Peripheral AFFERENT NEURONS which are sensitive to injuries or pain, usually caused by extreme thermal exposures, mechanical forces, or other noxious stimuli. Their cell bodies reside in the DORSAL ROOT GANGLIA. Their peripheral terminals (NERVE ENDINGS) innervate target tissues and transduce noxious stimuli via axons to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM.
A class of nerve fibers as defined by their nerve sheath arrangement. The AXONS of the unmyelinated nerve fibers are small in diameter and usually several are surrounded by a single MYELIN SHEATH. They conduct low-velocity impulses, and represent the majority of peripheral sensory and autonomic fibers, but are also found in the BRAIN and SPINAL CORD.
Cells specialized to transduce mechanical stimuli and relay that information centrally in the nervous system. Mechanoreceptor cells include the INNER EAR hair cells, which mediate hearing and balance, and the various somatosensory receptors, often with non-neural accessory structures.
Sensory ganglia located on the dorsal spinal roots within the vertebral column. The spinal ganglion cells are pseudounipolar. The single primary branch bifurcates sending a peripheral process to carry sensory information from the periphery and a central branch which relays that information to the spinal cord or brain.
An alkylamide found in CAPSICUM that acts at TRPV CATION CHANNELS.
Act of eliciting a response from a person or organism through physical contact.
An increased sensation of pain or discomfort produced by mimimally noxious stimuli due to damage to soft tissue containing NOCICEPTORS or injury to a peripheral nerve.
An unpleasant sensation induced by noxious stimuli which are detected by NERVE ENDINGS of NOCICEPTIVE NEURONS.
Cellular receptors which mediate the sense of temperature. Thermoreceptors in vertebrates are mostly located under the skin. In mammals there are separate types of thermoreceptors for cold and for warmth and NOCICEPTORS which detect cold or heat extreme enough to cause pain.
Presence of warmth or heat or a temperature notably higher than an accustomed norm.
The outer covering of the body that protects it from the environment. It is composed of the DERMIS and the EPIDERMIS.
A subgroup of TRP cation channels named after vanilloid receptor. They are very sensitive to TEMPERATURE and hot spicy food and CAPSAICIN. They have the TRP domain and ANKYRIN repeats. Selectivity for CALCIUM over SODIUM ranges from 3 to 100 fold.
Slender processes of NEURONS, including the AXONS and their glial envelopes (MYELIN SHEATH). Nerve fibers conduct nerve impulses to and from the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM.
A voltage-gated sodium channel subtype that is expressed in nociceptors, including spinal and trigeminal sensory neurons. It plays a role in the transmission of pain signals induced by cold, heat, and mechanical stimuli.
Specialized afferent neurons capable of transducing sensory stimuli into NERVE IMPULSES to be transmitted to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. Sometimes sensory receptors for external stimuli are called exteroceptors; for internal stimuli are called interoceptors and proprioceptors.
Amount of stimulation required before the sensation of pain is experienced.
The sensation of cold, heat, coolness, and warmth as detected by THERMORECEPTORS.
A class of nerve fibers as defined by their structure, specifically the nerve sheath arrangement. The AXONS of the myelinated nerve fibers are completely encased in a MYELIN SHEATH. They are fibers of relatively large and varied diameters. Their NEURAL CONDUCTION rates are faster than those of the unmyelinated nerve fibers (NERVE FIBERS, UNMYELINATED). Myelinated nerve fibers are present in somatic and autonomic nerves.
The propagation of the NERVE IMPULSE along the nerve away from the site of an excitation stimulus.
Any of several BRASSICA species that are commonly called mustard. Brassica alba is white mustard, B. juncea is brown or Chinese mustard, and B. nigra is black, brown, or red mustard. The plant is grown both for mustard seed from which oil is extracted or used as SPICES, and for its greens used as VEGETABLES or ANIMAL FEED. There is no relationship to MUSTARD COMPOUNDS.
Drugs that act on neuronal sensory receptors resulting in an increase, decrease, or modification of afferent nerve activity. (From Smith and Reynard, Textbook of Pharmacology, 1991, p367)
The three membranes that cover the BRAIN and the SPINAL CORD. They are the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater.
Scales, questionnaires, tests, and other methods used to assess pain severity and duration in patients or experimental animals to aid in diagnosis, therapy, and physiological studies.
A strain of albino rat used widely for experimental purposes because of its calmness and ease of handling. It was developed by the Sprague-Dawley Animal Company.
The semilunar-shaped ganglion containing the cells of origin of most of the sensory fibers of the trigeminal nerve. It is situated within the dural cleft on the cerebral surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone and gives off the ophthalmic, maxillary, and part of the mandibular nerves.
The branch of pharmacology dealing especially with the action of drugs upon various parts of the nervous system.
Intense or aching pain that occurs along the course or distribution of a peripheral or cranial nerve.
Calcitonin gene-related peptide. A 37-amino acid peptide derived from the calcitonin gene. It occurs as a result of alternative processing of mRNA from the calcitonin gene. The neuropeptide is widely distributed in neural tissue of the brain, gut, perivascular nerves, and other tissue. The peptide produces multiple biological effects and has both circulatory and neurotransmitter modes of action. In particular, it is a potent endogenous vasodilator.
Abrupt changes in the membrane potential that sweep along the CELL MEMBRANE of excitable cells in response to excitation stimuli.
The minimum amount of stimulus energy necessary to elicit a sensory response.
A broad group of eukaryotic six-transmembrane cation channels that are classified by sequence homology because their functional involvement with SENSATION is varied. They have only weak voltage sensitivity and ion selectivity. They are named after a DROSOPHILA mutant that displayed transient receptor potentials in response to light. A 25-amino-acid motif containing a TRP box (EWKFAR) just C-terminal to S6 is found in TRPC, TRPV and TRPM subgroups. ANKYRIN repeats are found in TRPC, TRPV & TRPN subgroups. Some are functionally associated with TYROSINE KINASE or TYPE C PHOSPHOLIPASES.
Ion channels that specifically allow the passage of SODIUM ions. A variety of specific sodium channel subtypes are involved in serving specialized functions such as neuronal signaling, CARDIAC MUSCLE contraction, and KIDNEY function.
A family of proton-gated sodium channels that are primarily expressed in neuronal tissue. They are AMILORIDE-sensitive and are implicated in the signaling of a variety of neurological stimuli, most notably that of pain in response to acidic conditions.
Nerve structures through which impulses are conducted from a peripheral part toward a nerve center.
An increased response to stimulation that is mediated by amplification of signaling in the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (CNS).
Sensing of noxious mechanical, thermal or chemical stimuli by NOCICEPTORS. It is the sensory component of visceral and tissue pain (NOCICEPTIVE PAIN).
A voltage-gated sodium channel subtype found in the neurons of the NERVOUS SYSTEM and DORSAL ROOT GANGLIA. It may play a role in the generation of heat and mechanical pain hypersensitivity.
Rapidly decreasing response to a drug or physiologically active agent after administration of a few doses. In immunology, it is the rapid immunization against the effect of toxic doses of an extract or serum by previous injection of small doses. (Dorland, 28th ed)
A general term indicating inflammation of a peripheral or cranial nerve. Clinical manifestation may include PAIN; PARESTHESIAS; PARESIS; or HYPESTHESIA.
An absence of warmth or heat or a temperature notably below an accustomed norm.
An alcohol produced from mint oils or prepared synthetically.
A major nerve of the upper extremity. In humans the fibers of the radial nerve originate in the lower cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord (usually C5 to T1), travel via the posterior cord of the brachial plexus, and supply motor innervation to extensor muscles of the arm and cutaneous sensory fibers to extensor regions of the arm and hand.
The functions of the skin in the human and animal body. It includes the pigmentation of the skin.
Inflammation caused by an injurious stimulus of peripheral neurons and resulting in release of neuropeptides which affect vascular permeability and help initiate proinflammatory and immune reactions at the site of injury.
Inflammation of the DENTAL PULP, usually due to bacterial infection in dental caries, tooth fracture, or other conditions causing exposure of the pulp to bacterial invasion. Chemical irritants, thermal factors, hyperemic changes, and other factors may also cause pulpitis.
The nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system has autonomic and somatic divisions. The autonomic nervous system includes the enteric, parasympathetic, and sympathetic subdivisions. The somatic nervous system includes the cranial and spinal nerves and their ganglia and the peripheral sensory receptors.
The process by which cells convert mechanical stimuli into a chemical response. It can occur in both cells specialized for sensing mechanical cues such as MECHANORECEPTORS, and in parenchymal cells whose primary function is not mechanosensory.
A nonapeptide messenger that is enzymatically produced from KALLIDIN in the blood where it is a potent but short-lived agent of arteriolar dilation and increased capillary permeability. Bradykinin is also released from MAST CELLS during asthma attacks, from gut walls as a gastrointestinal vasodilator, from damaged tissues as a pain signal, and may be a neurotransmitter.
A subclass of ADENOSINE RECEPTORS that are generally considered to be coupled to the GS, STIMULATORY G-PROTEIN which causes up regulation of CYCLIC AMP.
Biological actions and events that constitute the functions of the NERVOUS SYSTEM.
A condition where damage to the peripheral nervous system (including the peripheral elements of the autonomic nervous system) is associated with chronic ingestion of alcoholic beverages. The disorder may be caused by a direct effect of alcohol, an associated nutritional deficiency, or a combination of factors. Clinical manifestations include variable degrees of weakness; ATROPHY; PARESTHESIAS; pain; loss of reflexes; sensory loss; diaphoresis; and postural hypotension. (From Arch Neurol 1995;52(1):45-51; Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1146)
Neurons in the SPINAL CORD DORSAL HORN whose cell bodies and processes are confined entirely to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. They receive collateral or direct terminations of dorsal root fibers. They send their axons either directly to ANTERIOR HORN CELLS or to the WHITE MATTER ascending and descending longitudinal fibers.
Agents, usually topical, that relieve itching (pruritus).
A class of drugs that act by inhibition of sodium influx through cell membranes. Blockade of sodium channels slows the rate and amplitude of initial rapid depolarization, reduces cell excitability, and reduces conduction velocity.
Drugs that act principally at one or more sites within the peripheral neuroeffector systems, the autonomic system, and motor nerve-skeletal system. (From Smith and Reynard, Textbook of Pharmacology, 1991, p75)
The lateral of the two terminal branches of the sciatic nerve. The peroneal (or fibular) nerve provides motor and sensory innervation to parts of the leg and foot.
The 5th and largest cranial nerve. The trigeminal nerve is a mixed motor and sensory nerve. The larger sensory part forms the ophthalmic, mandibular, and maxillary nerves which carry afferents sensitive to external or internal stimuli from the skin, muscles, and joints of the face and mouth and from the teeth. Most of these fibers originate from cells of the TRIGEMINAL GANGLION and project to the TRIGEMINAL NUCLEUS of the brain stem. The smaller motor part arises from the brain stem trigeminal motor nucleus and innervates the muscles of mastication.
An antigen solution emulsified in mineral oil. The complete form is made up of killed, dried mycobacteria, usually M. tuberculosis, suspended in the oil phase. It is effective in stimulating cell-mediated immunity (IMMUNITY, CELLULAR) and potentiates the production of certain IMMUNOGLOBULINS in some animals. The incomplete form does not contain mycobacteria.
The medial terminal branch of the sciatic nerve. The tibial nerve fibers originate in lumbar and sacral spinal segments (L4 to S2). They supply motor and sensory innervation to parts of the calf and foot.
The study of the generation and behavior of electrical charges in living organisms particularly the nervous system and the effects of electricity on living organisms.
The inferior (caudal) ganglion of the vagus (10th cranial) nerve. The unipolar nodose ganglion cells are sensory cells with central projections to the medulla and peripheral processes traveling in various branches of the vagus nerve.
A protein-tyrosine kinase receptor that is specific for NERVE GROWTH FACTOR; NEUROTROPHIN 3; neurotrophin 4, neurotrophin 5. It plays a crucial role in pain sensation and thermoregulation in humans. Gene mutations that cause loss of receptor function are associated with CONGENITAL INSENSITIVITY TO PAIN WITH ANHIDROSIS, while gene rearrangements that activate the protein-tyrosine kinase function are associated with tumorigenesis.
The 31 paired peripheral nerves formed by the union of the dorsal and ventral spinal roots from each spinal cord segment. The spinal nerve plexuses and the spinal roots are also included.
The nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord, including the autonomic, cranial, and spinal nerves. Peripheral nerves contain non-neuronal cells and connective tissue as well as axons. The connective tissue layers include, from the outside to the inside, the epineurium, the perineurium, and the endoneurium.
An electrophysiologic technique for studying cells, cell membranes, and occasionally isolated organelles. All patch-clamp methods rely on a very high-resistance seal between a micropipette and a membrane; the seal is usually attained by gentle suction. The four most common variants include on-cell patch, inside-out patch, outside-out patch, and whole-cell clamp. Patch-clamp methods are commonly used to voltage clamp, that is control the voltage across the membrane and measure current flow, but current-clamp methods, in which the current is controlled and the voltage is measured, are also used.
Either of two extremities of four-footed non-primate land animals. It usually consists of a FEMUR; TIBIA; and FIBULA; tarsals; METATARSALS; and TOES. (From Storer et al., General Zoology, 6th ed, p73)
A cylindrical column of tissue that lies within the vertebral canal. It is composed of WHITE MATTER and GRAY MATTER.
The founding member of the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor family. It was originally characterized as a NERVE GROWTH FACTOR promoting the survival of MIDBRAIN dopaminergic NEURONS, and it has been studied as a potential treatment for PARKINSON DISEASE.
Use of electric potential or currents to elicit biological responses.
The TEMPERATURE at the outer surface of the body.
Sensation of making physical contact with objects, animate or inanimate. Tactile stimuli are detected by MECHANORECEPTORS in the skin and mucous membranes.
The outermost of the three MENINGES, a fibrous membrane of connective tissue that covers the brain and the spinal cord.
A purinergic P2X neurotransmitter receptor involved in sensory signaling of TASTE PERCEPTION, chemoreception, visceral distension, and NEUROPATHIC PAIN. The receptor comprises three P2X3 subunits. The P2X3 subunits are also associated with P2X2 RECEPTOR subunits in a heterotrimeric receptor variant.
NERVE GROWTH FACTOR is the first of a series of neurotrophic factors that were found to influence the growth and differentiation of sympathetic and sensory neurons. It is comprised of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits. The beta subunit is responsible for its growth stimulating activity.
A pathological process characterized by injury or destruction of tissues caused by a variety of cytologic and chemical reactions. It is usually manifested by typical signs of pain, heat, redness, swelling, and loss of function.
The observable response an animal makes to any situation.
An intense itching sensation that produces the urge to rub or scratch the skin to obtain relief.
Proteins that share the common characteristic of binding to carbohydrates. Some ANTIBODIES and carbohydrate-metabolizing proteins (ENZYMES) also bind to carbohydrates, however they are not considered lectins. PLANT LECTINS are carbohydrate-binding proteins that have been primarily identified by their hemagglutinating activity (HEMAGGLUTININS). However, a variety of lectins occur in animal species where they serve diverse array of functions through specific carbohydrate recognition.
Compounds capable of relieving pain without the loss of CONSCIOUSNESS.
A richly vascularized and innervated connective tissue of mesodermal origin, contained in the central cavity of a tooth and delimited by the dentin, and having formative, nutritive, sensory, and protective functions. (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992)
A subgroup of TRP cation channels named after melastatin protein. They have the TRP domain but lack ANKYRIN repeats. Enzyme domains in the C-terminus leads to them being called chanzymes.
Compounds that bind to and stimulate ADENOSINE A1 RECEPTORS.
The process by which PAIN is recognized and interpreted by the brain.
Diseases of the peripheral nerves external to the brain and spinal cord, which includes diseases of the nerve roots, ganglia, plexi, autonomic nerves, sensory nerves, and motor nerves.
The increase in a measurable parameter of a PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESS, including cellular, microbial, and plant; immunological, cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive, urinary, digestive, neural, musculoskeletal, ocular, and skin physiological processes; or METABOLIC PROCESS, including enzymatic and other pharmacological processes, by a drug or other chemical.
Acrolein is an unsaturated aldehyde (C3H4O), highly reactive, toxic and naturally occurring compound that can be found in certain foods, tobacco smoke and is produced as a result of environmental pollution or industrial processes.
An aminoperhydroquinazoline poison found mainly in the liver and ovaries of fishes in the order TETRAODONTIFORMES, which are eaten. The toxin causes paresthesia and paralysis through interference with neuromuscular conduction.
A nerve originating in the lumbar spinal cord (usually L2 to L4) and traveling through the lumbar plexus to provide motor innervation to extensors of the thigh and sensory innervation to parts of the thigh, lower leg, and foot, and to the hip and knee joints.
A class of disabling primary headache disorders, characterized by recurrent unilateral pulsatile headaches. The two major subtypes are common migraine (without aura) and classic migraine (with aura or neurological symptoms). (International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd ed. Cephalalgia 2004: suppl 1)
A subgroup of TRP cation channels that contain 3-4 ANKYRIN REPEAT DOMAINS and a conserved C-terminal domain. Members are highly expressed in the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. Selectivity for calcium over sodium ranges from 0.5 to 10.
The basic cellular units of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the NERVOUS SYSTEM.
A heterogenous group of transient or low voltage activated type CALCIUM CHANNELS. They are found in cardiac myocyte membranes, the sinoatrial node, Purkinje cells of the heart and the central nervous system.
A water-soluble extractive mixture of sulfated polysaccharides from RED ALGAE. Chief sources are the Irish moss CHONDRUS CRISPUS (Carrageen), and Gigartina stellata. It is used as a stabilizer, for suspending COCOA in chocolate manufacture, and to clarify BEVERAGES.
A strain of albino rat developed at the Wistar Institute that has spread widely at other institutions. This has markedly diluted the original strain.
A protein kinase C subtype that was originally characterized as a CALCIUM-independent, serine-threonine kinase that is activated by PHORBOL ESTERS and DIACYLGLYCEROLS. It is targeted to specific cellular compartments in response to extracellular signals that activate G-PROTEIN-COUPLED RECEPTORS; TYROSINE KINASE RECEPTORS; and intracellular protein tyrosine kinase.
A vesicular glutamate transporter protein that is predominately expressed in the DIENCEPHALON and lower brainstem regions of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM.
The process in which specialized SENSORY RECEPTOR CELLS transduce peripheral stimuli (physical or chemical) into NERVE IMPULSES which are then transmitted to the various sensory centers in the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM.
The relationship between the dose of an administered drug and the response of the organism to the drug.
Chemical compounds which yield hydrogen ions or protons when dissolved in water, whose hydrogen can be replaced by metals or basic radicals, or which react with bases to form salts and water (neutralization). An extension of the term includes substances dissolved in media other than water. (Grant & Hackh's Chemical Dictionary, 5th ed)
A highly reactive aldehyde gas formed by oxidation or incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons. In solution, it has a wide range of uses: in the manufacture of resins and textiles, as a disinfectant, and as a laboratory fixative or preservative. Formaldehyde solution (formalin) is considered a hazardous compound, and its vapor toxic. (From Reynolds, Martindale The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p717)
Injuries to the PERIPHERAL NERVES.
Oils derived from plants or plant products.
Disorders of sensory information received from superficial and deep regions of the body. The somatosensory system conveys neural impulses which pertain to proprioception, tactile sensation, thermal sensation, pressure sensation, and pain. PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES; SPINAL CORD DISEASES; and BRAIN DISEASES may be associated with impaired or abnormal somatic sensation.
A species of the genus MACACA which typically lives near the coast in tidal creeks and mangrove swamps primarily on the islands of the Malay peninsula.

