A genus of the order Sirenia comprising what are commonly called manatees. The distinguishing characteristics include a tail that is not notched, a short nasal cavity, the absence of nasal bones, and enamel-covered teeth. Members of this genus are found in marine bays and/or sluggish rivers, usually in turbid water. (From Scott, Concise Encyclopedia Biology, 1996)
Member of the genus Trichechus found in the Amazon and Orinoco drainages of northeastern South America. (From Scott, Concise Encyclopedia Biology, 1996)
Member of the genus Trichechus inhabiting the coast and coastal rivers of the southeastern United States as well as the West Indies and the adjacent mainland from Vera Cruz, Mexico to northern South America. (From Scott, Concise Encyclopedia Biology, 1996)
An order of heavy-bodied, slow-moving, completely aquatic, herbivorous mammals. The body is fusiform, plump, and hairless, except for bristles on the snout. Hindlimbs are absent, the forelimbs are modified to flippers, and the tail is a horizontal fluke. (From Scott, Concise Encyclopedia Biology, 1996)
A genus of the order Sirenia characterized by a notched tail, the presence of nasal bones and a long nasal cavity, and large columnar teeth lacking enamel. Dugongs inhabit the coastal waters of the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and the Malay Archipelago. (From Scott, Concise Encyclopedia Biology, 1996)

Diaphragm structure and function in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris). (1/14)

Relative to many other mammals, little is known about the functional morphology of the four extant species of the order Sirenia. In this study, 166 Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) carcasses fresh enough to collect detailed anatomical information were examined to describe the gross anatomy of the diaphragm. Our results show that the Florida manatee's diaphragm differs from those of other mammals in that it: lies in a dorsal plane, rather than in the more typical transverse plane; is located dorsal to the heart and does not attach to the sternum; and attaches medially at the "I"-shaped central tendon to bony projections extending ventrally from the vertebral bodies, forming two distinct hemidiaphragms. The manatee's transverse septum is a separate structure that lies at a right angle to the diaphragm and separates the heart from the liver and other viscera. The extreme muscularity of the diaphragm and the ability of manatees to adjust their position in the water column with minimal external movement suggest that diaphragmatic contractions may change the volume of each pleural cavity to affect buoyancy, roll, and pitch. We also hypothesize that such contractions, in concert with contractions of powerful abdominal muscles, may compress gas in the massive large intestine, and thereby also contribute to buoyancy control.  (+info)

Thyroid hormone concentrations in captive and free-ranging West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus). (2/14)

Because thyroid hormones play a critical role in the regulation of metabolism, the low metabolic rates reported for manatees suggest that thyroid hormone concentrations in these animals may also be reduced. However, thyroid hormone concentrations have yet to be examined in manatees. The effects of captivity, diet and water salinity on plasma total triiodothyronine (tT(3)), total thyroxine (tT(4)) and free thyroxine (fT(4)) concentrations were assessed in adult West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus). Free-ranging manatees exhibited significantly greater tT(4) and fT(4) concentrations than captive adults, regardless of diet, indicating that some aspect of a captive existence results in reduced T(4) concentrations. To determine whether this reduction might be related to feeding, captive adults fed on a mixed vegetable diet were switched to a strictly sea grass diet, resulting in decreased food consumption and a decrease in body mass. However, tT(4) and fT(4) concentrations were significantly elevated over initial values for 19 days. This may indicate that during periods of reduced food consumption manatees activate thyroid-hormone-promoted lipolysis to meet water and energetic requirements. Alterations in water salinity for captive animals did not induce significant changes in thyroid hormone concentrations. In spite of lower metabolic rates, thyroid hormone concentrations in captive manatees were comparable with those for other terrestrial and marine mammals, suggesting that the low metabolic rate in manatees is not attributable to reduced circulating thyroid hormone concentrations.  (+info)

Functional morphology of venous structures associated with the male and female reproductive systems in Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). (3/14)

