Warm-blooded VERTEBRATES possessing FEATHERS and belonging to the class Aves.
A widely distributed order of perching BIRDS, including more than half of all bird species.
PASSERIFORMES of the suborder, Oscines, in which the flexor tendons of the toes are separate, and the lower syrinx has 4 to 9 pairs of tensor muscles inserted at both ends of the tracheal half rings. They include many commonly recognized birds such as CROWS; FINCHES; robins; SPARROWS; and SWALLOWS.
Periodic movements of animals in response to seasonal changes or reproductive instinct. Hormonal changes are the trigger in at least some animals. Most migrations are made for reasons of climatic change, feeding, or breeding.
Flat keratinous structures found on the skin surface of birds. Feathers are made partly of a hollow shaft fringed with barbs. They constitute the plumage.
An order of BIRDS including over 300 species that primarily inhabit coastal waters, beaches, and marshes. They are comprised of shorebirds, gulls, and terns.
The use of wings or wing-like appendages to remain aloft and move through the air.
An order of BIRDS comprised of several families and more than 300 species. It includes COCKATOOS; PARROTS; PARAKEETS; macaws; and BUDGERIGARS.
Animals considered to be wild or feral or not adapted for domestic use. It does not include wild animals in zoos for which ANIMALS, ZOO is available.
BIRDS of the large family Psittacidae, widely distributed in tropical regions and having a distinctive stout, curved hooked bill. The family includes LOVEBIRDS; AMAZON PARROTS; conures; PARAKEETS; and many other kinds of parrots.
An order of BIRDS comprising the waterfowl, particularly DUCKS; GEESE; swans; and screamers.
Common name for the species Gallus gallus, the domestic fowl, in the family Phasianidae, order GALLIFORMES. It is descended from the red jungle fowl of SOUTHEAST ASIA.
BIRDS that hunt and kill other animals, especially higher vertebrates, for food. They include the FALCONIFORMES order, or diurnal birds of prey, comprised of EAGLES, falcons, HAWKS, and others, as well as the STRIGIFORMES order, or nocturnal birds of prey, which includes OWLS.
An order of heavy-bodied, largely terrestrial BIRDS including pheasants, TURKEYS, grouse, QUAIL, and CHICKENS.
Animal behavior associated with the nest; includes construction, effects of size and material; behavior of the adult during the nesting period and the effect of the nest on the behavior of the young.
An order of diurnal BIRDS of prey, including EAGLES; HAWKS; buzzards; vultures; and falcons.
Sounds used in animal communication.
Common name for small PASSERIFORMES in the family Fringillidae. They have a short stout bill (BEAK) adapted for crushing SEEDS. Some species of Old World finches are called CANARIES.
In some animals, the jaws together with their horny covering. The beak usually refers to the bill of birds in which the whole varies greatly in form according of the food and habits of the bird. While the beak refers most commonly to birds, the anatomical counterpart is found also in the turtle, squid, and octopus. (From Webster, 3d ed & Storer, et al., General Zoology, 6th ed, p491, 755)
The family Passeridae comprised of small, mainly brown and grey seed-eating birds with conical bills.
I'm sorry for any confusion, but the term "geese" is a common name for certain species of waterfowl and doesn't have a medical definition. It is not related to medical terminology or healthcare.
"Ducks" is not a recognized medical term or condition in human health; it may refer to various anatomical structures in animals, such as the ducks of the heart valves, but it does not have a standalone medical definition.
Family in the order COLUMBIFORMES, comprised of pigeons or doves. They are BIRDS with short legs, stout bodies, small heads, and slender bills. Some sources call the smaller species doves and the larger pigeons, but the names are interchangeable.
A dilated cavity extended caudally from the hindgut. In adult birds, reptiles, amphibians, and many fishes but few mammals, cloaca is a common chamber into which the digestive, urinary and reproductive tracts discharge their contents. In most mammals, cloaca gives rise to LARGE INTESTINE; URINARY BLADDER; and GENITALIA.
A form of alveolitis or pneumonitis due to an acquired hypersensitivity to inhaled avian antigens, usually proteins in the dust of bird feathers and droppings.
Diseases of birds which are raised as a source of meat or eggs for human consumption and are usually found in barnyards, hatcheries, etc. The concept is differentiated from BIRD DISEASES which is for diseases of birds not considered poultry and usually found in zoos, parks, and the wild.
Common name for the largest birds in the order PASSERIFORMES, family Corvidae. These omnivorous black birds comprise most of the species in the genus Corvus, along with ravens and jackdaws (which are often also referred to as crows).
The relationships of groups of organisms as reflected by their genetic makeup.
The restriction of a characteristic behavior, anatomical structure or physical system, such as immune response; metabolic response, or gene or gene variant to the members of one species. It refers to that property which differentiates one species from another but it is also used for phylogenetic levels higher or lower than the species.
The sole family in the order Sphenisciformes, comprised of 17 species of penguins in six genera. They are flightless seabirds of the Southern Hemisphere, highly adapted for marine life.
Cold-blooded, air-breathing VERTEBRATES belonging to the class Reptilia, usually covered with external scales or bony plates.
An order of heteroxenous protozoa in which the macrogamete and microgamont develop independently. A conoid is usually absent.
Domesticated birds raised for food. It typically includes CHICKENS; TURKEYS, DUCKS; GEESE; and others.
A superorder of large, mostly flightless birds, named for their distinctive PALATE morphology. It includes the orders Apterygiformes, Casuriiformes, Dinornithiformes, RHEIFORMES; STRUTHIONIFORMES and Tinamiformes.
Behavioral responses or sequences associated with eating including modes of feeding, rhythmic patterns of eating, and time intervals.