Adenoviral gene transfer into the normal and injured spinal cord: enhanced transgene stability by combined administration of temperature-sensitive virus and transient immune blockade. (1/1699)

This study characterized gene transfer into both normal and injured adult rat dorsal spinal cord using first (E1-/E3-) or second (E1-/E2A125/E3-, temperature-sensitive; ts) generation of replication-defective adenoviral (Ad) vectors. A novel immunosuppressive regimen aimed at blocking CD4/CD45 lymphocytic receptors was tested for improving transgene persistence. In addition, the effect of gene transfer on nociception was also evaluated. Seven days after treatment, numerous LacZ-positive cells were observed after transfection with either viral vector. By 21 days after transfection, beta-galactosidase staining was reduced and suggestive of ongoing cytopathology in both Ad-treated groups, despite the fact that the immunogenicity of LacZ/Adts appeared less when compared with that elicited by the LacZ/Ad vector. In contrast, immunosuppressed animals showed a significant (P < or = 0.05) increase in the number of LacZ-positive cells not displaying cytopathology. In these animals, a concomitant reduction in numbers of macrophages/microglia and CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes was observed. Only animals that received LacZ/Adts and immunosuppression showed transgene expression after 60 days. Similar results were observed in animals in which the L4-L5 dorsal roots were lesioned before transfection. Gene transfer into the dorsal spinal cord did not affect nociception, independent of the adenovirus vector. These results indicate that immune blockade of the CD4/CD45 lymphocytic receptors enhanced transgene stability in adult animals with normal or injured spinal cords and that persistent transgene expression in the spinal cord does not interfere with normal neural function.  (+info)

Uninjured C-fiber nociceptors develop spontaneous activity and alpha-adrenergic sensitivity following L6 spinal nerve ligation in monkey. (2/1699)

We investigated whether uninjured cutaneous C-fiber nociceptors in primates develop abnormal responses after partial denervation of the skin. Partial denervation was induced by tightly ligating spinal nerve L6 that innervates the dorsum of the foot. Using an in vitro skin-nerve preparation, we recorded from uninjured single afferent nerve fibers in the superficial peroneal nerve. Recordings were made from 32 C-fiber nociceptors 2-3 wk after ligation and from 29 C-fiber nociceptors in control animals. Phenylephrine, a selective alpha1-adrenergic agonist, and UK14304 (UK), a selective alpha2-adrenergic agonist, were applied to the receptive field for 5 min in increasing concentrations from 0.1 to 100 microM. Nociceptors from in vitro control experiments were not significantly different from nociceptors recorded by us previously in in vivo experiments. In comparison to in vitro control animals, the afferents found in lesioned animals had 1) a significantly higher incidence of spontaneous activity, 2) a significantly higher incidence of response to phenylephrine, and 3) a higher incidence of response to UK. In lesioned animals, the peak response to phenylephrine was significantly greater than to UK, and the mechanical threshold of phenylephrine-sensitive afferents was significantly lower than for phenylephrine-insensitive afferents. Staining with protein gene product 9.5 revealed an approximately 55% reduction in the number of unmyelinated terminals in the epidermis of the lesioned limb compared with the contralateral limb. Thus uninjured cutaneous C-fiber nociceptors that innervate skin partially denervated by ligation of a spinal nerve acquire two abnormal properties: spontaneous activity and alpha-adrenergic sensitivity. These abnormalities in nociceptor function may contribute to neuropathic pain.  (+info)

The effects of inflammation and inflammatory mediators on nociceptive behaviour induced by ATP analogues in the rat. (3/1699)

1. We have studied the behavioural effects of intraplantar injections of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) and related compounds in freely moving rats and investigated whether these nociceptive effects are augmented in the presence of inflammatory mediators. 2. We find that in normal animals ATP and analogues produce dose-dependent nocifensive behaviour (seen as bursts of elevation of the treated hindpaw), and localized thermal hyperalgesia. The rank order of potency was: alpha,beta-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate (alpha,beta-methylene ATP) > 2-methylthioadenosine triphosphate (2-methylthio ATP) > ATP. After neonatal treatment with capsaicin, to destroy small calibre primary sensory neurones, nocifensive behaviour was largely absent. 3. The effects of ATP analogues were assessed in three models of peripheral sensitization: 2 h after dilute intraplantar carrageenan (0.25% w v(-1)); 24 h after irradiation of the hindpaw with ultraviolet (U.V.) B; immediately following prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) treatment. In all models the effect of alpha,beta-methylene ATP was greatly augmented. After carrageenan, significant hindpaw-lifting behaviour activity was induced by injection of only 0.05 nmol of alpha,beta-methylene ATP, some 100 times less than necessary in normal skin. 4. Our data suggest that it is much more likely that endogenous levels of ATP will reach levels capable of exciting nociceptors in inflamed versus normal skin. Our data also suggest the involvement of P2X3 receptor subunits in ATP-induced nociception.  (+info)

The distribution of neurons expressing calcium-permeable AMPA receptors in the superficial laminae of the spinal cord dorsal horn. (4/1699)

The superficial dorsal horn is a major site of termination of nociceptive primary afferents. Fast excitatory synaptic transmission in this region is mediated mainly by release of glutamate onto postsynaptic AMPA and NMDA receptors. NMDA receptors are known to be Ca2+-permeable and to provide synaptically localized Ca2+ signals that mediate short-term and long-term changes in synaptic strength. Less well known is a subpopulation of AMPA receptors that is Ca2+-permeable and has been shown to be synaptically localized on dorsal horn neurons in culture (Gu et al., 1996) and expressed by dorsal horn neurons in situ (Nagy et al., 1994; Engelman et al., 1997). We used kainate-induced cobalt uptake as a functional marker of neurons expressing Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors and combined this with markers of nociceptive primary afferents in the postnatal rat dorsal horn. We have shown that cobalt-positive neurons are located in lamina I and outer lamina II, a region strongly innervated by nociceptors. These cobalt-positive neurons colocalize with afferents labeled by LD2, and with the most dorsal region of capsaicin-sensitive and IB4- and LA4-positive afferents. In contrast, inner lamina II has a sparser distribution of cobalt-positive neurons. Some lamina I neurons expressing the NK1 receptor, the receptor for substance P, are also cobalt positive. These neurons are likely to be projection neurons in the nociceptive pathway. On the basis of all of these observations, we propose that Ca2+-permeable AMPA receptors are localized to mediate transmission of nociceptive information.  (+info)

Role of protein kinase A in the maintenance of inflammatory pain. (5/1699)

Although the initiation of inflammatory pain (hyperalgesia) has been demonstrated to require the cAMP second messenger signaling cascade, whether this mechanism and/or other mechanisms underlie the continued maintenance of the induced hyperalgesia is unknown. We report that injection of adenylyl cyclase inhibitors before but not after injection of direct-acting hyperalgesic agents (prostaglandin E2 and purine and serotonin receptor agonists) resulted in reduction in hyperalgesia, evaluated by the Randall-Selitto paw-withdrawal test. In contrast, injection of protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitors either before or after these hyperalgesic agents resulted in reduced hyperalgesia, suggesting that hyperalgesia after its activation was maintained by persistent PKA activity but not by adenylyl cyclase activity. To evaluate further the role of PKA activity in the maintenance of hyperalgesia, we injected the catalytic subunit of PKA (PKACS) that resulted in hyperalgesia similar in magnitude to that induced by the direct-acting hyperalgesic agents but much longer in duration (>48 vs 2 hr). Injection of WIPTIDE (a PKA inhibitor) at 24 hr after PKACS reduced hyperalgesia, suggesting that PKACS hyperalgesia is not independently maintained by steps downstream from PKA. In summary, our results indicate that, once established, inflammatory mediator-induced hyperalgesia is no longer maintained by adenylyl cyclase activity but rather is dependent on ongoing PKA activity. An understanding of the mechanism maintaining hyperalgesia may provide important insight into targets for the treatment of persistent pain.  (+info)

Alteration of descending modulation of nociception during the course of monoarthritis in the rat. (6/1699)

Diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC), which involve supraspinal structures and modulate the transmission of nociceptive signals, were investigated at different stages during the development of adjuvant-induced monoarthritis in the rat. After behavioral evaluation, recordings of trigeminal convergent neurons were performed in anesthetized animals with acute (24-48 hr) or chronic (3-4 weeks) monoarthritis of the ankle. Inhibitions of C-fiber-evoked neuronal responses during and after the application of noxious conditioning stimuli to the ankle were measured to evaluate DNIC. The conditioning stimuli consisted of mechanical (maximal flexion and graded pressures) and graded thermal stimuli and were applied alternately to normal and arthritic ankles. Behaviorally, the two groups of animals exhibited a similar increased sensitivity to mechanical stimuli applied to the arthritic joint (i.e., an increased ankle-bend score and a decreased vocalization threshold to pressure stimuli). However, they showed different electrophysiological profiles. In the animals with acute monoarthritis, the DNIC-induced inhibitions produced by mechanical or thermal stimulation of the arthritic joint were significantly increased at all intensities compared with the normal joint. In contrast, in the chronic stage of monoarthritis, the DNIC-induced inhibitions triggered by thermal or pressure stimuli were similar for both ankles, except with the most intense mechanical stimuli. This discrepancy between the behavioral and electrophysiological findings suggests that inputs activated during chronic monoarthritis may fail to recruit DNIC and may thus be functionally different from those activated in the acute stage of inflammation.  (+info)

Activity-dependent slowing of conduction differentiates functional subtypes of C fibres innervating human skin. (7/1699)

1. The effects of impulse activity on conduction in cutaneous C fibres have been examined in 46 microneurographic recordings from 11 normal subjects and 11 diabetic patients with normal nerve conduction. A tungsten microelectrode was inserted into a cutaneous nerve, usually the superficial peroneal close to the ankle, and intraneural microstimulation was used to identify an area of skin innervated. Three minute trains of 0.25 ms stimuli at 1, 2 and 4 Hz were then delivered to the surface of the skin, separated by intervals of 6 min with stimulation at 0.25 Hz. Slowing and block of conduction were measured from the nerve responses for up to seven C units per stimulation sequence. 2. Three types of C unit were distinguished by their responses to repetitive stimulation: type 1 units slowed progressively during the 3 min trains; slowing of type 2 units reached a plateau within 1 min; while type 3 units hardly slowed at all. Data from normal and diabetic subjects did not differ and were pooled. After 3 min at 2 Hz, the percentage increases in latency were for type 1, 28.3 +/- 9.7 (n = 63 units, mean +/- s.d.); for type 2, 5.2 +/- 1.6 (n = 14); and for type 3, 0.8 +/- 0.5 (n = 5), with no overlap. After 3 min at 4 Hz, 58 % of type 1 units (but no type 2 or 3 units) blocked intermittently. Recovery of latency after stimulation was faster for type 2 than for type 1 units, but conduction velocities of the three types were similar. 3. Type 1 units were identified as nociceptors and 7 type 2 units were identified as 'cold' fibres, activated by non-noxious cold, with no overlap in modality. None of the units tested was activated by weak mechanical stimuli or reflex sympathetic activation. 4. Spike waveforms were averaged for 18 type 1, 10 type 2 and 6 type 3 units. All units had predominantly triphasic action potentials with a major negative peak, but those of type 3 units were on average both smaller and briefer than those of type 1 and type 2 units. 5. It is concluded that repetitive electrical stimulation reliably differentiates nociceptive from cold-specific C fibres innervating human hairy skin, as has previously been shown for the rat. Cold fibres can propagate impulses continuously at much higher rates than nociceptive fibres. The nature of the type 3 units is unclear.  (+info)

Ketamine-induced peripheral analgesia in rats. (8/1699)

AIM: To examine whether ketamine may directly act at peripheral nociceptors to produce analgesia. METHODS: Wistar rats were anesthetized with urethane. As a nociceptive flexion reflex (FR), C responses from the posterior biceps semitendinosus (PBST) muscle was evoked by electrical stimulation (2 ms, 80 V, 2-3 pulses, 0.5 Hz) via a pair of stainless steel needles inserted subcutaneously applied to the two toes of ipsilateral hindpw. RESULTS: Subcutaneous injection of ketamine (36 mmol.L-1, 5 microL) into the ipsilateral hindpaw produced an inhibition of C responses. At 9 min after application of ketamine, injection of naloxone (1%, 5 microL) into the same area annulled ketamine-induced inhibition. CONCLUSION: Ketamine as a dissociate anesthetic acts on peripheral nociceptors to produce analgesia, which is related to activity of peripheral opioid receptors.  (+info)

Nociceptors are specialized peripheral sensory neurons that detect and transmit signals indicating potentially harmful stimuli in the form of pain. They are activated by various noxious stimuli such as extreme temperatures, intense pressure, or chemical irritants. Once activated, nociceptors transmit these signals to the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain) where they are interpreted as painful sensations, leading to protective responses like withdrawing from the harmful stimulus or seeking medical attention. Nociceptors play a crucial role in our perception of pain and help protect the body from further harm.

Unmyelinated nerve fibers, also known as unmyelinated axons or non-myelinated fibers, are nerve cells that lack a myelin sheath. Myelin is a fatty, insulating substance that surrounds the axon of many nerve cells and helps to increase the speed of electrical impulses traveling along the nerve fiber.

In unmyelinated nerve fibers, the axons are surrounded by a thin layer of Schwann cell processes called the endoneurium, but there is no continuous myelin sheath. Instead, the axons are packed closely together in bundles, with several axons lying within the same Schwann cell.

Unmyelinated nerve fibers tend to be smaller in diameter than myelinated fibers and conduct electrical impulses more slowly. They are commonly found in the autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion, as well as in sensory nerves that transmit pain and temperature signals.

Mechanoreceptors are specialized sensory receptor cells that convert mechanical stimuli such as pressure, tension, or deformation into electrical signals that can be processed and interpreted by the nervous system. They are found in various tissues throughout the body, including the skin, muscles, tendons, joints, and internal organs. Mechanoreceptors can detect different types of mechanical stimuli depending on their specific structure and location. For example, Pacinian corpuscles in the skin respond to vibrations, while Ruffini endings in the joints detect changes in joint angle and pressure. Overall, mechanoreceptors play a crucial role in our ability to perceive and interact with our environment through touch, proprioception (the sense of the position and movement of body parts), and visceral sensation (awareness of internal organ activity).

Spinal ganglia, also known as dorsal root ganglia, are clusters of nerve cell bodies located in the peripheral nervous system. They are situated along the length of the spinal cord and are responsible for transmitting sensory information from the body to the brain. Each spinal ganglion contains numerous neurons, or nerve cells, with long processes called axons that extend into the periphery and innervate various tissues and organs. The cell bodies within the spinal ganglia receive sensory input from these axons and transmit this information to the central nervous system via the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves. This allows the brain to interpret and respond to a wide range of sensory stimuli, including touch, temperature, pain, and proprioception (the sense of the position and movement of one's body).

