiastic professionals. (
  • The European Wind Energy Master trains you to become a resourceful problem solver who is capable of collaborating with colleagues across cultural divides to shape the future of the wind energy sector. (
  • You'll get the best education in wind energy science and engineering, studying in our four world leading universities in (offshore) wind energy research and education. (
  • I learned far more than just the basics of wind energy and companies recognized this. (
  • EWEM fulfilled completely my growing interest in wind energy while offered me the chance of discovering plenty of opportunities that would not have been noticed by me if I had never moved out of my comfort zone. (
  • Do you want to know more about the European Wind Energy Master from a students perspective? (
  • For further information on wind project design and other wind energy advisory services, contact our energy services team. (
  • Blue wave patterns embody the trajectory of energy created as players come in contact with the ball, also the stream of wind that carries it to the next play. (
  • When UpWind started, Risø was the only research institution with a prototype of LIDAR to measure wind speed and with applications in wind energy research. (
  • 1.) Wind Energy: Twisting and turning and getting bent out of shape . (
  • The wind energy industry has some breathing room with the extension of its much-valued production tax credit. (
  • BP Wind Energy and Sempra U.S. Gas & Power has announced they have moved a second giant U.S. wind into full commercial operation, just days after announcing that they had brought the largest single-build wind farm in U.S. history online. (
  • The Abu Dhabi National Energy Company PJSC (TAQA) has agreed to buy a 50 percent stake in the 205.5 megawatt (MW) Lakefield wind project located in the midwestern United States from a subsidiary of France-based utility Electricite de France SA (EDF). (
  • Mainstream Renewable Power Ltd., a closely held Irish clean-energy developer, is seeking environmental permits to develop a $240 million wind farm in Chile's southern Bio Bio region. (
  • Harvard-Tsinghua project leader Michael McElroy and colleagues quantified China's wind energy potential by first modeling the availability of wind. (
  • For example, the model predicts that wind-farm operators could profitably generate 6.96 trillion kwh of wind energy - more than double China's annual power consumption of 3.4 trillion kwh and comparable to the projected total demand by 2030 - at a contract price of 0.516 Chinese yuan (7.5 cents) per kwh. (
  • In other words, wind offers a carbon-neutral source of energy to meet China's power needs for the next two decades. (
  • China will reach its 2020 target for wind power next year, a decade early, as wind power capacity crests over 30,000 MW, according to the Brussels-based Global Wind Energy Council . (
  • By 2020, China is likely to have installed 135,000 MW of wind power capacity, according to analysis by consultancy Emerging Energy Research , based in Cambridge, MA. (
  • However, McElroy acknowledges that China's grids would need to be smarter and stronger to accommodate the variability of wind energy. (
  • Why not, I wondered, focus wind energy development just there. (
  • On one of his recent posts at Energy Central, Bill Opalka speculates that regulatory hurdles and opportunities for citizen intervention may be somewhat less daunting when it comes to Great Lake wind development, by comparison with projects off the ocean coasts. (
  • A member of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory told them that lakes' wind might be a $100 billion market . (
  • Under Assembly Bill (AB) 525, the California Energy Commission (CEC) is charged with coordinating with relevant state agencies to formulate a strategic plan for the development of offshore wind in California. (
  • Under AB 525, the California Energy Commission (CEC) is the coordinating state agency, charged with developing a strategic plan and other analyses related to offshore wind for California. (
  • In search of low-cost, fixed-rate electricity, great wind energy deals are swaying Fortune 500 companies and other major players to throw their money "into the wind. (
  • Signing contracts for over 2,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity, big brands, high-tech companies, and other non-utility customers represented 52 percent of wind energy generating capacity in 2015. (
  • These metrics come from Russia Direct, which reports when it comes to wind, solar and geothermal energy, Russia's renewable potential is terrifyingly underdeveloped. (
  • Acknowledging the risk of cost overruns but saying it doesn't anticipate any, Dominion Energy made its case Tuesday to state regulators for approval of $9.65 billion from its Virginia customers to build the country's largest offshore wind farm. (
