A computer architecture, implementable in either hardware or software, modeled after biological neural networks. Like the biological system in which the processing capability is a result of the interconnection strengths between arrays of nonlinear processing nodes, computerized neural networks, often called perceptrons or multilayer connectionist models, consist of neuron-like units. A homogeneous group of units makes up a layer. These networks are good at pattern recognition. They are adaptive, performing tasks by example, and thus are better for decision-making than are linear learning machines or cluster analysis. They do not require explicit programming.
A computer in a medical context is an electronic device that processes, stores, and retrieves data, often used in medical settings for tasks such as maintaining patient records, managing diagnostic images, and supporting clinical decision-making through software applications and tools.
A meshlike structure composed of interconnecting nerve cells that are separated at the synaptic junction or joined to one another by cytoplasmic processes. In invertebrates, for example, the nerve net allows nerve impulses to spread over a wide area of the net because synapses can pass information in any direction.
Computer-based representation of physical systems and phenomena such as chemical processes.
A procedure consisting of a sequence of algebraic formulas and/or logical steps to calculate or determine a given task.
Interacting DNA-encoded regulatory subsystems in the GENOME that coordinate input from activator and repressor TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS during development, cell differentiation, or in response to environmental cues. The networks function to ultimately specify expression of particular sets of GENES for specific conditions, times, or locations.
Theoretical representations that simulate the behavior or activity of the neurological system, processes or phenomena; includes the use of mathematical equations, computers, and other electronic equipment.
Application of computer programs designed to assist the physician in solving a diagnostic problem.
The attitude and behavior associated with an individual using the computer.
Theory and development of COMPUTER SYSTEMS which perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. Such tasks may include speech recognition, LEARNING; VISUAL PERCEPTION; MATHEMATICAL COMPUTING; reasoning, PROBLEM SOLVING, DECISION-MAKING, and translation of language.
Complex sets of enzymatic reactions connected to each other via their product and substrate metabolites.
Sequential operating programs and data which instruct the functioning of a digital computer.
Approximate, quantitative reasoning that is concerned with the linguistic ambiguity which exists in natural or synthetic language. At its core are variables such as good, bad, and young as well as modifiers such as more, less, and very. These ordinary terms represent fuzzy sets in a particular problem. Fuzzy logic plays a key role in many medical expert systems.
Theoretical representations that simulate the behavior or activity of biological processes or diseases. For disease models in living animals, DISEASE MODELS, ANIMAL is available. Biological models include the use of mathematical equations, computers, and other electronic equipment.
Various units or machines that operate in combination or in conjunction with a computer but are not physically part of it. Peripheral devices typically display computer data, store data from the computer and return the data to the computer on demand, prepare data for human use, or acquire data from a source and convert it to a form usable by a computer. (Computer Dictionary, 4th ed.)
In INFORMATION RETRIEVAL, machine-sensing or identification of visible patterns (shapes, forms, and configurations). (Harrod's Librarians' Glossary, 7th ed)
A system containing any combination of computers, computer terminals, printers, audio or visual display devices, or telephones interconnected by telecommunications equipment or cables: used to transmit or receive information. (Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed)
Neural tracts connecting one part of the nervous system with another.
A field of biology concerned with the development of techniques for the collection and manipulation of biological data, and the use of such data to make biological discoveries or predictions. This field encompasses all computational methods and theories for solving biological problems including manipulation of models and datasets.
Familiarity and comfort in using computers efficiently.
Systems composed of a computer or computers, peripheral equipment, such as disks, printers, and terminals, and telecommunications capabilities.
The part of CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM that is contained within the skull (CRANIUM). Arising from the NEURAL TUBE, the embryonic brain is comprised of three major parts including PROSENCEPHALON (the forebrain); MESENCEPHALON (the midbrain); and RHOMBENCEPHALON (the hindbrain). The developed brain consists of CEREBRUM; CEREBELLUM; and other structures in the BRAIN STEM.
Imaging techniques used to colocalize sites of brain functions or physiological activity with brain structures.
The basic cellular units of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the NERVOUS SYSTEM.
The statistical reproducibility of measurements (often in a clinical context), including the testing of instrumentation or techniques to obtain reproducible results. The concept includes reproducibility of physiological measurements, which may be used to develop rules to assess probability or prognosis, or response to a stimulus; reproducibility of occurrence of a condition; and reproducibility of experimental results.
A technique of inputting two-dimensional images into a computer and then enhancing or analyzing the imagery into a form that is more useful to the human observer.
Non-invasive method of demonstrating internal anatomy based on the principle that atomic nuclei in a strong magnetic field absorb pulses of radiofrequency energy and emit them as radiowaves which can be reconstructed into computerized images. The concept includes proton spin tomographic techniques.
The study of systems which respond disproportionately (nonlinearly) to initial conditions or perturbing stimuli. Nonlinear systems may exhibit "chaos" which is classically characterized as sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Chaotic systems, while distinguished from more ordered periodic systems, are not random. When their behavior over time is appropriately displayed (in "phase space"), constraints are evident which are described by "strange attractors". Phase space representations of chaotic systems, or strange attractors, usually reveal fractal (FRACTALS) self-similarity across time scales. Natural, including biological, systems often display nonlinear dynamics and chaos.
A statistical analytic technique used with discrete dependent variables, concerned with separating sets of observed values and allocating new values. It is sometimes used instead of regression analysis.
Theoretical representations that simulate the behavior or activity of systems, processes, or phenomena. They include the use of mathematical equations, computers, and other electronic equipment.
A type of MICROCOMPUTER, sometimes called a personal digital assistant, that is very small and portable and fitting in a hand. They are convenient to use in clinical and other field situations for quick data management. They usually require docking with MICROCOMPUTERS for updates.
Binary classification measures to assess test results. Sensitivity or recall rate is the proportion of true positives. Specificity is the probability of correctly determining the absence of a condition. (From Last, Dictionary of Epidemiology, 2d ed)
A process that includes the determination of AMINO ACID SEQUENCE of a protein (or peptide, oligopeptide or peptide fragment) and the information analysis of the sequence.
Statistical formulations or analyses which, when applied to data and found to fit the data, are then used to verify the assumptions and parameters used in the analysis. Examples of statistical models are the linear model, binomial model, polynomial model, two-parameter model, etc.
Relatively permanent change in behavior that is the result of past experience or practice. The concept includes the acquisition of knowledge.
Process of teaching a person to interact and communicate with a computer.
A graphic means for assessing the ability of a screening test to discriminate between healthy and diseased persons; may also be used in other studies, e.g., distinguishing stimuli responses as to a faint stimuli or nonstimuli.
Linear POLYPEPTIDES that are synthesized on RIBOSOMES and may be further modified, crosslinked, cleaved, or assembled into complex proteins with several subunits. The specific sequence of AMINO ACIDS determines the shape the polypeptide will take, during PROTEIN FOLDING, and the function of the protein.
Abrupt changes in the membrane potential that sweep along the CELL MEMBRANE of excitable cells in response to excitation stimuli.
Input/output devices designed to receive data in an environment associated with the job to be performed, and capable of transmitting entries to, and obtaining output from, the system of which it is a part. (Computer Dictionary, 4th ed.)
Extensive collections, reputedly complete, of facts and data garnered from material of a specialized subject area and made available for analysis and application. The collection can be automated by various contemporary methods for retrieval. The concept should be differentiated from DATABASES, BIBLIOGRAPHIC which is restricted to collections of bibliographic references.
Techniques using energy such as radio frequency, infrared light, laser light, visible light, or acoustic energy to transfer information without the use of wires, over both short and long distances.
Methods developed to aid in the interpretation of ultrasound, radiographic images, etc., for diagnosis of disease.
Computer-assisted processing of electric, ultrasonic, or electronic signals to interpret function and activity.
Elements of limited time intervals, contributing to particular results or situations.
Data processing largely performed by automatic means.
The process of pictorial communication, between human and computers, in which the computer input and output have the form of charts, drawings, or other appropriate pictorial representation.
Theoretical representations that simulate the behavior or activity of genetic processes or phenomena. They include the use of mathematical equations, computers, and other electronic equipment.
The tendency of a phenomenon to recur at regular intervals; in biological systems, the recurrence of certain activities (including hormonal, cellular, neural) may be annual, seasonal, monthly, daily, or more frequently (ultradian).
Organizations and individuals cooperating together toward a common goal at the local or grassroots level.
The thin layer of GRAY MATTER on the surface of the CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES that develops from the TELENCEPHALON and folds into gyri and sulchi. It reaches its highest development in humans and is responsible for intellectual faculties and higher mental functions.
Computers in which quantities are represented by physical variables; problem parameters are translated into equivalent mechanical or electrical circuits as an analog for the physical phenomenon being investigated. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Specialized junctions at which a neuron communicates with a target cell. At classical synapses, a neuron's presynaptic terminal releases a chemical transmitter stored in synaptic vesicles which diffuses across a narrow synaptic cleft and activates receptors on the postsynaptic membrane of the target cell. The target may be a dendrite, cell body, or axon of another neuron, or a specialized region of a muscle or secretory cell. Neurons may also communicate via direct electrical coupling with ELECTRICAL SYNAPSES. Several other non-synaptic chemical or electric signal transmitting processes occur via extracellular mediated interactions.
A theorem in probability theory named for Thomas Bayes (1702-1761). In epidemiology, it is used to obtain the probability of disease in a group of people with some characteristic on the basis of the overall rate of that disease and of the likelihood of that characteristic in healthy and diseased individuals. The most familiar application is in clinical decision analysis where it is used for estimating the probability of a particular diagnosis given the appearance of some symptoms or test result.
Clusters of neuronal cell bodies in invertebrates. Invertebrate ganglia may also contain neuronal processes and non-neuronal supporting cells. Many invertebrate ganglia are favorable subjects for research because they have small numbers of functional neuronal types which can be identified from one animal to another.
Methods for determining interaction between PROTEINS.
A loose confederation of computer communication networks around the world. The networks that make up the Internet are connected through several backbone networks. The Internet grew out of the US Government ARPAnet project and was designed to facilitate information exchange.
A quantitative prediction of the biological, ecotoxicological or pharmaceutical activity of a molecule. It is based upon structure and activity information gathered from a series of similar compounds.
A set of statistical methods used to group variables or observations into strongly inter-related subgroups. In epidemiology, it may be used to analyze a closely grouped series of events or cases of disease or other health-related phenomenon with well-defined distribution patterns in relation to time or place or both.
Complex mental function having four distinct phases: (1) memorizing or learning, (2) retention, (3) recall, and (4) recognition. Clinically, it is usually subdivided into immediate, recent, and remote memory.
A network of membrane compartments, located at the cytoplasmic side of the GOLGI APPARATUS, where proteins and lipids are sorted for transport to various locations in the cell or cell membrane.
Comprehensive, methodical analysis of complex biological systems by monitoring responses to perturbations of biological processes. Large scale, computerized collection and analysis of the data are used to develop and test models of biological systems.
The act of testing the software for compliance with a standard.
Databases containing information about PROTEINS such as AMINO ACID SEQUENCE; PROTEIN CONFORMATION; and other properties.
Models used experimentally or theoretically to study molecular shape, electronic properties, or interactions; includes analogous molecules, computer-generated graphics, and mechanical structures.
A device used to detect airborne odors, gases, flavors, volatile substances or vapors.
The determination of the pattern of genes expressed at the level of GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION, under specific circumstances or in a specific cell.
Theoretical representations that simulate the behavior or activity of chemical processes or phenomena; includes the use of mathematical equations, computers, and other electronic equipment.
Mathematical procedure that transforms a number of possibly correlated variables into a smaller number of uncorrelated variables called principal components.
Characteristic properties and processes of the NERVOUS SYSTEM as a whole or with reference to the peripheral or the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM.
Descriptions of specific amino acid, carbohydrate, or nucleotide sequences which have appeared in the published literature and/or are deposited in and maintained by databanks such as GENBANK, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), National Biomedical Research Foundation (NBRF), or other sequence repositories.
Investigative technique commonly used during ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY in which a series of bright light flashes or visual patterns are used to elicit brain activity.
Application of statistical procedures to analyze specific observed or assumed facts from a particular study.
The communication from a NEURON to a target (neuron, muscle, or secretory cell) across a SYNAPSE. In chemical synaptic transmission, the presynaptic neuron releases a NEUROTRANSMITTER that diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to specific synaptic receptors, activating them. The activated receptors modulate specific ion channels and/or second-messenger systems in the postsynaptic cell. In electrical synaptic transmission, electrical signals are communicated as an ionic current flow across ELECTRICAL SYNAPSES.
In screening and diagnostic tests, the probability that a person with a positive test is a true positive (i.e., has the disease), is referred to as the predictive value of a positive test; whereas, the predictive value of a negative test is the probability that the person with a negative test does not have the disease. Predictive value is related to the sensitivity and specificity of the test.
Graphs representing sets of measurable, non-covalent physical contacts with specific PROTEINS in living organisms or in cells.
The act, process, or result of passing from one place or position to another. It differs from LOCOMOTION in that locomotion is restricted to the passing of the whole body from one place to another, while movement encompasses both locomotion but also a change of the position of the whole body or any of its parts. Movement may be used with reference to humans, vertebrate and invertebrate animals, and microorganisms. Differentiate also from MOTOR ACTIVITY, movement associated with behavior.
The time from the onset of a stimulus until a response is observed.
The capacity of the NERVOUS SYSTEM to change its reactivity as the result of successive activations.
A family of marine CRUSTACEA, in the order DECAPODA, comprising the clawless lobsters. They are found in tropical and subtropical waters and characterized by short spines along the length of the tail and body.
Most generally any NEURONS which are not motor or sensory. Interneurons may also refer to neurons whose AXONS remain within a particular brain region in contrast to projection neurons, which have axons projecting to other brain regions.
The coordination of a sensory or ideational (cognitive) process and a motor activity.
A mechanism of communication within a system in that the input signal generates an output response which returns to influence the continued activity or productivity of that system.
Computers that combine the functions of analog and digital computers. (Sippl, Computer Dictionary, 4th ed)
The order of amino acids as they occur in a polypeptide chain. This is referred to as the primary structure of proteins. It is of fundamental importance in determining PROTEIN CONFORMATION.
Recording of electric currents developed in the brain by means of electrodes applied to the scalp, to the surface of the brain, or placed within the substance of the brain.
The physiological mechanisms that govern the rhythmic occurrence of certain biochemical, physiological, and behavioral phenomena.
Specifications and instructions applied to the software.
The intracellular transfer of information (biological activation/inhibition) through a signal pathway. In each signal transduction system, an activation/inhibition signal from a biologically active molecule (hormone, neurotransmitter) is mediated via the coupling of a receptor/enzyme to a second messenger system or to an ion channel. Signal transduction plays an important role in activating cellular functions, cell differentiation, and cell proliferation. Examples of signal transduction systems are the GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID-postsynaptic receptor-calcium ion channel system, the receptor-mediated T-cell activation pathway, and the receptor-mediated activation of phospholipases. Those coupled to membrane depolarization or intracellular release of calcium include the receptor-mediated activation of cytotoxic functions in granulocytes and the synaptic potentiation of protein kinase activation. Some signal transduction pathways may be part of larger signal transduction pathways; for example, protein kinase activation is part of the platelet activation signal pathway.
A comprehensive map of the physical interconnections of an organism's neural networks. This modular organization of neuronal architecture is believed to underlie disease mechanisms and the biological development of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM.
Intellectual or mental process whereby an organism obtains knowledge.
The deductive study of shape, quantity, and dependence. (From McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 6th ed)
Learning algorithms which are a set of related supervised computer learning methods that analyze data and recognize patterns, and used for classification and regression analysis.
Computer programs based on knowledge developed from consultation with experts on a problem, and the processing and/or formalizing of this knowledge using these programs in such a manner that the problems may be solved.
Statistical models in which the value of a parameter for a given value of a factor is assumed to be equal to a + bx, where a and b are constants. The models predict a linear regression.
Processes that incorporate some element of randomness, used particularly to refer to a time series of random variables.
Signal and data processing method that uses decomposition of wavelets to approximate, estimate, or compress signals with finite time and frequency domains. It represents a signal or data in terms of a fast decaying wavelet series from the original prototype wavelet, called the mother wavelet. This mathematical algorithm has been adopted widely in biomedical disciplines for data and signal processing in noise removal and audio/image compression (e.g., EEG and MRI).
Computer systems or networks designed to provide radiographic interpretive information.
A mechanism of communication with a physiological system for homeostasis, adaptation, etc. Physiological feedback is mediated through extensive feedback mechanisms that use physiological cues as feedback loop signals to control other systems.
Neurons which activate MUSCLE CELLS.
Integrated set of files, procedures, and equipment for the storage, manipulation, and retrieval of information.
Conceptual functions or thinking in all its forms.
A self-learning technique, usually online, involving interaction of the student with programmed instructional materials.
The process of cumulative change over successive generations through which organisms acquire their distinguishing morphological and physiological characteristics.
The relationships between symbols and their meanings.
Upper central part of the cerebral hemisphere. It is located posterior to central sulcus, anterior to the OCCIPITAL LOBE, and superior to the TEMPORAL LOBES.
Organized activities related to the storage, location, search, and retrieval of information.
The study, control, and application of the conduction of ELECTRICITY through gases or vacuum, or through semiconducting or conducting materials. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 6th ed)
Hybridization of a nucleic acid sample to a very large set of OLIGONUCLEOTIDE PROBES, which have been attached individually in columns and rows to a solid support, to determine a BASE SEQUENCE, or to detect variations in a gene sequence, GENE EXPRESSION, or for GENE MAPPING.
The selecting and organizing of visual stimuli based on the individual's past experience.
A statistical technique that isolates and assesses the contributions of categorical independent variables to variation in the mean of a continuous dependent variable.
A curved elevation of GRAY MATTER extending the entire length of the floor of the TEMPORAL HORN of the LATERAL VENTRICLE (see also TEMPORAL LOBE). The hippocampus proper, subiculum, and DENTATE GYRUS constitute the hippocampal formation. Sometimes authors include the ENTORHINAL CORTEX in the hippocampal formation.
Small computers that lack the speed, memory capacity, and instructional capability of the full-size computer but usually retain its programmable flexibility. They are larger, faster, and more flexible, powerful, and expensive than microcomputers.
Behavioral manifestations of cerebral dominance in which there is preferential use and superior functioning of either the left or the right side, as in the preferred use of the right hand or right foot.
A verbal or nonverbal means of communicating ideas or feelings.
Controlled operation of an apparatus, process, or system by mechanical or electronic devices that take the place of human organs of observation, effort, and decision. (From Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 1993)
The process of generating three-dimensional images by electronic, photographic, or other methods. For example, three-dimensional images can be generated by assembling multiple tomographic images with the aid of a computer, while photographic 3-D images (HOLOGRAPHY) can be made by exposing film to the interference pattern created when two laser light sources shine on an object.
A graphic device used in decision analysis, series of decision options are represented as branches (hierarchical).
Freedom from activity.
The study of chance processes or the relative frequency characterizing a chance process.
Observation and acquisition of physical data from a distance by viewing and making measurements from a distance or receiving transmitted data from observations made at distant location.
Use of electric potential or currents to elicit biological responses.
Focusing on certain aspects of current experience to the exclusion of others. It is the act of heeding or taking notice or concentrating.
The detailed examination of observable activity or behavior associated with the execution or completion of a required function or unit of work.
A stochastic process such that the conditional probability distribution for a state at any future instant, given the present state, is unaffected by any additional knowledge of the past history of the system.
Movement or the ability to move from one place or another. It can refer to humans, vertebrate or invertebrate animals, and microorganisms.

A computer is a programmable electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data. It is composed of several components including:

1. Hardware: The physical components of a computer such as the central processing unit (CPU), memory (RAM), storage devices (hard drive or solid-state drive), and input/output devices (monitor, keyboard, and mouse).
2. Software: The programs and instructions that are used to perform specific tasks on a computer. This includes operating systems, applications, and utilities.
3. Input: Devices or methods used to enter data into a computer, such as a keyboard, mouse, scanner, or digital camera.
4. Processing: The function of the CPU in executing instructions and performing calculations on data.
5. Output: The results of processing, which can be displayed on a monitor, printed on paper, or saved to a storage device.

Computers come in various forms and sizes, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. They are used in a wide range of applications, from personal use for communication, entertainment, and productivity, to professional use in fields such as medicine, engineering, finance, and education.