Divisions of the year according to some regularly recurrent phenomena usually astronomical or climatic. (From McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 6th ed)
The process of cumulative change over successive generations through which organisms acquire their distinguishing morphological and physiological characteristics.
A functional system which includes the organisms of a natural community together with their environment. (McGraw Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
General name for two extinct orders of reptiles from the Mesozoic era: Saurischia and Ornithischia.
A genus of BIRDS in the family Phasianidae, order GALLIFORMES, containing the common European and other Old World QUAIL.
A subtype of INFLUENZA A VIRUS comprised of the surface proteins hemagglutinin 5 and neuraminidase 1. The H5N1 subtype, frequently referred to as the bird flu virus, is endemic in wild birds and very contagious among both domestic (POULTRY) and wild birds. It does not usually infect humans, but some cases have been reported.
The family Sturnidae, in the order PASSERIFORMES. The starling family also includes mynahs and oxpeckers.
'Zoo animals' are various species of captive wild animals, housed and displayed in a facility for the purpose of public education, conservation, research, and recreation.
The science dealing with the earth and its life, especially the description of land, sea, and air and the distribution of plant and animal life, including humanity and human industries with reference to the mutual relations of these elements. (From Webster, 3d ed)
The pattern of any process, or the interrelationship of phenomena, which affects growth or change within a population.
Warm-blooded vertebrate animals belonging to the class Mammalia, including all that possess hair and suckle their young.
Instinctual patterns of activity related to a specific area including ability of certain animals to return to a given place when displaced from it, often over great distances using navigational clues such as those used in migration (ANIMAL MIGRATION).
The motion of air relative to the earth's surface.
Remains, impressions, or traces of animals or plants of past geological times which have been preserved in the earth's crust.
Woody, usually tall, perennial higher plants (Angiosperms, Gymnosperms, and some Pterophyta) having usually a main stem and numerous branches.
The protection, preservation, restoration, and rational use of all resources in the total environment.
A system using beamed and reflected radio signals to and from an object in such a way that range, bearing, and other characteristics of the object may be determined.
Number of individuals in a population relative to space.
Any of several Old World finches of the genus Serinus.
The total process by which organisms produce offspring. (Stedman, 25th ed)
The variety of all native living organisms and their various forms and interrelationships.
An order of BIRDS with the common name owls characterized by strongly hooked beaks, sharp talons, large heads, forward facing eyes, and facial disks. While considered nocturnal RAPTORS, some owls do hunt by day.
Large, long-tailed reptiles, including caimans, of the order Loricata.
Large crested BIRDS in the family Cacatuidae, found in Australia, New Guinea, and islands adjacent to the Philippines. The cockatiel (species Nymphicus hollandicus) is much smaller.
Common name for many members of the FALCONIFORMES order, family Accipitridae, generally smaller than EAGLES, and containing short, rounded wings and a long tail.
The number of offspring produced at one birth by an oviparous or ovoviviparous animal.
Common name for one of five species of small PARROTS, containing long tails.
Periodic casting off FEATHERS; HAIR; or cuticle. Molting is a process of sloughing or desquamation, especially the shedding of an outer covering and the development of a new one. This phenomenon permits growth in ARTHROPODS, skin renewal in AMPHIBIANS and REPTILES, and the shedding of winter coats in BIRDS and MAMMALS.
In a medical context, the term "wing" is not typically used as a standalone definition; however, it can refer to various flat, wing-shaped structures in anatomy, such as the iliac wings of the pelvis or the zygomatic wings of the cheekbone.
Sexual activities of animals.
The physical measurements of a body.
Infection with CHLAMYDOPHILA PSITTACI (formerly Chlamydia psittaci), transmitted to humans by inhalation of dust-borne contaminated nasal secretions or excreta of infected BIRDS. This infection results in a febrile illness characterized by PNEUMONITIS and systemic manifestations.
A species of FLAVIVIRUS, one of the Japanese encephalitis virus group (ENCEPHALITIS VIRUSES, JAPANESE). It can infect birds and mammals. In humans, it is seen most frequently in Africa, Asia, and Europe presenting as a silent infection or undifferentiated fever (WEST NILE FEVER). The virus appeared in North America for the first time in 1999. It is transmitted mainly by CULEX spp mosquitoes which feed primarily on birds, but it can also be carried by the Asian Tiger mosquito, AEDES albopictus, which feeds mainly on mammals.
A mosquito-borne viral illness caused by the WEST NILE VIRUS, a FLAVIVIRUS and endemic to regions of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Common clinical features include HEADACHE; FEVER; maculopapular rash; gastrointestinal symptoms; and lymphadenopathy. MENINGITIS; ENCEPHALITIS; and MYELITIS may also occur. The disease may occasionally be fatal or leave survivors with residual neurologic deficits. (From Joynt, Clinical Neurology, 1996, Ch26, p13; Lancet 1998 Sep 5;352(9130):767-71)
A thin-walled, glandular stomach found in birds. It precedes the gizzard.
A thin-walled distention of the alimentary tract protruding just outside the body cavity in the distal end of the neck (esophagus), used for the temporary storage of food and water.
A family in the order MONONEGAVIRALES comprising one genus Bornavirus. This family has a unique form of mRNA processing: replication and transcription takes place in the nucleus.