  • Check out the WINDSday newsletter celebrating the power of wind, clean energy and a green environment in Virginia Beach and all of Hampton Roads. (
  • Alethea Warrington, a renewable energy campaigner at climate change charity Possible, said: "After years of campaigning, today we can finally celebrate the UK's cheapest new energy source, onshore wind, being brought in from the cold. (
  • As our cheapest source of clean energy, onshore wind is hugely popular with people in the UK, who understand that we need to use all the tools in the box to tackle the climate crisis. (
  • John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace UK, said: "Onshore wind and solar are not only some of the cheapest sources of energy, reducing costs for everyone, but they are a vital part of putting the UK on track to net zero as quickly as possible. (
  • RenewableUK said the decision would mean "shovel-ready" onshore wind projects which already had planning consent could compete for subsidies and help avoid an energy gap as coal comes offline by 2024. (
  • A wind energy conversion facility shall be sited at the following distances: (1) No less than two and one-half times the total height of a wind turbine to be constructed on a proposed facility or five thousand feet, whichever is greater, from any existing abutting dwelling or nonparticipating property. (
  • China accounted for 36 percent of global investment in renewable energy last year , pouring $102.9 billion into non-hydro renewables such as wind and solar power. (
  • The country is a laggard, however, in maximizing return on renewable energy dollars, especially for wind power. (
  • China closed out 2015 with nearly twice the installed wind power capacity of the U.S., yet last year it generated less wind energy. (
  • But it generates less wind energy (bottom). (
  • The 100 kW wind turbine is more than 160 feet tall and is expected to generate up to 4 percent of the energy required to run the MRF. (
  • What happens next for the Stearns County ventures depends partly on the political winds in the nation's capital. (
  • The New Jersey Wind Port is the nation's first purpose-built offshore wind marshaling port, promising to position New Jersey as a hub for the U.S. offshore wind industry. (
  • With 28 GW in planned offshore wind, 10 states across the U.S. East Coast are capitalizing on robust wind conditions along the nation's northernmost Atlantic shore, where average wind speeds hover at about 9 meters per second, pursuing optimal performance as the U.S. target for CO2 emission reduction by 2030 increasingly looms large. (
  • W. L. W. Henson , McGowan, J. G. , and Manwell, J. F. , " Utilizing reanalysis and synthesis datasets in wind resource characterization for large-scale wind integration " , Wind Engineering , vol. 36, pp. 97-110, 2012. (
  • According to their meteorological and financial modeling, reported in the journal Science last week, there is enough strong wind in China to profitably satisfy all of the country's electricity demand until at least 2030. (
  • Leading by example, by tripling the UK's wind and solar by 2030, is a prerequisite for successful UK leadership at this year's global climate talks in Glasgow. (
  • The Biden administration has set a target of 30 gigawatts of operational offshore wind capacity by 2030 as part of larger efforts to halve US emissions by the end of the decade and achieve net zero by midcentury. (
  • Could spinach extract accelerate wound healing in those with diabetes? (
  • A recent Scientific Reports study evaluated the effect of spinach extract on wound healing in diabetic rats. (
  • Researchers presented a wearable bioelectronic system to deliver therapeutic agents associated with wound healing. (
  • Research from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago found that direct injection of neonatal mesenchymal stem cells, derived from heart tissue discarded during surgery, reduces intestinal inflammation and promotes wound healing in a mouse model of Crohn's disease-like ileitis, an illness marked by chronic intestinal inflammation and progressive tissue damage. (
  • Growth factor therapy -- materials produced by the body that helps wound-healing cells grow. (
  • Research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis may have implications for treating diseases involving abnormal blood vessel growth, such as the impaired wound healing often seen in diabetes and the loss of vision caused by macular degeneration. (
  • There was a difference in the rate of wound healing in the two groups, and a relationship between the nutritional status and wound healing in the control group. (
  • These actions are essential during injury healing, when cells fill a wound by multiplying and moving into the damaged area. (
  • This means defects in GSDMB could play a significant role in preventing wound healing in IBD. (