A nerve net, also known as a neural net or neuronal network, is not a medical term per se, but rather a concept in neuroscience and artificial intelligence (AI). It refers to a complex network of interconnected neurons that process and transmit information. In the context of the human body, the nervous system can be thought of as a type of nerve net, with the brain and spinal cord serving as the central processing unit and peripheral nerves carrying signals to and from various parts of the body.

In the field of AI, artificial neural networks are computational models inspired by the structure and function of biological nerve nets. These models consist of interconnected nodes or "neurons" that process information and learn patterns through a process of training and adaptation. They have been used in a variety of applications, including image recognition, natural language processing, and machine learning.

A computer simulation is a process that involves creating a model of a real-world system or phenomenon on a computer and then using that model to run experiments and make predictions about how the system will behave under different conditions. In the medical field, computer simulations are used for a variety of purposes, including:

1. Training and education: Computer simulations can be used to create realistic virtual environments where medical students and professionals can practice their skills and learn new procedures without risk to actual patients. For example, surgeons may use simulation software to practice complex surgical techniques before performing them on real patients.
2. Research and development: Computer simulations can help medical researchers study the behavior of biological systems at a level of detail that would be difficult or impossible to achieve through experimental methods alone. By creating detailed models of cells, tissues, organs, or even entire organisms, researchers can use simulation software to explore how these systems function and how they respond to different stimuli.
3. Drug discovery and development: Computer simulations are an essential tool in modern drug discovery and development. By modeling the behavior of drugs at a molecular level, researchers can predict how they will interact with their targets in the body and identify potential side effects or toxicities. This information can help guide the design of new drugs and reduce the need for expensive and time-consuming clinical trials.
4. Personalized medicine: Computer simulations can be used to create personalized models of individual patients based on their unique genetic, physiological, and environmental characteristics. These models can then be used to predict how a patient will respond to different treatments and identify the most effective therapy for their specific condition.

Overall, computer simulations are a powerful tool in modern medicine, enabling researchers and clinicians to study complex systems and make predictions about how they will behave under a wide range of conditions. By providing insights into the behavior of biological systems at a level of detail that would be difficult or impossible to achieve through experimental methods alone, computer simulations are helping to advance our understanding of human health and disease.

An algorithm is not a medical term, but rather a concept from computer science and mathematics. In the context of medicine, algorithms are often used to describe step-by-step procedures for diagnosing or managing medical conditions. These procedures typically involve a series of rules or decision points that help healthcare professionals make informed decisions about patient care.

For example, an algorithm for diagnosing a particular type of heart disease might involve taking a patient's medical history, performing a physical exam, ordering certain diagnostic tests, and interpreting the results in a specific way. By following this algorithm, healthcare professionals can ensure that they are using a consistent and evidence-based approach to making a diagnosis.

Algorithms can also be used to guide treatment decisions. For instance, an algorithm for managing diabetes might involve setting target blood sugar levels, recommending certain medications or lifestyle changes based on the patient's individual needs, and monitoring the patient's response to treatment over time.

Overall, algorithms are valuable tools in medicine because they help standardize clinical decision-making and ensure that patients receive high-quality care based on the latest scientific evidence.

Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) are complex systems of molecular interactions that regulate the expression of genes within an organism. These networks consist of various types of regulatory elements, including transcription factors, enhancers, promoters, and silencers, which work together to control when, where, and to what extent a gene is expressed.

In GRNs, transcription factors bind to specific DNA sequences in the regulatory regions of target genes, either activating or repressing their transcription into messenger RNA (mRNA). This process is influenced by various intracellular and extracellular signals that modulate the activity of transcription factors, allowing for precise regulation of gene expression in response to changing environmental conditions.

The structure and behavior of GRNs can be represented as a network of nodes (genes) and edges (regulatory interactions), with the strength and directionality of these interactions determined by the specific molecular mechanisms involved. Understanding the organization and dynamics of GRNs is crucial for elucidating the underlying causes of various biological processes, including development, differentiation, homeostasis, and disease.

Neurological models are simplified representations or simulations of various aspects of the nervous system, including its structure, function, and processes. These models can be theoretical, computational, or physical and are used to understand, explain, and predict neurological phenomena. They may focus on specific neurological diseases, disorders, or functions, such as memory, learning, or movement. The goal of these models is to provide insights into the complex workings of the nervous system that cannot be easily observed or understood through direct examination alone.

Computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) is the use of computer systems to aid in the diagnostic process. It involves the use of advanced algorithms and data analysis techniques to analyze medical images, laboratory results, and other patient data to help healthcare professionals make more accurate and timely diagnoses. CAD systems can help identify patterns and anomalies that may be difficult for humans to detect, and they can provide second opinions and flag potential errors or uncertainties in the diagnostic process.

CAD systems are often used in conjunction with traditional diagnostic methods, such as physical examinations and patient interviews, to provide a more comprehensive assessment of a patient's health. They are commonly used in radiology, pathology, cardiology, and other medical specialties where imaging or laboratory tests play a key role in the diagnostic process.

While CAD systems can be very helpful in the diagnostic process, they are not infallible and should always be used as a tool to support, rather than replace, the expertise of trained healthcare professionals. It's important for medical professionals to use their clinical judgment and experience when interpreting CAD results and making final diagnoses.

"Attitude to Computers" is not a medical term or concept, but rather a social science or psychological one. It refers to an individual's feelings, beliefs, and behaviors towards computers and technology in general. This can include things like their comfort level using computers, their perception of the benefits and drawbacks of computer use, and their willingness to learn new technologies.

In some cases, a person's attitude towards computers may be influenced by factors such as their age, education level, work experience, and access to technology. For example, someone who grew up using computers and has had positive experiences with them is likely to have a more favorable attitude than someone who is not familiar with computers or has had negative experiences with them.

It's worth noting that attitudes towards computers can vary widely from person to person, and may change over time as technology evolves and becomes more integrated into daily life. Additionally, while an individual's attitude towards computers may not be a direct medical concern, it can have implications for their overall health and well-being, particularly in terms of their ability to access information, communicate with others, and participate in modern society.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the medical context refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, particularly computer systems. These processes include learning (the acquisition of information and rules for using the information), reasoning (using the rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions), and self-correction.

In healthcare, AI is increasingly being used to analyze large amounts of data, identify patterns, make decisions, and perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. This can include tasks such as diagnosing diseases, recommending treatments, personalizing patient care, and improving clinical workflows.

Examples of AI in medicine include machine learning algorithms that analyze medical images to detect signs of disease, natural language processing tools that extract relevant information from electronic health records, and robot-assisted surgery systems that enable more precise and minimally invasive procedures.

Metabolic networks and pathways refer to the complex interconnected series of biochemical reactions that occur within cells to maintain life. These reactions are catalyzed by enzymes and are responsible for the conversion of nutrients into energy, as well as the synthesis and breakdown of various molecules required for cellular function.

A metabolic pathway is a series of chemical reactions that occur in a specific order, with each reaction being catalyzed by a different enzyme. These pathways are often interconnected, forming a larger network of interactions known as a metabolic network.

Metabolic networks can be represented as complex diagrams or models, which show the relationships between different pathways and the flow of matter and energy through the system. These networks can help researchers to understand how cells regulate their metabolism in response to changes in their environment, and how disruptions to these networks can lead to disease.

Some common examples of metabolic pathways include glycolysis, the citric acid cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle), and the pentose phosphate pathway. Each of these pathways plays a critical role in maintaining cellular homeostasis and providing energy for cellular functions.

I am not aware of a widely accepted medical definition for the term "software," as it is more commonly used in the context of computer science and technology. Software refers to programs, data, and instructions that are used by computers to perform various tasks. It does not have direct relevance to medical fields such as anatomy, physiology, or clinical practice. If you have any questions related to medicine or healthcare, I would be happy to try to help with those instead!

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Fuzzy Logic" is actually a term from the field of mathematics and computer science, not medicine. It is a form of many-valued logic that deals with reasoning that is approximate rather than fixed and exact. In contrast to traditional logic, where binary sets have distinct boundaries (true or false, 0 or 1, etc.), fuzzy logic allows for continuous values between 0 and 1, making it particularly useful in areas where precise definitions are difficult, such as medical diagnosis or robotics.

Biological models, also known as physiological models or organismal models, are simplified representations of biological systems, processes, or mechanisms that are used to understand and explain the underlying principles and relationships. These models can be theoretical (conceptual or mathematical) or physical (such as anatomical models, cell cultures, or animal models). They are widely used in biomedical research to study various phenomena, including disease pathophysiology, drug action, and therapeutic interventions.

Examples of biological models include:

1. Mathematical models: These use mathematical equations and formulas to describe complex biological systems or processes, such as population dynamics, metabolic pathways, or gene regulation networks. They can help predict the behavior of these systems under different conditions and test hypotheses about their underlying mechanisms.
2. Cell cultures: These are collections of cells grown in a controlled environment, typically in a laboratory dish or flask. They can be used to study cellular processes, such as signal transduction, gene expression, or metabolism, and to test the effects of drugs or other treatments on these processes.
3. Animal models: These are living organisms, usually vertebrates like mice, rats, or non-human primates, that are used to study various aspects of human biology and disease. They can provide valuable insights into the pathophysiology of diseases, the mechanisms of drug action, and the safety and efficacy of new therapies.
4. Anatomical models: These are physical representations of biological structures or systems, such as plastic models of organs or tissues, that can be used for educational purposes or to plan surgical procedures. They can also serve as a basis for developing more sophisticated models, such as computer simulations or 3D-printed replicas.

Overall, biological models play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of biology and medicine, helping to identify new targets for therapeutic intervention, develop novel drugs and treatments, and improve human health.

Computer peripherals are external devices that can be connected to a computer system to expand its functionality or capabilities. They are called "peripherals" because they are typically located on the periphery of the computer, as opposed to being built into the main computer case or chassis.

There are several types of computer peripherals, including:

1. Input devices: These are used to provide data and instructions to the computer. Examples include keyboards, mice, scanners, webcams, and microphones.
2. Output devices: These are used to communicate information from the computer to the user or to other external devices. Examples include monitors, printers, speakers, and projectors.
3. Storage devices: These are used to store data and programs on removable media. Examples include USB drives, external hard drives, CDs, and DVDs.
4. Communication devices: These are used to connect the computer to other networks or systems. Examples include modems, routers, network adapters, and wireless access points.
5. Input/output (I/O) devices: These are multifunctional devices that can serve as both input and output peripherals. Examples include touchscreens, digital tablets, and joysticks.

Overall, computer peripherals play a crucial role in enhancing the functionality and usability of computer systems for various applications.

Automated Pattern Recognition in a medical context refers to the use of computer algorithms and artificial intelligence techniques to identify, classify, and analyze specific patterns or trends in medical data. This can include recognizing visual patterns in medical images, such as X-rays or MRIs, or identifying patterns in large datasets of physiological measurements or electronic health records.

The goal of automated pattern recognition is to assist healthcare professionals in making more accurate diagnoses, monitoring disease progression, and developing personalized treatment plans. By automating the process of pattern recognition, it can help reduce human error, increase efficiency, and improve patient outcomes.

Examples of automated pattern recognition in medicine include using machine learning algorithms to identify early signs of diabetic retinopathy in eye scans or detecting abnormal heart rhythms in electrocardiograms (ECGs). These techniques can also be used to predict patient risk based on patterns in their medical history, such as identifying patients who are at high risk for readmission to the hospital.

Computer communication networks (CCN) refer to the interconnected systems or groups of computers that are able to communicate and share resources and information with each other. These networks may be composed of multiple interconnected devices, including computers, servers, switches, routers, and other hardware components. The connections between these devices can be established through various types of media, such as wired Ethernet cables or wireless Wi-Fi signals.

CCNs enable the sharing of data, applications, and services among users and devices, and they are essential for supporting modern digital communication and collaboration. Some common examples of CCNs include local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and the Internet. These networks can be designed and implemented in various topologies, such as star, ring, bus, mesh, and tree configurations, to meet the specific needs and requirements of different organizations and applications.

Neural pathways, also known as nerve tracts or fasciculi, refer to the highly organized and specialized routes through which nerve impulses travel within the nervous system. These pathways are formed by groups of neurons (nerve cells) that are connected in a series, creating a continuous communication network for electrical signals to transmit information between different regions of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.

Neural pathways can be classified into two main types: sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent). Sensory neural pathways carry sensory information from various receptors in the body (such as those for touch, temperature, pain, and vision) to the brain for processing. Motor neural pathways, on the other hand, transmit signals from the brain to the muscles and glands, controlling movements and other effector functions.

The formation of these neural pathways is crucial for normal nervous system function, as it enables efficient communication between different parts of the body and allows for complex behaviors, cognitive processes, and adaptive responses to internal and external stimuli.

Computational biology is a branch of biology that uses mathematical and computational methods to study biological data, models, and processes. It involves the development and application of algorithms, statistical models, and computational approaches to analyze and interpret large-scale molecular and phenotypic data from genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and other high-throughput technologies. The goal is to gain insights into biological systems and processes, develop predictive models, and inform experimental design and hypothesis testing in the life sciences. Computational biology encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including bioinformatics, systems biology, computational genomics, network biology, and mathematical modeling of biological systems.

Computer literacy is the ability to use, understand, and create computer technology and software, including basic knowledge of computer hardware, operating systems, and common applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, and databases. It also includes an understanding of concepts related to the internet, email, and cybersecurity. Being computer literate means having the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively use computers for a variety of purposes, including communication, research, problem-solving, and productivity. It is an important skill in today's digital age and is often required for many jobs and educational programs.

A computer system is a collection of hardware and software components that work together to perform specific tasks. This includes the physical components such as the central processing unit (CPU), memory, storage devices, and input/output devices, as well as the operating system and application software that run on the hardware. Computer systems can range from small, embedded systems found in appliances and devices, to large, complex networks of interconnected computers used for enterprise-level operations.

In a medical context, computer systems are often used for tasks such as storing and retrieving electronic health records (EHRs), managing patient scheduling and billing, performing diagnostic imaging and analysis, and delivering telemedicine services. These systems must adhere to strict regulatory standards, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States, to ensure the privacy and security of sensitive medical information.

The brain is the central organ of the nervous system, responsible for receiving and processing sensory information, regulating vital functions, and controlling behavior, movement, and cognition. It is divided into several distinct regions, each with specific functions:

1. Cerebrum: The largest part of the brain, responsible for higher cognitive functions such as thinking, learning, memory, language, and perception. It is divided into two hemispheres, each controlling the opposite side of the body.
2. Cerebellum: Located at the back of the brain, it is responsible for coordinating muscle movements, maintaining balance, and fine-tuning motor skills.
3. Brainstem: Connects the cerebrum and cerebellum to the spinal cord, controlling vital functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. It also serves as a relay center for sensory information and motor commands between the brain and the rest of the body.
4. Diencephalon: A region that includes the thalamus (a major sensory relay station) and hypothalamus (regulates hormones, temperature, hunger, thirst, and sleep).
5. Limbic system: A group of structures involved in emotional processing, memory formation, and motivation, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and cingulate gyrus.

The brain is composed of billions of interconnected neurons that communicate through electrical and chemical signals. It is protected by the skull and surrounded by three layers of membranes called meninges, as well as cerebrospinal fluid that provides cushioning and nutrients.

Brain mapping is a broad term that refers to the techniques used to understand the structure and function of the brain. It involves creating maps of the various cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes in the brain by correlating these processes with physical locations or activities within the nervous system. Brain mapping can be accomplished through a variety of methods, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography (PET) scans, electroencephalography (EEG), and others. These techniques allow researchers to observe which areas of the brain are active during different tasks or thoughts, helping to shed light on how the brain processes information and contributes to our experiences and behaviors. Brain mapping is an important area of research in neuroscience, with potential applications in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Neurons, also known as nerve cells or neurocytes, are specialized cells that constitute the basic unit of the nervous system. They are responsible for receiving, processing, and transmitting information and signals within the body. Neurons have three main parts: the dendrites, the cell body (soma), and the axon. The dendrites receive signals from other neurons or sensory receptors, while the axon transmits these signals to other neurons, muscles, or glands. The junction between two neurons is called a synapse, where neurotransmitters are released to transmit the signal across the gap (synaptic cleft) to the next neuron. Neurons vary in size, shape, and structure depending on their function and location within the nervous system.

Reproducibility of results in a medical context refers to the ability to obtain consistent and comparable findings when a particular experiment or study is repeated, either by the same researcher or by different researchers, following the same experimental protocol. It is an essential principle in scientific research that helps to ensure the validity and reliability of research findings.

In medical research, reproducibility of results is crucial for establishing the effectiveness and safety of new treatments, interventions, or diagnostic tools. It involves conducting well-designed studies with adequate sample sizes, appropriate statistical analyses, and transparent reporting of methods and findings to allow other researchers to replicate the study and confirm or refute the results.

The lack of reproducibility in medical research has become a significant concern in recent years, as several high-profile studies have failed to produce consistent findings when replicated by other researchers. This has led to increased scrutiny of research practices and a call for greater transparency, rigor, and standardization in the conduct and reporting of medical research.

Computer-assisted image processing is a medical term that refers to the use of computer systems and specialized software to improve, analyze, and interpret medical images obtained through various imaging techniques such as X-ray, CT (computed tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), ultrasound, and others.

The process typically involves several steps, including image acquisition, enhancement, segmentation, restoration, and analysis. Image processing algorithms can be used to enhance the quality of medical images by adjusting contrast, brightness, and sharpness, as well as removing noise and artifacts that may interfere with accurate diagnosis. Segmentation techniques can be used to isolate specific regions or structures of interest within an image, allowing for more detailed analysis.

Computer-assisted image processing has numerous applications in medical imaging, including detection and characterization of lesions, tumors, and other abnormalities; assessment of organ function and morphology; and guidance of interventional procedures such as biopsies and surgeries. By automating and standardizing image analysis tasks, computer-assisted image processing can help to improve diagnostic accuracy, efficiency, and consistency, while reducing the potential for human error.

Medical Definition:

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging technique that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed cross-sectional or three-dimensional images of the internal structures of the body. The patient lies within a large, cylindrical magnet, and the scanner detects changes in the direction of the magnetic field caused by protons in the body. These changes are then converted into detailed images that help medical professionals to diagnose and monitor various medical conditions, such as tumors, injuries, or diseases affecting the brain, spinal cord, heart, blood vessels, joints, and other internal organs. MRI does not use radiation like computed tomography (CT) scans.

"Nonlinear dynamics is a branch of mathematics and physics that deals with the study of systems that exhibit nonlinear behavior, where the output is not directly proportional to the input. In the context of medicine, nonlinear dynamics can be used to model complex biological systems such as the human cardiovascular system or the brain, where the interactions between different components can lead to emergent properties and behaviors that are difficult to predict using traditional linear methods. Nonlinear dynamic models can help to understand the underlying mechanisms of these systems, make predictions about their behavior, and develop interventions to improve health outcomes."

Discriminant analysis is a statistical method used for classifying observations or individuals into distinct categories or groups based on multiple predictor variables. It is commonly used in medical research to help diagnose or predict the presence or absence of a particular condition or disease.

In discriminant analysis, a linear combination of the predictor variables is created, and the resulting function is used to determine the group membership of each observation. The function is derived from the means and variances of the predictor variables for each group, with the goal of maximizing the separation between the groups while minimizing the overlap.

There are two types of discriminant analysis:

1. Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA): This method assumes that the predictor variables are normally distributed and have equal variances within each group. LDA is used when there are two or more groups to be distinguished.
2. Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA): This method does not assume equal variances within each group, allowing for more flexibility in modeling the distribution of predictor variables. QDA is used when there are two or more groups to be distinguished.

Discriminant analysis can be useful in medical research for developing diagnostic models that can accurately classify patients based on a set of clinical or laboratory measures. It can also be used to identify which predictor variables are most important in distinguishing between different groups, providing insights into the underlying biological mechanisms of disease.

The term "Theoretical Models" is used in various scientific fields, including medicine, to describe a representation of a complex system or phenomenon. It is a simplified framework that explains how different components of the system interact with each other and how they contribute to the overall behavior of the system. Theoretical models are often used in medical research to understand and predict the outcomes of diseases, treatments, or public health interventions.

A theoretical model can take many forms, such as mathematical equations, computer simulations, or conceptual diagrams. It is based on a set of assumptions and hypotheses about the underlying mechanisms that drive the system. By manipulating these variables and observing the effects on the model's output, researchers can test their assumptions and generate new insights into the system's behavior.