Capsaicin is defined in medical terms as the active component of chili peppers (genus Capsicum) that produces a burning sensation when it comes into contact with mucous membranes or skin. It is a potent irritant and is used topically as a counterirritant in some creams and patches to relieve pain. Capsaicin works by depleting substance P, a neurotransmitter that relays pain signals to the brain, from nerve endings.

Here is the medical definition of capsaicin from the Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary:

caпсаісіn : an alkaloid (C18H27NO3) that is the active principle of red peppers and is used in topical preparations as a counterirritant and analgesic.

Physical stimulation, in a medical context, refers to the application of external forces or agents to the body or its tissues to elicit a response. This can include various forms of touch, pressure, temperature, vibration, or electrical currents. The purpose of physical stimulation may be therapeutic, as in the case of massage or physical therapy, or diagnostic, as in the use of reflex tests. It is also used in research settings to study physiological responses and mechanisms.

In a broader sense, physical stimulation can also refer to the body's exposure to physical activity or exercise, which can have numerous health benefits, including improving cardiovascular function, increasing muscle strength and flexibility, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Hyperalgesia is a medical term that describes an increased sensitivity to pain. It occurs when the nervous system, specifically the nociceptors (pain receptors), become excessively sensitive to stimuli. This means that a person experiences pain from a stimulus that normally wouldn't cause pain or experiences pain that is more intense than usual. Hyperalgesia can be a result of various conditions such as nerve damage, inflammation, or certain medications. It's an important symptom to monitor in patients with chronic pain conditions, as it may indicate the development of tolerance or addiction to pain medication.

Afferent neurons, also known as sensory neurons, are a type of nerve cell that conducts impulses or signals from peripheral receptors towards the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord. These neurons are responsible for transmitting sensory information such as touch, temperature, pain, sound, and light to the CNS for processing and interpretation. Afferent neurons have specialized receptor endings that detect changes in the environment and convert them into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to the CNS via synapses with other neurons. Once the signals reach the CNS, they are processed and integrated with other information to produce a response or reaction to the stimulus.

Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage. It is a complex phenomenon that can result from various stimuli, such as thermal, mechanical, or chemical irritation, and it can be acute or chronic. The perception of pain involves the activation of specialized nerve cells called nociceptors, which transmit signals to the brain via the spinal cord. These signals are then processed in different regions of the brain, leading to the conscious experience of pain. It's important to note that pain is a highly individual and subjective experience, and its perception can vary widely among individuals.

Thermoreceptors are specialized sensory nerve endings or neurons that are sensitive to changes in temperature. They detect and respond to heat or cold stimuli by converting them into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain for interpretation. These receptors are found throughout the body, particularly in the skin, mucous membranes, and internal organs. There are two main types of thermoreceptors: warm receptors, which respond to increasing temperatures, and cold receptors, which react to decreasing temperatures. The information provided by thermoreceptors helps maintain homeostasis and protect the body from harmful temperature changes.

In a medical context, "hot temperature" is not a standard medical term with a specific definition. However, it is often used in relation to fever, which is a common symptom of illness. A fever is typically defined as a body temperature that is higher than normal, usually above 38°C (100.4°F) for adults and above 37.5-38°C (99.5-101.3°F) for children, depending on the source.

Therefore, when a medical professional talks about "hot temperature," they may be referring to a body temperature that is higher than normal due to fever or other causes. It's important to note that a high environmental temperature can also contribute to an elevated body temperature, so it's essential to consider both the body temperature and the environmental temperature when assessing a patient's condition.

In medical terms, the skin is the largest organ of the human body. It consists of two main layers: the epidermis (outer layer) and dermis (inner layer), as well as accessory structures like hair follicles, sweat glands, and oil glands. The skin plays a crucial role in protecting us from external factors such as bacteria, viruses, and environmental hazards, while also regulating body temperature and enabling the sense of touch.

Transient receptor potential vanilloid (TRPV) cation channels are a subfamily of transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, which are non-selective cation channels that play important roles in various physiological processes such as nociception, thermosensation, and mechanosensation. TRPV channels are activated by a variety of stimuli including temperature, chemical ligands, and mechanical forces.

TRPV channels are composed of six transmembrane domains with intracellular N- and C-termini. The TRPV subfamily includes six members: TRPV1 to TRPV6. Among them, TRPV1 is also known as the vanilloid receptor 1 (VR1) and is activated by capsaicin, the active component of hot chili peppers, as well as noxious heat. TRPV2 is activated by noxious heat and mechanical stimuli, while TRPV3 and TRPV4 are activated by warm temperatures and various chemical ligands. TRPV5 and TRPV6 are primarily involved in calcium transport and are activated by low pH and divalent cations.

TRPV channels play important roles in pain sensation, neurogenic inflammation, and temperature perception. Dysfunction of these channels has been implicated in various pathological conditions such as chronic pain, inflammatory diseases, and cancer. Therefore, TRPV channels are considered promising targets for the development of novel therapeutics for these conditions.

Nerve fibers are specialized structures that constitute the long, slender processes (axons) of neurons (nerve cells). They are responsible for conducting electrical impulses, known as action potentials, away from the cell body and transmitting them to other neurons or effector organs such as muscles and glands. Nerve fibers are often surrounded by supportive cells called glial cells and are grouped together to form nerve bundles or nerves. These fibers can be myelinated (covered with a fatty insulating sheath called myelin) or unmyelinated, which influences the speed of impulse transmission.

NAV1.8 (SCN10A) voltage-gated sodium channel is a type of ion channel found in excitable cells such as neurons and some types of immune cells. These channels play a crucial role in the generation and transmission of electrical signals in the form of action potentials. The NAV1.8 subtype, specifically, is primarily expressed in peripheral nervous system tissues, including sensory neurons responsible for pain perception.

NAV1.8 voltage-gated sodium channels are composed of four homologous domains (I-IV), each containing six transmembrane segments (S1-S6). The S4 segment in each domain functions as a voltage sensor, moving in response to changes in the membrane potential. When the membrane potential becomes more positive (depolarized), the S4 segment moves outward, which opens the channel and allows sodium ions (Na+) to flow into the cell. This influx of Na+ ions further depolarizes the membrane, leading to the rapid upstroke of the action potential.

The NAV1.8 channels are known for their unique biophysical properties, including slow activation and inactivation kinetics, as well as relative resistance to tetrodotoxin (TTX), a neurotoxin that blocks most voltage-gated sodium channels. These characteristics make NAV1.8 channels particularly important for generating and maintaining the electrical excitability of nociceptive neurons, which are responsible for transmitting pain signals from the periphery to the central nervous system.

Mutations in the SCN10A gene, which encodes the NAV1.8 channel, have been associated with various pain-related disorders, such as inherited erythromelalgia and small fiber neuropathies, highlighting their significance in pain physiology and pathophysiology.

Sensory receptor cells are specialized structures that convert physical stimuli from our environment into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to the brain for interpretation. These receptors can be found in various tissues throughout the body and are responsible for detecting sensations such as touch, pressure, temperature, taste, and smell. They can be classified into two main types: exteroceptors, which respond to stimuli from the external environment, and interoceptors, which react to internal conditions within the body. Examples of sensory receptor cells include hair cells in the inner ear, photoreceptors in the eye, and taste buds on the tongue.

Pain threshold is a term used in medicine and research to describe the point at which a stimulus begins to be perceived as painful. It is an individual's subjective response and can vary from person to person based on factors such as their pain tolerance, mood, expectations, and cultural background.

The pain threshold is typically determined through a series of tests where gradually increasing levels of stimuli are applied until the individual reports feeling pain. This is often used in research settings to study pain perception and analgesic efficacy. However, it's important to note that the pain threshold should not be confused with pain tolerance, which refers to the maximum level of pain a person can endure.

Thermosensing refers to the ability of living organisms to detect and respond to changes in temperature. This is achieved through specialized proteins called thermosensors, which are capable of converting thermal energy into chemical or electrical signals that can be interpreted by the organism's nervous system. Thermosensing plays a critical role in regulating various physiological processes, such as body temperature, metabolism, and development. In medicine, understanding thermosensing mechanisms can provide insights into the treatment of conditions associated with impaired temperature regulation, such as fever or hypothermia.

Myelinated nerve fibers are neuronal processes that are surrounded by a myelin sheath, a fatty insulating substance that is produced by Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system and oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system. This myelin sheath helps to increase the speed of electrical impulse transmission, also known as action potentials, along the nerve fiber. The myelin sheath has gaps called nodes of Ranvier where the electrical impulses can jump from one node to the next, which also contributes to the rapid conduction of signals. Myelinated nerve fibers are typically found in the peripheral nerves and the optic nerve, but not in the central nervous system (CNS) tracts that are located within the brain and spinal cord.

Neural conduction is the process by which electrical signals, known as action potentials, are transmitted along the axon of a neuron (nerve cell) to transmit information between different parts of the nervous system. This electrical impulse is generated by the movement of ions across the neuronal membrane, and it propagates down the length of the axon until it reaches the synapse, where it can then stimulate the release of neurotransmitters to communicate with other neurons or target cells. The speed of neural conduction can vary depending on factors such as the diameter of the axon, the presence of myelin sheaths (which act as insulation and allow for faster conduction), and the temperature of the environment.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Mustard Plant" is not a term typically used in medical definitions. Mustard plants are actually a type of crop plant from the Brassicaceae family, which also includes vegetables like broccoli and cabbage. The seeds from these plants are often ground to make mustard condiments and spices. If you're looking for information related to potential medicinal uses or health effects of mustard plants or their derivatives, I would be happy to help with that.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Sensory System Agents" is not a widely recognized or established medical term. Sensory systems refer to the parts of the nervous system that process and transmit information about the world around us, including the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. However, there are no specific "agents" that are generally recognized as being solely dedicated to affecting these systems in a medical context.

If you're referring to specific pharmaceutical agents or drugs that affect sensory systems, these would be more accurately described using terms related to the specific system (like "ophthalmic agents" for vision, or "anesthetics" for touch/pain) and the specific drug class or mechanism of action.

If you have a more specific context in mind, I'd be happy to try to provide a more targeted answer!

The meninges are the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. They consist of three layers: the dura mater (the outermost, toughest layer), the arachnoid mater (middle layer), and the pia mater (the innermost, delicate layer). These membranes provide protection and support to the central nervous system, and contain blood vessels that supply nutrients and remove waste products. Inflammation or infection of the meninges is called meningitis, which can be a serious medical condition requiring prompt treatment.

Pain measurement, in a medical context, refers to the quantification or evaluation of the intensity and/or unpleasantness of a patient's subjective pain experience. This is typically accomplished through the use of standardized self-report measures such as numerical rating scales (NRS), visual analog scales (VAS), or categorical scales (mild, moderate, severe). In some cases, physiological measures like heart rate, blood pressure, and facial expressions may also be used to supplement self-reported pain ratings. The goal of pain measurement is to help healthcare providers better understand the nature and severity of a patient's pain in order to develop an effective treatment plan.

Sprague-Dawley rats are a strain of albino laboratory rats that are widely used in scientific research. They were first developed by researchers H.H. Sprague and R.C. Dawley in the early 20th century, and have since become one of the most commonly used rat strains in biomedical research due to their relatively large size, ease of handling, and consistent genetic background.

Sprague-Dawley rats are outbred, which means that they are genetically diverse and do not suffer from the same limitations as inbred strains, which can have reduced fertility and increased susceptibility to certain diseases. They are also characterized by their docile nature and low levels of aggression, making them easier to handle and study than some other rat strains.

These rats are used in a wide variety of research areas, including toxicology, pharmacology, nutrition, cancer, and behavioral studies. Because they are genetically diverse, Sprague-Dawley rats can be used to model a range of human diseases and conditions, making them an important tool in the development of new drugs and therapies.

The trigeminal ganglion, also known as the semilunar or Gasserian ganglion, is a sensory ganglion (a cluster of nerve cell bodies) located near the base of the skull. It is a part of the trigeminal nerve (the fifth cranial nerve), which is responsible for sensation in the face and motor functions such as biting and chewing.

The trigeminal ganglion contains the cell bodies of sensory neurons that carry information from three major branches of the trigeminal nerve: the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular divisions. These divisions provide sensation to different areas of the face, head, and oral cavity, including the skin, mucous membranes, muscles, and teeth.

Damage to the trigeminal ganglion or its nerve branches can result in various sensory disturbances, such as pain, numbness, or tingling in the affected areas. Conditions like trigeminal neuralgia, a disorder characterized by intense, stabbing facial pain, may involve the trigeminal ganglion and its associated nerves.

Neuropharmacology is a branch of pharmacology that deals with the study of how drugs affect the nervous system and its cells or organs. It involves investigating the interactions between neurochemical communication systems, such as neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, and drugs that alter their function. This field also includes understanding the effects of drugs on behavior, cognition, and other neurological processes. Neuropharmacology can be further divided into two main areas: behavioral neuropharmacology, which focuses on the study of drugs that affect behavior, and molecular neuropharmacology, which deals with the molecular and cellular mechanisms of drug action in the nervous system.

Neuralgia is a type of pain that occurs along the pathway of a nerve, often caused by damage or irritation to the nerve. It is typically described as a sharp, stabbing, burning, or electric-shock like pain that can be severe and debilitating. Neuralgia can affect any nerve in the body, but it most commonly occurs in the facial area (trigeminal neuralgia) or in the nerves related to the spine (postherpetic neuralgia). The pain associated with neuralgia can be intermittent or constant and may be worsened by certain triggers such as touch, temperature changes, or movement. Treatment for neuralgia typically involves medications to manage pain, as well as other therapies such as nerve blocks, surgery, or lifestyle modifications.

Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a neurotransmitter and vasodilator peptide that is widely distributed in the nervous system. It is encoded by the calcitonin gene, which also encodes calcitonin and catestatin. CGRP is produced and released by sensory nerves and plays important roles in pain transmission, modulation of inflammation, and regulation of blood flow.

CGRP exists as two forms, α-CGRP and β-CGRP, which differ slightly in their amino acid sequences but have similar biological activities. α-CGRP is found primarily in the central and peripheral nervous systems, while β-CGRP is expressed mainly in the gastrointestinal tract.

CGRP exerts its effects by binding to specific G protein-coupled receptors, which are widely distributed in various tissues, including blood vessels, smooth muscles, and sensory neurons. Activation of CGRP receptors leads to increased intracellular cyclic AMP levels, activation of protein kinase A, and subsequent relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, resulting in vasodilation.

CGRP has been implicated in several clinical conditions, including migraine, cluster headache, and inflammatory pain. Inhibition of CGRP signaling has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of these disorders.

An action potential is a brief electrical signal that travels along the membrane of a nerve cell (neuron) or muscle cell. It is initiated by a rapid, localized change in the permeability of the cell membrane to specific ions, such as sodium and potassium, resulting in a rapid influx of sodium ions and a subsequent efflux of potassium ions. This ion movement causes a brief reversal of the electrical potential across the membrane, which is known as depolarization. The action potential then propagates along the cell membrane as a wave, allowing the electrical signal to be transmitted over long distances within the body. Action potentials play a crucial role in the communication and functioning of the nervous system and muscle tissue.

Sensory thresholds are the minimum levels of stimulation that are required to produce a sensation in an individual, as determined through psychophysical testing. These tests measure the point at which a person can just barely detect the presence of a stimulus, such as a sound, light, touch, or smell.

There are two types of sensory thresholds: absolute and difference. Absolute threshold is the minimum level of intensity required to detect a stimulus 50% of the time. Difference threshold, also known as just noticeable difference (JND), is the smallest change in intensity that can be detected between two stimuli.

Sensory thresholds can vary between individuals and are influenced by factors such as age, attention, motivation, and expectations. They are often used in clinical settings to assess sensory function and diagnose conditions such as hearing or vision loss.

Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are a type of ion channel proteins that are widely expressed in various tissues and cells, including the sensory neurons, epithelial cells, and immune cells. They are named after the transient receptor potential mutant flies, which have defects in light-induced electrical responses due to mutations in TRP channels.

TRP channels are polymodal signal integrators that can be activated by a diverse range of physical and chemical stimuli, such as temperature, pressure, touch, osmolarity, pH, and various endogenous and exogenous ligands. Once activated, TRP channels allow the flow of cations, including calcium (Ca2+), sodium (Na+), and magnesium (Mg2+) ions, across the cell membrane.

TRP channels play critical roles in various physiological processes, such as sensory perception, neurotransmission, muscle contraction, cell proliferation, differentiation, migration, and apoptosis. Dysfunction of TRP channels has been implicated in a variety of pathological conditions, including pain, inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, and cancer.

There are six subfamilies of TRP channels, based on their sequence homology and functional properties: TRPC (canonical), TRPV (vanilloid), TRPM (melastatin), TRPA (ankyrin), TRPP (polycystin), and TRPML (mucolipin). Each subfamily contains several members with distinct activation mechanisms, ion selectivity, and tissue distribution.

In summary, Transient Receptor Potential Channels are a group of polymodal cation channels that play critical roles in various physiological processes and are implicated in many pathological conditions.