  • The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) invites applications for P20 Exploratory Center grants that will support innovative research on wound healing by multidisciplinary teams of investigators. (
  • The objectives of this research program are to enable basic and clinical scientists to assemble research teams in order to initiate high-risk, high impact research in wound healing. (
  • It is anticipated that these projects will address problems that could lead to significant improvements in interventions that increase the quality and speed of wound healing and provide a greater understanding of the pathophysiology and systems biology of wound healing. (
  • Successful wound healing requires a complex and integrated interplay of different cell types, pathways, and processes. (
  • Over the years, basic and clinical research has revealed much about the individual molecular and cellular processes involved in wound healing, but attempts to accelerate and/or improve wound healing by enhancing, inhibiting, or modifying isolated aspects of the wound healing process have met with only limited success. (
  • Researchers found that diabetic foot ulcers don't recruit the immune cells necessary for normal wound healing. (
  • There are different ways the wound-healing process can go wrong. (
  • Health conditions that interfere with blood flow around a wound can also affect the healing process. (
  • Slow healing can put you at higher risk of developing a chronic wound. (
  • If you have diabetes, getting your blood glucose (or blood sugar) under control is crucial for healing, explains Dr. Geoffrey Gurtner, a surgeon who specializes in wound healing at the University of Arizona. (
  • High blood glucose levels "make a wound-healing problem much worse," he says. (
  • Normal wound healing? (
  • In outer space, solar wind is the movement of gases or charged particles from the Sun through space, while planetary wind is the outgassing of light chemical elements from a planet's atmosphere into space. (
  • The strongest observed winds on a planet in the Solar System occur on Neptune and Saturn. (
  • Says Patrick Graichen, executive director of Agora: Wind and solar systems will dominate the power system in increasingly more countries. (
  • But the government has launched a consultation setting out details of the next round of auctions, in 2021, which will be open to onshore wind and solar - and may include floating offshore wind. (
  • The CCC is among those who have called for a reversal of the block, warning a failure to create a route to market for onshore wind and solar slows efforts to cut emissions and increases costs for consumers. (
  • Official polling for the government shows high levels of public support for onshore wind, with 78 percent backing the technology while only six percent oppose it, and solar power has even higher levels of support. (
  • The government now needs to engage with local communities in order to get large amounts of onshore wind and solar off the ground. (
  • In conjunction with the York (PA) County History Center , Professor James Manwell presented a webinar on the history of the Smith-Putnam wind turbine October 28, 2021. (
  • Assembly Bill 525, passed in September of 2021, laid out a framework for statewide planning around offshore wind in California. (
  • Resources for the Future (RFF) hosted a virtual workshop on December 2 and December 3, 2021 , to address and identify key policy, market, and finance issues that will impact the direction of the offshore wind industry in the United States. (
  • In human civilization, the concept of wind has been explored in mythology, influenced the events of history, expanded the range of transport and warfare, and provided a power source for mechanical work, electricity, and recreation. (
  • One single wind turbine of this type in the North Sea would provide electricity for 15,000 to 20,000 dwellings. (
  • In 2009 pathbreaking modelling by the same team projected that wind power could meet 100 percent of China's future electricity needs at reasonable cost. (
  • Australian-based Sims Metal Management, which operates the recycling center, paid for the turbine's $750,000 cost, according to a company spokesperson, who said the turbine will pay for itself in about five years, depending on wind and electricity costs. (
  • Offshore wind developers and grid operators face several challenges in bringing projects to fruition and ultimately delivering electricity to the grid. (
  • Normally, when you get a small skin wound, your body can repair it quickly. (
  • Avoid contact with flood waters if you have an open wound. (
  • When you have an open wound, blood can get out of the body, and germs can get in. (