A survey of serum and dietary carotenoids in captive wild animals. (1/4610)

Accumulation of carotenoids varies greatly among animal species and is not fully characterized. Circulating carotenoid concentration data in captive wild animals are limited and may be useful for their management. Serum carotenoid concentrations and dietary intakes were surveyed and the extent of accumulation categorized for 76 species of captive wild animals at Brookfield Zoo. Blood samples were obtained opportunistically from 275 individual animals immobilized for a variety of reasons; serum was analyzed for alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein + zeaxanthin, lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin and canthaxanthin. Total carotenoid content of diets was calculated from tables and chemical analyses of commonly consumed dietary components. Diets were categorized as low, moderate or high in carotenoid content as were total serum carotenoid concentrations. Animals were classified as unknown, high, moderate or low (non-) accumulators of dietary cartenoids. Nonaccumulators had total serum carotenoid concentrations of 0-101 nmol/L, whereas accumulators had concentrations that ranged widely, from 225 to 35,351 nmol/L. Primates were uniquely distinguished by the widest range of type and concentration of carotenoids in their sera. Most were classified as high to moderate accumulators. Felids had high accumulation of beta-carotene regardless of dietary intake, whereas a wide range of exotic birds accumulated only the xanthophylls, lutein + zeaxanthin, canthaxanthin or cryptoxanthin. The exotic ungulates, with the exception of the bovids, had negligible or nondetectable carotenoid serum concentrations despite moderate intakes. Bovids accumulated only beta-carotene despite moderately high lutein + zeaxanthin intakes. Wild captive species demonstrated a wide variety of carotenoid accumulation patterns, which could be exploited to answer remaining questions concerning carotenoid metabolism and function.  (+info)

Casts of hepatic blood vessels: a comparison of the microcirculation of the penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, with some common laboratory animals. (2/4610)