Sodium channels are specialized protein structures that are embedded in the membranes of excitable cells, such as nerve and muscle cells. They play a crucial role in the generation and transmission of electrical signals in these cells. Sodium channels are responsible for the rapid influx of sodium ions into the cell during the initial phase of an action potential, which is the electrical signal that travels along the membrane of a neuron or muscle fiber. This sudden influx of sodium ions causes the membrane potential to rapidly reverse, leading to the depolarization of the cell. After the action potential, the sodium channels close and become inactivated, preventing further entry of sodium ions and helping to restore the resting membrane potential.

Sodium channels are composed of a large alpha subunit and one or two smaller beta subunits. The alpha subunit forms the ion-conducting pore, while the beta subunits play a role in modulating the function and stability of the channel. Mutations in sodium channel genes have been associated with various inherited diseases, including certain forms of epilepsy, cardiac arrhythmias, and muscle disorders.

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are a type of ion channel protein found in nerve cells (neurons) that are activated by acidic environments. They are composed of homomeric or heteromeric combinations of six different subunits, designated ASIC1a, ASIC1b, ASIC2a, ASIC2b, ASIC3, and ASIC4. These channels play important roles in various physiological processes, including pH homeostasis, nociception (pain perception), and mechanosensation (the ability to sense mechanical stimuli).

ASICs are permeable to both sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca2+) ions. When the extracellular pH decreases, the channels open, allowing Na+ and Ca2+ ions to flow into the neuron. This influx of cations can depolarize the neuronal membrane, leading to the generation of action potentials and neurotransmitter release.

In the context of pain perception, ASICs are activated by the acidic environment in damaged tissues or ischemic conditions, contributing to the sensation of pain. In addition, some ASIC subunits have been implicated in synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory processes. Dysregulation of ASIC function has been associated with various pathological conditions, including neuropathic pain, ischemia, epilepsy, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Afferent pathways, also known as sensory pathways, refer to the neural connections that transmit sensory information from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system (CNS), specifically to the brain and spinal cord. These pathways are responsible for carrying various types of sensory information, such as touch, temperature, pain, pressure, vibration, hearing, vision, and taste, to the CNS for processing and interpretation.

The afferent pathways begin with sensory receptors located throughout the body, which detect changes in the environment and convert them into electrical signals. These signals are then transmitted via afferent neurons, also known as sensory neurons, to the spinal cord or brainstem. Within the CNS, the information is further processed and integrated with other neural inputs before being relayed to higher cognitive centers for conscious awareness and response.

Understanding the anatomy and physiology of afferent pathways is essential for diagnosing and treating various neurological conditions that affect sensory function, such as neuropathies, spinal cord injuries, and brain disorders.

Central nervous system (CNS) sensitization refers to a state in which the CNS, specifically the brain and spinal cord, becomes increasingly hypersensitive to stimuli. This heightened sensitivity results in an amplified response to painful or non-painful stimuli.

In CNS sensitization, there is an increased responsiveness of neurons in the CNS, leading to a lower threshold for activation and an enhanced transmission of nociceptive (pain) signals. This can occur due to various factors such as tissue injury, inflammation, or nerve damage, which trigger changes in the nervous system that contribute to the development and maintenance of chronic pain conditions.

CNS sensitization is associated with functional and structural reorganization within the CNS, including alterations in neurotransmitter release, ion channel function, and synaptic plasticity. These changes can result in long-term modifications in the processing and perception of pain, making it more difficult to manage and treat chronic pain conditions.

Nociception is the neural process of encoding and processing noxious stimuli, which can result in the perception of pain. It involves the activation of specialized nerve endings called nociceptors, located throughout the body, that detect potentially harmful stimuli such as extreme temperatures, intense pressure, or tissue damage caused by chemicals released during inflammation. Once activated, nociceptors transmit signals through sensory neurons to the spinal cord and then to the brain, where they are interpreted as painful experiences.

It is important to note that while nociception is necessary for pain perception, it does not always lead to conscious awareness of pain. Factors such as attention, emotion, and context can influence whether or not nociceptive signals are experienced as painful.

NAV1.9, also known as SCN11A, is a type of voltage-gated sodium channel that is primarily expressed in peripheral sensory neurons. These channels play a crucial role in the generation and transmission of electrical signals in nerve cells. Specifically, NAV1.9 channels are involved in setting the threshold for action potential initiation and contributing to the amplification and propagation of electrical signals in nociceptive neurons, which are responsible for transmitting pain signals to the brain.

NAV1.9 channels are unique among voltage-gated sodium channels because they can be activated at relatively hyperpolarized membrane potentials, making them particularly sensitive to small changes in membrane potential. This property allows NAV1.9 channels to contribute to the regulation of neuronal excitability and pain signaling even under resting conditions.

Mutations in the SCN11A gene, which encodes the NAV1.9 channel, have been associated with various pain disorders, including inherited erythromelalgia, paroxysmal extreme pain disorder, and small fiber neuropathy. These mutations can lead to changes in channel function that result in hyperexcitability of nociceptive neurons and increased pain sensitivity.

Tachyphylaxis is a medical term that refers to the rapid and temporary loss of response to a drug after its repeated administration, especially when administered in quick succession. This occurs due to the decreased sensitivity or responsiveness of the body's receptors to the drug, resulting in a reduced therapeutic effect over time.

In simpler terms, tachyphylaxis is when the body becomes quickly desensitized to a medication after taking it multiple times in a short period, causing the drug to become less effective or ineffective at achieving the desired outcome. This phenomenon can occur with various medications, including those used for treating pain, allergies, and psychiatric conditions.

It's important to note that tachyphylaxis should not be confused with tolerance, which is a similar but distinct concept where the body gradually becomes less responsive to a drug after prolonged use over time.

Neuritis is a general term that refers to inflammation of a nerve or nerves, often causing pain, loss of function, and/or sensory changes. It can affect any part of the nervous system, including the peripheral nerves (those outside the brain and spinal cord) or the cranial nerves (those that serve the head and neck). Neuritis may result from various causes, such as infections, autoimmune disorders, trauma, toxins, or metabolic conditions. The specific symptoms and treatment depend on the underlying cause and the affected nerve(s).

"Cold temperature" is a relative term and its definition can vary depending on the context. In general, it refers to temperatures that are lower than those normally experienced or preferred by humans and other warm-blooded animals. In a medical context, cold temperature is often defined as an environmental temperature that is below 16°C (60.8°F).

Exposure to cold temperatures can have various physiological effects on the human body, such as vasoconstriction of blood vessels near the skin surface, increased heart rate and metabolic rate, and shivering, which helps to generate heat and maintain body temperature. Prolonged exposure to extreme cold temperatures can lead to hypothermia, a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by a drop in core body temperature below 35°C (95°F).

It's worth noting that some people may have different sensitivities to cold temperatures due to factors such as age, health status, and certain medical conditions. For example, older adults, young children, and individuals with circulatory or neurological disorders may be more susceptible to the effects of cold temperatures.

Menthol is a compound obtained from the crystals of the mint plant (Mentha arvensis). It is a white, crystalline substance that is solid at room temperature but becomes a clear, colorless, oily liquid when heated. Menthol has a cooling and soothing effect on mucous membranes, which makes it a common ingredient in over-the-counter products used to relieve symptoms of congestion, coughs, and sore throats. It is also used as a topical analgesic for its pain-relieving properties and as a flavoring agent in various products such as toothpaste, mouthwashes, and candies.

The Radial nerve is a major peripheral nerve in the human body that originates from the brachial plexus, which is a network of nerves formed by the union of the ventral rami (anterior divisions) of spinal nerves C5-T1. The radial nerve provides motor function to extensor muscles of the upper limb and sensation to parts of the skin on the back of the arm, forearm, and hand.

More specifically, the radial nerve supplies motor innervation to:

* Extensor muscles of the shoulder (e.g., teres minor, infraspinatus)
* Rotator cuff muscles
* Elbow joint stabilizers (e.g., lateral head of the triceps)
* Extensors of the wrist, fingers, and thumb

The radial nerve also provides sensory innervation to:

* Posterior aspect of the upper arm (from the lower third of the humerus to the elbow)
* Lateral forearm (from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus to the wrist)
* Dorsum of the hand (skin over the radial side of the dorsum, including the first web space)

Damage or injury to the radial nerve may result in various symptoms, such as weakness or paralysis of the extensor muscles, numbness or tingling sensations in the affected areas, and difficulty with extension movements of the wrist, fingers, and thumb. Common causes of radial nerve injuries include fractures of the humerus bone, compression during sleep or prolonged pressure on the nerve (e.g., from crutches), and entrapment syndromes like radial tunnel syndrome.

"Skin physiological phenomena" is not a standard medical term with a specific definition. However, I can provide some information about the general concepts that might be encompassed by this term.

Physiological phenomena refer to the functions and processes that occur in living organisms. When it comes to the skin, there are many different physiological phenomena that take place, including:

1. Barrier function: The skin acts as a barrier to protect the body from external elements such as bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and UV radiation.
2. Temperature regulation: The skin helps regulate body temperature through sweat production and blood flow.
3. Sensation: The skin contains nerve endings that allow us to feel touch, pressure, pain, and temperature.
4. Vitamin D synthesis: The skin can produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.
5. Moisture regulation: The skin helps maintain the body's moisture balance by producing sweat and preventing water loss.
6. Immunological function: The skin plays a role in the immune system by providing a physical barrier and containing immune cells that help fight off infections.
7. Excretion: The skin eliminates waste products through sweat.
8. Wound healing: The skin has the ability to repair itself after injury, through a complex process involving inflammation, tissue regeneration, and remodeling.

Therefore, "skin physiological phenomena" could refer to any or all of these functions and processes that take place in the skin.

Neurogenic inflammation is a type of inflammatory response that is initiated by the nervous system and involves the release of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, such as substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and nitric oxide. These substances cause vasodilation, increased vascular permeability, and recruitment of immune cells to the site of injury or damage.

Neurogenic inflammation can occur in response to a variety of stimuli, including tissue injury, infection, and chemical or physical irritants. It is thought to play a role in the development and maintenance of various clinical conditions, such as migraine headaches, neuropathic pain, asthma, and allergies.

In contrast to classical inflammation, which is mediated by the immune system, neurogenic inflammation is primarily driven by the nervous system and can occur independently of traditional immune responses. However, the two processes often interact and amplify each other, leading to a more robust and prolonged inflammatory response.

Pulpitis is a dental term that refers to the inflammation of the pulp, which is the soft tissue inside the center of a tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. The pulp helps to form the dentin, the hard layer beneath the enamel. Pulpitis can result from tooth decay, dental trauma, or other factors that cause damage to the tooth's protective enamel and dentin layers, exposing the pulp to irritants and bacteria.

There are two types of pulpitis: reversible and irreversible. Reversible pulpitis is characterized by mild inflammation that can be treated and potentially reversed with dental intervention, such as a filling or root canal treatment. Irreversible pulpitis, on the other hand, involves severe inflammation that cannot be reversed, and typically requires a root canal procedure to remove the infected pulp tissue and prevent further infection or damage to the tooth.

Symptoms of pulpitis may include tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, pain or discomfort when biting down or applying pressure to the tooth, and in some cases, spontaneous or radiating pain. If left untreated, pulpitis can lead to more serious dental issues, such as abscesses or bone loss around the affected tooth.

The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) is that part of the nervous system which lies outside of the brain and spinal cord. It includes all the nerves and ganglia ( clusters of neurons) outside of the central nervous system (CNS). The PNS is divided into two components: the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

The somatic nervous system is responsible for transmitting sensory information from the skin, muscles, and joints to the CNS, and for controlling voluntary movements of the skeletal muscles.

The autonomic nervous system, on the other hand, controls involuntary actions, such as heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate, salivation, perspiration, pupillary dilation, and sexual arousal. It is further divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, which generally have opposing effects and maintain homeostasis in the body.

Damage to the peripheral nervous system can result in various medical conditions such as neuropathies, neuritis, plexopathies, and radiculopathies, leading to symptoms like numbness, tingling, pain, weakness, or loss of reflexes in the affected area.

Cellular mechanotransduction is the process by which cells convert mechanical stimuli into biochemical signals, resulting in changes in cell behavior and function. This complex process involves various molecular components, including transmembrane receptors, ion channels, cytoskeletal proteins, and signaling molecules. Mechanical forces such as tension, compression, or fluid flow can activate these components, leading to alterations in gene expression, protein synthesis, and cell shape or movement. Cellular mechanotransduction plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, including tissue development, homeostasis, and repair, as well as in pathological conditions such as fibrosis and cancer progression.

Bradykinin is a naturally occurring peptide in the human body, consisting of nine amino acids. It is a potent vasodilator and increases the permeability of blood vessels, causing a local inflammatory response. Bradykinin is formed from the breakdown of certain proteins, such as kininogen, by enzymes called kininases or proteases, including kallikrein. It plays a role in several physiological processes, including pain transmission, blood pressure regulation, and the immune response. In some pathological conditions, such as hereditary angioedema, bradykinin levels can increase excessively, leading to symptoms like swelling, redness, and pain.

Adenosine A2 receptors are a type of G-protein coupled receptor that binds the endogenous purine nucleoside adenosine. They are divided into two subtypes, A2a and A2b, which have different distributions in the body and couple to different G proteins.

A2a receptors are found in high levels in the brain, particularly in the striatum, and play a role in regulating the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and glutamate. They also have anti-inflammatory effects and are being studied as potential targets for the treatment of neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis.

A2b receptors, on the other hand, are found in a variety of tissues including the lung, blood vessels, and immune cells. They play a role in regulating inflammation and vasodilation, and have been implicated in the development of conditions such as asthma and pulmonary fibrosis.

Both A2a and A2b receptors are activated by adenosine, which is released in response to cellular stress or injury. Activation of these receptors can lead to a variety of downstream effects, depending on the tissue and context in which they are expressed.

The term "nervous system physiological processes" refers to the various functional activities and mechanisms that occur within the nervous system, which is responsible for controlling and coordinating bodily functions. These processes include:

1. Electrical impulse transmission: The nervous system transmits electrical signals called action potentials through neurons to transmit information between different parts of the body.
2. Neurotransmitter release and reception: Neurons communicate with each other and with other cells by releasing neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that bind to receptors on target cells.
3. Sensory perception: Specialized sensory neurons detect changes in the external environment (e.g., light, sound, temperature, touch) or internal environment (e.g., blood pressure, pH, glucose levels) and transmit this information to the brain for processing.
4. Motor control: The nervous system controls voluntary and involuntary movements by sending signals from the brain to muscles and glands.
5. Homeostasis: The nervous system helps maintain internal homeostasis by regulating vital functions such as heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, and fluid balance.
6. Cognition: The nervous system is involved in higher cognitive functions such as learning, memory, attention, perception, and language.
7. Emotional regulation: The nervous system plays a crucial role in emotional processing and regulation through its connections with the limbic system and hypothalamus.
8. Sleep-wake cycle: The nervous system regulates the sleep-wake cycle through the interaction of various neurotransmitters and brain regions.

These physiological processes are essential for normal bodily function and are tightly regulated to ensure optimal performance. Dysfunction in any aspect of the nervous system can lead to a wide range of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Alcoholic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that occurs due to excessive alcohol consumption. It's caused by the toxic effects of alcohol and its byproducts on nerves throughout the body, particularly in the peripheral nervous system. The condition typically develops over time, with symptoms becoming more severe as alcohol abuse continues.

The symptoms of alcoholic neuropathy can vary widely depending on which nerves are affected. However, common symptoms include:

1. Numbness or tingling in the arms and legs
2. Muscle weakness and cramps
3. Loss of reflexes
4. Difficulty with balance and coordination
5. Pain or burning sensations in the extremities
6. Heat intolerance
7. Bladder and bowel dysfunction
8. Sexual dysfunction

Treatment for alcoholic neuropathy typically involves addressing the underlying alcohol abuse, as well as managing symptoms with medications and physical therapy. In severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary to monitor and manage complications. It's important to note that abstaining from alcohol is the only way to prevent further nerve damage and improve symptoms over time.

Posterior horn cells refer to the neurons located in the posterior (or dorsal) horn of the gray matter in the spinal cord. These cells are primarily responsible for receiving and processing sensory information from peripheral nerves, particularly related to touch, pressure, pain, and temperature. The axons of these cells form the ascending tracts that carry this information to the brain for further processing. It's worth noting that damage to posterior horn cells can result in various sensory deficits, such as those seen in certain neurological conditions.

Antipruritics are a class of medications or substances that are used to relieve or prevent itching (pruritus). They work by reducing the sensation of itchiness and can be applied topically to the skin, taken orally, or administered intravenously. Some common antipruritics include diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, and corticosteroids.

Sodium channel blockers are a class of medications that work by blocking sodium channels in the heart, which prevents the rapid influx of sodium ions into the cells during depolarization. This action slows down the rate of impulse generation and propagation in the heart, which in turn decreases the heart rate and prolongs the refractory period.

Sodium channel blockers are primarily used to treat cardiac arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and ventricular tachycardia. They may also be used to treat certain types of neuropathic pain. Examples of sodium channel blockers include Class I antiarrhythmics such as flecainide, propafenone, lidocaine, and mexiletine.

It's important to note that sodium channel blockers can have potential side effects, including proarrhythmia (i.e., the development of new arrhythmias or worsening of existing ones), negative inotropy (decreased contractility of the heart muscle), and cardiac conduction abnormalities. Therefore, these medications should be used with caution and under the close supervision of a healthcare provider.