  • A team of researchers from the Terasaki Institute for Biomedical Innovation (TIBI) and the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) has been awarded a multimillion-dollar grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop a superior, multi-pronged wound treatment for diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). (
  • This process causes inflammation-heat, swelling, and redness-around the wound. (
  • If you receive a puncture wound or a wound contaminated with feces, soil, or saliva, have a health care professional determine whether a tetanus booster is necessary based on individual records. (
  • Tetanus is a potential health threat for persons who sustain wound injuries. (
  • Be aware that solid barriers such as garden walls and fences will deflect the wind over the top and may cause damaging turbulence only a short distance from the barrier. (
  • Deciduous hedges filter the wind, but beware of dense evergreen hedges which may deflect the wind, causing some turbulence on the leeward side. (
  • Aeroelastic methods are used to calculate the wind turbine's dynamic response to turbulence in the wind. (
  • It's notoriously difficult for doctors to identify a wound that is becoming infected. (
  • Any wound or rash has the potential for becoming infected and should be assessed by a health-care provider as soon as possible. (
  • Short bursts of high speed wind are termed gusts. (
  • The EU project UpWind started five years ago with an ambitious plan: more than 120 wind scientists' efforts and a budget of 23 million Euro were to provide the answer to the big question: Is it possible to build a 20 MW wind turbine using the methods and materials we know today? (
  • To test this idea, the scientists made an artificial "wound" in the laboratory by scraping a gap through a layer of cells and observing how well the remaining cells were able to fill the empty space. (
  • When a difference in atmospheric pressure exists, air moves from the higher to the lower pressure area, resulting in winds of various speeds. (
  • LIDARs has now been developed into a stage where they easily can compete with the traditional anemometers used to measure wind speeds, and in amazingly short time, we managed to start using this new technology, says Peter Hjuler Jensen. (
  • Measurements recorded over a lengthy period of time were used for modelling the wind speeds and directions. (
  • In China's northern autonomous region of Inner Mongolia, grid limits are constraining proposed wind projects, according to Sebastian Meyer, director of research for the Beijing-based consultancy firm Azure International. (
  • These resource documents are shared here to assist anyone wishing to research the issue of industrial wind power and the impacts of its development. (
  • therefore, a 'western' or 'westerly' wind blows from the west to the east, a 'northern' wind blows south, and so on. (
  • When the wind blows, the rapid air movement causes moisture to be lost from foliage and from the soil. (
  • trade wind , persistent wind that blows westward and toward the Equator from the subtropical high-pressure belts toward the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). (
  • Strong winds of intermediate duration (around one minute) are termed squalls. (
  • Gardens in exposed locations are often subjected to strong winds. (
  • Strong winds can cause physical damage to plants and garden structures. (
  • For another, China's wind industry is already outstripping targets "year after year. (
  • And the group says the problem is becoming more acute as China's wind developments shift to the wind-rich yet remote regions in the north and west, where the grid is weaker than average and power must travel farther to reach consumers. (
  • It downplays the role of China's relatively weaker winds-a factor often cited in earlier academic studies. (
  • China's installed wind capacity has exceed that of the United States for years (top). (
  • In 2008 IEEE Spectrum reported that China's wind industry association was calling for a slowdown, worried that explosive wind farm construction was outpacing domestic manufacturers' ability to assure turbine quality . (
  • If immune cells aren't working properly or if there's too little inflammation, new tissue may not form over the wound. (
  • The bill also requires, among other things, that the CEC identify space suitable for offshore wind development in California, and that the CEC develop a plan to improve waterfront facilities, transmission investments and upgrades necessary for the development of offshore wind in California. (
  • These challenges are particularly acute given state goals and, in some cases, requirements for rapid development of offshore wind capacity in the coming decades as a part of state decarbonization policy. (
  • D. W. Jaynes , McGowan, J. G. , Rogers, A. L. , and Manwell, J. F. , Validation of Doppler lidar for wind resource assessment applications . (