The reproductive organs of Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) are surrounded by thermogenic locomotory muscles and insulating fat. Manatees are reported to maintain core body temperatures of 35.6 degrees -36.4 degrees C, temperatures known to interfere with production and maturation of viable sperm in terrestrial mammals. We describe two novel venous plexuses associated with the manatee epididymis. Each epididymis is located in a hypogastric fossa at the caudolateral extremity of the abdominal cavity. Each hypogastric fossa is lined by an inguinal venous plexus that receives cooled blood from a superficial thoracocaudal plexus. We conclude that male manatees may prevent hyperthermic insult to their reproductive tissues by feeding cooled superficial blood to venous plexuses deep within their bodies. Female manatees also possess hypogastric fossae and venous structures similar to those found in male manatees. The ovaries, uterine tubes, and distal tips of the uterine horns are located in the hypogastric fossae. We suggest that the thermovascular structures we describe also prevent hypothermic insult to female manatee reproductive tissues. The venous structures in manatees are functionally similar to structures associated with reproductive thermoregulation in cetaceans and phocid seals. Thus, these thermovascular structures appear to be convergent morphological adaptations that occur in three clades of diving mammals with independent evolutionary histories.  (+info)

Characterization of an endogenous retrovirus class in elephants and their relatives. (4/14)

BACKGROUND: Endogenous retrovirus-like elements (ERV-Ls, primed with tRNA leucine) are a diverse group of reiterated sequences related to foamy viruses and widely distributed among mammals. As shown in previous investigations, in many primates and rodents this class of elements has remained transpositionally active, as reflected by increased copy number and high sequence diversity within and among taxa. RESULTS: Here we examine whether proviral-like sequences may be suitable molecular probes for investigating the phylogeny of groups known to have high element diversity. As a test we characterized ERV-Ls occurring in a sample of extant members of superorder Uranotheria (Asian and African elephants, manatees, and hyraxes). The ERV-L complement in this group is even more diverse than previously suspected, and there is sequence evidence for active expansion, particularly in elephantids. Many of the elements characterized have protein coding potential suggestive of activity. CONCLUSIONS: In general, the evidence supports the hypothesis that the complement had a single origin within basal Uranotheria.  (+info)

Brevetoxicosis: red tides and marine mammal mortalities. (5/14)

Potent marine neurotoxins known as brevetoxins are produced by the 'red tide' dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. They kill large numbers of fish and cause illness in humans who ingest toxic filter-feeding shellfish or inhale toxic aerosols. The toxins are also suspected of having been involved in events in which many manatees and dolphins died, but this has usually not been verified owing to limited confirmation of toxin exposure, unexplained intoxication mechanisms and complicating pathologies. Here we show that fish and seagrass can accumulate high concentrations of brevetoxins and that these have acted as toxin vectors during recent deaths of dolphins and manatees, respectively. Our results challenge claims that the deleterious effects of a brevetoxin on fish (ichthyotoxicity) preclude its accumulation in live fish, and they reveal a new vector mechanism for brevetoxin spread through food webs that poses a threat to upper trophic levels.  (+info)

Corneal avascularity is due to soluble VEGF receptor-1. (6/14)

Corneal avascularity-the absence of blood vessels in the cornea-is required for optical clarity and optimal vision, and has led to the cornea being widely used for validating pro- and anti-angiogenic therapeutic strategies for many disorders. But the molecular underpinnings of the avascular phenotype have until now remained obscure and are all the more remarkable given the presence in the cornea of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, a potent stimulator of angiogenesis, and the proximity of the cornea to vascularized tissues. Here we show that the cornea expresses soluble VEGF receptor-1 (sVEGFR-1; also known as sflt-1) and that suppression of this endogenous VEGF-A trap by neutralizing antibodies, RNA interference or Cre-lox-mediated gene disruption abolishes corneal avascularity in mice. The spontaneously vascularized corneas of corn1 and Pax6+/- mice and Pax6+/- patients with aniridia are deficient in sflt-1, and recombinant sflt-1 administration restores corneal avascularity in corn1 and Pax6+/- mice. Manatees, the only known creatures uniformly to have vascularized corneas, do not express sflt-1, whereas the avascular corneas of dugongs, also members of the order Sirenia, elephants, the closest extant terrestrial phylogenetic relatives of manatees, and other marine mammals (dolphins and whales) contain sflt-1, indicating that it has a crucial, evolutionarily conserved role. The recognition that sflt-1 is essential for preserving the avascular ambit of the cornea can rationally guide its use as a platform for angiogenic modulators, supports its use in treating neovascular diseases, and might provide insight into the immunological privilege of the cornea.  (+info)

Marine mammal neoplasia: a review. (7/14)