Peripheral nervous system (PNS) agents are a category of pharmaceutical drugs that act on the peripheral nervous system, which includes all the nerves outside the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). These agents can be further classified into various subgroups based on their specific mechanisms of action and therapeutic effects. Here are some examples:

1. Local anesthetics: These drugs block nerve impulses by inhibiting the sodium channels in the neuronal membrane, thereby preventing the generation and transmission of nerve impulses. They are commonly used to provide local or regional anesthesia during surgical procedures or to manage pain. Examples include lidocaine, bupivacaine, and prilocaine.
2. Neuropathic pain agents: These drugs are used to treat neuropathic pain, which is caused by damage or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves. They can act on various targets, including sodium channels, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, and voltage-gated calcium channels. Examples include gabapentin, pregabalin, duloxetine, and amitriptyline.
3. Muscle relaxants: These drugs act on the skeletal muscle to reduce muscle tone and spasticity. They can be classified into two main categories: centrally acting muscle relaxants (e.g., baclofen, tizanidine) and peripherally acting muscle relaxants (e.g., cyclobenzaprine, carisoprodol).
4. Cholinergic agents: These drugs act on the cholinergic receptors in the PNS to modulate nerve impulse transmission. They can be further classified into muscarinic and nicotinic agonists or antagonists, depending on their specific mechanism of action. Examples include neostigmine, pyridostigmine, and physostigmine.
5. Sympathomimetic agents: These drugs stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, which is part of the PNS that regulates the "fight or flight" response. They can be used to treat various conditions, such as hypotension, bronchospasm, and nasal congestion. Examples include epinephrine, norepinephrine, phenylephrine, and pseudoephedrine.
6. Sympatholytic agents: These drugs block the sympathetic nervous system to reduce its activity. They can be used to treat various conditions, such as hypertension, tachycardia, and anxiety. Examples include beta-blockers (e.g., propranolol, metoprolol), alpha-blockers (e.g., prazosin, doxazosin), and combined alpha-beta blockers (e.g., labetalol, carvedilol).
7. Neuropathic pain agents: These drugs are used to treat neuropathic pain, which is caused by damage or dysfunction of the nervous system. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as sodium channels, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, and opioid receptors. Examples include lidocaine, capsaicin, tramadol, and tapentadol.
8. Antiepileptic drugs: These drugs are used to treat epilepsy, which is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as sodium channels, calcium channels, and GABA receptors. Examples include phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproate, lamotrigine, topiramate, and levetiracetam.
9. Antidepressant drugs: These drugs are used to treat depression, which is a mental disorder characterized by persistent low mood and loss of interest in activities. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as serotonin receptors, norepinephrine receptors, and dopamine receptors. Examples include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (e.g., fluoxetine, sertraline), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) (e.g., venlafaxine, duloxetine), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) (e.g., amitriptyline, imipramine), and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) (e.g., phenelzine, selegiline).
10. Antipsychotic drugs: These drugs are used to treat psychosis, which is a mental disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thought processes. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as dopamine receptors, serotonin receptors, and histamine receptors. Examples include typical antipsychotics (e.g., haloperidol, chlorpromazine) and atypical antipsychotics (e.g., clozapine, risperidone).
11. Anxiolytic drugs: These drugs are used to treat anxiety disorders, which are mental disorders characterized by excessive fear, worry, or nervousness. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as GABA receptors and benzodiazepine receptors. Examples include benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam, alprazolam), buspirone, and hydroxyzine.
12. Sedative drugs: These drugs are used to induce sleep or reduce excitement. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as GABA receptors and histamine receptors. Examples include barbiturates (e.g., phenobarbital, secobarbital), benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam, temazepam), and antihistamines (e.g., diphenhydramine, doxylamine).
13. Hypnotic drugs: These drugs are used to induce sleep. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as GABA receptors and benzodiazepine receptors. Examples include benzodiazepines (e.g., triazolam, flunitrazepam) and non-benzodiazepine hypnotics (e.g., zolpidem, eszopiclone).
14. Antidepressant drugs: These drugs are used to treat depression, which is a mental disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or worthlessness. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as serotonin receptors and norepinephrine transporters. Examples include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g., fluoxetine, sertraline), tricyclic antidepressants (e.g., amitriptyline, imipramine), and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (e.g., phenelzine, selegiline).
15. Anxiolytic drugs: These drugs are used to reduce anxiety, which is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as GABA receptors and benzodiazepine receptors. Examples include benzodiazepines (e.g., alprazolam, lorazepam), buspirone, and hydroxyzine.
16. Antipsychotic drugs: These drugs are used to treat psychosis, which is a mental disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusions, or disordered thinking. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as dopamine receptors and serotonin receptors. Examples include typical antipsychotics (e.g., haloperidol, chlorpromazine) and atypical antipsychotics (e.g., risperidone, olanzapine).
17. Mood stabilizers: These drugs are used to treat mood disorders, such as bipolar disorder or major depressive disorder. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as sodium channels and GABA receptors. Examples include lithium, valproic acid, and carbamazepine.
18. Stimulants: These drugs are used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or narcolepsy. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as dopamine transporters and norepinephrine transporters. Examples include amphetamine, methylphenidate, and modafinil.
19. Antihistamines: These drugs are used to treat allergies or symptoms of the common cold. They can act on various targets in the PNS, such as histamine receptors and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Examples include diphenhydramine, loratadine, and cetirizine.
20. Antiemetics: These

The Peroneal nerve, also known as the common fibular nerve, is a branch of the sciatic nerve that supplies the muscles of the lower leg and provides sensation to the skin on the outer part of the lower leg and the top of the foot. It winds around the neck of the fibula (calf bone) and can be vulnerable to injury in this area, leading to symptoms such as weakness or numbness in the foot and leg.

The trigeminal nerve, also known as the fifth cranial nerve or CNV, is a paired nerve that carries both sensory and motor information. It has three major branches: ophthalmic (V1), maxillary (V2), and mandibular (V3). The ophthalmic branch provides sensation to the forehead, eyes, and upper portion of the nose; the maxillary branch supplies sensation to the lower eyelid, cheek, nasal cavity, and upper lip; and the mandibular branch is responsible for sensation in the lower lip, chin, and parts of the oral cavity, as well as motor function to the muscles involved in chewing. The trigeminal nerve plays a crucial role in sensations of touch, pain, temperature, and pressure in the face and mouth, and it also contributes to biting, chewing, and swallowing functions.

Freund's adjuvant is not a medical condition but a substance used in laboratory research to enhance the body's immune response to an antigen or vaccine. It is named after its developer, Jules T. Freund.

There are two types of Freund's adjuvants: complete and incomplete. Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) contains killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria, which causes a strong inflammatory response when injected into the body. This makes it an effective adjuvant for experimental vaccines, as it helps to stimulate the immune system and promote a stronger and longer-lasting immune response.

Freund's incomplete adjuvant (FIA) is similar to FCA but does not contain Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is less potent than FCA but still useful for boosting the immune response to certain antigens.

It is important to note that Freund's adjuvants are not used in human vaccines due to their potential to cause adverse reactions, including granulomas and other inflammatory responses. They are primarily used in laboratory research with animals.

The Tibial nerve is a major branch of the sciatic nerve that originates in the lower back and runs through the buttock and leg. It provides motor (nerve impulses that control muscle movement) and sensory (nerve impulses that convey information about touch, temperature, and pain) innervation to several muscles and skin regions in the lower limb.

More specifically, the Tibial nerve supplies the following structures:

1. Motor Innervation: The Tibial nerve provides motor innervation to the muscles in the back of the leg (posterior compartment), including the calf muscles (gastrocnemius and soleus) and the small muscles in the foot (intrinsic muscles). These muscles are responsible for plantarflexion (pointing the foot downward) and inversion (turning the foot inward) of the foot.
2. Sensory Innervation: The Tibial nerve provides sensory innervation to the skin on the sole of the foot, as well as the heel and some parts of the lower leg.

The Tibial nerve travels down the leg, passing behind the knee and through the calf, where it eventually joins with the common fibular (peroneal) nerve to form the tibial-fibular trunk. This trunk then divides into several smaller nerves that innervate the foot's intrinsic muscles and skin.

Damage or injury to the Tibial nerve can result in various symptoms, such as weakness or paralysis of the calf and foot muscles, numbness or tingling sensations in the sole of the foot, and difficulty walking or standing on tiptoes.

Electrophysiology is a branch of medicine that deals with the electrical activities of the body, particularly the heart. In a medical context, electrophysiology studies (EPS) are performed to assess abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias) and to evaluate the effectiveness of certain treatments, such as medication or pacemakers.

During an EPS, electrode catheters are inserted into the heart through blood vessels in the groin or neck. These catheters can record the electrical activity of the heart and stimulate it to help identify the source of the arrhythmia. The information gathered during the study can help doctors determine the best course of treatment for each patient.

In addition to cardiac electrophysiology, there are also other subspecialties within electrophysiology, such as neuromuscular electrophysiology, which deals with the electrical activity of the nervous system and muscles.

The nodose ganglion is a part of the human autonomic nervous system. It is a collection of nerve cell bodies that are located in the upper neck, near the junction of the skull and the first vertebra (C1). The nodose ganglion is a component of the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X), which is a mixed nerve that carries both sensory and motor fibers.

The sensory fibers in the vagus nerve provide information about the state of the internal organs to the brain, including information about the heart, lungs, and digestive system. The cell bodies of these sensory fibers are located in the nodose ganglion.

The nodose ganglion contains neurons that have cell bodies with long processes called dendrites that extend into the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts. These dendrites detect various stimuli, such as mechanical deformation (e.g., stretch), chemical changes (e.g., pH, osmolarity), and temperature changes in the internal environment. The information detected by these dendrites is then transmitted to the brain via the sensory fibers of the vagus nerve.

In summary, the nodose ganglion is a collection of nerve cell bodies that are part of the vagus nerve and provide sensory innervation to the internal organs in the thorax and abdomen.

TrkA (Tropomyosin receptor kinase A) is a type of receptor tyrosine kinase that binds to and is activated by the nerve growth factor (NGF). It is a transmembrane protein found on the surface of certain neurons, and plays an important role in the development, maintenance, and function of the nervous system.

Once NGF binds to TrkA, it activates a series of intracellular signaling pathways that promote the survival, differentiation, and growth of these neurons. TrkA has been found to be particularly important in the development and maintenance of nociceptive (pain-sensing) neurons, and is a target for the treatment of chronic pain.

Spinal nerves are the bundles of nerve fibers that transmit signals between the spinal cord and the rest of the body. There are 31 pairs of spinal nerves in the human body, which can be divided into five regions: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal. Each spinal nerve carries both sensory information (such as touch, temperature, and pain) from the periphery to the spinal cord, and motor information (such as muscle control) from the spinal cord to the muscles and other structures in the body. Spinal nerves also contain autonomic fibers that regulate involuntary functions such as heart rate, digestion, and blood pressure.

Peripheral nerves are nerve fibers that transmit signals between the central nervous system (CNS, consisting of the brain and spinal cord) and the rest of the body. These nerves convey motor, sensory, and autonomic information, enabling us to move, feel, and respond to changes in our environment. They form a complex network that extends from the CNS to muscles, glands, skin, and internal organs, allowing for coordinated responses and functions throughout the body. Damage or injury to peripheral nerves can result in various neurological symptoms, such as numbness, weakness, or pain, depending on the type and severity of the damage.

Patch-clamp techniques are a group of electrophysiological methods used to study ion channels and other electrical properties of cells. These techniques were developed by Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann, who were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1991 for their work. The basic principle of patch-clamp techniques involves creating a high resistance seal between a glass micropipette and the cell membrane, allowing for the measurement of current flowing through individual ion channels or groups of channels.

There are several different configurations of patch-clamp techniques, including:

1. Cell-attached configuration: In this configuration, the micropipette is attached to the outer surface of the cell membrane, and the current flowing across a single ion channel can be measured. This configuration allows for the study of the properties of individual channels in their native environment.
2. Whole-cell configuration: Here, the micropipette breaks through the cell membrane, creating a low resistance electrical connection between the pipette and the inside of the cell. This configuration allows for the measurement of the total current flowing across all ion channels in the cell membrane.
3. Inside-out configuration: In this configuration, the micropipette is pulled away from the cell after establishing a seal, resulting in the exposure of the inner surface of the cell membrane to the solution in the pipette. This configuration allows for the study of the properties of ion channels in isolation from other cellular components.
4. Outside-out configuration: Here, the micropipette is pulled away from the cell after establishing a seal, resulting in the exposure of the outer surface of the cell membrane to the solution in the pipette. This configuration allows for the study of the properties of ion channels in their native environment, but with the ability to control the composition of the extracellular solution.

Patch-clamp techniques have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of ion channel function and have contributed to numerous breakthroughs in neuroscience, pharmacology, and physiology.

A hindlimb, also known as a posterior limb, is one of the pair of extremities that are located distally to the trunk in tetrapods (four-legged vertebrates) and include mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. In humans and other primates, hindlimbs are equivalent to the lower limbs, which consist of the thigh, leg, foot, and toes.

The primary function of hindlimbs is locomotion, allowing animals to move from one place to another. However, they also play a role in other activities such as balance, support, and communication. In humans, the hindlimbs are responsible for weight-bearing, standing, walking, running, and jumping.

In medical terminology, the term "hindlimb" is not commonly used to describe human anatomy. Instead, healthcare professionals use terms like lower limbs or lower extremities to refer to the same region of the body. However, in comparative anatomy and veterinary medicine, the term hindlimb is still widely used to describe the corresponding structures in non-human animals.

The spinal cord is a major part of the nervous system, extending from the brainstem and continuing down to the lower back. It is a slender, tubular bundle of nerve fibers (axons) and support cells (glial cells) that carries signals between the brain and the rest of the body. The spinal cord primarily serves as a conduit for motor information, which travels from the brain to the muscles, and sensory information, which travels from the body to the brain. It also contains neurons that can independently process and respond to information within the spinal cord without direct input from the brain.

The spinal cord is protected by the bony vertebral column (spine) and is divided into 31 segments: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal. Each segment corresponds to a specific region of the body and gives rise to pairs of spinal nerves that exit through the intervertebral foramina at each level.

The spinal cord is responsible for several vital functions, including:

1. Reflexes: Simple reflex actions, such as the withdrawal reflex when touching a hot surface, are mediated by the spinal cord without involving the brain.
2. Muscle control: The spinal cord carries motor signals from the brain to the muscles, enabling voluntary movement and muscle tone regulation.
3. Sensory perception: The spinal cord transmits sensory information, such as touch, temperature, pain, and vibration, from the body to the brain for processing and awareness.
4. Autonomic functions: The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system originate in the thoracolumbar and sacral regions of the spinal cord, respectively, controlling involuntary physiological responses like heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and respiration.

Damage to the spinal cord can result in various degrees of paralysis or loss of sensation below the level of injury, depending on the severity and location of the damage.

Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) is a protein that plays a crucial role in the survival, development, and function of certain neurons in the nervous system. It is a member of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily and was initially identified for its ability to support the survival and differentiation of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are critical for movement control and motivation. GDNF also supports other types of neurons, including motor neurons and sensory neurons. It exerts its effects by binding to a receptor complex consisting of GFRα1 and RET tyrosine kinase receptors, activating intracellular signaling pathways that promote neuronal survival, growth, and synaptic plasticity. GDNF has been investigated as a potential therapeutic agent for various neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Electric stimulation, also known as electrical nerve stimulation or neuromuscular electrical stimulation, is a therapeutic treatment that uses low-voltage electrical currents to stimulate nerves and muscles. It is often used to help manage pain, promote healing, and improve muscle strength and mobility. The electrical impulses can be delivered through electrodes placed on the skin or directly implanted into the body.

In a medical context, electric stimulation may be used for various purposes such as:

1. Pain management: Electric stimulation can help to block pain signals from reaching the brain and promote the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers produced by the body.
2. Muscle rehabilitation: Electric stimulation can help to strengthen muscles that have become weak due to injury, illness, or surgery. It can also help to prevent muscle atrophy and improve range of motion.
3. Wound healing: Electric stimulation can promote tissue growth and help to speed up the healing process in wounds, ulcers, and other types of injuries.
4. Urinary incontinence: Electric stimulation can be used to strengthen the muscles that control urination and reduce symptoms of urinary incontinence.
5. Migraine prevention: Electric stimulation can be used as a preventive treatment for migraines by applying electrical impulses to specific nerves in the head and neck.

It is important to note that electric stimulation should only be administered under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional, as improper use can cause harm or discomfort.

Skin temperature is the measure of heat emitted by the skin, which can be an indicator of the body's core temperature. It is typically lower than the body's internal temperature and varies depending on factors such as environmental temperature, blood flow, and physical activity. Skin temperature is often used as a vital sign in medical settings and can be measured using various methods, including thermal scanners, digital thermometers, or mercury thermometers. Changes in skin temperature may also be associated with certain medical conditions, such as inflammation, infection, or nerve damage.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "touch" is not a term that has a specific medical definition in the context you've provided. In a general sense, touch refers to the ability to perceive things through physically contacting them, which is a function of our nervous system. However, it's not a term used to describe a specific medical condition, diagnosis, treatment, or procedure. If you have any more specific context or question in mind, I'd be happy to try and help further!