Latex casts of the hepatic blood vessels of the penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, and of some common laboratory animals were compared. There was general similarity between the different species, but the portal venous and hepatic arterial systems of the penguin were simpler than those of other species. Measurements were made of the volume and length of portal veins and it appears that the portal venous system is capable of being a more efficient blood reservoir in the penguin than in other species studied. The peribiliary plexus was especially well formed in the penguin and was drained by long veins which usually joined portal venous branches. Some of the long veins drained directly into the hepatic venous tree: these translobular veins were more prominent than in mammals. Anastomoses between hepatic artery and portal vein were not present in penguins, and the supply to the sinusoids appeared to be separate. The morphology of small hepatic veins of all the species appeared to be similar.  (+info)

First report of Thelazia sp. from a captive Oriental white stork (Ciconia boyciana) in Japan. (3/4610)

Nematodes of the genus Thelazia were recovered from the cornea and inferior conjunctival sac of an immature Oriental white stork (Ciconia boyciana). The bird hatched and reared at the Toyooka Oriental White Stork Breeding Center, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, but died of chlamydiosis. There were neither gross nor histopathologic ophthalmic lesions. The eye worm from a bird is believed to be first reported in Japan. As regarding reintroduction plan for the Oriental white stork, control measures for prevent further infection with the eye worm will be needed.  (+info)

Evidence for a correlation between the number of marginal band microtubules and the size of vertebrate erthrocytes. (4/4610)

In 23 species of vertebrates the dimensions of erythrocytes and the number of their marginal band microtubules were examined. A positive correlation was found between the size of erythrocytes and the number of microtubules. The absence of microtubules in diskoid erythrocytes of mammals-Camelidae-is discussed.  (+info)

Temperature regulation and heat dissipation during flight in birds. (5/4610)

Core and skin temperature were measured by radiotelemetry in starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) during 30 min flights in a wind tunnel. Core temperature was independent of ambient temperature from 0 to 28 degrees C. The temporal mean of the monitored core temperature during flight was 42-7 degrees C in one bird and 44-0 degrees C in another. These temperatures are 2-4 degrees C higher than the resting temperature in starlings, and are among the highest steady-state temperatures observed in any animal. Skin temperature on the breast was within a few degrees of core temperature. In some locations skin temperature was higher at low ambient temperatures than at intermediate ambient temperatures. An analysis of the data shows that a high core temperature does not function as an aid to head dissipation. On the contrary, insulation is adjusted to maintain a high temperature, presumably because it is necessary for flight. The increase in skin temperature at low ambient temperatures is believed to be a result of a decrease in heat flow through the breast feathers brought about by feather adjustments, to compensate for an unavoidable increase in heat flow in unfeathered or poorly feathered parts of the body.  (+info)

Activities of citrate synthase, NAD+-linked and NADP+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenases, glutamate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase in nervous tissues from vertebrates and invertebrates. (6/4610)

1. The activities of citrate synthase and NAD+-linked and NADP+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenases were measured in nervous tissue from different animals in an attempt to provide more information about the citric acid cycle in this tissue. In higher animals the activities of citrate synthase are greater than the sum of activities of the isocitrate dehydrogenases, whereas they are similar in nervous tissues from the lower animals. This suggests that in higher animals the isocitrate dehydrogenase reaction is far-removed from equilibrium. If it is assumed that isocitrate dehydrogenase activities provide an indication of the maximum flux through the citric acid cycle, the maximum glycolytic capacity in nervous tissue is considerably greater than that of the cycle. This suggest that glycolysis can provide energy in excess of the aerobic capacity of the tissue. 2. The activities of glutamate dehydrogenase are high in most nervous tissues and the activities of aspartate aminotransferase are high in all nervous tissue investigated. However, the activities of alanine aminotransferase are low in all tissues except the ganglia of the waterbug and cockroach. In these insect tissues, anaerobic glycolysis may result in the formation of alanine rather than lactate.  (+info)

Molecular studies suggest that cartilaginous fishes have a terminal position in the piscine tree. (7/4610)

The Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) are commonly accepted as being sister group to the other extant Gnathostomata (jawed vertebrates). To clarify gnathostome relationships and to aid in resolving and dating the major piscine divergences, we have sequenced the complete mtDNA of the starry skate and have included it in phylogenetic analysis along with three squalomorph chondrichthyans-the common dogfish, the spiny dogfish, and the star spotted dogfish-and a number of bony fishes and amniotes. The direction of evolution within the gnathostome tree was established by rooting it with the most closely related non-gnathostome outgroup, the sea lamprey, as well as with some more distantly related taxa. The analyses placed the chondrichthyans in a terminal position in the piscine tree. These findings, which also suggest that the origin of the amniote lineage is older than the age of the oldest extant bony fishes (the lungfishes), challenge the evolutionary direction of several morphological characters that have been used in reconstructing gnathostome relationships. Applying as a calibration point the age of the oldest lungfish fossils, 400 million years, the molecular estimate placed the squalomorph/batomorph divergence at approximately 190 million years before present. This dating is consistent with the occurrence of the earliest batomorph (skates and rays) fossils in the paleontological record. The split between gnathostome fishes and the amniote lineage was dated at approximately 420 million years before present.  (+info)

Prehistoric birds from New Ireland, Papua New Guinea: extinctions on a large Melanesian island. (8/4610)

At least 50 species of birds are represented in 241 bird bones from five late Pleistocene and Holocene archaeological sites on New Ireland (Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea). The bones include only two of seabirds and none of migrant shorebirds or introduced species. Of the 50 species, at least 12 (petrel, hawk, megapode, quail, four rails, cockatoo, two owls, and crow) are not part of the current avifauna and have not been recorded previously from New Ireland. Larger samples of bones undoubtedly would indicate more extirpated species and refine the chronology of extinction. Humans have lived on New Ireland for ca. 35,000 years, whereas most of the identified bones are 15,000 to 6,000 years old. It is suspected that most or all of New Ireland's avian extinction was anthropogenic, but this suspicion remains undetermined. Our data show that significant prehistoric losses of birds, which are well documented on Pacific islands more remote than New Ireland, occurred also on large, high, mostly forested islands close to New Guinea.  (+info)

I am not aware of a medical definition for the term "birds." Birds are a group of warm-blooded vertebrates constituting the class Aves, characterized by feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, and lightweight but strong skeletons. Some birds, such as pigeons and chickens, have been used in medical research, but the term "birds" itself does not have a specific medical definition.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Passeriformes" is not a medical term. It is a taxonomic category in biology, specifically an order of birds that includes over half of all bird species. Passeriformes are often referred to as perching birds or songbirds because many of them have specialized feet for perching on branches and a wide variety of vocalization capabilities. Examples of Passeriformes include sparrows, finches, robins, and crows.

I believe there may be some confusion in your question as "Songbirds" is a common name given to a group of birds known for their vocal abilities, rather than a term used in medical definitions. Songbirds, also known as passerines, are a diverse group of more than 5,000 species of small to medium-sized birds. They belong to the order Passeriformes and include familiar birds such as sparrows, finches, robins, and warblers.

If you have any questions related to medical terminology or healthcare topics, please let me know and I would be happy to help!

Animal migration is a seasonal movement of animals from one place to another, typically over long distances, to find food, reproduce, or escape harsh conditions. This phenomenon is observed in various species, including birds, mammals, fish, and insects. The routes and destinations of these migrations are often genetically programmed and can be quite complex. Animal migration has important ecological consequences and is influenced by factors such as climate change, habitat loss, and human activities.

Feathers are not a medical term, but they are a feature found in birds and some extinct theropod dinosaurs. Feathers are keratinous structures that grow from the skin and are used for various functions such as insulation, flight, waterproofing, and display. They have a complex structure consisting of a central shaft with barbs branching off on either side, which further divide into smaller barbules. The arrangement and modification of these feather structures vary widely among bird species to serve different purposes.

Charadriiformes is an order of birds that includes a diverse group of species, such as plovers, sandpipers, curlews, snipes, stilts, avocets, and gulls. These birds are characterized by their long, slender bills, which they use to probe the ground or water for food. They are often found in wetland environments, such as marshes, beaches, and mudflats, although some species can also be found in terrestrial habitats. Charadriiformes have a cosmopolitan distribution, with representatives on every continent except Antarctica.

"Animal Flight" is not a medical term per se, but it is a concept that is studied in the field of comparative physiology and biomechanics, which are disciplines related to medicine. Animal flight refers to the ability of certain animal species to move through the air by flapping their wings or other appendages. This mode of locomotion is most commonly associated with birds, bats, and insects, but some mammals such as flying squirrels and sugar gliders are also capable of gliding through the air.