A review of the published literature indicates that marine mammal neoplasia includes the types and distributions of tumors seen in domestic species. A routine collection of samples from marine mammal species is hampered, and, hence, the literature is principally composed of reports from early whaling expeditions, captive zoo mammals, and epizootics that affect larger numbers of animals from a specific geographic location. The latter instances are most important, because many of these long-lived, free-ranging marine mammals may act as environmental sentinels for the health of the oceans. Examination of large numbers of mortalities reveals incidental proliferative and neoplastic conditions and, less commonly, identifies specific malignant cancers that can alter population dynamics. The best example of these is the presumptive herpesvirus-associated metastatic genital carcinomas found in California sea lions. Studies of tissues from St. Lawrence estuary beluga whales have demonstrated a high incidence of neoplasia and produced evidence that environmental contamination with high levels of polychlorinated biphenols and dichlorophenyl trichloroethane might be the cause. In addition, viruses are suspected to be the cause of gastric papillomas in belugas and cutaneous papillomas in Florida manatees and harbor porpoises. While experimental laboratory procedures can further elucidate mechanisms of neoplasia, continued pathologic examination of marine mammals will also be necessary to follow trends in wild populations.  (+info)

Latitudinal gradients in greenhouse seawater delta(18) O: evidence from Eocene sirenian tooth enamel. (8/14)


"Trichechus" is the genus name for three species of aquatic mammals commonly known as manatees or sea cows. These herbivorous animals are found in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and parts of the Caribbean. They are known for their slow movement, wrinkled skin, and paddle-like flippers.

'Trichechus inunguis' is not a recognized medical term or a condition related to human health. It refers to the Amazonian manatee, also known as the southern manatee, which is a large, aquatic, herbivorous mammal native to the Amazon Basin in South America.

The Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) is one of the three extant species of manatees, along with the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) and the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis). These aquatic mammals are known for their streamlined bodies, paddle-like tails, and gentle demeanor.

If you have any questions related to veterinary medicine or animal biology, I would be happy to help clarify those topics further.

'Trichechus manatus' is the scientific name for the West Indian Manatee, also known as the American Manatee. It is a large, aquatic, herbivorous mammal that lives in warm, shallow waters of the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic Ocean along the North American coast. They are known for their slow movement, wrinkled skin, and paddle-like flippers. West Indian Manatees are an endangered species due to habitat loss, boat strikes, and other human activities.

"Sirenia" is not a medical term, but a biological classification for a group of aquatic mammals commonly known as sea cows. This order includes four extant species: the Dugong (Dugong dugon), and three manatee species - the Amazonian Manatee (Trichechus inunguis), the West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus), and the African Manatee (Trichechus senegalensis). These herbivorous animals are known for their streamlined bodies, paddle-like limbs, and whiskered snouts. They inhabit warm coastal and riverine habitats in various parts of the world.

A dugong is a large marine mammal that belongs to the family Dugongidae. Its scientific name is Dugong dugon. It is also known as the sea cow because of its habit of feeding on seagrasses. Dugongs are found in warm coastal waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, ranging from East Africa to Vanuatu in the west and from Japan to Australia in the east. They can grow up to 3 meters in length and weigh between 200-500 kilograms.

Dugongs have a streamlined body with a flat, paddle-like tail and two flippers. Their skin is thick and wrinkled, and they are usually gray or brownish-gray in color. Dugongs have a unique feeding apparatus that allows them to graze on seagrasses, which include specialized lips and teeth.

Dugongs are social animals that live in small groups called herds. They communicate with each other using a variety of sounds, including clicks, chirps, and whistles. Dugongs have a long lifespan, with some individuals living up to 70 years or more.

Unfortunately, dugongs are threatened by various human activities, such as hunting, habitat loss, and entanglement in fishing nets. They are currently listed as vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.