Theoretical models are useful for medical research because they allow scientists to explore complex systems in a controlled and systematic way. They can help identify key drivers of disease or treatment outcomes, inform the design of clinical trials, and guide the development of new interventions. However, it is important to recognize that theoretical models are simplifications of reality and may not capture all the nuances and complexities of real-world systems. Therefore, they should be used in conjunction with other forms of evidence, such as experimental data and observational studies, to inform medical decision-making.

Handheld computers, also known as personal digital assistants (PDAs) or pocket PCs, are portable devices that are designed to provide computing and information management capabilities in a compact and mobile form factor. These devices typically feature a touchscreen interface, allowing users to interact with the device using their fingers or a stylus.

Handheld computers are capable of performing various functions such as managing calendars, contacts, and tasks; browsing the web; sending and receiving emails; and running productivity applications like word processors and spreadsheets. They may also include features such as GPS navigation, digital cameras, and music players.

One of the key advantages of handheld computers is their portability, which makes them ideal for use in a variety of settings, including at home, in the office, or on the go. However, they typically have smaller screens and keyboards than larger laptops or desktop computers, which can make them less suitable for certain tasks that require more extensive typing or data entry.

Handheld computers are commonly used by healthcare professionals to manage patient information, access electronic medical records, and communicate with other healthcare providers. They may also be used in a variety of other industries, such as logistics, transportation, and field service, where mobile workers need to access and manage information while on the move.

Sensitivity and specificity are statistical measures used to describe the performance of a diagnostic test or screening tool in identifying true positive and true negative results.

* Sensitivity refers to the proportion of people who have a particular condition (true positives) who are correctly identified by the test. It is also known as the "true positive rate" or "recall." A highly sensitive test will identify most or all of the people with the condition, but may also produce more false positives.
* Specificity refers to the proportion of people who do not have a particular condition (true negatives) who are correctly identified by the test. It is also known as the "true negative rate." A highly specific test will identify most or all of the people without the condition, but may also produce more false negatives.

In medical testing, both sensitivity and specificity are important considerations when evaluating a diagnostic test. High sensitivity is desirable for screening tests that aim to identify as many cases of a condition as possible, while high specificity is desirable for confirmatory tests that aim to rule out the condition in people who do not have it.

It's worth noting that sensitivity and specificity are often influenced by factors such as the prevalence of the condition in the population being tested, the threshold used to define a positive result, and the reliability and validity of the test itself. Therefore, it's important to consider these factors when interpreting the results of a diagnostic test.

Protein sequence analysis is the systematic examination and interpretation of the amino acid sequence of a protein to understand its structure, function, evolutionary relationships, and other biological properties. It involves various computational methods and tools to analyze the primary structure of proteins, which is the linear arrangement of amino acids along the polypeptide chain.

Protein sequence analysis can provide insights into several aspects, such as:

1. Identification of functional domains, motifs, or sites within a protein that may be responsible for its specific biochemical activities.
2. Comparison of homologous sequences from different organisms to infer evolutionary relationships and determine the degree of similarity or divergence among them.
3. Prediction of secondary and tertiary structures based on patterns of amino acid composition, hydrophobicity, and charge distribution.
4. Detection of post-translational modifications that may influence protein function, localization, or stability.
5. Identification of protease cleavage sites, signal peptides, or other sequence features that play a role in protein processing and targeting.

Some common techniques used in protein sequence analysis include:

1. Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA): A method to align multiple protein sequences to identify conserved regions, gaps, and variations.
2. BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool): A widely-used tool for comparing a query protein sequence against a database of known sequences to find similarities and infer function or evolutionary relationships.
3. Hidden Markov Models (HMMs): Statistical models used to describe the probability distribution of amino acid sequences in protein families, allowing for more sensitive detection of remote homologs.
4. Protein structure prediction: Methods that use various computational approaches to predict the three-dimensional structure of a protein based on its amino acid sequence.
5. Phylogenetic analysis: The construction and interpretation of evolutionary trees (phylogenies) based on aligned protein sequences, which can provide insights into the historical relationships among organisms or proteins.

Statistical models are mathematical representations that describe the relationship between variables in a given dataset. They are used to analyze and interpret data in order to make predictions or test hypotheses about a population. In the context of medicine, statistical models can be used for various purposes such as:

1. Disease risk prediction: By analyzing demographic, clinical, and genetic data using statistical models, researchers can identify factors that contribute to an individual's risk of developing certain diseases. This information can then be used to develop personalized prevention strategies or early detection methods.

2. Clinical trial design and analysis: Statistical models are essential tools for designing and analyzing clinical trials. They help determine sample size, allocate participants to treatment groups, and assess the effectiveness and safety of interventions.

3. Epidemiological studies: Researchers use statistical models to investigate the distribution and determinants of health-related events in populations. This includes studying patterns of disease transmission, evaluating public health interventions, and estimating the burden of diseases.

4. Health services research: Statistical models are employed to analyze healthcare utilization, costs, and outcomes. This helps inform decisions about resource allocation, policy development, and quality improvement initiatives.

5. Biostatistics and bioinformatics: In these fields, statistical models are used to analyze large-scale molecular data (e.g., genomics, proteomics) to understand biological processes and identify potential therapeutic targets.

In summary, statistical models in medicine provide a framework for understanding complex relationships between variables and making informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

In the context of medicine and healthcare, learning is often discussed in relation to learning abilities or disabilities that may impact an individual's capacity to acquire, process, retain, and apply new information or skills. Learning can be defined as the process of acquiring knowledge, understanding, behaviors, and skills through experience, instruction, or observation.

Learning disorders, also known as learning disabilities, are a type of neurodevelopmental disorder that affects an individual's ability to learn and process information in one or more areas, such as reading, writing, mathematics, or reasoning. These disorders are not related to intelligence or motivation but rather result from differences in the way the brain processes information.

It is important to note that learning can also be influenced by various factors, including age, cognitive abilities, physical and mental health status, cultural background, and educational experiences. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of an individual's learning abilities and needs should take into account these various factors to provide appropriate support and interventions.

Computer user training is the process of teaching individuals how to use computer software, hardware, and systems effectively and safely. This type of training can include a variety of topics, such as:

* Basic computer skills, such as using a mouse and keyboard
* Operating system fundamentals, including file management and navigation
* Application-specific training for software such as Microsoft Office or industry-specific programs
* Cybersecurity best practices to protect against online threats
* Data privacy and compliance regulations related to computer use

The goal of computer user training is to help individuals become proficient and confident in their ability to use technology to perform their job duties, communicate with others, and access information. Effective computer user training can lead to increased productivity, reduced errors, and improved job satisfaction.

A Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve is a graphical representation used in medical decision-making and statistical analysis to illustrate the performance of a binary classifier system, such as a diagnostic test or a machine learning algorithm. It's a plot that shows the tradeoff between the true positive rate (sensitivity) and the false positive rate (1 - specificity) for different threshold settings.

The x-axis of an ROC curve represents the false positive rate (the proportion of negative cases incorrectly classified as positive), while the y-axis represents the true positive rate (the proportion of positive cases correctly classified as positive). Each point on the curve corresponds to a specific decision threshold, with higher points indicating better performance.

The area under the ROC curve (AUC) is a commonly used summary measure that reflects the overall performance of the classifier. An AUC value of 1 indicates perfect discrimination between positive and negative cases, while an AUC value of 0.5 suggests that the classifier performs no better than chance.

ROC curves are widely used in healthcare to evaluate diagnostic tests, predictive models, and screening tools for various medical conditions, helping clinicians make informed decisions about patient care based on the balance between sensitivity and specificity.

Proteins are complex, large molecules that play critical roles in the body's functions. They are made up of amino acids, which are organic compounds that are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's tissues and organs. They are essential for the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues, and they play a crucial role in many biological processes, including metabolism, immune response, and cellular signaling. Proteins can be classified into different types based on their structure and function, such as enzymes, hormones, antibodies, and structural proteins. They are found in various foods, especially animal-derived products like meat, dairy, and eggs, as well as plant-based sources like beans, nuts, and grains.

An action potential is a brief electrical signal that travels along the membrane of a nerve cell (neuron) or muscle cell. It is initiated by a rapid, localized change in the permeability of the cell membrane to specific ions, such as sodium and potassium, resulting in a rapid influx of sodium ions and a subsequent efflux of potassium ions. This ion movement causes a brief reversal of the electrical potential across the membrane, which is known as depolarization. The action potential then propagates along the cell membrane as a wave, allowing the electrical signal to be transmitted over long distances within the body. Action potentials play a crucial role in the communication and functioning of the nervous system and muscle tissue.

A computer terminal is a device that enables a user to interact with a computer system. It typically includes an input device, such as a keyboard or a mouse, and an output device, such as a monitor or a printer. A terminal may also include additional features, such as storage devices or network connections. In modern usage, the term "computer terminal" is often used to refer specifically to a device that provides text-based access to a computer system, as opposed to a graphical user interface (GUI). These text-based terminals are sometimes called "dumb terminals," because they rely on the computer system to perform most of the processing and only provide a simple interface for input and output. However, this term can be misleading, as many modern terminals are quite sophisticated and can include features such as advanced graphics capabilities or support for multimedia content.

A factual database in the medical context is a collection of organized and structured data that contains verified and accurate information related to medicine, healthcare, or health sciences. These databases serve as reliable resources for various stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, researchers, students, and patients, to access evidence-based information for making informed decisions and enhancing knowledge.

Examples of factual medical databases include:

1. PubMed: A comprehensive database of biomedical literature maintained by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM). It contains citations and abstracts from life sciences journals, books, and conference proceedings.
2. MEDLINE: A subset of PubMed, MEDLINE focuses on high-quality, peer-reviewed articles related to biomedicine and health. It is the primary component of the NLM's database and serves as a critical resource for healthcare professionals and researchers worldwide.
3. Cochrane Library: A collection of systematic reviews and meta-analyses focused on evidence-based medicine. The library aims to provide unbiased, high-quality information to support clinical decision-making and improve patient outcomes.
4. OVID: A platform that offers access to various medical and healthcare databases, including MEDLINE, Embase, and PsycINFO. It facilitates the search and retrieval of relevant literature for researchers, clinicians, and students.
5. ClinicalTrials.gov: A registry and results database of publicly and privately supported clinical studies conducted around the world. The platform aims to increase transparency and accessibility of clinical trial data for healthcare professionals, researchers, and patients.
6. UpToDate: An evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support resource that provides information on diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of medical conditions. It serves as a point-of-care tool for healthcare professionals to make informed decisions and improve patient care.
7. TRIP Database: A search engine designed to facilitate evidence-based medicine by providing quick access to high-quality resources, including systematic reviews, clinical guidelines, and practice recommendations.
8. National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC): A database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related documents developed through a rigorous review process. The NGC aims to provide clinicians, healthcare providers, and policymakers with reliable guidance for patient care.
9. DrugBank: A comprehensive, freely accessible online database containing detailed information about drugs, their mechanisms, interactions, and targets. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers, healthcare professionals, and students in the field of pharmacology and drug discovery.
10. Genetic Testing Registry (GTR): A database that provides centralized information about genetic tests, test developers, laboratories offering tests, and clinical validity and utility of genetic tests. It serves as a resource for healthcare professionals, researchers, and patients to make informed decisions regarding genetic testing.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Wireless Technology" is not a term that has a specific medical definition. Wireless technology generally refers to the transmission of information over a distance without the use of electrical conductors or "wires." It encompasses a wide range of technologies, including cellular networks, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and various forms of telecommunication.

However, in a medical context, wireless technology can be used to refer to devices or systems that transmit patient data without the need for physical connections. For example, wireless pulse oximeters, blood glucose monitors, or cardiac event monitors. These devices use wireless technologies to send patient data to a remote monitoring station or to a healthcare provider's electronic health record system. This can provide more flexibility and mobility for patients, and can also improve the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

Computer-assisted image interpretation is the use of computer algorithms and software to assist healthcare professionals in analyzing and interpreting medical images. These systems use various techniques such as pattern recognition, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to help identify and highlight abnormalities or patterns within imaging data, such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI, and ultrasound images. The goal is to increase the accuracy, consistency, and efficiency of image interpretation, while also reducing the potential for human error. It's important to note that these systems are intended to assist healthcare professionals in their decision making process and not to replace them.

Computer-assisted signal processing is a medical term that refers to the use of computer algorithms and software to analyze, interpret, and extract meaningful information from biological signals. These signals can include physiological data such as electrocardiogram (ECG) waves, electromyography (EMG) signals, electroencephalography (EEG) readings, or medical images.

The goal of computer-assisted signal processing is to automate the analysis of these complex signals and extract relevant features that can be used for diagnostic, monitoring, or therapeutic purposes. This process typically involves several steps, including:

1. Signal acquisition: Collecting raw data from sensors or medical devices.
2. Preprocessing: Cleaning and filtering the data to remove noise and artifacts.
3. Feature extraction: Identifying and quantifying relevant features in the signal, such as peaks, troughs, or patterns.
4. Analysis: Applying statistical or machine learning algorithms to interpret the extracted features and make predictions about the underlying physiological state.
5. Visualization: Presenting the results in a clear and intuitive way for clinicians to review and use.

Computer-assisted signal processing has numerous applications in healthcare, including:

* Diagnosing and monitoring cardiac arrhythmias or other heart conditions using ECG signals.
* Assessing muscle activity and function using EMG signals.
* Monitoring brain activity and diagnosing neurological disorders using EEG readings.
* Analyzing medical images to detect abnormalities, such as tumors or fractures.

Overall, computer-assisted signal processing is a powerful tool for improving the accuracy and efficiency of medical diagnosis and monitoring, enabling clinicians to make more informed decisions about patient care.

In the field of medicine, "time factors" refer to the duration of symptoms or time elapsed since the onset of a medical condition, which can have significant implications for diagnosis and treatment. Understanding time factors is crucial in determining the progression of a disease, evaluating the effectiveness of treatments, and making critical decisions regarding patient care.

For example, in stroke management, "time is brain," meaning that rapid intervention within a specific time frame (usually within 4.5 hours) is essential to administering tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), a clot-busting drug that can minimize brain damage and improve patient outcomes. Similarly, in trauma care, the "golden hour" concept emphasizes the importance of providing definitive care within the first 60 minutes after injury to increase survival rates and reduce morbidity.

Time factors also play a role in monitoring the progression of chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease, where regular follow-ups and assessments help determine appropriate treatment adjustments and prevent complications. In infectious diseases, time factors are crucial for initiating antibiotic therapy and identifying potential outbreaks to control their spread.

Overall, "time factors" encompass the significance of recognizing and acting promptly in various medical scenarios to optimize patient outcomes and provide effective care.

Automatic Data Processing (ADP) is not a medical term, but a general business term that refers to the use of computers and software to automate and streamline administrative tasks and processes. In a medical context, ADP may be used in healthcare settings to manage electronic health records (EHRs), billing and coding, insurance claims processing, and other data-intensive tasks.

The goal of using ADP in healthcare is to improve efficiency, accuracy, and timeliness of administrative processes, while reducing costs and errors associated with manual data entry and management. By automating these tasks, healthcare providers can focus more on patient care and less on paperwork, ultimately improving the quality of care delivered to patients.

Computer graphics is the field of study and practice related to creating images and visual content using computer technology. It involves various techniques, algorithms, and tools for generating, manipulating, and rendering digital images and models. These can include 2D and 3D modeling, animation, rendering, visualization, and image processing. Computer graphics is used in a wide range of applications, including video games, movies, scientific simulations, medical imaging, architectural design, and data visualization.

Genetic models are theoretical frameworks used in genetics to describe and explain the inheritance patterns and genetic architecture of traits, diseases, or phenomena. These models are based on mathematical equations and statistical methods that incorporate information about gene frequencies, modes of inheritance, and the effects of environmental factors. They can be used to predict the probability of certain genetic outcomes, to understand the genetic basis of complex traits, and to inform medical management and treatment decisions.

There are several types of genetic models, including:

1. Mendelian models: These models describe the inheritance patterns of simple genetic traits that follow Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment. Examples include autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked inheritance.
2. Complex trait models: These models describe the inheritance patterns of complex traits that are influenced by multiple genes and environmental factors. Examples include heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
3. Population genetics models: These models describe the distribution and frequency of genetic variants within populations over time. They can be used to study evolutionary processes, such as natural selection and genetic drift.
4. Quantitative genetics models: These models describe the relationship between genetic variation and phenotypic variation in continuous traits, such as height or IQ. They can be used to estimate heritability and to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that contribute to trait variation.
5. Statistical genetics models: These models use statistical methods to analyze genetic data and infer the presence of genetic associations or linkage. They can be used to identify genetic risk factors for diseases or traits.

Overall, genetic models are essential tools in genetics research and medical genetics, as they allow researchers to make predictions about genetic outcomes, test hypotheses about the genetic basis of traits and diseases, and develop strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

In the context of medicine, "periodicity" refers to the occurrence of events or phenomena at regular intervals or cycles. This term is often used in reference to recurring symptoms or diseases that have a pattern of appearing and disappearing over time. For example, some medical conditions like menstrual cycles, sleep-wake disorders, and certain infectious diseases exhibit periodicity. It's important to note that the duration and frequency of these cycles can vary depending on the specific condition or individual.

Community networks, in the context of public health and medical care, typically refer to local or regional networks of healthcare providers, organizations, and resources that work together to provide integrated and coordinated care to a defined population. These networks can include hospitals, clinics, primary care providers, specialists, mental health services, home health agencies, and other community-based organizations.

The goal of community networks is to improve the overall health outcomes of the population they serve by ensuring that individuals have access to high-quality, coordinated care that meets their unique needs. Community networks can also help to reduce healthcare costs by preventing unnecessary hospitalizations and emergency department visits through better management of chronic conditions and prevention efforts.

Effective community networks require strong partnerships, clear communication, and a shared commitment to improving the health of the community. They may be organized around geographic boundaries, such as a city or county, or around specific populations, such as individuals with chronic illnesses or low-income communities.

The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of the brain, characterized by its intricate folded structure and wrinkled appearance. It is a region of great importance as it plays a key role in higher cognitive functions such as perception, consciousness, thought, memory, language, and attention. The cerebral cortex is divided into two hemispheres, each containing four lobes: the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes. These areas are responsible for different functions, with some regions specializing in sensory processing while others are involved in motor control or associative functions. The cerebral cortex is composed of gray matter, which contains neuronal cell bodies, and is covered by a layer of white matter that consists mainly of myelinated nerve fibers.

Analog computers are a type of computer that use continuously variable physical quantities to represent and manipulate information. Unlike digital computers, which represent data using discrete binary digits (0s and 1s), analog computers use physical quantities such as voltage, current, or mechanical position to represent information. This allows them to perform certain types of calculations and simulations more accurately and efficiently than digital computers, particularly for systems that involve continuous change or complex relationships between variables.

Analog computers were widely used in scientific and engineering applications before the advent of digital computers, but they have since been largely replaced by digital technology due to its greater flexibility, reliability, and ease of use. However, analog computers are still used in some specialized applications such as control systems for industrial processes, flight simulators, and musical instruments.

In summary, analog computers are a type of computer that use continuously variable physical quantities to represent and manipulate information, and they are still used in some specialized applications today.

A synapse is a structure in the nervous system that allows for the transmission of signals from one neuron (nerve cell) to another. It is the point where the axon terminal of one neuron meets the dendrite or cell body of another, and it is here that neurotransmitters are released and received. The synapse includes both the presynaptic and postsynaptic elements, as well as the cleft between them.

At the presynaptic side, an action potential travels down the axon and triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft through exocytosis. These neurotransmitters then bind to receptors on the postsynaptic side, which can either excite or inhibit the receiving neuron. The strength of the signal between two neurons is determined by the number and efficiency of these synapses.

Synapses play a crucial role in the functioning of the nervous system, allowing for the integration and processing of information from various sources. They are also dynamic structures that can undergo changes in response to experience or injury, which has important implications for learning, memory, and recovery from neurological disorders.

Bayes' theorem, also known as Bayes' rule or Bayes' formula, is a fundamental principle in the field of statistics and probability theory. It describes how to update the probability of a hypothesis based on new evidence or data. The theorem is named after Reverend Thomas Bayes, who first formulated it in the 18th century.