  • The wind resource off the Atlantic coast is large enough to supply the entire electric demand of the U.S. There are currently over 26,000 MW of OSW projects in the planning and development stages along the Atlantic, enough to power over 15 million homes. (
  • How would you like your very own take-it-home apply-it-yourself wind power generator? (
  • The production tax credit gives wind power investors a 10-year subsidy on a wind farm's output that's roughly equivalent to 30 percent of a project's original cost. (
  • The tax credit has existed, off and on, for two decades, helping to build a wind power industry that powers more than 13 million U.S. homes. (
  • The association has stressed the loss of 37,000 American jobs tied to wind power if the tax credit ends. (
  • 3.) Taqa expands in North America with wind power investment . (
  • China has doubled its installed wind power capacity every year for the past five, and is on pace this year to supplant the United States as the world's largest market for new installations. (
  • But researchers from Harvard University and Beijing's Tsinghua University suggest that the Chinese wind power industry has hardly begun to tap its potential. (
  • Wind power plants in Xinjiang, China. (
  • He says that a political imperative for rural development guarantees that wind power will remain popular among local and regional officials, but how to finance the "smartening and balancing of the grid needs to be resolved. (
  • The team behind today's report, led by Michael McEvoy at Harvard and Xi Lu at Tsinghua, is well-versed in Chinese wind power. (
  • Researchers estimate that a full build-out of the offshore wind industry can create as many as 14,000 jobs in Virginia(1). (
  • Researchers estimate that a full build-out of the offshore wind industry can create over 14,000 jobs in Virginia. (
  • Gently clean around the wound with soap and clean water. (
  • Cleanse the wound periphery with soap and sterile water or available solutions, and provide anesthetics and analgesia whenever possible. (
  • The modelled mean annual wind speed is shown for each grid point in the atlas. (
  • Hetherington, B. and Sims-Williams, D., "Wind Tunnel Model Support Strut Interference," SAE Technical Paper 2004-01-0806, 2004, . (
  • Areas of wind shear caused by various weather phenomena can lead to dangerous situations for aircraft. (
  • And surely it might be easier and less expensive to develop offshore wind on the lakes than on the coasts. (
  • You can access maps, corresponding data used to prospect and site, and design wind projects through the Windnavigator platform . (
  • Winds defined by an equilibrium of physical forces are used in the decomposition and analysis of wind profiles. (
  • It can also prevent immune cells in a wound from working the way they're supposed to. (
  • When you go to a wound clinic, you will work with a team of health care providers trained in wound care. (
  • Observe universal precautions, when possible, while participating in all aspects of wound care. (
  • See the Wise Choices box for more about wound care. (
  • Place plants in pots against a sheltered house wall, but be careful to avoid a position where buildings create a wind tunnel. (
  • Road vehicle models are tested in a wind tunnel with a moving ground when an accurate simulation of the under-floor flow is required, for instance for the aerodynamic development of the underbody. (
  • Virginia has approved the largest U.S. offshore wind array in spite of cost concerns. (
  • Offshore wind is happening here in Virginia, and it is happening now. (
  • Virginia must now ensure that offshore wind is done right, meaning it is brought online in a way that is fair, equitable and beneficial for all Virginians. (
  • With offshore wind, Virginia can help confront income inequality by creating more and higher paying jobs for its residents. (
  • Dominion Energy's proposed offshore wind project won support from labor and political leaders in four days of hearings before the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) last week, while commission staff called for ratepayer protections and local residents sought changes to transmission routing. (
  • It also announced proposals for new guidance for developers on engaging with communities over onshore wind across Britain. (
  • Your risk for getting a chronic wound increases with age. (
  • A LIDAR measures the properties of the wind by means of laser beams. (
  • The LIDAR is able to measure the wind on the whole football field in one go," says Peter Hjuler Jensen. (
  • Risø DTU has further explored the possibility of placing the LIDAR in the hub of a wind turbine, where it will be possible to let the LIDAR regulate the trailing edge. (
  • Gently flood the wound with bottled water or clean running water (if available, saline solution is preferred). (
  • These principles can assist with wound management and aid in the prevention of amputations. (