... is known by two fragmentary mandibles and part of the palate. Compared with other manatees, it has ... Trichechus hesperamazonicus, the western Amazonian manatee, is an extinct species of manatee that lived about 40 thousand years ... "Trichechus hesperamazonicus". The Paleobiology Database. Zorzetto, Ricardo. "O antigo peixe-boi de Rondônia". Pesquisa FAPESP. ... Perini, Fernando A.; Nascimento, Ednair Rodrigues; Cozzuol, Mario Alberto (2019-09-03). "A new species of Trichechus Linnaeus, ...
Allen, Aarin Conrad; Keith, Edward O. (2015). "Using the West Indian Manatee (Trichechus manatus) as a Mechanism for Invasive ... Deutsch, C.J.; Self-Sullivan, C. & Mignucci-Giannoni, A. (2008). "Trichechus manatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ... Erfolgreiche Haltung und Zucht von Rundschwanz-Seekühen (Trichechus manatus)". Tiergarten Aktuell (Nuremberg) (in German). 1 (1 ...
Trichechus inunguis), the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), and the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis). ... "Manatee (Trichechus manatus) , U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service". FWS.gov. Retrieved 2023-09-12. "TRAVELIN' MANATEE FAR FROM HOME ... Wikimedia Commons has media related to Trichechus. Save the Manatee Murie, James On the Form and Structure of the Manatee ( ... Weber Rosas, F.C. (June 1994). "Biology, conservation, and status of the Amazonian Manatee Trichechus inunguis". Mammal Review ...
Wikispecies has information related to Trichechus inunguis. ARKive - images and movies of the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus ... The Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) is a species of manatee that lives in the Amazon Basin in Brazil, Peru, Colombia ... "Manatee Trichechus". National Geographic. 11 November 2010. Retrieved 8 December 2014. Gallivan, G. J.; Best, R. C. (1980). " ... Amazonian Manatee (Trichechus inunguis)". edgeofexistence.org. Zoological Society of London. Archived from the original on 22 ...
2014). Phylogenetics And Feeding Ecology Of The African Manatee, Trichechus senegalensis. "West African manatee (Trichechus ... The African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis), also known as the West African manatee, is a species of manatee that inhabits ... "Trichechus senegalensis". Encyclopedia of Life. Archived from the original on March 5, 2016. Retrieved January 7, 2011. Keith ... The African manatee falls under the genus Trichechus with only two other species, the Amazonian manatee and the West Indian ...
Deutsch, C.J.; Self-Sullivan, C.; Mignucci-Giannoni, A. (2008). "Trichechus manatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008 ...
Powell, J. & Kouadio, A. (2008). "Trichechus senegalensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 22 September ...
Trichechus manatus latirostris is one of the two subspecies of the West Indian manatee. This herbivorous aquatic mammal lives ... Deutsch, C.J.; Self-Sullivan, C.; Mignucci-Giannoni, A. (2008). "Trichechus manatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008 ...
Order Sirenia: sirenians Family Trichechidae: manatees Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) African manatee (Trichechus ... Marmontel, M.; de Souza, D.; Kendall, S. (2016). "Trichechus inunguis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e. ... Powell, J.; Kouadio, A. (2008). "Trichechus senegalensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008. Retrieved 26 June 2016. ... Trichechus inunguis) in the Mamirauá and Amanã Sustainable Development Reserves, Brazil" (PDF). Aquatic Mammals. 40 (2): 139- ...
"African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis)". Wildscreen. Archived from the original on 2011-11-30. Retrieved 24 January 2017. US ... In 1994, the family was expanded to include not only the subfamily Trichechinae (Potamosiren, Ribodon, and Trichechus), but ... Deutsch, C.J.; Self-Sullivan, C. & Mignucci-Giannoni, A. (2008). "Trichechus manatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. ... Sato, T.; Shibuya, H.; Ohba, S.; Nojiri, T.; Shirai, W. (2003). "Mycobacteriosis in Two Captive Florida Manatees (Trichechus ...
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Trichechus manatus. ARKive - images and movies of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus ... Trichechus manatus Archived 2011-09-04 at the Wayback Machine, Animal Diversity Web Wood, G.L. (1983). The Guinness Book of ... The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), also known as the North American manatee, is a large, aquatic mammal native to ... "Trichechus manatus Linnaeus 1758 (manatee)". PBDB. "Collared peccary (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Tayassuidae, Pecari) from the ...
"Trichechus senegalensis (VU)". International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Red List Organization. ... Trichechus senegalensis (African manatee) (VU) Profelis aurata (African golden cat) (VU) Panthera leo (lion) (VU) Gazella ...
Self-Sullivan, C.; Mignucci-Giannoni, A. (2008). "Trichechus manatus ssp. manatus. In: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened ... Trichechus manatus). CONAP. "Listado de Áreas Protegidas (enero, 2011)" (in Spanish). conap.gob.gt. Archived from the original ...
Self-Sullivan, C.; Mignucci-Giannoni, A. (2008). "Trichechus manatus ssp. manatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2008: ...
"Trichechus manatus Linnaeus 1758". Natural Science Research Laboratory. "Eastern District of Texas , Orange County Brothers ...