In mathematical terms, Bayes' theorem states that the posterior probability of a hypothesis (H) given some observed evidence (E) is proportional to the product of the prior probability of the hypothesis (P(H)) and the likelihood of observing the evidence given the hypothesis (P(E|H)):

Posterior Probability = P(H|E) = [P(E|H) x P(H)] / P(E)


* P(H|E): The posterior probability of the hypothesis H after observing evidence E. This is the probability we want to calculate.
* P(E|H): The likelihood of observing evidence E given that the hypothesis H is true.
* P(H): The prior probability of the hypothesis H before observing any evidence.
* P(E): The marginal likelihood or probability of observing evidence E, regardless of whether the hypothesis H is true or not. This value can be calculated as the sum of the products of the likelihood and prior probability for all possible hypotheses: P(E) = Σ[P(E|Hi) x P(Hi)]

Bayes' theorem has many applications in various fields, including medicine, where it can be used to update the probability of a disease diagnosis based on test results or other clinical findings. It is also widely used in machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms for probabilistic reasoning and decision making under uncertainty.

In invertebrate biology, ganglia are clusters of neurons that function as a centralized nervous system. They can be considered as the equivalent to a vertebrate's spinal cord and brain. Ganglia serve to process sensory information, coordinate motor functions, and integrate various neural activities within an invertebrate organism.

Invertebrate ganglia are typically found in animals such as arthropods (insects, crustaceans), annelids (earthworms), mollusks (snails, squids), and cnidarians (jellyfish). The structure of the ganglia varies among different invertebrate groups.

For example, in arthropods, the central nervous system consists of a pair of connected ganglia called the supraesophageal ganglion or brain, and the subesophageal ganglion, located near the esophagus. The ventral nerve cord runs along the length of the body, containing pairs of ganglia that control specific regions of the body.

In mollusks, the central nervous system is composed of several ganglia, which can be fused or dispersed, depending on the species. In cephalopods (such as squids and octopuses), the brain is highly developed and consists of several lobes that perform various functions, including learning and memory.

Overall, invertebrate ganglia are essential components of the nervous system that allow these animals to respond to environmental stimuli, move, and interact with their surroundings.

Protein interaction mapping is a research approach used to identify and characterize the physical interactions between different proteins within a cell or organism. This process often involves the use of high-throughput experimental techniques, such as yeast two-hybrid screening, mass spectrometry-based approaches, or protein fragment complementation assays, to detect and quantify the binding affinities of protein pairs. The resulting data is then used to construct a protein interaction network, which can provide insights into functional relationships between proteins, help elucidate cellular pathways, and inform our understanding of biological processes in health and disease.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Internet" is a term that pertains to the global network of interconnected computers and servers that enable the transmission and reception of data via the internet protocol (IP). It is not a medical term and does not have a specific medical definition. If you have any questions related to medicine or health, I'd be happy to try to help answer them for you!

Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) is a method used in toxicology and medicinal chemistry that attempts to establish mathematical relationships between the chemical structure of a compound and its biological activity. QSAR models are developed using statistical methods to analyze a set of compounds with known biological activities and their structural properties, which are represented as numerical or categorical descriptors. These models can then be used to predict the biological activity of new, structurally similar compounds.

QSAR models have been widely used in drug discovery and development, as well as in chemical risk assessment, to predict the potential toxicity of chemicals based on their structural properties. The accuracy and reliability of QSAR predictions depend on various factors, including the quality and diversity of the data used to develop the models, the choice of descriptors and statistical methods, and the applicability domain of the models.

In summary, QSAR is a quantitative method that uses mathematical relationships between chemical structure and biological activity to predict the potential toxicity or efficacy of new compounds based on their structural properties.

Cluster analysis is a statistical method used to group similar objects or data points together based on their characteristics or features. In medical and healthcare research, cluster analysis can be used to identify patterns or relationships within complex datasets, such as patient records or genetic information. This technique can help researchers to classify patients into distinct subgroups based on their symptoms, diagnoses, or other variables, which can inform more personalized treatment plans or public health interventions.

Cluster analysis involves several steps, including:

1. Data preparation: The researcher must first collect and clean the data, ensuring that it is complete and free from errors. This may involve removing outlier values or missing data points.
2. Distance measurement: Next, the researcher must determine how to measure the distance between each pair of data points. Common methods include Euclidean distance (the straight-line distance between two points) or Manhattan distance (the distance between two points along a grid).
3. Clustering algorithm: The researcher then applies a clustering algorithm, which groups similar data points together based on their distances from one another. Common algorithms include hierarchical clustering (which creates a tree-like structure of clusters) or k-means clustering (which assigns each data point to the nearest centroid).
4. Validation: Finally, the researcher must validate the results of the cluster analysis by evaluating the stability and robustness of the clusters. This may involve re-running the analysis with different distance measures or clustering algorithms, or comparing the results to external criteria.

Cluster analysis is a powerful tool for identifying patterns and relationships within complex datasets, but it requires careful consideration of the data preparation, distance measurement, and validation steps to ensure accurate and meaningful results.

In the context of medical and clinical neuroscience, memory is defined as the brain's ability to encode, store, retain, and recall information or experiences. Memory is a complex cognitive process that involves several interconnected regions of the brain and can be categorized into different types based on various factors such as duration and the nature of the information being remembered.

The major types of memory include:

1. Sensory memory: The shortest form of memory, responsible for holding incoming sensory information for a brief period (less than a second to several seconds) before it is either transferred to short-term memory or discarded.
2. Short-term memory (also called working memory): A temporary storage system that allows the brain to hold and manipulate information for approximately 20-30 seconds, although this duration can be extended through rehearsal strategies. Short-term memory has a limited capacity, typically thought to be around 7±2 items.
3. Long-term memory: The memory system responsible for storing large amounts of information over extended periods, ranging from minutes to a lifetime. Long-term memory has a much larger capacity compared to short-term memory and is divided into two main categories: explicit (declarative) memory and implicit (non-declarative) memory.

Explicit (declarative) memory can be further divided into episodic memory, which involves the recollection of specific events or episodes, including their temporal and spatial contexts, and semantic memory, which refers to the storage and retrieval of general knowledge, facts, concepts, and vocabulary, independent of personal experience or context.

Implicit (non-declarative) memory encompasses various forms of learning that do not require conscious awareness or intention, such as procedural memory (skills and habits), priming (facilitated processing of related stimuli), classical conditioning (associative learning), and habituation (reduced responsiveness to repeated stimuli).

Memory is a crucial aspect of human cognition and plays a significant role in various aspects of daily life, including learning, problem-solving, decision-making, social interactions, and personal identity. Memory dysfunction can result from various neurological and psychiatric conditions, such as dementia, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and depression.

The trans-Golgi network (TGN) is a structure in the cell's endomembrane system that is involved in the sorting and distribution of proteins and lipids to their final destinations within the cell or for secretion. It is a part of the Golgi apparatus, which consists of a series of flattened, membrane-bound sacs called cisternae. The TGN is located at the trans face (or "exit" side) of the Golgi complex and is the final stop for proteins that have been modified as they pass through the Golgi stacks.

At the TGN, proteins are sorted into different transport vesicles based on their specific targeting signals. These vesicles then bud off from the TGN and move to their respective destinations, such as endosomes, lysosomes, the plasma membrane, or secretory vesicles for exocytosis. The TGN also plays a role in the modification of lipids and the formation of primary lysosomes.

In summary, the trans-Golgi network is a crucial sorting and distribution center within the cell that ensures proteins and lipids reach their correct destinations to maintain proper cellular function.

Systems Biology is a multidisciplinary approach to studying biological systems that involves the integration of various scientific disciplines such as biology, mathematics, physics, computer science, and engineering. It aims to understand how biological components, including genes, proteins, metabolites, cells, and organs, interact with each other within the context of the whole system. This approach emphasizes the emergent properties of biological systems that cannot be explained by studying individual components alone. Systems biology often involves the use of computational models to simulate and predict the behavior of complex biological systems and to design experiments for testing hypotheses about their functioning. The ultimate goal of systems biology is to develop a more comprehensive understanding of how biological systems function, with applications in fields such as medicine, agriculture, and bioengineering.

Software validation, in the context of medical devices and healthcare, is the process of evaluating software to ensure that it meets specified requirements for its intended use and that it performs as expected. This process is typically carried out through testing and other verification methods to ensure that the software functions correctly, safely, and reliably in a real-world environment. The goal of software validation is to provide evidence that the software is fit for its intended purpose and complies with relevant regulations and standards. It is an important part of the overall process of bringing a medical device or healthcare technology to market, as it helps to ensure patient safety and regulatory compliance.

A protein database is a type of biological database that contains information about proteins and their structures, functions, sequences, and interactions with other molecules. These databases can include experimentally determined data, such as protein sequences derived from DNA sequencing or mass spectrometry, as well as predicted data based on computational methods.

Some examples of protein databases include:

1. UniProtKB: a comprehensive protein database that provides information about protein sequences, functions, and structures, as well as literature references and links to other resources.
2. PDB (Protein Data Bank): a database of three-dimensional protein structures determined by experimental methods such as X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
3. BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool): a web-based tool that allows users to compare a query protein sequence against a protein database to identify similar sequences and potential functional relationships.
4. InterPro: a database of protein families, domains, and functional sites that provides information about protein function based on sequence analysis and other data.
5. STRING (Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins): a database of known and predicted protein-protein interactions, including physical and functional associations.

Protein databases are essential tools in proteomics research, enabling researchers to study protein function, evolution, and interaction networks on a large scale.

Molecular models are three-dimensional representations of molecular structures that are used in the field of molecular biology and chemistry to visualize and understand the spatial arrangement of atoms and bonds within a molecule. These models can be physical or computer-generated and allow researchers to study the shape, size, and behavior of molecules, which is crucial for understanding their function and interactions with other molecules.

Physical molecular models are often made up of balls (representing atoms) connected by rods or sticks (representing bonds). These models can be constructed manually using materials such as plastic or wooden balls and rods, or they can be created using 3D printing technology.

Computer-generated molecular models, on the other hand, are created using specialized software that allows researchers to visualize and manipulate molecular structures in three dimensions. These models can be used to simulate molecular interactions, predict molecular behavior, and design new drugs or chemicals with specific properties. Overall, molecular models play a critical role in advancing our understanding of molecular structures and their functions.

An "Electronic Nose" is a device that analytically detects, identifies, and quantifies volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in gaseous samples to identify specific odors or chemical compositions. It typically consists of an array of electronic gas sensors with partial specificity and pattern recognition software to analyze the response patterns of these sensors. The device mimics the functioning of a human nose, which can recognize a wide range of smells based on the unique pattern of activation of its olfactory receptors. Electronic noses have applications in various fields, including medical diagnostics, food quality control, environmental monitoring, and security.

Gene expression profiling is a laboratory technique used to measure the activity (expression) of thousands of genes at once. This technique allows researchers and clinicians to identify which genes are turned on or off in a particular cell, tissue, or organism under specific conditions, such as during health, disease, development, or in response to various treatments.

The process typically involves isolating RNA from the cells or tissues of interest, converting it into complementary DNA (cDNA), and then using microarray or high-throughput sequencing technologies to determine which genes are expressed and at what levels. The resulting data can be used to identify patterns of gene expression that are associated with specific biological states or processes, providing valuable insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of diseases and potential targets for therapeutic intervention.

In recent years, gene expression profiling has become an essential tool in various fields, including cancer research, drug discovery, and personalized medicine, where it is used to identify biomarkers of disease, predict patient outcomes, and guide treatment decisions.

A chemical model is a simplified representation or description of a chemical system, based on the laws of chemistry and physics. It is used to explain and predict the behavior of chemicals and chemical reactions. Chemical models can take many forms, including mathematical equations, diagrams, and computer simulations. They are often used in research, education, and industry to understand complex chemical processes and develop new products and technologies.

For example, a chemical model might be used to describe the way that atoms and molecules interact in a particular reaction, or to predict the properties of a new material. Chemical models can also be used to study the behavior of chemicals at the molecular level, such as how they bind to each other or how they are affected by changes in temperature or pressure.

It is important to note that chemical models are simplifications of reality and may not always accurately represent every aspect of a chemical system. They should be used with caution and validated against experimental data whenever possible.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is not a medical term, but a statistical technique that is used in various fields including bioinformatics and medicine. It is a method used to identify patterns in high-dimensional data by reducing the dimensionality of the data while retaining most of the variation in the dataset.

In medical or biological research, PCA may be used to analyze large datasets such as gene expression data or medical imaging data. By applying PCA, researchers can identify the principal components, which are linear combinations of the original variables that explain the maximum amount of variance in the data. These principal components can then be used for further analysis, visualization, and interpretation of the data.

PCA is a widely used technique in data analysis and has applications in various fields such as genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and medical imaging. It helps researchers to identify patterns and relationships in complex datasets, which can lead to new insights and discoveries in medical research.

'Nervous system physiological phenomena' refer to the functions, activities, and processes that occur within the nervous system in a healthy or normal state. This includes:

1. Neuronal Activity: The transmission of electrical signals (action potentials) along neurons, which allows for communication between different cells and parts of the nervous system.

2. Neurotransmission: The release and binding of neurotransmitters to receptors on neighboring cells, enabling the transfer of information across the synapse or junction between two neurons.

3. Sensory Processing: The conversion of external stimuli into electrical signals by sensory receptors, followed by the transmission and interpretation of these signals within the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

4. Motor Function: The generation and execution of motor commands, allowing for voluntary movement and control of muscles and glands.

5. Autonomic Function: The regulation of internal organs and glands through the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, maintaining homeostasis within the body.

6. Cognitive Processes: Higher brain functions such as perception, attention, memory, language, learning, and emotion, which are supported by complex neural networks and interactions.

7. Sleep-Wake Cycle: The regulation of sleep and wakefulness through interactions between the brainstem, thalamus, hypothalamus, and basal forebrain, ensuring proper rest and recovery.

8. Development and Plasticity: The growth, maturation, and adaptation of the nervous system throughout life, including processes such as neuronal migration, synaptogenesis, and neural plasticity.

9. Endocrine Regulation: The interaction between the nervous system and endocrine system, with the hypothalamus playing a key role in controlling hormone release and maintaining homeostasis.

10. Immune Function: The communication between the nervous system and immune system, allowing for the coordination of responses to infection, injury, or stress.

Molecular sequence data refers to the specific arrangement of molecules, most commonly nucleotides in DNA or RNA, or amino acids in proteins, that make up a biological macromolecule. This data is generated through laboratory techniques such as sequencing, and provides information about the exact order of the constituent molecules. This data is crucial in various fields of biology, including genetics, evolution, and molecular biology, allowing for comparisons between different organisms, identification of genetic variations, and studies of gene function and regulation.

Photic stimulation is a medical term that refers to the exposure of the eyes to light, specifically repetitive pulses of light, which is used as a method in various research and clinical settings. In neuroscience, it's often used in studies related to vision, circadian rhythms, and brain function.

In a clinical context, photic stimulation is sometimes used in the diagnosis of certain medical conditions such as seizure disorders (like epilepsy). By observing the response of the brain to this light stimulus, doctors can gain valuable insights into the functioning of the brain and the presence of any neurological disorders.

However, it's important to note that photic stimulation should be conducted under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional, as improper use can potentially trigger seizures in individuals who are susceptible to them.

Statistical data interpretation involves analyzing and interpreting numerical data in order to identify trends, patterns, and relationships. This process often involves the use of statistical methods and tools to organize, summarize, and draw conclusions from the data. The goal is to extract meaningful insights that can inform decision-making, hypothesis testing, or further research.

In medical contexts, statistical data interpretation is used to analyze and make sense of large sets of clinical data, such as patient outcomes, treatment effectiveness, or disease prevalence. This information can help healthcare professionals and researchers better understand the relationships between various factors that impact health outcomes, develop more effective treatments, and identify areas for further study.

Some common statistical methods used in data interpretation include descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, median, mode), inferential statistics (e.g., hypothesis testing, confidence intervals), and regression analysis (e.g., linear, logistic). These methods can help medical professionals identify patterns and trends in the data, assess the significance of their findings, and make evidence-based recommendations for patient care or public health policy.

Synaptic transmission is the process by which a neuron communicates with another cell, such as another neuron or a muscle cell, across a junction called a synapse. It involves the release of neurotransmitters from the presynaptic terminal of the neuron, which then cross the synaptic cleft and bind to receptors on the postsynaptic cell, leading to changes in the electrical or chemical properties of the target cell. This process is critical for the transmission of signals within the nervous system and for controlling various physiological functions in the body.

The Predictive Value of Tests, specifically the Positive Predictive Value (PPV) and Negative Predictive Value (NPV), are measures used in diagnostic tests to determine the probability that a positive or negative test result is correct.

Positive Predictive Value (PPV) is the proportion of patients with a positive test result who actually have the disease. It is calculated as the number of true positives divided by the total number of positive results (true positives + false positives). A higher PPV indicates that a positive test result is more likely to be a true positive, and therefore the disease is more likely to be present.

Negative Predictive Value (NPV) is the proportion of patients with a negative test result who do not have the disease. It is calculated as the number of true negatives divided by the total number of negative results (true negatives + false negatives). A higher NPV indicates that a negative test result is more likely to be a true negative, and therefore the disease is less likely to be present.

The predictive value of tests depends on the prevalence of the disease in the population being tested, as well as the sensitivity and specificity of the test. A test with high sensitivity and specificity will generally have higher predictive values than a test with low sensitivity and specificity. However, even a highly sensitive and specific test can have low predictive values if the prevalence of the disease is low in the population being tested.

Protein interaction maps are graphical representations that illustrate the physical interactions and functional relationships between different proteins in a cell or organism. These maps can be generated through various experimental techniques such as yeast two-hybrid screens, affinity purification mass spectrometry (AP-MS), and co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) followed by mass spectrometry. The resulting data is then visualized as a network where nodes represent proteins and edges represent the interactions between them. Protein interaction maps can provide valuable insights into cellular processes, signal transduction pathways, and disease mechanisms, and are widely used in systems biology and network medicine research.

In the context of medicine and healthcare, "movement" refers to the act or process of changing physical location or position. It involves the contraction and relaxation of muscles, which allows for the joints to move and the body to be in motion. Movement can also refer to the ability of a patient to move a specific body part or limb, which is assessed during physical examinations. Additionally, "movement" can describe the progression or spread of a disease within the body.

Reaction time, in the context of medicine and physiology, refers to the time period between the presentation of a stimulus and the subsequent initiation of a response. This complex process involves the central nervous system, particularly the brain, which perceives the stimulus, processes it, and then sends signals to the appropriate muscles or glands to react.

There are different types of reaction times, including simple reaction time (responding to a single, expected stimulus) and choice reaction time (choosing an appropriate response from multiple possibilities). These measures can be used in clinical settings to assess various aspects of neurological function, such as cognitive processing speed, motor control, and alertness.

However, it is important to note that reaction times can be influenced by several factors, including age, fatigue, attention, and the use of certain medications or substances.

Neuronal plasticity, also known as neuroplasticity or neural plasticity, refers to the ability of the brain and nervous system to change and adapt as a result of experience, learning, injury, or disease. This can involve changes in the structure, organization, and function of neurons (nerve cells) and their connections (synapses) in the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Neuronal plasticity can take many forms, including:

* Synaptic plasticity: Changes in the strength or efficiency of synaptic connections between neurons. This can involve the formation, elimination, or modification of synapses.
* Neural circuit plasticity: Changes in the organization and connectivity of neural circuits, which are networks of interconnected neurons that process information.
* Structural plasticity: Changes in the physical structure of neurons, such as the growth or retraction of dendrites (branches that receive input from other neurons) or axons (projections that transmit signals to other neurons).
* Functional plasticity: Changes in the physiological properties of neurons, such as their excitability, responsiveness, or sensitivity to stimuli.

Neuronal plasticity is a fundamental property of the nervous system and plays a crucial role in many aspects of brain function, including learning, memory, perception, and cognition. It also contributes to the brain's ability to recover from injury or disease, such as stroke or traumatic brain injury.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Palinuridae" is not a medical term. It is a taxonomic family name in the classification of organisms, specifically for a group of deep-sea swimming lobsters known as "slipper lobsters." They are called this because their large antennae look like slippers. If you have any questions about medical terminology or concepts, I'd be happy to help with those!

Interneurons are a type of neuron that is located entirely within the central nervous system (CNS), including the brain and spinal cord. They are called "inter" neurons because they connect and communicate with other nearby neurons, forming complex networks within the CNS. Interneurons receive input from sensory neurons and/or other interneurons and then send output signals to motor neurons or other interneurons.