Dura Mater is the thickest and outermost of the three membranes (meninges) that cover the brain and spinal cord. It provides protection and support to these delicate structures. The other two layers are called the Arachnoid Mater and the Pia Mater, which are thinner and more delicate than the Dura Mater. Together, these three layers form a protective barrier around the central nervous system.

Purinergic P2X3 receptors are a type of ligand-gated ion channel that are activated by the binding of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and related nucleotides. These receptors are primarily expressed on sensory neurons, including nociceptive neurons that detect and transmit pain signals.

P2X3 receptors are homomeric or heteromeric complexes composed of P2X3 subunits, which form a functional ion channel upon activation by ATP. These receptors play an important role in the transmission of nociceptive information from the periphery to the central nervous system.

Activation of P2X3 receptors leads to the opening of the ion channel and the influx of cations, such as calcium and sodium ions, into the neuron. This depolarizes the membrane and can trigger action potentials that transmit pain signals to the brain.

P2X3 receptors have been implicated in various pain conditions, including inflammatory pain, neuropathic pain, and cancer-related pain. As a result, P2X3 receptor antagonists are being investigated as potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of chronic pain.

Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is a small secreted protein that is involved in the growth, maintenance, and survival of certain neurons (nerve cells). It was the first neurotrophin to be discovered and is essential for the development and function of the nervous system. NGF binds to specific receptors on the surface of nerve cells and helps to promote their differentiation, axonal growth, and synaptic plasticity. Additionally, NGF has been implicated in various physiological processes such as inflammation, immune response, and wound healing. Deficiencies or excesses of NGF have been linked to several neurological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and pain conditions.

Inflammation is a complex biological response of tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. It is characterized by the following signs: rubor (redness), tumor (swelling), calor (heat), dolor (pain), and functio laesa (loss of function). The process involves the activation of the immune system, recruitment of white blood cells, and release of inflammatory mediators, which contribute to the elimination of the injurious stimuli and initiation of the healing process. However, uncontrolled or chronic inflammation can also lead to tissue damage and diseases.

'Animal behavior' refers to the actions or responses of animals to various stimuli, including their interactions with the environment and other individuals. It is the study of the actions of animals, whether they are instinctual, learned, or a combination of both. Animal behavior includes communication, mating, foraging, predator avoidance, and social organization, among other things. The scientific study of animal behavior is called ethology. This field seeks to understand the evolutionary basis for behaviors as well as their physiological and psychological mechanisms.

Pruritus is a medical term derived from Latin, in which "prurire" means "to itch." It refers to an unpleasant sensation on the skin that provokes the desire or reflex to scratch. This can be caused by various factors, such as skin conditions (e.g., dryness, eczema, psoriasis), systemic diseases (e.g., liver disease, kidney failure), nerve disorders, psychological conditions, or reactions to certain medications.

Pruritus can significantly affect a person's quality of life, leading to sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression. Proper identification and management of the underlying cause are essential for effective treatment.

Lectins are a type of proteins that bind specifically to carbohydrates and have been found in various plant and animal sources. They play important roles in biological recognition events, such as cell-cell adhesion, and can also be involved in the immune response. Some lectins can agglutinate certain types of cells or precipitate glycoproteins, while others may have a more direct effect on cellular processes. In some cases, lectins from plants can cause adverse effects in humans if ingested, such as digestive discomfort or allergic reactions.

Analgesics are a class of drugs that are used to relieve pain. They work by blocking the transmission of pain signals in the nervous system, allowing individuals to manage their pain levels more effectively. There are many different types of analgesics available, including both prescription and over-the-counter options. Some common examples include acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin), and opioids such as morphine or oxycodone.

The choice of analgesic will depend on several factors, including the type and severity of pain being experienced, any underlying medical conditions, potential drug interactions, and individual patient preferences. It is important to use these medications as directed by a healthcare provider, as misuse or overuse can lead to serious side effects and potential addiction.

In addition to their pain-relieving properties, some analgesics may also have additional benefits such as reducing inflammation (like in the case of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs) or causing sedation (as with certain opioids). However, it is essential to weigh these potential benefits against the risks and side effects associated with each medication.

When used appropriately, analgesics can significantly improve a person's quality of life by helping them manage their pain effectively and allowing them to engage in daily activities more comfortably.

Dental pulp is the soft tissue located in the center of a tooth, surrounded by the dentin. It contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, and plays a vital role in the development and health of the tooth. The dental pulp helps to form dentin during tooth development and continues to provide nourishment to the tooth throughout its life. It also serves as a sensory organ, allowing the tooth to detect hot and cold temperatures and transmit pain signals to the brain. Injury or infection of the dental pulp can lead to serious dental problems, such as tooth decay or abscesses, and may require root canal treatment to remove the damaged tissue and save the tooth.

Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin (TRPM) cation channels are a subfamily of the transient receptor potential (TRP) channel superfamily, which are non-selective cation channels that play important roles in various cellular processes such as sensory perception, cell proliferation, and migration.

The TRPM subfamily consists of eight members (TRPM1-8), each with distinct functional properties and expression patterns. These channels are permeable to both monovalent and divalent cations, including calcium (Ca^2+^) and magnesium (Mg^2+^).

TRPM channels can be activated by a variety of stimuli, such as changes in temperature, voltage, osmolarity, and chemical ligands. For example, TRPM8 is known to be activated by cold temperatures and menthol, while TRPV1 is activated by heat and capsaicin.

Dysregulation of TRPM channels has been implicated in various pathological conditions, including pain, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. Therefore, understanding the structure and function of these channels may provide insights into potential therapeutic targets for these conditions.

Adenosine A1 receptor agonists are medications or substances that bind to and activate the adenosine A1 receptors, which are found on the surface of certain cells in the body, including those in the heart, brain, and other organs.

Adenosine is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps regulate various physiological processes, such as cardiovascular function and neurotransmission. The adenosine A1 receptor plays an important role in modulating the activity of the heart, including reducing heart rate and lowering blood pressure.

Adenosine A1 receptor agonists are used clinically to treat certain medical conditions, such as supraventricular tachycardia (a rapid heart rhythm originating from above the ventricles), and to prevent cerebral vasospasm (narrowing of blood vessels in the brain) following subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Examples of adenosine A1 receptor agonists include adenosine, regadenoson, and capadenoson. These medications work by mimicking the effects of naturally occurring adenosine on the A1 receptors, leading to a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure.

It's important to note that adenosine A1 receptor agonists can have side effects, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and flushing, which are usually transient and mild. However, they should be used with caution and under the supervision of a healthcare professional, as they can also have more serious side effects in certain individuals.

Pain perception refers to the neural and psychological processes involved in receiving, interpreting, and responding to painful stimuli. It is the subjective experience of pain, which can vary greatly among individuals due to factors such as genetics, mood, expectations, and past experiences. The perception of pain involves complex interactions between the peripheral nervous system (which detects and transmits information about tissue damage or potential harm), the spinal cord (where this information is processed and integrated with other sensory inputs), and the brain (where the final interpretation and emotional response to pain occurs).

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) diseases, also known as Peripheral Neuropathies, refer to conditions that affect the functioning of the peripheral nervous system, which includes all the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. These nerves transmit signals between the central nervous system (CNS) and the rest of the body, controlling sensations, movements, and automatic functions such as heart rate and digestion.

PNS diseases can be caused by various factors, including genetics, infections, toxins, metabolic disorders, trauma, or autoimmune conditions. The symptoms of PNS diseases depend on the type and extent of nerve damage but often include:

1. Numbness, tingling, or pain in the hands and feet
2. Muscle weakness or cramps
3. Loss of reflexes
4. Decreased sensation to touch, temperature, or vibration
5. Coordination problems and difficulty with balance
6. Sexual dysfunction
7. Digestive issues, such as constipation or diarrhea
8. Dizziness or fainting due to changes in blood pressure

Examples of PNS diseases include Guillain-Barre syndrome, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, diabetic neuropathy, and peripheral nerve injuries. Treatment for these conditions varies depending on the underlying cause but may involve medications, physical therapy, lifestyle changes, or surgery.

A chemical stimulation in a medical context refers to the process of activating or enhancing physiological or psychological responses in the body using chemical substances. These chemicals can interact with receptors on cells to trigger specific reactions, such as neurotransmitters and hormones that transmit signals within the nervous system and endocrine system.

Examples of chemical stimulation include the use of medications, drugs, or supplements that affect mood, alertness, pain perception, or other bodily functions. For instance, caffeine can chemically stimulate the central nervous system to increase alertness and decrease feelings of fatigue. Similarly, certain painkillers can chemically stimulate opioid receptors in the brain to reduce the perception of pain.

It's important to note that while chemical stimulation can have therapeutic benefits, it can also have adverse effects if used improperly or in excessive amounts. Therefore, it's essential to follow proper dosing instructions and consult with a healthcare provider before using any chemical substances for stimulation purposes.

Acrolein is an unsaturated aldehyde with the chemical formula CH2CHCHO. It is a colorless liquid that has a distinct unpleasant odor and is highly reactive. Acrolein is produced by the partial oxidation of certain organic compounds, such as glycerol and fatty acids, and it is also found in small amounts in some foods, such as coffee and bread.

Acrolein is a potent irritant to the eyes, nose, and throat, and exposure to high levels can cause coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. It has been shown to have toxic effects on the lungs, heart, and nervous system, and prolonged exposure has been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

In the medical field, acrolein is sometimes used as a laboratory reagent or as a preservative for biological specimens. However, due to its potential health hazards, it must be handled with care and appropriate safety precautions should be taken when working with this compound.

Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent neurotoxin that is primarily found in certain species of pufferfish, blue-ringed octopuses, and other marine animals. It blocks voltage-gated sodium channels in nerve cell membranes, leading to muscle paralysis and potentially respiratory failure. TTX has no known antidote, and medical treatment focuses on supportive care for symptoms. Exposure can occur through ingestion, inhalation, or skin absorption, depending on the route of toxicity.

The femoral nerve is a major nerve in the thigh region of the human body. It originates from the lumbar plexus, specifically from the ventral rami (anterior divisions) of the second, third, and fourth lumbar nerves (L2-L4). The femoral nerve provides motor and sensory innervation to various muscles and areas in the lower limb.

Motor Innervation:
The femoral nerve is responsible for providing motor innervation to several muscles in the anterior compartment of the thigh, including:

1. Iliacus muscle
2. Psoas major muscle
3. Quadriceps femoris muscle (consisting of four heads: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius)

These muscles are involved in hip flexion, knee extension, and stabilization of the hip joint.

Sensory Innervation:
The sensory distribution of the femoral nerve includes:

1. Anterior and medial aspects of the thigh
2. Skin over the anterior aspect of the knee and lower leg (via the saphenous nerve, a branch of the femoral nerve)

The saphenous nerve provides sensation to the skin on the inner side of the leg and foot, as well as the medial malleolus (the bony bump on the inside of the ankle).

In summary, the femoral nerve is a crucial component of the lumbar plexus that controls motor functions in the anterior thigh muscles and provides sensory innervation to the anterior and medial aspects of the thigh and lower leg.

A migraine disorder is a neurological condition characterized by recurrent headaches that often involve one side of the head and are accompanied by various symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, and visual disturbances. Migraines can last from several hours to days and can be severely debilitating. The exact cause of migraines is not fully understood, but they are believed to result from a combination of genetic and environmental factors that affect the brain and blood vessels. There are different types of migraines, including migraine without aura, migraine with aura, chronic migraine, and others, each with its own specific set of symptoms and diagnostic criteria. Treatment typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and behavioral therapies to manage symptoms and prevent future attacks.

Transient Receptor Potential Canonical (TRPC) cation channels are a subfamily of the TRP superfamily of non-selective cation channels. They are widely expressed in various tissues and play crucial roles in many cellular processes, including sensory perception, cell proliferation, and migration. TRPC channels are permeable to both monovalent (sodium and potassium) and divalent (calcium and magnesium) cations, and their activation can lead to a rise in intracellular calcium concentration, which in turn regulates various downstream signaling pathways. TRPC channels can be activated by a variety of stimuli, including G protein-coupled receptors, receptor tyrosine kinases, and mechanical stress. Mutations in TRPC genes have been associated with several human diseases, including hereditary hearing loss, cardiovascular disorders, and neurological conditions.

Neurons, also known as nerve cells or neurocytes, are specialized cells that constitute the basic unit of the nervous system. They are responsible for receiving, processing, and transmitting information and signals within the body. Neurons have three main parts: the dendrites, the cell body (soma), and the axon. The dendrites receive signals from other neurons or sensory receptors, while the axon transmits these signals to other neurons, muscles, or glands. The junction between two neurons is called a synapse, where neurotransmitters are released to transmit the signal across the gap (synaptic cleft) to the next neuron. Neurons vary in size, shape, and structure depending on their function and location within the nervous system.

T-type calcium channels are a type of voltage-gated calcium channel that play a role in the regulation of excitable cells, such as neurons and cardiac myocytes. These channels are characterized by their low voltage activation threshold and rapid activation and inactivation kinetics. They are involved in various physiological processes, including neuronal excitability, gene expression, hormone secretion, and heart rhythm. Abnormal functioning of T-type calcium channels has been implicated in several diseases, such as epilepsy, chronic pain, and cardiac arrhythmias.

Carriageenans are a family of linear sulfated polysaccharides that are extracted from red edible seaweeds. They have been widely used in the food industry as thickening, gelling, and stabilizing agents. In the medical field, they have been studied for their potential therapeutic applications, such as in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and inflammation. However, some studies have suggested that certain types of carriageenans may have negative health effects, including promoting inflammation and damaging the gut lining. Therefore, more research is needed to fully understand their safety and efficacy.

"Wistar rats" are a strain of albino rats that are widely used in laboratory research. They were developed at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, USA, and were first introduced in 1906. Wistar rats are outbred, which means that they are genetically diverse and do not have a fixed set of genetic characteristics like inbred strains.

Wistar rats are commonly used as animal models in biomedical research because of their size, ease of handling, and relatively low cost. They are used in a wide range of research areas, including toxicology, pharmacology, nutrition, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and behavioral studies. Wistar rats are also used in safety testing of drugs, medical devices, and other products.

Wistar rats are typically larger than many other rat strains, with males weighing between 500-700 grams and females weighing between 250-350 grams. They have a lifespan of approximately 2-3 years. Wistar rats are also known for their docile and friendly nature, making them easy to handle and work with in the laboratory setting.

Protein Kinase C-epsilon (PKCε) is a serine-threonine protein kinase that belongs to the family of Protein Kinase C (PKC) enzymes. These enzymes play crucial roles in various cellular processes, including signal transduction, cell survival, differentiation, and apoptosis.

PKCε is specifically involved in regulating several signaling pathways related to inflammation, proliferation, and carcinogenesis. It can be activated by different stimuli such as diacylglycerol (DAG) and phorbol esters, which lead to its translocation from the cytosol to the plasma membrane, where it phosphorylates and modulates the activity of various target proteins.

Abnormal regulation or expression of PKCε has been implicated in several diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders. Therefore, PKCε is considered a potential therapeutic target for these conditions, and inhibitors of this enzyme are being developed and tested in preclinical and clinical studies.

Vesicular Glutamate Transport Protein 2 (VGLUT2) is a type of protein responsible for transporting the neurotransmitter glutamate from the cytoplasm into synaptic vesicles within neurons. This protein is specifically located in the presynaptic terminals and plays a crucial role in the packaging, storage, and release of glutamate, which is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.

Glutamate is involved in various physiological functions, such as learning, memory, and synaptic plasticity. Dysfunction of VGLUT2 has been implicated in several neurological disorders, including epilepsy, chronic pain, and neurodevelopmental conditions like autism and schizophrenia.

In medical terms, sensation refers to the ability to perceive and interpret various stimuli from our environment through specialized receptor cells located throughout the body. These receptors convert physical stimuli such as light, sound, temperature, pressure, and chemicals into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain via nerves. The brain then interprets these signals, allowing us to experience sensations like sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

There are two main types of sensations: exteroceptive and interoceptive. Exteroceptive sensations involve stimuli from outside the body, such as light, sound, and touch. Interoceptive sensations, on the other hand, refer to the perception of internal bodily sensations, such as hunger, thirst, heartbeat, or emotions.

Disorders in sensation can result from damage to the nervous system, including peripheral nerves, spinal cord, or brain. Examples include numbness, tingling, pain, or loss of sensation in specific body parts, which can significantly impact a person's quality of life and ability to perform daily activities.

A dose-response relationship in the context of drugs refers to the changes in the effects or symptoms that occur as the dose of a drug is increased or decreased. Generally, as the dose of a drug is increased, the severity or intensity of its effects also increases. Conversely, as the dose is decreased, the effects of the drug become less severe or may disappear altogether.

The dose-response relationship is an important concept in pharmacology and toxicology because it helps to establish the safe and effective dosage range for a drug. By understanding how changes in the dose of a drug affect its therapeutic and adverse effects, healthcare providers can optimize treatment plans for their patients while minimizing the risk of harm.

The dose-response relationship is typically depicted as a curve that shows the relationship between the dose of a drug and its effect. The shape of the curve may vary depending on the drug and the specific effect being measured. Some drugs may have a steep dose-response curve, meaning that small changes in the dose can result in large differences in the effect. Other drugs may have a more gradual dose-response curve, where larger changes in the dose are needed to produce significant effects.