The study of animal flight involves understanding the biomechanics of how animals generate lift and propulsion, as well as the physiological adaptations that allow them to sustain flight. For example, birds have lightweight skeletons and powerful chest muscles that enable them to flap their wings rapidly and generate lift. Bats, on the other hand, use a more complex system of membranes and joints to manipulate their wings and achieve maneuverability in flight.

Understanding animal flight has important implications for the design of aircraft and other engineering systems, as well as for our broader understanding of how animals have evolved to adapt to their environments.

Psittaciformes is not a medical term but a taxonomic order that includes parrots, cockatoos, and related species. However, in a medical context, "psittacosis" is a relevant term that can be discussed.

Psittacosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci, which can infect humans through contact with infected birds or their droppings. The disease is also known as parrot fever or ornithosis. Psittacosis can cause flu-like symptoms in humans, such as fever, headache, muscle aches, and cough. In severe cases, it can lead to pneumonia and other complications.

Therefore, while "Psittaciformes" is not a medical term itself, the order includes many bird species that can carry and transmit Chlamydia psittaci, leading to the disease known as psittacosis in humans.

Wild animals are those species of animals that are not domesticated or tamed by humans and live in their natural habitats without regular human intervention. They can include a wide variety of species, ranging from mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, to insects and other invertebrates.

Wild animals are adapted to survive in specific environments and have behaviors, physical traits, and social structures that enable them to find food, shelter, and mates. They can be found in various habitats such as forests, grasslands, deserts, oceans, rivers, and mountains. Some wild animals may come into contact with human populations, particularly in urban areas where their natural habitats have been destroyed or fragmented.

It is important to note that the term "wild" does not necessarily mean that an animal is aggressive or dangerous. While some wild animals can be potentially harmful to humans if provoked or threatened, many are generally peaceful and prefer to avoid contact with people. However, it is essential to respect their natural behaviors and habitats and maintain a safe distance from them to prevent any potential conflicts or harm to either party.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Parrots" is not a medical term. It is a common name used to refer to a group of birds that are known for their ability to mimic human speech. If you have any questions about medical terminology or health-related topics, I would be happy to try and help answer them for you!

Anseriformes is a taxonomic order that includes approximately 150 species of waterfowl, such as ducks, geese, and swans. These birds are characterized by their short, stout bills, which often have serrated edges or a nail-like structure at the tip, and are adapted for filter-feeding or grazing on aquatic vegetation. Anseriformes species are found worldwide, with the exception of Antarctica, and they inhabit a wide range of wetland habitats, including freshwater lakes, rivers, marshes, and coastal estuaries. Many Anseriformes species are migratory and travel long distances between their breeding and wintering grounds. The order is divided into two families: Anatidae, which includes ducks, geese, and swans, and Anhimidae, which includes screamers, a group of large, terrestrial birds found in South America.

"Chickens" is a common term used to refer to the domesticated bird, Gallus gallus domesticus, which is widely raised for its eggs and meat. However, in medical terms, "chickens" is not a standard term with a specific definition. If you have any specific medical concern or question related to chickens, such as food safety or allergies, please provide more details so I can give a more accurate answer.

I believe there may be some confusion in your question. "Raptors" is a common name used to refer to a group of birds of prey, which include hawks, eagles, falcons, and owls, among others. However, the term "raptors" does not have a specific medical definition.

If you meant to ask for a medical definition of a different term, please let me know and I will be happy to help you with that.

Galliformes is not a medical term, but a taxonomic order in ornithology, which is the study of birds. It includes landfowl such as grouses, turkeys, chickens, pheasants, quails, and other related species. These birds are characterized by their strong and stout bodies, short tails, and rounded wings. They typically inhabit a variety of terrestrial habitats worldwide, except for Australia and some oceanic islands. Some members of this order have cultural and economic significance as sources of food and feathers.

'Nesting behavior' is not a term typically used in medical definitions. However, it can be described as a type of behavior often observed in pregnant women, particularly close to their due date, where they have an intense desire to clean and organize their living space in preparation for the arrival of their baby. This behavior is considered a normal part of pregnancy and is not usually regarded as a medical condition.

In some cases, healthcare providers may use the term 'nesting' to describe a symptom of certain mental health disorders such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or Mania, where an individual may experience an intense urge to clean and organize their environment, but it is often accompanied by other symptoms that interfere with daily functioning.

Therefore, the definition of 'nesting behavior' can vary depending on the context in which it is used.