Interneurons are responsible for processing information and modulating neural circuits in the CNS. They can have either excitatory or inhibitory effects on their target neurons, depending on the type of neurotransmitters they release. Excitatory interneurons release neurotransmitters such as glutamate that increase the likelihood of an action potential in the postsynaptic neuron, while inhibitory interneurons release neurotransmitters such as GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) or glycine that decrease the likelihood of an action potential.

Interneurons are diverse and can be classified based on various criteria, including their morphology, electrophysiological properties, neurochemical characteristics, and connectivity patterns. They play crucial roles in many aspects of CNS function, such as sensory processing, motor control, cognition, and emotion regulation. Dysfunction or damage to interneurons has been implicated in various neurological and psychiatric disorders, including epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorder.

Psychomotor performance refers to the integration and coordination of mental processes (cognitive functions) with physical movements. It involves the ability to perform complex tasks that require both cognitive skills, such as thinking, remembering, and perceiving, and motor skills, such as gross and fine motor movements. Examples of psychomotor performances include driving a car, playing a musical instrument, or performing surgical procedures.

In a medical context, psychomotor performance is often used to assess an individual's ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), such as bathing, dressing, cooking, cleaning, and managing medications. Deficits in psychomotor performance can be a sign of neurological or psychiatric disorders, such as dementia, Parkinson's disease, or depression.

Assessment of psychomotor performance may involve tests that measure reaction time, coordination, speed, precision, and accuracy of movements, as well as cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and problem-solving skills. These assessments can help healthcare professionals develop appropriate treatment plans and monitor the progression of diseases or the effectiveness of interventions.

In a medical context, feedback refers to the information or data about the results of a process, procedure, or treatment that is used to evaluate and improve its effectiveness. This can include both quantitative data (such as vital signs or laboratory test results) and qualitative data (such as patient-reported symptoms or satisfaction). Feedback can come from various sources, including patients, healthcare providers, medical equipment, and electronic health records. It is an essential component of quality improvement efforts, allowing healthcare professionals to make informed decisions about changes to care processes and treatments to improve patient outcomes.

A hybrid computer is a type of computing system that combines the characteristics and capabilities of both analog and digital computers. It is designed to take advantage of the strengths of each type of computer while minimizing their individual weaknesses.

Analog computers are well-suited for handling continuous signals and performing mathematical operations on them in real-time, making them ideal for applications such as process control, simulation, and data acquisition. However, they are less accurate and precise than digital computers and can be more difficult to program and maintain.

Digital computers, on the other hand, are highly accurate and precise, and they are well-suited for performing complex calculations and processing large amounts of data. However, they may not be able to handle continuous signals as effectively as analog computers, and they may not be able to provide real-time responses.

A hybrid computer combines the two types of computers in a single system, allowing it to perform both analog and digital computations simultaneously. This makes it possible to process both discrete and continuous data in real-time with high accuracy and precision. Hybrid computers are used in a variety of applications, including medical equipment, industrial control systems, and scientific research.

In the medical field, hybrid computers can be used for tasks such as monitoring physiological signals, controlling medical devices, and simulating biological processes. For example, a hybrid computer might be used to monitor a patient's heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels in real-time, while also controlling a ventilator or other medical device based on the patient's condition. Hybrid computers can also be used to simulate complex biological systems, such as the human cardiovascular system, allowing researchers to study their behavior and test new treatments.

An amino acid sequence is the specific order of amino acids in a protein or peptide molecule, formed by the linking of the amino group (-NH2) of one amino acid to the carboxyl group (-COOH) of another amino acid through a peptide bond. The sequence is determined by the genetic code and is unique to each type of protein or peptide. It plays a crucial role in determining the three-dimensional structure and function of proteins.

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a medical procedure that records electrical activity in the brain. It uses small, metal discs called electrodes, which are attached to the scalp with paste or a specialized cap. These electrodes detect tiny electrical charges that result from the activity of brain cells, and the EEG machine then amplifies and records these signals.

EEG is used to diagnose various conditions related to the brain, such as seizures, sleep disorders, head injuries, infections, and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. It can also be used during surgery to monitor brain activity and ensure that surgical procedures do not interfere with vital functions.

EEG is a safe and non-invasive procedure that typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete, although longer recordings may be necessary in some cases. Patients are usually asked to relax and remain still during the test, as movement can affect the quality of the recording.

"Biological clocks" refer to the internal time-keeping systems in living organisms that regulate the timing of various physiological processes and behaviors according to a daily (circadian) rhythm. These rhythms are driven by genetic mechanisms and can be influenced by environmental factors such as light and temperature.

In humans, biological clocks help regulate functions such as sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, body temperature, and metabolism. Disruptions to these internal timekeeping systems have been linked to various health problems, including sleep disorders, mood disorders, and cognitive impairment.

I must clarify that there is no specific medical definition for "Software Design." Software design is a term used in the field of software engineering and development, which includes the creation of detailed plans, schemas, and models that describe how a software system or application should be constructed and implemented. This process involves various activities such as defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, data structures, and algorithms required to build the software system.

However, in the context of medical software or healthcare applications, software design would still refer to the planning and structuring of the software system but with a focus on addressing specific needs and challenges within the medical domain. This might include considerations for data privacy and security, regulatory compliance (such as HIPAA or GDPR), integration with existing health IT systems, user experience (UX) design for healthcare professionals and patients, and evidence-based decision support features.

Signal transduction is the process by which a cell converts an extracellular signal, such as a hormone or neurotransmitter, into an intracellular response. This involves a series of molecular events that transmit the signal from the cell surface to the interior of the cell, ultimately resulting in changes in gene expression, protein activity, or metabolism.

The process typically begins with the binding of the extracellular signal to a receptor located on the cell membrane. This binding event activates the receptor, which then triggers a cascade of intracellular signaling molecules, such as second messengers, protein kinases, and ion channels. These molecules amplify and propagate the signal, ultimately leading to the activation or inhibition of specific cellular responses.

Signal transduction pathways are highly regulated and can be modulated by various factors, including other signaling molecules, post-translational modifications, and feedback mechanisms. Dysregulation of these pathways has been implicated in a variety of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and neurological disorders.

A connectome is a comprehensive, detailed map of all the neural connections in a brain. It is a concept in neuroscience that involves mapping out and understanding the vast networks of neurons and their synaptic connections within the brain. The term "connectome" was first coined by Van Essen and Buckner in 2006.

The human connectome is an extremely complex network, with approximately 86 billion neurons and even more glial cells, all interconnected by trillions of synapses. Mapping the human connectome is a major scientific challenge that requires the integration of multiple techniques, including neuroimaging, neurophysiology, and computational modeling.

Understanding the connectome has important implications for understanding brain function and dysfunction, as well as for developing new treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Cognition refers to the mental processes involved in acquiring, processing, and utilizing information. These processes include perception, attention, memory, language, problem-solving, and decision-making. Cognitive functions allow us to interact with our environment, understand and respond to stimuli, learn new skills, and remember experiences.

In a medical context, cognitive function is often assessed as part of a neurological or psychiatric evaluation. Impairments in cognition can be caused by various factors, such as brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer's disease), infections, toxins, and mental health conditions. Assessing cognitive function helps healthcare professionals diagnose conditions, monitor disease progression, and develop treatment plans.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but there seems to be a misunderstanding. Mathematics is not a medical term; it is a branch of science dedicated to the study of numbers, shapes, and structures. However, mathematics does have many applications in medicine, such as in modeling disease spread, analyzing medical images, or designing clinical trials. If you have any questions related to mathematics in a medical context, I'd be happy to help clarify those for you!

Support Vector Machines (SVM) is not a medical term, but a concept in machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence. SVM is used in various fields including medicine for data analysis and pattern recognition. Here's a brief explanation of SVM:

Support Vector Machines is a supervised learning algorithm which analyzes data and recognizes patterns, used for classification and regression analysis. The goal of SVM is to find the optimal boundary or hyperplane that separates data into different classes with the maximum margin. This margin is the distance between the hyperplane and the nearest data points, also known as support vectors. By finding this optimal boundary, SVM can effectively classify new data points.

In the context of medical research, SVM has been used for various applications such as:

* Classifying medical images (e.g., distinguishing between cancerous and non-cancerous tissues)
* Predicting patient outcomes based on clinical or genetic data
* Identifying biomarkers associated with diseases
* Analyzing electronic health records to predict disease risk or treatment response

Therefore, while SVM is not a medical term per se, it is an important tool in the field of medical informatics and bioinformatics.

An Expert System is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) program that emulates the decision-making ability of a human expert in a specific field or domain. It is designed to solve complex problems by using a set of rules, heuristics, and knowledge base derived from human expertise. The system can simulate the problem-solving process of a human expert, allowing it to provide advice, make recommendations, or diagnose problems in a similar manner. Expert systems are often used in fields such as medicine, engineering, finance, and law where specialized knowledge and experience are critical for making informed decisions.

The medical definition of 'Expert Systems' refers to AI programs that assist healthcare professionals in diagnosing and treating medical conditions, based on a large database of medical knowledge and clinical expertise. These systems can help doctors and other healthcare providers make more accurate diagnoses, recommend appropriate treatments, and provide patient education. They may also be used for research, training, and quality improvement purposes.

Expert systems in medicine typically use a combination of artificial intelligence techniques such as rule-based reasoning, machine learning, natural language processing, and pattern recognition to analyze medical data and provide expert advice. Examples of medical expert systems include MYCIN, which was developed to diagnose infectious diseases, and Internist-1, which assists in the diagnosis and management of internal medicine cases.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Linear Models" is actually a term from the field of statistics and machine learning, rather than medicine. A linear model is a type of statistical model that is used to analyze the relationship between two or more variables. In a linear model, the relationship between the dependent variable (the outcome or result) and the independent variable(s) (the factors being studied) is assumed to be linear, meaning that it can be described by a straight line on a graph.

The equation for a simple linear model with one independent variable (x) and one dependent variable (y) looks like this:

y = β0 + β1*x + ε

In this equation, β0 is the y-intercept or the value of y when x equals zero, β1 is the slope or the change in y for each unit increase in x, and ε is the error term or the difference between the actual values of y and the predicted values of y based on the linear model.

Linear models are widely used in medical research to study the relationship between various factors (such as exposure to a risk factor or treatment) and health outcomes (such as disease incidence or mortality). They can also be used to adjust for confounding variables, which are factors that may influence both the independent variable and the dependent variable, and thus affect the observed relationship between them.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Stochastic Processes" is actually a term from the field of mathematics, specifically probability theory and statistics. It doesn't have a direct medical definition.

However, to provide some context that might be relevant if you're studying a medical field with a strong statistical component: A stochastic process is a mathematical model used to describe random systems that evolve over time. It consists of a set of random variables indexed by time or some other parameter. The values of these variables at different times or parameters are not independent, but rather depend on each other in ways described by probability distributions.

In medical research, stochastic processes might be used to model the spread of a disease through a population over time, or the changing health status of an individual patient over the course of their treatment. However, it's important to note that this is a high-level overview and the specific use of stochastic processes in medical research would depend on the particular application.

Wavelet analysis is not a medical term, but rather a mathematical technique that has been applied in various fields, including medicine. It is a method used to analyze data signals or functions by decomposing them into different frequency components and time-shifted versions of the original signal. This allows for the examination of how the frequency content of a signal changes over time.

In the medical field, wavelet analysis has been applied in various ways such as:

1. Image processing: Wavelet analysis can be used to enhance medical images like MRI and CT scans by reducing noise while preserving important details.
2. Signal processing: It can be used to analyze physiological signals like ECG, EEG, and blood pressure waves to detect anomalies or patterns that may indicate diseases or conditions.
3. Data compression: Wavelet analysis is employed in the compression of large medical datasets, such as those generated by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans.
4. Biomedical engineering: Wavelet analysis can be used to model and simulate complex biological systems, like the cardiovascular system or the nervous system.

In summary, wavelet analysis is a mathematical technique that has been applied in various medical fields for image processing, signal processing, data compression, and biomedical engineering purposes.

Computer-assisted radiographic image interpretation is the use of computer algorithms and software to assist and enhance the interpretation and analysis of medical images produced by radiography, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans. The computer-assisted system can help identify and highlight certain features or anomalies in the image, such as tumors, fractures, or other abnormalities, which may be difficult for the human eye to detect. This technology can improve the accuracy and speed of diagnosis, and may also reduce the risk of human error. It's important to note that the final interpretation and diagnosis is always made by a qualified healthcare professional, such as a radiologist, who takes into account the computer-assisted analysis in conjunction with their clinical expertise and knowledge.

Physiological feedback, also known as biofeedback, is a technique used to train an individual to become more aware of and gain voluntary control over certain physiological processes that are normally involuntary, such as heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, muscle tension, and brain activity. This is done by using specialized equipment to measure these processes and provide real-time feedback to the individual, allowing them to see the effects of their thoughts and actions on their body. Over time, with practice and reinforcement, the individual can learn to regulate these processes without the need for external feedback.

Physiological feedback has been found to be effective in treating a variety of medical conditions, including stress-related disorders, headaches, high blood pressure, chronic pain, and anxiety disorders. It is also used as a performance enhancement technique in sports and other activities that require focused attention and physical control.

Motor neurons are specialized nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that play a crucial role in controlling voluntary muscle movements. They transmit electrical signals from the brain to the muscles, enabling us to perform actions such as walking, talking, and swallowing. There are two types of motor neurons: upper motor neurons, which originate in the brain's motor cortex and travel down to the brainstem and spinal cord; and lower motor neurons, which extend from the brainstem and spinal cord to the muscles. Damage or degeneration of these motor neurons can lead to various neurological disorders, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).

In the context of healthcare, an Information System (IS) is a set of components that work together to collect, process, store, and distribute health information. This can include hardware, software, data, people, and procedures that are used to create, process, and communicate information.

Healthcare IS support various functions within a healthcare organization, such as:

1. Clinical information systems: These systems support clinical workflows and decision-making by providing access to patient records, order entry, results reporting, and medication administration records.
2. Financial information systems: These systems manage financial transactions, including billing, claims processing, and revenue cycle management.
3. Administrative information systems: These systems support administrative functions, such as scheduling appointments, managing patient registration, and tracking patient flow.
4. Public health information systems: These systems collect, analyze, and disseminate public health data to support disease surveillance, outbreak investigation, and population health management.

Healthcare IS must comply with various regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which governs the privacy and security of protected health information (PHI). Effective implementation and use of healthcare IS can improve patient care, reduce errors, and increase efficiency within healthcare organizations.

Mental processes, also referred to as cognitive processes, are the ways in which our minds perceive, process, and understand information from the world around us. These processes include:

1. Attention: The ability to focus on specific stimuli while ignoring others.
2. Perception: The way in which we interpret and organize sensory information.
3. Memory: The storage and retrieval of information.
4. Learning: The process of acquiring new knowledge or skills.
5. Language: The ability to understand, produce and communicate using words and symbols.
6. Thinking: The process of processing information, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision making.
7. Intelligence: The capacity to understand, learn, and adapt to new situations.
8. Emotion: The ability to experience and respond to different feelings.
9. Consciousness: The state of being aware of and able to think and perceive one's surroundings, thoughts, and feelings.

These mental processes are interconnected and influence each other in complex ways. They allow us to interact with our environment, make decisions, and communicate with others. Disorders in these mental processes can lead to various neurological and psychiatric conditions.

Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) is a type of educational technology that involves the use of computers to deliver, support, and enhance learning experiences. In a medical context, CAI can be used to teach a variety of topics, including anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and clinical skills.

CAI typically involves interactive multimedia presentations, simulations, quizzes, and other activities that engage learners and provide feedback on their performance. It may also include adaptive learning systems that adjust the content and pace of instruction based on the learner's abilities and progress.

CAI has been shown to be effective in improving knowledge retention, critical thinking skills, and learner satisfaction in medical education. It can be used as a standalone teaching method or in combination with traditional classroom instruction or clinical experiences.

Biological evolution is the change in the genetic composition of populations of organisms over time, from one generation to the next. It is a process that results in descendants differing genetically from their ancestors. Biological evolution can be driven by several mechanisms, including natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow, and mutation. These processes can lead to changes in the frequency of alleles (variants of a gene) within populations, resulting in the development of new species and the extinction of others over long periods of time. Biological evolution provides a unifying explanation for the diversity of life on Earth and is supported by extensive evidence from many different fields of science, including genetics, paleontology, comparative anatomy, and biogeography.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "semantics" is not a term that has a specific medical definition. Semantics is actually a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of meaning, reference, and the interpretation of signs and symbols, either individually or in combination. It is used in various fields including computer science, anthropology, psychology, and philosophy.

However, if you have any medical terms or concepts that you would like me to explain, I'd be happy to help!

The parietal lobe is a region of the brain that is located in the posterior part of the cerebral cortex, covering the upper and rear portions of the brain. It is involved in processing sensory information from the body, such as touch, temperature, and pain, as well as spatial awareness and perception, visual-spatial cognition, and the integration of different senses.

The parietal lobe can be divided into several functional areas, including the primary somatosensory cortex (which receives tactile information from the body), the secondary somatosensory cortex (which processes more complex tactile information), and the posterior parietal cortex (which is involved in spatial attention, perception, and motor planning).

Damage to the parietal lobe can result in various neurological symptoms, such as neglect of one side of the body, difficulty with spatial orientation, problems with hand-eye coordination, and impaired mathematical and language abilities.

'Information Storage and Retrieval' in the context of medical informatics refers to the processes and systems used for the recording, storing, organizing, protecting, and retrieving electronic health information (e.g., patient records, clinical data, medical images) for various purposes such as diagnosis, treatment planning, research, and education. This may involve the use of electronic health record (EHR) systems, databases, data warehouses, and other digital technologies that enable healthcare providers to access and share accurate, up-to-date, and relevant information about a patient's health status, medical history, and care plan. The goal is to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and coordination of healthcare delivery by providing timely and evidence-based information to support clinical decision-making and patient engagement.

I believe there might be a misunderstanding in your question. "Electronics" is not a medical term, but rather a branch of physics and engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of electronic devices and systems. It involves the study and application of electrical properties of materials, components, and systems, and how they can be used to process, transmit, and store information and energy.

However, electronics have numerous applications in the medical field, such as in diagnostic equipment, monitoring devices, surgical tools, and prosthetics. In these contexts, "electronics" refers to the specific electronic components or systems that are used for medical purposes.

Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis is a type of microarray analysis that allows for the simultaneous measurement of the expression levels of thousands of genes in a single sample. In this technique, oligonucleotides (short DNA sequences) are attached to a solid support, such as a glass slide, in a specific pattern. These oligonucleotides are designed to be complementary to specific target mRNA sequences from the sample being analyzed.

During the analysis, labeled RNA or cDNA from the sample is hybridized to the oligonucleotide array. The level of hybridization is then measured and used to determine the relative abundance of each target sequence in the sample. This information can be used to identify differences in gene expression between samples, which can help researchers understand the underlying biological processes involved in various diseases or developmental stages.

It's important to note that this technique requires specialized equipment and bioinformatics tools for data analysis, as well as careful experimental design and validation to ensure accurate and reproducible results.

Visual perception refers to the ability to interpret and organize information that comes from our eyes to recognize and understand what we are seeing. It involves several cognitive processes such as pattern recognition, size estimation, movement detection, and depth perception. Visual perception allows us to identify objects, navigate through space, and interact with our environment. Deficits in visual perception can lead to learning difficulties and disabilities.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a statistical technique used to compare the means of two or more groups and determine whether there are any significant differences between them. It is a way to analyze the variance in a dataset to determine whether the variability between groups is greater than the variability within groups, which can indicate that the groups are significantly different from one another.

ANOVA is based on the concept of partitioning the total variance in a dataset into two components: variance due to differences between group means (also known as "between-group variance") and variance due to differences within each group (also known as "within-group variance"). By comparing these two sources of variance, ANOVA can help researchers determine whether any observed differences between groups are statistically significant, or whether they could have occurred by chance.

ANOVA is a widely used technique in many areas of research, including biology, psychology, engineering, and business. It is often used to compare the means of two or more experimental groups, such as a treatment group and a control group, to determine whether the treatment had a significant effect. ANOVA can also be used to compare the means of different populations or subgroups within a population, to identify any differences that may exist between them.