In addition to helping establish safe and effective dosages, the dose-response relationship is also used to evaluate the potential therapeutic benefits and risks of new drugs during clinical trials. By systematically testing different doses of a drug in controlled studies, researchers can identify the optimal dosage range for the drug and assess its safety and efficacy.

In medical terms, acids refer to a class of chemicals that have a pH less than 7 and can donate protons (hydrogen ions) in chemical reactions. In the context of human health, acids are an important part of various bodily functions, such as digestion. However, an imbalance in acid levels can lead to medical conditions. For example, an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach can cause gastritis or peptic ulcers, while an accumulation of lactic acid due to strenuous exercise or decreased blood flow can lead to muscle fatigue and pain.

Additionally, in clinical laboratory tests, certain substances may be tested for their "acidity" or "alkalinity," which is measured using a pH scale. This information can help diagnose various medical conditions, such as kidney disease or diabetes.

Formaldehyde is a colorless, pungent, and volatile chemical compound with the formula CH2O. It is a naturally occurring substance that is found in certain fruits like apples and vegetables, as well as in animals. However, the majority of formaldehyde used in industry is synthetically produced.

In the medical field, formaldehyde is commonly used as a preservative for biological specimens such as organs, tissues, and cells. It works by killing bacteria and inhibiting the decaying process. Formaldehyde is also used in the production of various industrial products, including adhesives, resins, textiles, and paper products.

However, formaldehyde can be harmful to human health if inhaled or ingested in large quantities. It can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, throat, and skin, and prolonged exposure has been linked to respiratory problems and cancer. Therefore, it is essential to handle formaldehyde with care and use appropriate safety measures when working with this chemical compound.

Peripheral nerve injuries refer to damage or trauma to the peripheral nerves, which are the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. These nerves transmit information between the central nervous system (CNS) and the rest of the body, including sensory, motor, and autonomic functions. Peripheral nerve injuries can result in various symptoms, depending on the type and severity of the injury, such as numbness, tingling, weakness, or paralysis in the affected area.

Peripheral nerve injuries are classified into three main categories based on the degree of damage:

1. Neuropraxia: This is the mildest form of nerve injury, where the nerve remains intact but its function is disrupted due to a local conduction block. The nerve fiber is damaged, but the supporting structures remain intact. Recovery usually occurs within 6-12 weeks without any residual deficits.
2. Axonotmesis: In this type of injury, there is damage to both the axons and the supporting structures (endoneurium, perineurium). The nerve fibers are disrupted, but the connective tissue sheaths remain intact. Recovery can take several months or even up to a year, and it may be incomplete, with some residual deficits possible.
3. Neurotmesis: This is the most severe form of nerve injury, where there is complete disruption of the nerve fibers and supporting structures (endoneurium, perineurium, epineurium). Recovery is unlikely without surgical intervention, which may involve nerve grafting or repair.

Peripheral nerve injuries can be caused by various factors, including trauma, compression, stretching, lacerations, or chemical exposure. Treatment options depend on the type and severity of the injury and may include conservative management, such as physical therapy and pain management, or surgical intervention for more severe cases.

Medical definitions generally do not include plant oils as a specific term. However, in a biological or biochemical context, plant oils, also known as vegetable oils, are defined as lipid extracts derived from various parts of plants such as seeds, fruits, and leaves. They mainly consist of triglycerides, which are esters of glycerol and three fatty acids. The composition of fatty acids can vary between different plant sources, leading to a range of physical and chemical properties that make plant oils useful for various applications in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industries. Some common examples of plant oils include olive oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, and jojoba oil.

Somatosensory disorders are a category of neurological conditions that affect the somatosensory system, which is responsible for receiving and processing sensory information from the body. These disorders can result in abnormal or distorted perception of touch, temperature, pain, vibration, position, movement, and pressure.

Somatosensory disorders can be caused by damage to or dysfunction of the peripheral nerves, spinal cord, or brain. They can manifest as a variety of symptoms, including numbness, tingling, burning sensations, hypersensitivity to touch, loss of sensation, and difficulty with coordination and balance.

Examples of somatosensory disorders include peripheral neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and dysesthesias. Treatment for these conditions may involve medication, physical therapy, or other interventions aimed at managing symptoms and improving quality of life.

"Macaca fascicularis" is the scientific name for the crab-eating macaque, also known as the long-tailed macaque. It's a species of monkey that is native to Southeast Asia. They are called "crab-eating" macaques because they are known to eat crabs and other crustaceans. These monkeys are omnivorous and their diet also includes fruits, seeds, insects, and occasionally smaller vertebrates.

Crab-eating macaques are highly adaptable and can be found in a wide range of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and wetlands. They are also known to live in close proximity to human settlements and are often considered pests due to their tendency to raid crops and steal food from humans.

These monkeys are social animals and live in large groups called troops. They have a complex social structure with a clear hierarchy and dominant males. Crab-eating macaques are also known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities.

In medical research, crab-eating macaques are often used as animal models due to their close genetic relationship to humans. They are used in studies related to infectious diseases, neuroscience, and reproductive biology, among others.