Trichechus Linnaeus, 1758 kabaw - kalabaw; Carabao; Bubalus bubalis carabanesis mawmag, mamag, tarsius - Philippine tarsier; ...
African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) has been recorded. In 1997, lion (Panthera leo) returned to the protected area, ...
The African Manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) is endangered. Jean Folack; Charles Emene Gabche. "NATURAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC ...
A ocorrência de peixes-bois (Trichechus spp.) na Baía do Marajó,. Pará e o estudo bromatológico de macrófitas aquáticas em ...
"Les Lamantins du Congo (Trichechus senegalensis Desm.) avec notes sur le répartition géographique et l'extermination des ...
The African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) is also present. The Central African cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus soemmeringii) and ... Trichechus senegalensis). The wildlife is under threat due to many factors. These are: conversion of forest land for ...
Trichechus senegalensis is found in fairly good numbers; 100 numbers were reported in the 1980s. However, poaching by hunters ...
Protected species include the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis). In September 2015 ICMBio reported that their agents and ...
The river's fauna are not well protected; particularly endangered is the African Manatee (Trichechus senegalensis). The estuary ...
"Automated Tracking of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus)". Retrieved 2009-05-15. "Michelson Studies Near-Extinct Manatees ... This first project involved methods to electronically track the endangered species Trichechus manatus (West Indian manatee) in ...
Trichechus manatus latirostris)". Hcnso Student Capstones. "Elephants are socially complex". Schreier, Amy L.; Swedell, Larissa ...
Suzuki A, Ueda K, Segawa T, Suzuki M (June 2019). "Fecal microbiota of captive Antillean manatee Trichechus manatus manatus". ...
Suzuki A, Ueda K, Segawa T, Suzuki M (June 2019). "Fecal microbiota of captive Antillean manatee Trichechus manatus manatus". ...
Suzuki A, Ueda K, Segawa T, Suzuki M (June 2019). "Fecal microbiota of captive Antillean manatee Trichechus manatus manatus". ...
The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) is protected in the reserve. The Chocoaré - Mato Grosso Extractive Reserve was ...
Trichechus hesperamazonicus is known by two fragmentary mandibles and part of the palate. Compared with other manatees, it has ... Trichechus hesperamazonicus, the western Amazonian manatee, is an extinct species of manatee that lived about 40 thousand years ... "Trichechus hesperamazonicus". The Paleobiology Database. Zorzetto, Ricardo. "O antigo peixe-boi de Rondônia". Pesquisa FAPESP. ... Perini, Fernando A.; Nascimento, Ednair Rodrigues; Cozzuol, Mario Alberto (2019-09-03). "A new species of Trichechus Linnaeus, ...
Memorandum of Understanding between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile concerning Conservation Measures for the Ruddy-headed Goose (Chloephaga rubidiceps). ...
Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Florida utilize intake and effluent canals of power plants as resting and thermoregulatory ... Manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Florida utilize intake and effluent canals of power plants as resting and ... First report of a Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Cuba. Aquatic Mammals ...
Trichechus manatus photograph. Photograph #02716 by Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com. ... Species: West Indian manatee, Trichechus manatus. Location: Three Sisters Springs, Crystal River, Florida. Image ID: 02716. ... trichechus manatus, underwater, usa, west indian manatee, wildlife ...
Trichechus manatus photograph. Photograph #02714 by Phillip Colla / Oceanlight.com. ... Species: West Indian manatee, Trichechus manatus. Location: Three Sisters Springs, Crystal River, Florida. Image ID: 02714. ... trichechus manatus, underwater, usa, west indian manatee, wildlife ...
In December 2014, a 141 kg, juvenile female Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) presented to Tampas Lowry Park ... Chamber Nebulization to Treat Pneumonia in the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) ...
Trichechus manatus by Uko Gorter, natural history illustrator (specializing in marine mammals but will do all fauna and ...
Genus Trichechus manatees Trichechus: information (1) Trichechus: pictures (13) Trichechus: specimens (11) ... Species Trichechus manatus West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus: information (1) Trichechus manatus: pictures (11) Trichechus ... Trichechus manatus (West Indian manatee). Trichechus manatus: information (1) Trichechus manatus: pictures (11) Trichechus ... Species Trichechus inunguis Amazonian manatee Trichechus inunguis: information (1) Trichechus inunguis: pictures (1) ...
Trichechus manatus ssp. manatus. En: IUCN (2011) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Versión 2011.2. Disponible en: Disponible ... El manatí Antillano (Trichechus manatus manatus) es una especie amenazada en toda su distribución. En la región Grijalva- ... Aspects of the social behavior and herd structure of a semi-isolated colony of West Indian manatees, Trichechus manatus. ... Programa de Acción para la Conservación de la Especie: Manatí (Trichechus manatus manatus). Compilado por Olivera Gómez, L. D ...
The average body length of an adult West Indian manatee is approximately 3 meters but some individuals can reach a length of 4.5 meters including the tail. The average weight of these manatees ranges between 200 and 600 kg, however, the largest individuals can weigh up to 1,500 kg.