The hippocampus is a complex, curved formation in the brain that resembles a seahorse (hence its name, from the Greek word "hippos" meaning horse and "kampos" meaning sea monster). It's part of the limbic system and plays crucial roles in the formation of memories, particularly long-term ones.

This region is involved in spatial navigation and cognitive maps, allowing us to recognize locations and remember how to get to them. Additionally, it's one of the first areas affected by Alzheimer's disease, which often results in memory loss as an early symptom.

Anatomically, it consists of two main parts: the Ammon's horn (or cornu ammonis) and the dentate gyrus. These structures are made up of distinct types of neurons that contribute to different aspects of learning and memory.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "minicomputers" is not a term that has a medical definition. The term "minicomputer" comes from the field of computer engineering and refers to a class of computers that are smaller and less expensive than mainframe computers, but more powerful and capable than microcomputers or personal computers. They were widely used in the 1960s and 1970s in various industries for tasks such as process control, data acquisition, and small-scale scientific calculations.

If you have any questions related to medical terminology or health sciences, I'd be happy to help!

Functional laterality, in a medical context, refers to the preferential use or performance of one side of the body over the other for specific functions. This is often demonstrated in hand dominance, where an individual may be right-handed or left-handed, meaning they primarily use their right or left hand for tasks such as writing, eating, or throwing.

However, functional laterality can also apply to other bodily functions and structures, including the eyes (ocular dominance), ears (auditory dominance), or legs. It's important to note that functional laterality is not a strict binary concept; some individuals may exhibit mixed dominance or no strong preference for one side over the other.

In clinical settings, assessing functional laterality can be useful in diagnosing and treating various neurological conditions, such as stroke or traumatic brain injury, where understanding any resulting lateralized impairments can inform rehabilitation strategies.

In the context of medicine, particularly in neurolinguistics and speech-language pathology, language is defined as a complex system of communication that involves the use of symbols (such as words, signs, or gestures) to express and exchange information. It includes various components such as phonology (sound systems), morphology (word structures), syntax (sentence structure), semantics (meaning), and pragmatics (social rules of use). Language allows individuals to convey their thoughts, feelings, and intentions, and to understand the communication of others. Disorders of language can result from damage to specific areas of the brain, leading to impairments in comprehension, production, or both.

Automation in the medical context refers to the use of technology and programming to allow machines or devices to operate with minimal human intervention. This can include various types of medical equipment, such as laboratory analyzers, imaging devices, and robotic surgical systems. Automation can help improve efficiency, accuracy, and safety in healthcare settings by reducing the potential for human error and allowing healthcare professionals to focus on higher-level tasks. It is important to note that while automation has many benefits, it is also essential to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to prevent accidents and maintain quality of care.

Three-dimensional (3D) imaging in medicine refers to the use of technologies and techniques that generate a 3D representation of internal body structures, organs, or tissues. This is achieved by acquiring and processing data from various imaging modalities such as X-ray computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, or confocal microscopy. The resulting 3D images offer a more detailed visualization of the anatomy and pathology compared to traditional 2D imaging techniques, allowing for improved diagnostic accuracy, surgical planning, and minimally invasive interventions.

In 3D imaging, specialized software is used to reconstruct the acquired data into a volumetric model, which can be manipulated and viewed from different angles and perspectives. This enables healthcare professionals to better understand complex anatomical relationships, detect abnormalities, assess disease progression, and monitor treatment response. Common applications of 3D imaging include neuroimaging, orthopedic surgery planning, cancer staging, dental and maxillofacial reconstruction, and interventional radiology procedures.

A decision tree is a graphical representation of possible solutions to a decision based on certain conditions. It is a predictive modeling tool commonly used in statistics, data mining, and machine learning. In the medical field, decision trees can be used for clinical decision-making and predicting patient outcomes based on various factors such as symptoms, test results, or demographic information.

In a decision tree, each internal node represents a feature or attribute, and each branch represents a possible value or outcome of that feature. The leaves of the tree represent the final decisions or predictions. Decision trees are constructed by recursively partitioning the data into subsets based on the most significant attributes until a stopping criterion is met.

Decision trees can be used for both classification and regression tasks, making them versatile tools in medical research and practice. They can help healthcare professionals make informed decisions about patient care, identify high-risk patients, and develop personalized treatment plans. However, it's important to note that decision trees are only as good as the data they are trained on, and their accuracy may be affected by biases or limitations in the data.

Medical Definition of Rest:

1. A state of motionless, inactivity, or repose of the body.
2. A period during which such a state is experienced, usually as a result of sleep or relaxation.
3. The cessation of mental or physical activity; a pause or interval of rest is a period of time in which one does not engage in work or exertion.
4. In medical contexts, rest may also refer to the treatment or management strategy that involves limiting physical activity or exertion in order to allow an injury or illness to heal, reduce pain or prevent further harm. This can include bed rest, where a person is advised to stay in bed for a certain period of time.
5. In physiology, rest refers to the state of the body when it is not engaged in physical activity and the muscles are at their resting length and tension. During rest, the body's systems have an opportunity to recover from the demands placed on them during activity, allowing for optimal functioning and overall health.

In the context of medicine and healthcare, 'probability' does not have a specific medical definition. However, in general terms, probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of numerical quantities called probabilities, which are assigned to events or sets of events. Probability is a measure of the likelihood that an event will occur. It is usually expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates that the event is impossible and 1 indicates that the event is certain to occur.

In medical research and statistics, probability is often used to quantify the uncertainty associated with statistical estimates or hypotheses. For example, a p-value is a probability that measures the strength of evidence against a hypothesis. A small p-value (typically less than 0.05) suggests that the observed data are unlikely under the assumption of the null hypothesis, and therefore provides evidence in favor of an alternative hypothesis.

Probability theory is also used to model complex systems and processes in medicine, such as disease transmission dynamics or the effectiveness of medical interventions. By quantifying the uncertainty associated with these models, researchers can make more informed decisions about healthcare policies and practices.

To the best of my knowledge, "Remote Sensing Technology" is not a term that has a specific medical definition. Remote sensing technology is a broad term that refers to the use of sensors and instruments to measure and collect data about an object or area without coming into physical contact with it. This technology is often used in fields such as geography, ecology, and agriculture to gather information about large areas of land or water. It is not typically associated with medical definitions or applications.

Electric stimulation, also known as electrical nerve stimulation or neuromuscular electrical stimulation, is a therapeutic treatment that uses low-voltage electrical currents to stimulate nerves and muscles. It is often used to help manage pain, promote healing, and improve muscle strength and mobility. The electrical impulses can be delivered through electrodes placed on the skin or directly implanted into the body.

In a medical context, electric stimulation may be used for various purposes such as:

1. Pain management: Electric stimulation can help to block pain signals from reaching the brain and promote the release of endorphins, which are natural painkillers produced by the body.
2. Muscle rehabilitation: Electric stimulation can help to strengthen muscles that have become weak due to injury, illness, or surgery. It can also help to prevent muscle atrophy and improve range of motion.
3. Wound healing: Electric stimulation can promote tissue growth and help to speed up the healing process in wounds, ulcers, and other types of injuries.
4. Urinary incontinence: Electric stimulation can be used to strengthen the muscles that control urination and reduce symptoms of urinary incontinence.
5. Migraine prevention: Electric stimulation can be used as a preventive treatment for migraines by applying electrical impulses to specific nerves in the head and neck.

It is important to note that electric stimulation should only be administered under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional, as improper use can cause harm or discomfort.

In a medical or psychological context, attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on certain aspects of the environment while ignoring other things. It involves focusing mental resources on specific stimuli, sensory inputs, or internal thoughts while blocking out irrelevant distractions. Attention can be divided into different types, including:

1. Sustained attention: The ability to maintain focus on a task or stimulus over time.
2. Selective attention: The ability to concentrate on relevant stimuli while ignoring irrelevant ones.
3. Divided attention: The capacity to pay attention to multiple tasks or stimuli simultaneously.
4. Alternating attention: The skill of shifting focus between different tasks or stimuli as needed.

Deficits in attention are common symptoms of various neurological and psychiatric conditions, such as ADHD, dementia, depression, and anxiety disorders. Assessment of attention is an essential part of neuropsychological evaluations and can be measured using various tests and tasks.

'Task Performance and Analysis' is not a commonly used medical term, but it can be found in the field of rehabilitation medicine and ergonomics. It refers to the process of evaluating and understanding how a specific task is performed, in order to identify any physical or cognitive demands placed on an individual during the performance of that task. This information can then be used to inform the design of interventions, such as workplace modifications or rehabilitation programs, aimed at improving task performance or reducing the risk of injury.

In a medical context, task performance and analysis may be used in the assessment and treatment of individuals with disabilities or injuries, to help them return to work or other activities of daily living. The analysis involves breaking down the task into its component parts, observing and measuring the physical and cognitive demands of each part, and evaluating the individual's ability to perform those demands. Based on this analysis, recommendations may be made for modifications to the task or the environment, training or education, or assistive devices that can help the individual perform the task more safely and efficiently.

Overall, task performance and analysis is a valuable tool in promoting safe and effective task performance, reducing the risk of injury, and improving functional outcomes for individuals with disabilities or injuries.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Markov Chains" is a term from the field of mathematics and probability theory, not medicine. Markov Chains are mathematical systems that undergo transitions from one state to another according to certain probabilistic rules. They are named after Russian mathematician Andrey Markov. These chains are used in various fields, including computer science, physics, economics, and engineering, but not commonly in medical definitions or contexts.

Locomotion, in a medical context, refers to the ability to move independently and change location. It involves the coordinated movement of the muscles, bones, and nervous system that enables an individual to move from one place to another. This can include walking, running, jumping, or using assistive devices such as wheelchairs or crutches. Locomotion is a fundamental aspect of human mobility and is often assessed in medical evaluations to determine overall health and functioning.