In mammals, nociceptors are found in any area of the body that can sense noxious stimuli. External nociceptors are found in ... The majority of nociceptors are classified by which of the environmental modalities they respond to. Some nociceptors respond ... Thermal nociceptors are activated by noxious heat or cold at various temperatures. There are specific nociceptor transducers ... Peripheral sensitization represents a form of functional plasticity of the nociceptor. The nociceptor can change from being ...
"Nociceptors". Neuroscience. 2nd Edition. Mallik, Adiel; Chanda, Mona Lisa; Levitin, Daniel J. (2017-02-08). "Anhedonia to music ...
Some nociceptors are unspecialized free nerve endings that have their cell bodies outside the spinal column in the dorsal-root ... Nociceptors are categorized according to the axons which travel from the receptors to the spinal cord or brain. After nerve ... Nociceptors have a certain threshold; that is, they require a minimum intensity of stimulation before they trigger a signal. ... Purves, D. (2001). "Nociceptors". In Sunderland, MA. (ed.). Neuroscience. Sinauer Associates. Archived from the original on ...
Dozens of different types of nociceptor ion channels have so far been identified, and their exact functions are still being ... Superficial somatic pain is initiated by activation of nociceptors in the skin or other superficial tissue, and is sharp, well- ... At the peripheral end of the nociceptor, noxious stimuli generate currents that, above a given threshold, send signals along ... Lynn B (1984). "Cutaneous nociceptors". In Winlow W, Holden AV (eds.). The neurobiology of pain: Symposium of the Northern ...
Lynn B (1984). "Cutaneous nociceptors". In Winlow W; Holden AV (eds.). The neurobiology of pain: Symposium of the Northern ...
Lynn B (1984). "Cutaneous nociceptors". In Winlow W, Holden AV (ed.). The neurobiology of pain: Symposium of the Northern ...
ISBN 978-1-4377-1604-7. Belmonte, Carlos; Gallar Juana (1996). "6: Corneal Nociceptors". Neurobiology of Nociceptors. Oxford ...
Learning and memory using nociceptors in the sea hare, Aplysia has been described. Mollusk neurons are able to detect ... Nociceptors: a phylogenetic view. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 195: 1089-1106 Wasserthal, Lutz T. (1998). Chapter 25: ...
Her publications include: Braithwaite, Victoria (2003). "Do fishes have nociceptors? Evidence for the evolution of a vertebrate ... nociceptors). She showed that fish produce pain-killing opioids in the same way that mammals do. She then investigated whether ...
Nerve impulses from nociceptors may reach the brain, where information about the stimulus (e.g. quality, location, and ... Most insects do not possess nociceptors, one known exception being the fruit fly. In vertebrates, endogenous opioids are ... St John Smith, E.; Lewin, G.R. (2009). "Nociceptors: a phylogenetic view". Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 195 (12): 1089- ... 2003). "Do fishes have nociceptors? Evidence for the evolution of a vertebrate sensory system". Proc Biol Sci. 270 (1520): 1115 ...
Nociceptors in fish were first identified in 2002. The study was designed to determine whether nociceptors were present in the ... Rainbow trout also have corneal nociceptors. Out of 27 receptors investigated in one study, seven were polymodal nociceptors ... Further studies found nociceptors to be more widely distributed over the bodies of rainbow trout, as well as those of cod and ... Bony fish possess nociceptors that are similar in function to those in mammals. There are two types of nerve fibre relevant to ...
Therefore, they satisfy accepted definitions of nociceptors. They also show similarities to vertebrate Aδ nociceptors, ... Nociceptors are sensory receptors that respond to potentially damaging stimuli by sending nerve signals to the brain. Although ... Similarly, capsaicin triggers nociceptors in some invertebrates, but this substance is not noxious to Drosophila melanogaster ( ... Nociceptors have been identified in a wide range of invertebrate species, including annelids, molluscs, nematodes and ...
Following beak trimming of older or adult hens, the nociceptors in the beak stump show abnormal patterns of neural discharge, ... The beak is a complex, functional organ with an extensive nervous supply including nociceptors that sense pain and noxious ... "Guidance on keeping of Chickens" (PDF). Breward, J., (1984). Cutaneous nociceptors in the chicken beak. Proceedings of the ...
Following beak trimming of older or adult hens, the nociceptors in the beak stump show abnormal patterns of neural discharge, ... Breward, J., (1984). Cutaneous nociceptors in the chicken beak. Proceedings of the Journal of Physiology, London 346: 56 Gentle ...
Pain receptors are known as nociceptors. Two main types of nociceptors exist, A-fiber nociceptors and C-fiber nociceptors. A- ...
Brain Brain tissue itself contains no nociceptors; brain tumors cause pain by pressing on blood vessels or the membrane that ... Invasion of soft tissue by a tumor can cause pain by inflammatory or mechanical stimulation of nociceptors, or destruction of ... Tumors can cause pain by crushing or infiltrating tissue, or by releasing chemicals that make nociceptors responsive to stimuli ... and they release chemicals that stimulate nociceptors. As they grow, tumors compress, consume, infiltrate or cut off blood ...
Once stimulated, a nociceptor sends a message up the length of the nerve fibre to the nerve cells in the brain, signalling that ... Dubin AE, Patapoutian A (November 2010). "Nociceptors: the sensors of the pain pathway". The Journal of Clinical Investigation ...
Fitzgerald, Maria (1978). The sensitization of cutaneous nociceptors (PhD thesis). University College London. OCLC 926251169. ...
Mechano-sensitive C nociceptors, also known as polymodal C nociceptors are activated by several kinds of stimuli, i.e. ... The mechano-insensitive C nociceptors, also known as silent nociceptors, differ from polymodal afferents in other respects as ... The mechano-insensitive nociceptors may be sensitized particularly by inflammatory mediators to render them mechano-responsive ... Most studies are focused on C nociceptors. The nociceptive C-fibers constitute a very large proportion of somatic afferent ...
Fitzgerald studies the developmental physiology and neurobiology of nociceptor circuits in the brain and spinal cord. Her work ... Fitzgerald, Maria (1978). The sensitization of cutaneous nociceptors (PhD thesis). University College London. OCLC 926251169. ...
Once a danger receptor (called "nociceptor") has been stimulated, the signal travels via the sensory nerve to the dorsal ( ... Interneuron Nociceptor Reflex Solomon; Schmidt (1990). "13". In Carol, Field (ed.). Human Anatomy & physiology (2 ed.). ...
"Bradykinin Induces TRPV1 Exocytotic Recruitment in Peptidergic Nociceptors". Frontiers in Pharmacology. 7: 178. doi:10.3389/ ...
Two major classes of human C-fibre nociceptors exist: mechano-responsive nociceptors and mechano-insensitive nociceptors. ... Mechano-responsive nociceptors have been shown in studies to respond to mostly pain, and mechano-insensitive receptors respond ... Overall, itch sensation is mediated by A-delta and C nociceptors located in the uppermost layer of the skin. Using single-cell ... In addition, expression of neuro growth factors (NGF) can cause structural changes in nociceptors, such as sprouting. NGF is ...
Puri, S. & Faulkes, Z. (2010). "Do decapod crustaceans have nociceptors for extreme pH?". PLOS ONE. 5 (4): e10244. Bibcode: ... which may be specialized nociceptors. The common brown shrimp Crangon crangon and the prawns Palaemon serratus and Palaemon ...
Mechanical nociceptors respond to excess pressure or mechanical deformation, such as a pinch. Chemical nociceptors respond to a ... Nociceptors respond to potentially damaging stimuli by sending signals to the spinal cord and brain. This process, called ... They are found in internal organs as well as on the surface of the body to "detect and protect". Nociceptors detect different ... Nociceptors are responsible for processing pain and temperature changes. The burning pain and irritation experienced after ...
Therefore, not all noxious stimuli are adequate stimuli of nociceptors. The adequate stimuli of nociceptors are termed ...
... people with the condition also have hyper-excitable nociceptors. When people with fibromyalgia are subjected to intense stimuli ...
Thermal nociceptors are activated by noxious heat or cold at various temperatures. Mechanical nociceptors respond to excess ... Chemical nociceptors respond to a wide variety of chemicals, some of which are signs of tissue damage. They are involved in the ... Nociceptors detect different kinds of damaging stimuli or actual damage. Those that only respond when tissues are damaged are ... Nociceptors respond to potentially damaging stimuli by sending signals to the spinal cord and brain. This process, called ...
Snider, W. D.; McMahon, S. B. (Apr 1998). "Tackling pain at the source: new ideas about nociceptors". Neuron. 20 (4): 629-32. ... as the neck of the posterior column and receives information from mechanoreceptors and danger information from nociceptors. It ...
Formaldehyde Nociceptor Withdrawal reflex Carter, Matt; Shieh, Jennifer C. (2010). "Nociception". Guide to Research Techniques ... reflecting direct activation of nociceptors and the late or tonic phase (15 to 20 minutes after the injection) reflecting ... caused by stimulation of nociceptors. These assays measure the existence of pain through behaviors such as withdrawal, licking ...
In mammals, nociceptors are found in any area of the body that can sense noxious stimuli. External nociceptors are found in ... The majority of nociceptors are classified by which of the environmental modalities they respond to. Some nociceptors respond ... Thermal nociceptors are activated by noxious heat or cold at various temperatures. There are specific nociceptor transducers ... Peripheral sensitization represents a form of functional plasticity of the nociceptor. The nociceptor can change from being ...
... and 5 nociceptors. Indeed, the functional concept of the nociceptor is implemented on the FPGA for the first time. One of the ... In this way, the impact of the innervation mechanism and collaboration of afferents and nociceptors on sharpness recognition ... Moreover, it is illustrated that spiking activity of the biomimetic nociceptors is amplified as the sharpness increases which ... Our findings suggest that the synergy between sensory afferents and nociceptors conveys more information about tactile stimuli ...
... demonstrated that incised deep tissue rather than skin had a central role in the genesis of guarding behavior and nociceptor SA ... Guarding pain and spontaneous activity of nociceptors after skin versus skin plus deep tissue incision Anesthesiology. 2010 Jan ... On Postoperative Day 1, skin incision (18.2%) produced a similar prevalence of SA in nociceptors as in controls (13.0%), ... This study examined the extent of tissue injury by incision on pain behaviors and nociceptor SA. ...
5-HT1D receptors predominate in nociceptors. Immunofluorescent labeling of ganglion cells in the lumbar DRG (A, D, E) and TRG ( ... Peptidergic Nociceptors of Both Trigeminal and Dorsal Root Ganglia Express Serotonin 1D Receptors: Implications for the ... Our estimate that 88% of 5-HT1D-IR TRG neurons colocalize with SP underscores the association of this receptor with nociceptors ... Whether they correspond to lightly myelinated A∂ fiber nociceptors remains to be determined, but the fact that we did not find ...
Downloading a figure as powerpoint requires a browser with javascript support. Enable javascript and try again For help please contact [email protected] ...
Background Endothelin-1 (ET-1) both stimulates nociceptors and sensitizes these to noxious. * Post author By exposed ... Background Endothelin-1 (ET-1) both stimulates nociceptors and sensitizes these to noxious stimuli an impact probably mediated ... ET-1 shot excites nociceptors [9 10 and induces nocifensive behavior in pets [11-13] and serious discomfort and tactile ... A genuine variety of modulators sensitize nociceptors by potentiating TRPV1 responses [25-30]. Possible mechanisms involved ...
... and related words for NOCICEPTORS using the thesaurus at ... Nociceptors Sentence Examples *. Activity dependent excitability changes of nociceptors and mechanoreceptors Sensory neurons of ... Words Related to Nociceptors Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if ... As a group, these pain-sensing neurons are called nociceptors, and virtually every surface and organ of the body is wired with ...
2004). A reliable method for the preferential activation of C- or A-fibre heat nociceptors. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, ... A reliable method for the preferential activation of C- or A-fibre heat nociceptors. / McMullan, S; Simpson, DAA; Lumb, BM. In ... A reliable method for the preferential activation of C- or A-fibre heat nociceptors. In: Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2004 ... A reliable method for the preferential activation of C- or A-fibre heat nociceptors. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2004 Sept ...
A nociceptor (pain receptor) is a sensory neuron that responds to damaging or potentially damaging stimuli by sending " ...
There was no behavioural or physiological evidence that the antennae contained specialized nociceptors that responded to pH. ... There was no behavioural or physiological evidence that the antennae contained specialized nociceptors that responded to pH. ... Puri S, Faulkes Z (2010) Do Decapod Crustaceans Have Nociceptors for Extreme pH? PLoS ONE 5(4): e10244. ...
Bem tenho para mim que este disco é todo ele um grande conjunto de singles que ficam no ouvido e no corpo. Fake it é a música/letra que vos apresento hoje e
Sensitization in nociceptors Vellani V., Mapplebeck S., Moriondo A., Davis JB., Bonnington JK., Lee YJ., Zachrisson O., Tonge D ...
Sensitization in nociceptors Vellani V., Mapplebeck S., Moriondo A., Davis JB., Bonnington JK., Lee YJ., Zachrisson O., Tonge D ...
Defining the nociceptor transcriptome. Matthew Thakur, Megan Crow, Natalie Richards, Gareth I J Davey, Emma Levine, Jayne H ... Dive into the research topics of Defining the nociceptor transcriptome. Together they form a unique fingerprint. ...
Three functionally distinct classes of C-fibre nociceptors in primates. Matthew Wooten, Hao Jui Weng, Timothy V. Hartke, ... Dive into the research topics of Three functionally distinct classes of C-fibre nociceptors in primates. Together they form a ...
... of nociceptors developed spontaneous activity compared to 4% of nociceptors innervating normal uninflamed skin), and this was ... Here we asked whether NGF contributes to sensitization of primary afferent nociceptors, which are an important component of ... We therefore conclude that NGF is a crucial component for the sensitization of primary afferent nociceptors associated with ... Following carrageenan inflammation, there was a marked increase in the proportion of nociceptors which displayed ongoing ...
Dysregulation of serum prolactin links the hypothalamus with female nociceptors to promote migraine.. Title. Dysregulation of ... Animals, Dopaminergic Neurons, Female, Hyperalgesia, Hypothalamus, Male, Mice, Migraine Disorders, Nociceptors, Pain, Prolactin ... Migraine headache results from activation of meningeal nociceptors, however, the hypothalamus is activated many hours before ... How hypothalamic neural mechanisms may influence trigeminal nociceptor function remains unknown. Stress is a common migraine ...
Nuclear Factor I/A Controls A-fiber Nociceptor Development. Noxious mechanical information is transmitted through molecularly ... Comparison of existing electrode designs for preferential activation of cutaneous nociceptors. Over the recent years, several ... hypomethylation of an alternative exon specifically in nociceptors, likely permits CTCF binding and expression of Ca2.2 channel ... Npy2r-transient neurons are myelinated, likely including A-fiber nociceptors, whereas Npy2r-persistent ones belong to ...
Nociceptors / physiology * Peripheral Nervous System Diseases / drug therapy* * Peripheral Nervous System Diseases / ...
A Biomimetic Nociceptor Using Centrosymmetric Crystals for Machine Intelligence.. Authors: Wang W, Wang Y, Xiang L, Chen L, Yu ... On that basis, we developed a wireless biomimetic nociceptor system and achieved a smart pain reflex in a robotic hand and ... Force-activated nociceptors encode electrochemical signals and yield multilevel information of pain, thus enabling smart ... multi-dimensional mechano-sensing materials provide promising approaches for biomimetic nociceptors in intelligent terminals. ...
Nociceptors and Pain. ...
... in which the primary afferent nociceptors (PAN) determine the release in the periphery of neuropeptides, such as substance P ...
Du, J. ; Zhou, S. ; Carlton, S. M. / Kainate-induced excitation and sensitization of nociceptors in normal and inflamed rat ... There is a dose-dependent increase in kainate-induced nociceptor activity in both normal and inflamed skin but the kainate ... Kainate-induced excitation and sensitization of nociceptors in normal and inflamed rat glabrous skin. / Du, J.; Zhou, S.; ... There is a dose-dependent increase in kainate-induced nociceptor activity in both normal and inflamed skin but the kainate ...
SCI promotes the entry of primary nociceptors into a chronic hyperexcitable-SA state that may provide a useful therapeutic ... SCI promotes the entry of primary nociceptors into a chronic hyperexcitable-SA state that may provide a useful therapeutic ... SCI promotes the entry of primary nociceptors into a chronic hyperexcitable-SA state that may provide a useful therapeutic ... SCI promotes the entry of primary nociceptors into a chronic hyperexcitable-SA state that may provide a useful therapeutic ...
The brain parenchyma does not have nociceptors. Thus, headache is typically the result of pain originating in surrounding ... Stretching, dilatation, constriction, or any nociceptor stimulation within these structures can result in the perception of ...
Stimulation of peripheral nociceptor endings by low dose morphine and its signaling mechanism. / Ono, Takeshi; Inoue, Makoto; ... Ono T, Inoue M, Harunor Rashid M, Sumikawa K, Ueda H. Stimulation of peripheral nociceptor endings by low dose morphine and its ... Stimulation of peripheral nociceptor endings by low dose morphine and its signaling mechanism. In: Neurochemistry International ... Ono, T., Inoue, M., Harunor Rashid, M., Sumikawa, K., & Ueda, H. (2002). Stimulation of peripheral nociceptor endings by low ...
Nociceptors are primarily involved in transmitting pain signals. The cell bodies of nociceptors are located in the spinal cord ... NaV1.7 sodium channels are found in nerve cells called nociceptors. Nociceptors are part of the peripheral nervous system, ... This lack of sodium ions blocks nociceptors from transmitting pain signals from the site of an injury to the brain. ... In people with this condition, the axons that extend from the nociceptors and transmit pain signals degenerate over time. The ...
Responses of cutaneous A-fiber nociceptors to noxious cold. J Neurophysiol. 1997;77(4):2049-60. [PubMed: 9114254] ... Excitation of rat cutaneous nociceptors by noxious cold. Neurosci Lett. 1996;213(1):53-56. [PubMed: 8844711] ... was also shown to excite a small percentage of nociceptors (20-30 percent), while cooling to ,0°C was reported to activate all ...
  • All neurons derived from the neural crest, including embryonic nociceptors, express the tropomyosin receptor kinase A (TrkA), which is a receptor to nerve growth factor (NGF). (
  • We also examined the neurochemical identity of 5-HT 1D -IR neurons with markers of primary afferent nociceptors, peripherin, isolectin B4, and substance P, and markers of myelinated afferents, N52 and SSEA3. (
  • Background Endothelin-1 (ET-1) both stimulates nociceptors and sensitizes these to noxious stimuli an impact probably mediated with the ETA receptor (ETAR) expressed in sensory neurons. (
  • Activity dependent excitability changes of nociceptors and mechanoreceptors Sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglion are functionally heterogeneous. (
  • Substance P Nerves from nociceptors use this peptide to activate relay neurons in the spinal cord. (
  • As a group, these pain-sensing neurons are called nociceptors , and virtually every surface and organ of the body is wired with them. (
  • We hypothesized that stress may activate the kappa opioid receptor on tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons to increase circulating prolactin leading to female-selective sensitization of trigeminal nociceptors through dysregulation of prolactin receptor isoforms. (
  • These events might also impact central processes of primary sensory neurons, triggering in nociceptors a hyperexcitable state and spontaneous activity (SA) that drive behavioral hypersensitivity and pain. (
  • The experience of physiological pain can be grouped according to the source and related nociceptors, or pain detecting neurons. (
  • Individual sensory neurons can be tuned to many stimuli, each driving unique, stimulus-relevant behaviors, and the ability of multimodal nociceptor neurons to discriminate between potentially harmful and innocuous stimuli is broadly important for organismal survival. (
  • Researchers worked off of previous findings regarding the ion channel protein Piezo2 and neurons known as nociceptors. (
  • After a closer look at sensory neurons using single-cell RNA sequencing , investigators also found that Piezo2 is expressed by nociceptors that innervate joints in osteoarthritis in both mice and humans. (
  • In people with this condition, the axons that extend from the nociceptors and transmit pain signals degenerate over time. (
  • In this condition, the small fibers that extend from the nociceptors through which pain signals are transmitted (axons) degenerate over time. (
  • A nociceptor ("pain receptor" from Latin nocere 'to harm or hurt') is a sensory neuron that responds to damaging or potentially damaging stimuli by sending "possible threat" signals to the spinal cord and the brain. (
  • The specific receptors for these intense stimuli were called nociceptors. (
  • In mammals, nociceptors are found in any area of the body that can sense noxious stimuli. (
  • The peripheral terminal of the mature nociceptor is where the noxious stimuli are detected and transduced into electrical energy. (
  • The sensory specificity of nociceptors is established by the high threshold only to particular features of stimuli. (
  • Our findings suggest that the synergy between sensory afferents and nociceptors conveys more information about tactile stimuli which in turn leads to the robustness of the proposed neuromorphic system against damage to the taxels or afferents. (
  • Nociceptors behave as high-threshold mechanoreceptors (HTMR) and respond to harmful stimuli through Aβ, Aδ, and C nerve fibers 3 . (
  • Background Endothelin is certainly among the many regional mediators that are essential in pain era as well as the modulation of nociceptor responsiveness to unpleasant stimuli. (
  • Although opioids are used as painkillers, higher doses can make your nociceptors more sensitive to painful stimuli. (
  • Nociceptors are sensory nerves that respond to stimuli which produce pain. (
  • Here we asked whether NGF contributes to sensitization of primary afferent nociceptors, which are an important component of pain and hyperalgesia in inflamed tissue. (
  • When the NGF-neutralizing molecule trkA-IgG was coadministered with carrageenan at the onset of the inflammation, primary afferent nociceptors did not sensitize and displayed essentially normal response properties, although the inflammation as evidenced by tissue oedema developed normally. (
  • We therefore conclude that NGF is a crucial component for the sensitization of primary afferent nociceptors associated with tissue inflammation. (
  • Moreover, it is illustrated that spiking activity of the biomimetic nociceptors is amplified as the sharpness increases which can be considered as a feedback mechanism for prosthesis protection. (
  • Inspired by the natural template, multi-dimensional mechano-sensing materials provide promising approaches for biomimetic nociceptors in intelligent terminals. (
  • On the contrary, the peptidergic nociceptors continue to use TrkA, and they express a completely different type of growth factor. (
  • Other nociceptors respond to none of these modalities (although they may respond to stimulation under conditions of inflammation) and are referred to as sleeping or silent. (
  • Following carrageenan inflammation, there was a marked increase in the proportion of nociceptors which displayed ongoing activity (50% of nociceptors developed spontaneous activity compared to 4% of nociceptors innervating normal uninflamed skin), and this was reflected in a significant increase in the average ongoing discharge activity. (
  • We demonstrate a novel dual strategy against inflammation and pain through body-wide desensitization of nociceptors via TRPA1. (
  • We found that reducing the amount of Piezo2 expressed by nociceptors could reduce pain in mouse models of osteoarthritis and joint inflammation," Malfait and Miller say. (
  • Prolonged or repeated episodes of inflammation in peripheral tissues that alter nociceptor function is a proposed mechanism of central sensitization implicated in chronic pain. (
  • At the peripheral nerve and nociceptor level, injury results in inflammation and in activation and over-representation of cation channels, particularly sodium channels. (
  • External nociceptors are found in tissue such as the skin (cutaneous nociceptors), the corneas, and the mucosa. (
  • Cutaneous tissue nociceptors terminate just below the skin, producing a well-defined, localized pain of short duration due to the high concentration of nerve endings. (
  • Measures of cutaneous pain perception and nociceptor density: More than skin deep. (
  • The neural-crest stem cells split from the neural tube as it closes, and nociceptors grow from the dorsal part of this neural-crest tissue. (
  • This study examined the extent of tissue injury by incision on pain behaviors and nociceptor SA. (
  • These data demonstrated that incised deep tissue rather than skin had a central role in the genesis of guarding behavior and nociceptor SA. (
  • Thermoreceptive nociceptors are stimulated by temperatures that are potentially tissue damaging. (
  • SCI can sensitize peripheral fibers of nociceptors and promote peripheral SA, but whether these effects are driven by extrinsic alterations in surrounding tissue or are intrinsic to the nociceptor, and whether similar SA occurs in nociceptors in vivo are unknown. (
  • Neutralization of endogenous NGF prevents the sensitization of nociceptors supplying inflamed skin. (
  • These are the first data that provide a mechanistic link between stress-induced hypothalamic activation and the trigeminal nociceptor effectors that produce trigeminal sensitization and migraine-like pain. (
  • In single unit recordings from nociceptors in a glabrous skin-nerve preparation, mechanical sensitization is present in inflamed skin evidenced by a decrease in mechanical threshold and an increase in discharge rate during a suprathreshold, constant force stimulus. (
  • Exposure of normal and inflamed nociceptors to 0.3mM kainate sensitizes fibers to re-application of kainate and heat. (
  • Free nerve endings (nociceptors) are placed in the exterior layer of the skin (epidermal layer) and are widely distributed over the body. (
  • An in vitro skin nerve preparation of the rat was used to directly record the receptive properties of thin myelinated (Adelta) and unmyelinated (C) nociceptors innervating normal hairy skin, carrageenan-inflamed skin and carrageenan-inflamed skin where endogenous NGF had been neutralized by application of a trkA-IgG (tyrosine kinase Aimmunoglobulin G) fusion molecule. (
  • NaV1.7 sodium channels are found in nerve cells called nociceptors. (
  • The NaV1.7 and NaV1.8 sodium channels are found in nerve cells called nociceptors that transmit pain signals to the spinal cord and brain. (
  • Nociceptors for pain also appear to be "free nerve" endings in skin and muscle. (
  • These chemical mediators promote a state of hyperalgesia by sensitizing nociceptors, resulting in pain 4 . (
  • Following downregulation of the prolactin receptor long isoform, prolactin signalling at the prolactin receptor short isoform sensitizes nociceptors selectively in females. (
  • Only when the high threshold has been reached by either chemical, thermal, or mechanical environments are the nociceptors triggered. (
  • Studies have found that Piezo2 allows nociceptors to respond to mechanical force. (
  • Force-activated nociceptors encode electrochemical signals and yield multilevel information of pain, thus enabling smart feedback. (
  • Nociceptors are primarily involved in transmitting pain signals. (
  • This lack of sodium ions blocks nociceptors from transmitting pain signals from the site of an injury to the brain. (
  • These signals stimulate your nociceptors and increase your pain response. (
  • How hypothalamic neural mechanisms may influence trigeminal nociceptor function remains unknown. (
  • Nociceptors are classified according to the stimulus that prompts them to transmit a pain signal. (
  • Some nociceptors respond to more than one of these modalities and are consequently designated polymodal. (
  • In the present study, we propose a bio-inspired tactile system with a population of 23 digital afferents: 12 RA-I, 6 SA-I, and 5 nociceptors. (
  • In this way, the impact of the innervation mechanism and collaboration of afferents and nociceptors on sharpness recognition are investigated. (
  • Our finding, that 5-HT 1D receptors are distributed in nociceptors throughout the body, raises the possibility that triptans can regulate not only headache-associated pain but also nociceptive responses in extracranial tissues. (
  • A genuine variety of modulators sensitize nociceptors by potentiating TRPV1 responses [25-30]. (
  • ‌Hyperalgesia happens when your body's pain receptors or nociceptors become damaged or sensitive. (
  • It has been demonstrated that pain perception is increased when nociceptors are active 7 . (
  • Nociceptors develop from neural-crest stem cells. (
  • McMullan, S, Simpson, DAA & Lumb, BM 2004, ' A reliable method for the preferential activation of C- or A-fibre heat nociceptors ', Journal of Neuroscience Methods , vol. 138 (1-2), pp. 133 - 139. (
  • Migraine headache results from activation of meningeal nociceptors, however, the hypothalamus is activated many hours before the emergence of pain. (
  • There is a dose-dependent increase in kainate-induced nociceptor activity in both normal and inflamed skin but the kainate required to induce activation is reduced in inflamed skin. (
  • Some of the receptors are cation channels, which can directly depolarize the nociceptor upon activation, while other receptors activate second messenger systems to change neuronal excitability by changing expression of, or modifying the function of, other cation channels. (
  • Internal nociceptors are found in a variety of organs, such as the muscles, the joints, the bladder, the visceral organs, and the digestive tract. (
  • Visceral nociceptors are located within body organs and internal cavities. (
  • Following sensory neurogenesis, differentiation occurs, and two types of nociceptors are formed. (
  • Nociceptors are part of the peripheral nervous system, which connects the brain and spinal cord to cells that detect sensations such as touch, smell, and pain. (
  • The cell bodies of nociceptors are located in the spinal cord. (
  • Although proportions of kainate-activated nociceptors are the same in normal and inflamed skin, the kainate-induced mean discharge rate is significantly enhanced in inflamed skin. (
  • In this report, we demonstrated that peripheral application of very low dose (amol ranges) of morphine induced flexor response through a substance P (SP) release at the nociceptor endings in mice. (
  • They are classified as either peptidergic or nonpeptidergic nociceptors, each of which express a distinct repertoire of ion channels and receptors. (
  • SCI promotes the entry of primary nociceptors into a chronic hyperexcitable-SA state that may provide a useful therapeutic target in some forms of persistent pain. (
  • The majority of nociceptors are classified by which of the environmental modalities they respond to. (
  • Dysregulation of serum prolactin links the hypothalamus with female nociceptors to promote migraine. (