Trichechus manatus latirostris) injured by a boat propeller in Crystal River, FL. Although protected by in the United States, ... Snorkeler and Florida Manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris. Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) injured by a ... Citrus County Crystal River Endangered Florida Manatee Sea Cow Threatened Three Sisters Spring Trichechus manatus latirostris ...
... dc.contributor.author ... The topographic organization of retinal ganglion cells was examined in the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) to ... Ganglion cell distribution and retinal resolution in the Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris. The Anatomical Record ... Ganglion cell distribution and retinal resolution in the Florida manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris. ...
The Conservation and Habitat Ecology of Antillean Manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) in the Drowned Cayes Area of Belize, ... LaCommare, Katherine Spencer, "The Conservation and Habitat Ecology of Antillean Manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) in the ...
Trichechus. Type. : Mammals. Diet. : Herbivore. Average Life Span In The Wild. : 40 years. ...
First report of a Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Cuba Manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Florida ... First report of a Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Cuba Manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in Florida ... Movements and habitat use of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in the northern Gulf of Mexico No abstract ... Movements and habitat use of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in the northern Gulf of Mexico No abstract ...
West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), Florida, USAWest Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), Florida, USA. ... Keywords: Florida, Indian, Kings, Sirenia, Sisters, Spring, Three, Trichechidae, Trichechus, bay, calf, conservation, cow, ... Florida wildlife: Cow and calf West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), Florida, USA ... Florida wildlife: Cow and calf West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), Florida, USA. ...
West Indian Manatee, Calf, Trichechus Manatus Latirostris, Usa, Florida, Fl, Crystal River. Reinhard Dirscherl. Photographic ...
Nathaniel P. Reed Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge contains the largest contiguous section of undeveloped beach in Southeastern Florida and is considered one of the most productive sea turtle nesting areas in the Southeastern United States.
Also known as: Trichechus inunguis. Learn about this topic in these articles:. habitation. *. ...
Manatee (Trichechus Manatus). A Manatee mother milks her young calf in the waters of Republíca Dominicana. Manatees range in ...
Abstract: As a fully aquatic mammal, the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) spends a limited amount of time at ... Gross and Microscopic Anatomy of the Nasal Cavity, Including Olfactory Epithelium, of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus ... Gross and Microscopic Anatomy of the Nasal Cavity, Including Olfactory Epithelium, of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus ... Gross and Microscopic Anatomy of the Nasal Cavity, Including Olfactory Epithelium, of the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus ...
The amazon manatee (Trichechus inunguis) is endemic to the Amazon Basin, with limited information on population dynamics and ... title = "Uso de tres m{\e}todos para evaluar el manat{\i} amaz{\o}nico (trichechus inunguis) en el {\a}rea de conservaci{\ ... Dive into the research topics of Use of three methods to assess the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) in the Tamshiyacu ... T1 - Uso de tres métodos para evaluar el manatí amazónico (trichechus inunguis) en el área de conservación regional tamshiyacu ...
Isótopos estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio aplicados ao estudo da ecologia trófia do peixe-boi marinho (Trichechus manatus) no ... On the Brazilian coast, the manatee Trichechus manatus has a fragmented distribution, restricted to a few regions with ... Na costa brasileira, o peixe-boi marinho, Trichechus manatus, apresenta distribuição fragmentada e restrita a algumas regiões ...
Return to Article Details Maize green forage as a partial replacement for lettuce in the diet of West Indian manatee Trichechus ...
Facts and Information about the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Wildlife. Learn more. ...
Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. ...
Florida Manatee or Florida Sea Cow - Trichechus manatus latirostris. *Key Deer - Odocoileus virginianus clavium ...
West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), Federal and State-listed as Endangered. *Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), ...
Trichechus manatus) and Amazonian manatees (Trichechus inunguis), Brazil. Acta Trop. 2023;237:. 106740. . DOIPubMedGoogle ... Feeding ecology of the West Indian manatee Trichechus manatus Linnaeus. Aquaculture. 1977;12:249-51. DOIGoogle Scholar ... As we observed in Amazonian manatees (Trichechus inunguis) (13), all the West Indian manatees tested herein were PCR negative ... in blood samples of West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus), pinnipeds (5 species), and marine cetaceans (18 species) that ...

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