Tahmasebi; Hezarkhani (2012). "A hybrid neural networks-fuzzy logic-genetic algorithm for grade estimation". Computers & ... width limits of neural networks List of machine learning concepts Neural gas Neural network software Optical neural network ... intelligence Quantum neural network Recurrent neural networks Spiking neural network Stochastic parrot Tensor product network ... Artificial neural networks (ANNs, also shortened to neural networks (NNs) or neural nets) are a branch of machine learning ...
Zeinali, Yasha; Story, Brett A. (2017). "Competitive probabilistic neural network". Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering. 24 ( ... Neural Networks. 3: 109-118. doi:10.1016/0893-6080(90)90049-Q. "Probabilistic Neural Networks :: Radial Basis Networks (Neural ... Probabilistic Neural Network-Based sensor configuration management in a wireless ad hoc network. Probabilistic Neural Network ... A probabilistic neural network (PNN) is a feedforward neural network, which is widely used in classification and pattern ...
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 6791. Springer, Berlin, ... A capsule neural network (CapsNet) is a machine learning system that is a type of artificial neural network (ANN) that can be ... Convolutional neural network Geoffrey Hinton MNIST database In Hinton's own words this is "wild speculation". Sabour, Sara; ... The idea is to add structures called "capsules" to a convolutional neural network (CNN), and to reuse output from several of ...
Sven Behnke (2003). Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image Interpretation (PDF). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 2766. ... Here a slow feedforward neural network learns by gradient descent to control the fast weights of another neural network through ... ISBN 978-0-262-63022-1. Schmidhuber, J. (2015). "Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview". Neural Networks. 61: 85-117. ... Schmidhuber, J. (2015). "Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview". Neural Networks. 61: 85-117. arXiv:1404.7828. doi: ...
Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image Interpretation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 2766. Springer. doi:10.1007/ ... the most popular activation function for deep neural networks. Rectified linear units find applications in computer vision and ... A self-organizing neural network model for a mechanism of visual pattern recognition". In Competition and Cooperation in Neural ... In 2011, the use of the rectifier as a non-linearity has been shown to enable training deep supervised neural networks without ...
Differentiable neural computers (DNCs) are an extension of Neural Turing machines, allowing for the usage of fuzzy amounts of ... A recurrent neural network (RNN) is one of the two broad types of artificial neural network, characterized by direction of the ... Recursive neural networks have been applied to natural language processing. The Recursive Neural Tensor Network uses a tensor- ... In contrast to the uni-directional feedforward neural network, it is a bi-directional artificial neural network, meaning that ...
"Quantum perceptron over a field and neural network architecture selection in a quantum computer". Neural Networks. 76: 55-64. ... "Quantum Neural Networks (QNN's): Inherently Fuzzy Feedforward Neural Networks" (PDF). IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 8 ( ... A deep neural network is essentially a network with many hidden-layers, as seen in the sample model neural network above. Since ... Quantum neural networks refer to three different categories: Quantum computer with classical data, classical computer with ...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 404: 115810. doi:10.1016/j.cma.2022.115810. Eric Aislan Antonelo; ... In fact, instead of using a simple fully connected neural network, PIPN uses PointNet as the core of its neural network. ... On the other hand, physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) leverage governing physical equations in neural network training. ... leveraging the universal approximation and high expressivity of neural networks. In general, deep neural networks could ...
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 7 (2): 255-263. Graupe, D.; Smollack, M. (2007). "Control of ... A LAMSTAR neural network may serve as a dynamic neural network in spatial or time domains or both. Its speed is provided by ... A large memory storage and retrieval neural network (LAMSTAR) is a fast deep learning neural network of many layers that can ... SPIE 5015, Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Image Processing VIII. Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in ...
Computer Journal, 50(6):717-727, November 2007. S. Timotheou. Nonnegative least squares learning for the random neural network ... Neural Networks, 10, (1), January 1999.[page needed] E. Gelenbe, J.M. Fourneau '"Random neural networks with multiple classes ... The learning algorithm for an n-node random neural network that includes feedback loops (it is also a recurrent neural network ... RNNs are also related to artificial neural networks, which (like the random neural network) have gradient-based learning ...
... provided a full exposition on the use of connectionism in computers to simulate neural processes. Neural networks, as used in ... A neural network is a neural circuit of biological neurons, sometimes also called a biological neural network, or a network of ... A neural network (NN), in the case of artificial neurons called artificial neural network (ANN) or simulated neural network ( ... One classical type of artificial neural network is the recurrent Hopfield network. The concept of a neural network appears to ...
In computer science and machine learning, cellular neural networks (CNN) or cellular nonlinear networks (CNN) are a parallel ... networks_Theory ("Cellular Neural Networks: Theory" and "Cellular Neural Networks: Applications" in IEEE Transactions on ... "A Cellular Neural Network For Peak Finding In High-Energy Physics", Int'l Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and Their ... Cellular Neural Network(CNN) Structure with Multi-Neighborhood-Layer Template", Int'l Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and ...
This approach became a foundation of modern computer vision. LeNet-5, a pioneering 7-level convolutional network by LeCun et al ... Convolutional neural network (CNN) is a regularized type of feed-forward neural network that learns feature engineering by ... A convolutional neural network consists of an input layer, hidden layers and an output layer. In a convolutional neural network ... especially unsupervised neural networks. In 2010, Dan Ciresan et al. at IDSIA showed that even deep standard neural networks ...
"Learning Descriptor Networks for 3D Shape Synthesis and Analysis". 2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern ... where the neural network is a convolutional neural network. The model has been generalized to various domains to learn ... Its name is due to the fact that this model can be derived from the discriminative neural networks. The parameter of the neural ... Energy-based generative neural networks is a class of generative models, which aim to learn explicit probability distributions ...
Institute of Computer Science, advisor: J. Schmidhuber. Felix A. Gers; Jürgen Schmidhuber; Fred Cummins (2000). "Learning to ... The AlexNet model developed in 2012 for ImageNet was an 8-layer convolutional neural network. The neural networks developed in ... Articles with short description, Short description is different from Wikidata, Artificial neural networks, Neural network ... for feedforward neural networks. This enables training very deep recurrent neural networks with a very long time span t. A ...
CoDi Cognitive architecture Cognitive map Cognitive computer Computational neuroscience Neural coding Neural correlate Neural ... Spiking neural networks (SNNs) are artificial neural networks that more closely mimic natural neural networks. In addition to ... Maass W (1997). "Networks of spiking neurons: The third generation of neural network models". Neural Networks. 10 (9): 1659- ... "Networks of spiking neurons: The third generation of neural network models". Neural Networks. 10 (9): 1659-1671. doi:10.1016/ ...
Yam, P. (1993). "Daisy, Daisy" Do computers have near-death experience, Scientific American, May 1993. "Neural associative ... Neural Networks 18:111-115. (Webarchive template wayback links, Artificial neural networks, Neural circuits). ... is a stable pattern of activation in an artificial neural network or neural assembly that does not correspond to any previously ... Patrick, M. C., Stevenson-Chavis, K., Thaler, S. L. (2007). "Demonstration of Self-Training Autonomous Neural Networks in Space ...
Neural networks, Japanese inventions, Computer shogi, Computer chess). ... An efficiently updatable neural network (NNUE, a Japanese wordplay on Nue, sometimes stylised as ƎUИИ) is a neural network- ... Yu Nasu (April 28, 2018). "Efficiently Updatable Neural-Network-based Evaluation Function for computer Shogi" (PDF) (in ... The neural network used for the original 2018 computer shogi implementation consists of four weight layers: W1 (16-bit integers ...
... (NAS) is a technique for automating the design of artificial neural networks (ANN), a widely used ... Searching for a robust neural architecture in four gpu hours. In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. ... Neural Network Intelligence Elsken, Thomas; Metzen, Jan Hendrik; Hutter, Frank (August 8, 2019). "Neural Architecture Search: A ... Network embedding encodes an existing network to a trainable embedding vector. Based on the embedding, a controller network ...
Implementation of a Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN). Department of Computer Science University of Copenhagen ( ... Agiel Neural Network, Neural View, FannExeplorer, sfann and others. These graphical interface facilitate the use of FANN for ... Trained Artificial Neural Networks can be stored as .net files to quickly saved and load ANNs for future use or future training ... Fast Artificial Neural Network (FANN) is cross-platform open-source programming library for developing multilayer feedforward ...
cite journal}}: Cite journal requires ,journal= (help) "Peeking into the neural network architecture used for Google's Neural ... Markoff, John (June 25, 2012). "How Many Computers to Identify a Cat? 16,000". New York Times. Retrieved February 11, 2014. ... The neural network consists of two main blocks, an encoder and a decoder, both of LSTM architecture with 8 1024-wide layers ... Katyanna Quach (November 17, 2016), Google's neural network learns to translate languages it hasn't been trained on: First time ...
Amari's student Saito conducted the computer experiments, using a five-layered feedforward network with two learning layers. In ... Feedforward neural networks tutorial Feedforward Neural Network: Example Feedforward Neural Networks: An Introduction (CS1 ... A feedforward neural network (FNN) is one of the two broad types of artificial neural network, characterized by direction of ... ISBN 3-89319-554-8. Schmidhuber, Jürgen (2015-01-01). "Deep learning in neural networks: An overview". Neural Networks. 61: 85- ...
Artificial neural networks, Photonics, All stub articles, Computer network stubs). ... Some artificial neural networks that have been implemented as optical neural networks include the Hopfield neural network and ... An optical neural network is a physical implementation of an artificial neural network with optical components. Early optical ... Biological neural networks function on an electrochemical basis, while optical neural networks use electromagnetic waves. ...
... neural networks, dynamic models, statistical mechanics and computation). Computer science (computation theory, learning, ... Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation The Hebrew University Faculty of Science at HU (Articles lacking in-text ... The Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation (Hebrew: המרכז הבינתחומי לחישוביות עצבית) is a research center of the ... program for Neural Computation" and in supervising the Ph.D. theses of a total of 120 Ph.D. students (50% female). ICNC faculty ...
GRNN has been implemented in many computer languages including MATLAB, R- programming language, Python (programming language) ... Generalized regression neural network (GRNN) is a variation to radial basis neural networks. GRNN was suggested by D.F. Specht ... Specht, D. F. (1991-11-01). "A general regression neural network". IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 2 (6): 568-576. doi: ... "Nonlinear Poisson regression using neural networks: A simulation study". Neural Computing and Applications. 18 (8): 939-943. ...
In artificial intelligence, a differentiable neural computer (DNC) is a memory augmented neural network architecture (MANN), ... It performed better than a traditional recurrent neural network. DNC networks were introduced as an extension of the Neural ... A bit-by-bit guide to the equations governing differentiable neural computers DeepMind's Differentiable Neural Network Thinks ... DNC can be trained to navigate rapid transit systems, and apply that network to a different system. A neural network without ...
A convolutional neural network layer, in the context of computer vision, can be seen as a GNN applied to graphs whose nodes are ... A graph neural network (GNN) is a class of artificial neural networks for processing data that can be represented as graphs. In ... Micheli, Alessio (2009). "Neural Network for Graphs: A Contextual Constructive Approach". IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks ... "The Graph Neural Network Model". IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 20 (1): 61-80. doi:10.1109/TNN.2008.2005605. ISSN 1941- ...
Van Horn, Kevin S.; Martinez, Tony R. (January 1994). "The minimum feature set problem". Neural Networks. 7 (3): 491-494. doi: ... doi:10.1016/S0304-3975(97)00115-1. Garey, Michael R.; Johnson, David S. (1979). Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the ... Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 54 (2): 317-331. doi:10.1006/jcss.1997.1472. (Wikipedia articles needing page number ... Theoretical Computer Science. 147 (1-2): 181-210. doi:10.1016/0304-3975(94)00254-G. Sankaran, Jayaram K (February 1993). "A ...
An intrusion detection system monitors computer network or computer systems to identify intruder codes like an anomaly ... Liu, Y.; Yao, X. (December 1999). "Ensemble learning via negative correlation". Neural Networks. 12 (10): 1399-1404. doi: ... Some different ensemble learning approaches based on artificial neural networks, kernel principal component analysis (KPCA), ... Giacinto, Giorgio; Roli, Fabio (August 2001). "Design of effective neural network ensembles for image classification purposes ...
Neural Networks. 144: 187-209. doi:10.1016/j.neunet.2021.07.019. PMID 34500257. S2CID 231698782. Borji, Ali (2022). "Pros and ... cons of GAN evaluation measures: New developments". Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 215: 103329. arXiv:2103.09396. doi ... It is usually implemented as an Inception-v3 network trained on ImageNet. The Inception Score of p g e n {\displaystyle p_{gen ... Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. Curran Associates, Inc. 29. arXiv:1606.03498. Frolov, Stanislav; Hinz, ...
"Neural Networks, Computer". 0-9. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. * 0-9 ...
Computer-aided detection (CADe) technology has been proven to increase the detection rate of pulmonary nodules that has ... Computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules based on convolutional neural networks: a review Yuqin Min 1 , Liangyun Hu 2 , ... Computer-aided detection of pulmonary nodules based on convolutional neural networks: a review Yuqin Min et al. Phys Med Biol. ... A CAD system for pulmonary nodule prediction based on deep three-dimensional convolutional neural networks and ensemble ...
... most neural networks are merely computer programs that run on traditional computers. There are very few neural networks that ... neural network computers. Having said that, yes, a neural network can learn from experience. In fact, the most common ... R.C. Lacher in the department of computer science at Florida State University responds: "Yes, neural network computers can ... "Can neural networks become smart? Depends on how smart is defined. For instance, a neural network can be trained to ...
Artificial Neural Networks for Preprocessing and Recognizing Handwritten Text. Artificial Neural Networks for Preprocessing and ... The use of hybrid Hidden Markov Model (HMM)/Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models for recognizing unconstrained offline ... Slant is also removed in a nonuniform way by using Artificial Neural Networks. ...
... but performing the same tasks using classical computer vision techniques can be ... Leveraging Models of Human Reasoning to Identify EEG Electrodes in Images With Neural Networks: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5751-7.ch005 ... Convolutional neural networks are modeled loosely on the structure of the human visual cortex and when trained with data ... "Leveraging Models of Human Reasoning to Identify EEG Electrodes in Images With Neural Networks." In Optoelectronics in Machine ...
... primarily due to the availability of large-scale annotated datasets and deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). CNNs enable ... Convolutional neural networks for computer-aided detection or diagnosis in medical image analysis: An overview. Gao J, Jiang Q ... Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer-Aided Detection: CNN Architectures, Dataset Characteristics and Transfer ... Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer-Aided Detection: CNN Architectures, Dataset Characteristics and Transfer ...
Recently, GEO Jobe explored image-based neural networks with GIS technology and maps. Convolutional Neural Networks, or CNNs, ... Computer Vision and Convolutional Neural Networks in ArcGIS. Posted by Pete George, September 21, 2022. September 21, 2022. ... Pro Notebooks are an invaluable tool for script writing, especially if creating a neural network from scratch. Setting up the ... Overall, utilizing notebooks and writing the neural network manually provides far more control over the model and deterministic ...
Feedforward Neural Networks.. o Simple (Python) Network to classify a handwritten digit. o Learning with Gradient Descent. o ... Iterating a deep neural network over too many training epochs can result in overfitting, but there are ways to ameliorate that ... Improving the way neural networks learn:. o Cross-entropy cost function. o Softmax activation function and log-likelihood cost ... A neural network can learn the weights and biases of its artificial neurons from training examples using stochastic gradient ...
NEURAL DUST IN MY MUSCLES HAS BECOME WIRELESSLY INTERLINKED TO A NETWORK OF COMPUTERS AND MY MUSCLES ARE NOW BEING REMOTE ... and my muscles are imbedded with neural dust and I have been wirelessly connected to a network of computers from said neural ... This covert system of control that I am under is commonly known as remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. My ... I know of other targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation who are complaining of having ...
Computer vision project [closed] Im working on text recognition project using CNN. Facing issue regarding the corrected ... Newest conv-neural-network questions feed Subscribe to RSS Newest conv-neural-network questions feed To subscribe to this RSS ... A convolutional neural network (CNN, or ConvNet) is a class of deep, feed-forward artificial neural networks that has ... I have a neural network code that works with 13749 training images and 3429 validation images. The network model is quite ...
Tahmasebi; Hezarkhani (2012). "A hybrid neural networks-fuzzy logic-genetic algorithm for grade estimation". Computers & ... width limits of neural networks List of machine learning concepts Neural gas Neural network software Optical neural network ... intelligence Quantum neural network Recurrent neural networks Spiking neural network Stochastic parrot Tensor product network ... Artificial neural networks (ANNs, also shortened to neural networks (NNs) or neural nets) are a branch of machine learning ...
... a Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network design was implemented on Xilinx Spartan 3S1000 Field Programable Gate Array using XSA ... Science: Mathematics: Instruments and machines: Electronic computers. Computer science. Website. http://journals. ... Prototyping Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network on Spartan 3S1000 FPGA for Blood Type Classification *Rizki Ardianto ... In this research, a Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Network design was implemented on Xilinx Spartan 3S1000 Field Programable ...
Neural Networks (Computer). Neural Networks, Computer. Nucleopolyhedrovirus. Nucleopolyhedroviruses. Nurseries. Nurseries, ...
Browse Neural networks news, research and analysis from The Conversation ... It learns in real time, more efficiently than computer-based AI. Zdenka Kuncic, University of Sydney and Ruomin Zhu, University ... Articles on Neural networks. Displaying 1 - 20 of 51 articles. Jose Sena Gouao/EPA December 6, 2023 Noam Chomsky turns 95: the ... Were told AI neural networks learn the way humans do. A neuroscientist explains why thats not the case. James Fodor, The ...
ANNs, artificial neural networks; CNNs, convolutional neural network; CV, computer vision; DNNs, deep neural networks; GANs, ... Computer Simulation.mp. or exp Computer Simulation/. 21. Image Processing, Computer-Assisted.mp. or exp Image Processing, ... or exp Radiographic Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted/. 31. Computer assisted diagnosis.mp. or exp Diagnosis, Computer- ... Neural Networks Computer.mp. or exp "Neural Networks (Computer)"/. 9. artificial neural network.mp.. ...
The adaptive immune system serves as a template for defending neural nets from confusion-sowing attacks ... Computer Science. and Engineering. Bob and Betty Beyster Building. 2260 Hayward Street. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2121. Contact >CSE ... Deep neural networks are a subset of machine learning algorithms used for a wide variety of classification problems. These ... It turns out that deep neural networks, already inspired by the brains system of information processing, can take advantage of ...
During operation, the computer receives an image. Then, the computer performs analysis on the image to determine a signature ... For example, the finite resolution may correspond to floating point operations in the neural network. Moreover, in response to ... where the first signature corresponds to a finite resolution of a neural network that generated the fake image, a finite number ... Based at least in part in the determined signature, the computer classifies the image as having a first signature associated ...
artificial neural networks from Neuroscience News features breaking science news from research labs, scientists and colleges ... Computer model helps make sense of human memory. A newly developed artificial neural network allowed researchers to insert ... Do Neural Networks Dream Visual Illusions?. When convolutional neural networks are trained under experimental conditions, they ... novel neuroimaging techniques and neural network modeling is providing new insight into how real neural circuits may behave.. ...
... T Creating a Video Classification Neural Network Architecture to Map American Sign Language Gestures to Computer Cursor ... Creating a Video Classification Neural Network Architecture to Map American Sign Language Gestures to Computer Cursor Controls ...
Training neural networks to perform tasks, such as recognizing images or navigating self-driving cars, could one day require ... Computer model fosters potential improvements to bionic eye technology April 9, 2021 ... A new combination of optical coherence tomography (OCT), adaptive optics and deep neural networks should enable better ... Artificial Neuron Device Could Shrink Energy Use and Size of Neural Network Hardware March 18, 2021 ...
We propose a unified optimization framework that combines neural networks with dictionary learning to model complex ... In: Shen, D., et al. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2019. MICCAI 2019. Lecture Notes in ... This procedure collectively estimates the basis networks, subject loadings, and neural network weights most informative of ... Kawahara, J., et al.: BrainNetCNN: convolutional neural networks for brain networks; towards predicting neurodevelopment. ...
Optical Memory and Neural Networks. Impact Factor. 0.9 (2022). Cite Score. 2.0 (2022) ... Computer Science. Announcement of the latest impact factors from the Journal Citation Reports. Researchers consider a number of ...
Computer Vision (ICCV), 1026-34. Santiago, Chile: IEEE, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCV.2015.123 ... An LSTM network is a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) that can learn long-term dependencies between time steps of ... "Exact Solutions to the Nonlinear Dynamics of Learning in Deep Linear Neural Networks." Preprint, submitted February 19, 2014. ... "Understanding the Difficulty of Training Deep Feedforward Neural Networks." In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International ...
"What did I do wrong?" - I asked my computer, who didnt answer. ... 37 Reasons why your Neural Network is not working. Over the ... A network might not be training for a number of reasons. Over the course of many debugging sessions, I would often find myself ... The network had been training for the last 12 hours. It all looked good: the gradients were flowing and the loss was decreasing ... When testing new network architecture or writing a new piece of code, use the standard datasets first, instead of your own data ...
DeePMD-kit: A deep learning package for many-body potential energy representation and molecular dynamics. Computer Physics ... Abstract: S46.00004 : A Critical Assessment of Neural Network Potentials for Water and the Role of Nuclear Quantum Effects ... Here, we assess two different neural network potential (NNP) based modeling strategies within classical MD in predicting the ... Se (3)-equivariant graph neural networks for data-efficient and accurate interatomic potentials. arXiv preprint arXiv: ...
... well try to cover everything related to Artificial Neural Networks or ANN. ... Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) for Computer Vision *Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN) for Time Series analysis *Self- ... How do Neural networks learn?. Looking at an analogy may be useful in understanding the mechanisms of a neural network. ... How do Neural Networks work *How do Neural Networks learn(Backpropagation) *Gradient Descent *Stochastic Gradient Descent * ...
U-NET is a neural network model dedicated to Computer Vision tasks and more particularly to Semantic Segmentation problems. ... One of the most widely used neural networks for image segmentation is U-NET. It is a Fully Convolutional Neural Network Model. ... U-NET is a neural network model dedicated to Computer Vision tasks and more particularly to Semantic Segmentation problems. ... Deep learning convolutional neural networks are now widely used. They allow us to tackle more complex problems through image ...
  • ISAAC: a convolutional neural network accelerator with arithmetic in crossbars," Proc. (purdue.edu)
  • A Survey on Supervised Convolutional Neural Network and Its Major Applications. (igi-global.com)
  • Using Transfer Learning with a Convolutional Neural Network, the rainfall detection was performed on single images taken in heterogeneous conditions by static or moving cameras without adjusted parameters. (mdpi.com)
  • Convolutional Neural Networks are great at recognizing things, places and people in your personal photos, crops, traffic, various anomalies in medical images and all kinds of useful things. (nvidia.com)
  • Karpathy used a powerful, 140-million-parameter state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Network, fed it 2 million selfies from the internet, and trained it to classify good selfies from bad ones. (nvidia.com)
  • They then used almost 15 million of these position-move pairs to train an eight-layer convolutional neural network to recognize which move the expert players made next. (acm.org)
  • The system combines with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) structure based on cloud computing to effectively identify and create music scores. (hindawi.com)
  • In this article, I want to talk about the use of convolutional neural networks for the classification of images by style. (issart.com)
  • We present INStINCt, our Intelligent Signature Canvas, as a framework for quickly organizing image data in a web-based canvas framework that partitions images based on features derived from convolutional neural networks. (cdc.gov)
  • A comparison of a convolutional neural network originally trained to pick arrival times on the Southern California Seismic Network to that of human analysts on coal-mine-related mining-induced seismicity. (cdc.gov)
  • Let's go back to the old world of convolutional neural networks: AlexNet, 2012, approximately a decade ago. (medscape.com)
  • Multi-channel lung sound classification with convolutional recurrent neural networks. (cdc.gov)
  • Y.Q. Zhang and A. Kandel, Compensatory neural-fuzzy systems with fast learning algorithms, EEE Trans. (univagora.ro)
  • Dr. Du's interdisciplinary and cross-field research activities range from fundamental quantum physics to applied optical engineering, including AMO physics, quantum optics, atom chip and atomtronics, quantum networks, quantum computing, quantum sensing, optical neural networks for artificial intelligence, optical microscopy for solid mechanics and bioimaging. (purdue.edu)
  • Like many historical developments in artificial intelligence 33 , 34 , the widespread adoption of deep neural networks (DNNs) was enabled in part by synergistic hardware. (nature.com)
  • In this paper, we use artificial intelligence technology to predict the network group events. (scirp.org)
  • The networks are designed to power artificial intelligence (AI) systems that will be used on mobile devices like smartphones. (wallstreetpit.com)
  • An astonishing discovery was made, for example, while studying the human brain 50 years ago: it is possible to implement an artificial system based on the same architecture of biological neural networks and their operation, so they develop artificial intelligence and neural networks. (udyamoldisgold.com)
  • There are many categories of artificial intelligence, but in the case of intelligent computers, the most commonly used are artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms. (udyamoldisgold.com)
  • Artificial intelligence and neural networks are now used in software to emulate the parallel nature of a neural network to a linear system. (udyamoldisgold.com)
  • As artificial intelligence and deep learning becomes more important, new approaches for photonic neural computing arise. (degruyter.com)
  • Artificial intelligence is a broad field, which refers to the use of technologies to build machines and computers that have the ability to mimic cognitive functions associated with human intelligence, such as being able to see, understand, and respond to spoken or written language, analyze data, make recommendations, and more. (backblaze.com)
  • At its simplest form, artificial intelligence is a field, which combines computer science and robust datasets, to enable problem-solving. (backblaze.com)
  • Allow us to give you the Backblaze summary: Each of these sources are saying that artificial intelligence is what happens when computers start thinking (or appearing to think) for themselves. (backblaze.com)
  • For the sake of the audience and for my own sanity, I should say - because I also got a PhD in computer science in the 1980s working on artificial intelligence - that we tried to make an impact in AI 30 years ago. (medscape.com)
  • This work implements and presents a viable architecture and training methodology to detect and classify audio data using Spiking Neural Networks. (tudelft.nl)
  • Artificial neural networks (ANNs, also shortened to neural networks (NNs) or neural nets) are a branch of machine learning models that are built using principles of neuronal organization discovered by connectionism in the biological neural networks constituting animal brains. (wikipedia.org)
  • In this article a modified version of IWO has been used for training the feed-forward Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) by adjusting the weights and biases of the neural network. (sciweavers.org)
  • His current research is in the field of photonic neural computing with diffractive optical networks. (degruyter.com)
  • Article: Stable-plastic neural network, which defines several solutions and new information on its inputs Journal: International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology (IJCAET) 2022 Vol.16 No.4 pp.468 - 477 Abstract: The analysis results of the discrete Hamming neural network's functioning features are presented. (inderscience.com)
  • Article: A neural network analytical model for predicting determinants of mobile learning acceptance Journal: International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT) 2019 Vol.60 No.1 pp.73 - 85 Abstract: User acceptance of technology is considered as one of the core fields in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) domain. (inderscience.com)
  • In this control scheme, a four-layer neural-fuzzy-network (NFN) is used for the main role, and the adaptive tuning laws of network parameters are derived in the sense of a projection algorithm and the Lyapunov stability theorem to ensure network convergence as well as stable control performance. (univagora.ro)
  • Binocular stereo vision camera calibration based on BP neural network is proposed on the basic of analysis the traditional calibration algorithm together with characteristics of camera calibration and neural networks. (asme.org)
  • Recently, multi-instance classification algorithm BP-MIP and multi-instance regression algorithm BP-MIR both based on neural networks have been proposed. (sciweavers.org)
  • I want to understand how the backpropagation algorithm would work on a neural network with multiple outputs. (stackexchange.com)
  • Wilhelm Lenz and Ernst Ising created and analyzed the Ising model (1925) which is essentially a non-learning artificial recurrent neural network (RNN) consisting of neuron-like threshold elements. (wikipedia.org)
  • In this article we will explain what a recurrent neural network is and study some recurrent models, including the most popular LSTM model. (issart.com)
  • A Graph Neural Networks (GNN) is a class of artificial neural networks for processing graph data. (issart.com)
  • In computer experiments conducted by Amari's student Saito, a five layer MLP with two modifiable layers learned useful internal representations to classify non-linearily separable pattern classes. (wikipedia.org)
  • Instead, we tackle the problem via using Deep Convolution Neural Networks to extract features and classify them simultaneously. (springer.com)
  • After training, we fed shape patterns of UA into the neural network to classify them into RA, PsA, or HC. (frontiersin.org)
  • Computer-based artificial neural networks with large number of neurons and interconnections require huge computational resources and power consumption. (purdue.edu)
  • Specifically, we consider synaptic depression and spike-frequency adaptation in networks of quadratic integrate-and-fire neurons. (nih.gov)
  • A neural network consists of three or more layers , each with some neurons and a synapse linking from each neuron in a layer to each neuron in the next layer. (phpclasses.org)
  • The ability to simultaneously record from large numbers of neurons in behaving animals has ushered in a new era for the study of the neural circuit mechanisms underlying cognitive functions. (nih.gov)
  • By contrast, a neural network relies on a network of connections among processing elements, or neurons, which can be trained to recognize certain patterns of stimuli. (sciencedaily.com)
  • The Edinburgh researchers used a vast database of Go games to train a neural network to find the next move. (acm.org)
  • But in terms of prediction, these studies are focused on a single event or post, so this paper attempts to train a neural network that can predict a variety of network group events. (scirp.org)
  • A computer built to mimic the brain's neural networks produces similar results to that of the best brain-simulation supercomputer software currently used for neural-signaling research, finds a new study published in the open-access journal Frontiers in Neuroscience . (phys.org)
  • The neural networks are nothing more than a mathematical emulation of the brain's neural system, with each element of the biological system replaced by a mathematical equivalent. (udyamoldisgold.com)
  • Sacha J. van Albada et al, Performance Comparison of the Digital Neuromorphic Hardware SpiNNaker and the Neural Network Simulation Software NEST for a Full-Scale Cortical Microcircuit Model, Frontiers in Neuroscience (2018). (phys.org)
  • First proposed in 2018, deep diffractive neural network operate passively, using coherent images and diffractive optics to do image-to-image regression and object classification. (degruyter.com)
  • Some say that research stagnated following Minsky and Papert (1969), who discovered that basic perceptrons were incapable of processing the exclusive-or circuit and that computers lacked sufficient power to process useful neural networks. (wikipedia.org)
  • But conventional electronics, including the electrical wiring of semiconductor circuits, often impedes the extremely complex routing required for useful neural networks. (sciencedaily.com)
  • This paper presents a robust adaptive neural-fuzzy network control (RANFNC) system for an n-link robot manipulator to achieve the highprecision position tracking. (univagora.ro)
  • Because neural networks utilize fuzzy logic, the standard system architecture is slightly different. (phpclasses.org)
  • Neural networks take in binary digits and output fits (fuzzy bits) which is a number between 0 and 1 but never absolute (e.g. 0.4323, 0.9, 0.1). (phpclasses.org)
  • Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. (stackexchange.com)
  • Here we introduce a machine learning model called a differentiable neural computer (DNC), which consists of a neural network that can read from and write to an external memory matrix, analogous to the random-access memory in a conventional computer. (nature.com)
  • The teaching consists of lectures, exercises and compulsory computer exercises. (lu.se)
  • The examination consists of a written reports on the computer exercises and a written test at the end of the course. (lu.se)
  • This three-dimensional (3D) design enables complex routing schemes, which are necessary to mimic neural systems. (sciencedaily.com)
  • K. D. Cantley, R. C. Ivans, A. Subramaniam, and E. M. Vogel, "Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition in Neural Circuits with Memory-Transistor-Driven Memristive Synapses," in 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2017, pp. 4633-4640. (boisestate.edu)
  • In the late 1940s, D. O. Hebb created a learning hypothesis based on the mechanism of neural plasticity that became known as Hebbian learning. (wikipedia.org)
  • The author also discusses neural plasticity and adaptability in smarter neural networks. (routledge.com)
  • Brain (Neural Network) Plasticity and Adaptively. (routledge.com)
  • Incorporating data mining and computer graphics for modeling of neural networks Richard S. Segall 2004-09-01 00:00:00 Provides a background on the concepts and development of data mining and data warehousing that need to be known by students and educators. (deepdyve.com)
  • Then discusses the applications of data mining for the construction of graphical mappings of the sensory space as a two‐dimensional neural network grid as well as the traveling salesman problem (TSP) and simulated annealing. (deepdyve.com)
  • Data mining is also used as a tool for the construction of computer graphics as solutions to the TSP and also for the activation of an output neuron for a three‐layer feed‐forward network that is trained using a Boolean function. (deepdyve.com)
  • Then add one hidden layer and determine which network provides the best results, Adding additional layers should not improve network capabilities but may if the data contain complex patterns. (stackexchange.com)
  • Artificial neural networks are remarkably adept at sensory processing, sequence learning and reinforcement learning, but are limited in their ability to represent variables and data structures and to store data over long timescales, owing to the lack of an external memory. (nature.com)
  • Like a conventional computer, it can use its memory to represent and manipulate complex data structures, but, like a neural network, it can learn to do so from data. (nature.com)
  • Neural networks learn (or are trained) by processing examples, each of which contains a known "input" and "result", forming probability-weighted associations between the two, which are stored within the data structure of the net itself. (wikipedia.org)
  • Because the optimization of network parameters specifies the desired output but not the manner in which to achieve this output, "trained" networks serve as a source of mechanistic hypotheses and a testing ground for data analyses that link neural computation to behavior. (nih.gov)
  • By programing a crawler, we get the data of 23 hot events on Sina Weibo from 2011 to 2015 for neural network training. (scirp.org)
  • This is mainly because in recent years, micro-blog has produced more data can be used for neural network training. (scirp.org)
  • Neural networks already have demonstrated remarkable power in solving complex problems, including rapid pattern recognition and data analysis. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Light's advantages could improve the performance of neural nets for scientific data analysis such as searches for Earth-like planets and quantum information science, and accelerate the development of highly intuitive control systems for autonomous vehicles," NIST physicist Jeff Chiles said. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Then, the data of online music playing, downloading, and online karaoke songs from computers, TV, mobile phones, and other media are analyzed using cloud computing technology. (hindawi.com)
  • Experiments on benchmark and artificial data sets show that ensembles of multi-instance neural networks are superior to single multi-instance neural networks in solving multi-instance problems. (sciweavers.org)
  • To further improve the efficiency of the networks, the team also experimented on the weights and the way the associated nodes process training data. (wallstreetpit.com)
  • This behaviour is believed to be a result of neural networks learning the pattern of clean data first and fitting the noise later in the training, a phenomenon that we refer to as clean-priority learning. (arxiv.org)
  • O. Mandrikova, Y. Polozov, V. Bogdanov and E. Zhizhikina, "Method of Detection Abnormal Features in Ionosphere Critical Frequency Data on the Basis of Wavelet Transformation and Neural Networks Combination," Journal of Software Engineering and Applications , Vol. 5 No. 12B, 2012, pp. 181-187. (scirp.org)
  • A. Polozov and T. L. Zaliaev, "Methods of Analysis and Interpretation of Ionospheric Critical Frequency FOf2 Data Based on Wavelet Transform and Neural Networks," European Seismological Commission 33-rd General Assembly (GA ESC 2012), 19-24 August 2012, Thesis, Moscow. (scirp.org)
  • A. Polozov, N.V. Glushkova and T.L. Zalyaev, "Technology of Allocation of Anomalies in Ionospheric Data on the Basis of Combination Wavelet-Transformation and Neural Networks," International Conference ?Intelligent Information Processing? (scirp.org)
  • When feeding UA data into the neural network, 86% were classified as "RA," 11% as "PsA," and 3% as "HC" based on the joint shape. (frontiersin.org)
  • This paper describes network installation and methods used to collect, process, and distribute seismicity information collected on the surface above two longwall coal mines in western Colorado, and gives several examples of the collected data. (cdc.gov)
  • This paper describes a seismic network installed in western Colorado in the vicinity of three underground coal mines, its features for user access to data, and then gives two examples of seismic events resulting in some damage to mine workings. (cdc.gov)
  • For a variety of reasons, we failed, because we didn't have the right data on patients, because we didn't have the right data on medicine, and because neural network models were super-simple and we didn't have to compute. (medscape.com)
  • The overall aim of the course is to give students a basic knowledge of artificial neural networks and deep learning, both theoretical knowledge and how to practically use them for typical problems in machine learning and data mining. (lu.se)
  • networks that can extract principal components, networks for data clustering, learning vector quantization (LVQ), self-organizing feature maps (SOFM). (lu.se)
  • Based on the paper scheduled to be presented by Sze's group at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference in late July 2017, the new methods that they developed for paring down neural networks can reduce the power consumption of the networks by up to 73% of the standard consumption of the networks. (wallstreetpit.com)
  • Theoretical Computer Science Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for theoretical computer scientists and researchers in related fields. (stackexchange.com)
  • This review looks at two technical papers from the field of computer science that, at the time of writing, should be considered historical. (dukeupress.edu)
  • Although their respective technical approaches have since been replaced with newer, better, and more efficient ones, when looking back through the lens of critical AI studies they mark the beginning of a type of theoretical reflection within computer science that distinctly links technical machine learning research to research in the humanities. (dukeupress.edu)
  • In our study, all students belonged to an HE graduate programme related to computer science. (researchgate.net)
  • MIT associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science Vivienne Sze and colleagues have introduced a computer chip for the software systems called neural networks. (wallstreetpit.com)
  • Zse and colleagues Tien-Ju Yang and Yu-Hsin Chen, who are both graduate students in electrical engineering and computer science, have also experimented with the method called "pruning" to reduce the power consumption of the neural networks. (wallstreetpit.com)
  • Computer Science Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for students, researchers and practitioners of computer science. (stackexchange.com)
  • Thanks for contributing an answer to Computer Science Stack Exchange! (stackexchange.com)
  • Deep learning and artificial neural networks have in recent years become very popular and led to impressive results for difficult computer science problems such as classifying objects in images, speech recognition and playing Go. (lu.se)
  • However, the experimental realization of massive optical nonlinear activation functions, which are necessary for deep machine learning, remains the bottleneck for pushing hybrid optical-electronic neural networks towards all-optical implementation. (purdue.edu)
  • Currently, neural processors are being used in specific applications, such as robotics, where implementation is simple. (udyamoldisgold.com)
  • Machine learning (ML) is the study and implementation of computer algorithms that improve automatically through experience. (backblaze.com)
  • Complete access to the activity and connectivity of the circuit, and the ability to manipulate them arbitrarily, make trained networks a convenient proxy for biological circuits and a valuable platform for theoretical investigation. (nih.gov)
  • In this book, theoretical laws and models previously scattered in the literature are brought together into a general theory of artificial neural nets. (google.com)
  • After the theoretical part we will write a complete simple example of recurrent network in Python 3 using Keras and Tensorflow libraries, which you can use as a playground for your experiments. (issart.com)
  • Thus, a theoretical foundation for integrating deep neural networks and differential equations remains poorly understood, with many more questions than answers. (wikicfp.com)
  • The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum where theoretical and experimental researchers of all stripes can come together not only to share reports on their progress but also to find new ways to join forces towards the goal of coherent integration of deep neural networks and differential equations. (wikicfp.com)
  • This course gives an introduction to artificial neural networks and deep learning, both theoretical and practical knowledge. (lu.se)
  • Last but not least, we will see how these classifiers can be thought of as very simple Artificial Neural Networks, and thus can be used as layer components in more complicated Neural Network architectures. (cam.ac.uk)
  • This research proposes the application of a mathematical model termed Radial Basis function Neural Network (RBFNN). (researchgate.net)
  • Just as deep learning realizes computations with deep neural networks made from layers of mathematical functions, our approach allows us to train deep physical neural networks made from layers of controllable physical systems, even when the physical layers lack any mathematical isomorphism to conventional artificial neural network layers. (nature.com)
  • How well-developed mathematical tools for ODEs/PDEs can be leveraged to help us gain a better understanding of deep neural networks and improve their performance? (wikicfp.com)
  • We show that it can learn tasks such as finding the shortest path between specified points and inferring the missing links in randomly generated graphs, and then generalize these tasks to specific graphs such as transport networks and family trees. (nature.com)
  • However, we know less about the translation of neural activity into behavior, such as turning thought into muscle movement. (phys.org)
  • Neural networks allow emulating the behavior of a brain in software applications. (phpclasses.org)
  • Our results demonstrate the wide range of neural activity patterns and behavior that can be modeled, and suggest a unified setting in which diverse cognitive computations and mechanisms can be studied. (nih.gov)
  • Taken together, our results demonstrate that DNCs have the capacity to solve complex, structured tasks that are inaccessible to neural networks without external read-write memory. (nature.com)
  • To solve this, Neural Mesh has been heavily optimized. (phpclasses.org)
  • In this paper, neural network ensemble techniques are introduced to solve multi-instance learning problems, where BP-MIP ensemble and BP-MIR ensemble are constructed respectively. (sciweavers.org)
  • To solve this problem, it was proposed to use a neural network, in which such complex features will be found automatically in the learning process. (issart.com)
  • In contrast with AI and in keeping with our earlier terms, AI is when a computer appears intelligent, and ML is when a computer can solve a complex, but defined, task. (backblaze.com)
  • In 1958, psychologist Frank Rosenblatt invented the perceptron, the first implemented artificial neural network, funded by the United States Office of Naval Research. (wikipedia.org)
  • describe the construction of the multi-layer perceptron · describe different error functions used for training and techniques to numerically minimize these error functions · explain the concept of overtraining and describe those properties of a neural network that can cause overtraining · describe the construction of different types of deep neural networks · describe neural networks used for time series analysis as well as for self- organization. (lu.se)
  • The course covers the most common models in artificial neural networks with a focus on the multi-layer perceptron. (lu.se)
  • the simple perceptron and the multi-layer perceptron, choice of suitable error functions and techniques to minimize them, how to detect and avoid overtraining, ensembles of neural networks and techniques to create them, Bayesian training of multi-layer perceptrons. (lu.se)
  • In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. (crossref.org)
  • Recent advances in pattern-recognition algorithms could help computers do much better at playing Go. (acm.org)
  • This paper defines the network group events from aspects of the nature of the incident and influence and establishes a neural network of pattern recognition model that is used to fit the model. (scirp.org)
  • The training results of pattern recognition model show that the accuracy rate of the judgment of the Internet Group events and the non-network group events is 72.7% and 75% respectively. (scirp.org)
  • One promising approach to uncovering the dynamical and computational principles governing population responses is to analyze model recurrent neural networks (RNNs) that have been optimized to perform the same tasks as behaving animals. (nih.gov)
  • Moreover, trained networks can achieve the same behavioral performance but differ substantially in their structure and dynamics, highlighting the need for a simple and flexible framework for the exploratory training of RNNs. (nih.gov)
  • In this paper, we introduce the notion of liquid time-constant (LTC) recurrent neural networks (RNN)s, a subclass of continuous-time RNNs, with varying neuronal time-constant realized by their nonlinear synaptic transmission model. (arxiv.org)
  • The method was then employed to assess the new techniques that were created by the team to pare down the neural networks so that they can effectively operate on handheld or mobile devices. (wallstreetpit.com)
  • Computer manufacturers provide us with the hardware needed to operate the computer, and software developers offer programs that allow us to use the hardware as a tool, but what if a computer could make decisions without using large amounts of specialized software? (udyamoldisgold.com)
  • Switching from classical machine learning methods to neural networks is motivated by the way, in which neural network operate ( 10 ). (frontiersin.org)
  • Price, D., Knerr, S., Personnaz, L., Dreyfus, G.: Pairwise neural network classifiers with probabilistic outputs. (crossref.org)
  • In this lecture, I will explain some of the intuitions behind using and training these classifiers, and I will show how they are related to Neural Networks. (cam.ac.uk)
  • Many computing research projects aim to emulate the brain by creating circuits of artificial neural networks. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Developed over the past 15 years and based on the structure and function of the human brain, SpiNNaker-part of the Neuromorphic Computing Platform of the Human Brain Project-is a custom-built computer composed of half a million of simple computing elements controlled by its own software. (phys.org)
  • A neural or neuromorphic computer would consist of a large, complex system of neural networks. (sciencedaily.com)
  • The researchers found the trained network was able to predict the next move up to 44 percent of the time. (acm.org)
  • Researchers have made a silicon chip that distributes optical signals precisely across a miniature brain-like grid, showcasing a potential new design for neural networks. (sciencedaily.com)
  • An energy-efficient computer chip for neural networks was developed by researchers at MIT for mobile applications. (wallstreetpit.com)
  • On the other hand, deep neural networks have been seen to be often much better in many applications. (stackexchange.com)
  • Here it is argued that deep networks can approximate compositional functions with less parameters than shallow counterparts. (stackexchange.com)
  • This observation led to Residual Learning which in turn led to some really, really deep networks. (stackexchange.com)
  • We investigate the concept of deep diffractive neural networks. (degruyter.com)
  • These two methods are not only closely related to each other but also offer complementary strengths: the modelling power and interpretability of differential equations, and the approximation and generalization power of deep neural networks. (wikicfp.com)
  • While progress has been made on combining differential equations and deep neural networks, most existing work has been disjointed, and a coherent picture has yet to emerge. (wikicfp.com)
  • For example: How can we incorporate a given ordinary/partial differential equation (ODE/PDE) into an architecture of a deep neural network? (wikicfp.com)
  • Under what assumptions can we approximate a system of ODEs/PDEs by deep neural networks? (wikicfp.com)
  • How can we interpret deep neural networks from the perspective of ODEs/PDEs? (wikicfp.com)
  • 3/4 networks, techniques to pre-train deep networks. (lu.se)
  • An Integration Framework of Secure Multiparty Computation and Deep Neural Network for Improving Drug-Drug Interaction Predictions. (bvsalud.org)
  • Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Pulmonary Fibrosis Using Deep Learning and CT Images. (cdc.gov)
  • The process of training such complex networks has become known as deep learning and the complex networks are typically called deep neural networks. (lu.se)
  • Neural Mesh is an open source, pure PHP code based Neural Network manager and framework that makes it easier to work with Neural Networks. (phpclasses.org)
  • This article explains how to easily implement Neural Mesh to develop Neural Network applications in PHP. (phpclasses.org)
  • This may sound daunting and complex but the underlying concepts are very simple and Neural Mesh does the hard work for you. (phpclasses.org)
  • Unlike other Neural Network frameworks, Neural Mesh is written purely in PHP using a MySQL database. (phpclasses.org)
  • Here, we demonstrate the first fully functional multi-layer all-optical neural network (AONN) scheme with tunable linear optical operations and nonlinear optical activation functions [4]. (purdue.edu)
  • a , Artificial neural networks contain operational units (layers): typically, trainable matrix-vector multiplications followed by element-wise nonlinear activation functions. (nature.com)
  • Neural network has strong robustness, memory ability, nonlinear mapping ability and strong self-learning ability. (scirp.org)
  • If you give it a network architecture and the value of its weights, it will tell you how much energy this neural network will take. (wallstreetpit.com)
  • One of the questions that people had is 'Is it more energy efficient to have a shallow network and more weights or a deeper network with fewer weights? (wallstreetpit.com)
  • Why updating only a part of all neural network weights does not work? (stackexchange.com)
  • His research and teaching focus on the visual digital humanities, with a special interest in the epistemology and aesthetics of computer vision and machine learning. (dukeupress.edu)
  • Differential equations form the bedrock of scientific computing, while neural networks have emerged as the preferred tool of modern machine learning. (wikicfp.com)
  • Recent development in machine learning have led to a surge of interest in artificial neural networks (ANN). (lu.se)
  • MacKay, D.J.C.: Probable networks and plausible predictions - a review of practical Bayesian methods for supervised neural networks. (crossref.org)
  • For all of these findings, we demonstrate a close correspondence between the spiking neural network and the mean-field model. (nih.gov)
  • To demonstrate the universality of our approach, we train diverse physical neural networks based on optics, mechanics and electronics to experimentally perform audio and image classification tasks. (nature.com)
  • Major Differences between Neural Networks & Computers. (routledge.com)
  • As a result, scientists developed various models of neural networks, each with different abilities and differences. (udyamoldisgold.com)
  • The shortcomings of neural networks using the Hamming distance and solving this problem for images located on the boundaries of two or three classes of images are discussed. (inderscience.com)
  • Therefore, in the music teaching network course, it overcomes some shortcomings of the traditional teaching mode. (hindawi.com)
  • Still, hybrid systems using microprocessors and neural processors, typically used in servers, have recently been developed. (udyamoldisgold.com)
  • This paper proposes to study neural networks through neuronal correlation, a statistical measure of correlated neuronal activity on the penultimate layer. (harvard.edu)
  • We show that neuronal correlation can be efficiently estimated via weight matrix, can be effectively enforced through layer structure, and is a strong indicator of generalisation ability of the network. (harvard.edu)
  • In doing so, we install neuronal correlation as a central concept of neural network. (harvard.edu)
  • Tested for accuracy, speed and energy efficiency, this custom-built computer named SpiNNaker, has the potential to overcome the speed and power consumption problems of conventional supercomputers. (phys.org)
  • Conventional Go algorithms play out the entire game after every move, and if the computer wins in the majority of these simulations, then that move is deemed a good one. (acm.org)
  • A conventional computer processes information through algorithms, or human-coded rules. (sciencedaily.com)
  • A conventional computer can perform millions of operations per second but cannot make decisions independently. (udyamoldisgold.com)
  • Ma, H. (2016) Research on Network Group Event Recognition Based on Neural Network. (scirp.org)
  • An important segment of self-driving is the ability of the computer to "see/detect" objects of interest at a distance which enables safe vehicle operation. (mdpi.com)
  • The objective of this article is to give an introduction into the field of optical computing with neural networks using diffraction and free-space propagation of light. (degruyter.com)
  • An artificial neural network can perform tasks that a regular computer cannot, such as image recognition, speech recognition, and decision-making. (udyamoldisgold.com)
  • Example tasks… include speech recognition, computer vision, translation between (natural) languages, as well as other mappings of inputs. (backblaze.com)
  • In summary, we provide mechanistic descriptions of phase transitions between bursting and steady-state population dynamics, which play important roles in both healthy neural communication and neurological disorders. (nih.gov)
  • In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. (crossref.org)
  • The aim is to advance our knowledge of neural processing in the brain, to include learning and disorders such as epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. (phys.org)
  • The ability to run large-scale detailed neural networks quickly and at low power consumption will advance robotics research and facilitate studies on learning and brain disorders. (phys.org)
  • It is presently unclear which computer architecture is best suited to study whole-brain networks efficiently. (phys.org)
  • Neural networks are a relatively new technology that aims to reverse engineer the functionality of the brain within a mathematics model. (phpclasses.org)
  • The theory behind the neural networks was based on the anatomy and operation of the human brain. (wallstreetpit.com)
  • As a model system, an insect brain navigational circuit is chosen and successfully emulated using the introduced nodes and network architecture. (lu.se)
  • The Inscopix Miniature microscope system allows to image large-scale brain circuit dynamics via in vivo calcium imaging in freely behaving animals to correlate neural activity with behaviour. (lu.se)