Falconiformes is an order of diurnal birds of prey that includes falcons, hawks, eagles, vultures, and condors. These birds are characterized by their strong, hooked beaks, sharp talons, and excellent vision, which make them efficient hunters. They are widely distributed around the world and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by controlling populations of small mammals, reptiles, and other birds.

Animal vocalization refers to the production of sound by animals through the use of the vocal organs, such as the larynx in mammals or the syrinx in birds. These sounds can serve various purposes, including communication, expressing emotions, attracting mates, warning others of danger, and establishing territory. The complexity and diversity of animal vocalizations are vast, with some species capable of producing intricate songs or using specific calls to convey different messages. In a broader sense, animal vocalizations can also include sounds produced through other means, such as stridulation in insects.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "finches" generally refers to a group of small-sized songbirds that belong to the family Fringillidae. They are not a medical term and do not have a medical definition. Finches are commonly kept as pets and are known for their melodious songs and vibrant colors. If you have any medical questions or terms, I'd be happy to help clarify those for you!

In medical terms, "beak" is not a term that is used as a general definition or diagnosis. However, there are some specific medical contexts where the term "beak" is used:

1. In forensic medicine, "beak" refers to the pointed end of a broken bone, which can occur when a bone is fractured in a certain way.
2. In respiratory medicine, "beaked nose" is a colloquial term used to describe a nose with a sharply pointed tip.
3. In maxillofacial surgery, "beak deformity" is a rare condition where the upper jaw protrudes excessively, giving the appearance of a bird's beak.
4. In veterinary medicine, "beak trimming" refers to the practice of trimming the beaks of birds to prevent them from injuring themselves or others.

It's important to note that these are very specific medical contexts and may not be relevant to your search for a general medical definition of "beak."

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "sparrows" is not a term used in medical definitions. Sparrows are small, common birds that belong to the family Passeridae. If you have any questions about medical terminology or concepts, I would be happy to help with those instead!

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "geese" is not a medical term. It refers to various waterbirds constituting the family Anatidae and the genus Branta, characterized by a long neck, wide wings, and a honking call. They are not related to human health or medicine. If you have any medical concerns or questions, I'd be happy to help you with those!

"Ducks" is not a medical term. It is a common name used to refer to a group of birds that belong to the family Anatidae, which also includes swans and geese. Some ducks are hunted for their meat, feathers, or down, but they do not have any specific medical relevance. If you have any questions about a specific medical term or concept, I would be happy to help if you could provide more information!

Columbidae is the family that includes all pigeons and doves. According to the medical literature, there are no specific medical definitions associated with Columbidae. However, it's worth noting that some species of pigeons and doves are commonly kept as pets or used in research, and may be mentioned in medical contexts related to avian medicine, zoonoses (diseases transmissible from animals to humans), or public health concerns such as bird-related allergies.

A cloaca is a common cavity or channel in some animals, including many birds and reptiles, that serves as the combined endpoint for the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Feces, urine, and in some cases, eggs are all expelled through this single opening. In humans and other mammals, these systems have separate openings. Anatomical anomalies can result in a human born with a cloaca, which is very rare and typically requires surgical correction.

"Bird Fancier's Lung" is a type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis, which is a lung disease that results from an immune system reaction to inhaled dust particles. In the case of Bird Fancier's Lung, the dust particles come from bird droppings or feathers and are inhaled by people who keep birds as pets or work with them in aviaries or breeding facilities.

The immune system of susceptible individuals mounts an inflammatory response to the inhaled antigens, leading to symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, fever, and fatigue. Over time, repeated exposure can lead to scarring and thickening of the lung tissue, which can impair lung function and cause irreversible damage.

The medical definition of Bird Fancier's Lung is: "A hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by inhalation of antigens derived from avian proteins, most commonly found in people who keep birds as pets or work with them in aviaries or breeding facilities."

Poultry diseases refer to a wide range of infectious and non-infectious disorders that affect domesticated birds, particularly those raised for meat, egg, or feather production. These diseases can be caused by various factors including viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, genetic predisposition, environmental conditions, and management practices.

Infectious poultry diseases are often highly contagious and can lead to significant economic losses in the poultry industry due to decreased production, increased mortality, and reduced quality of products. Some examples of infectious poultry diseases include avian influenza, Newcastle disease, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, mycoplasmosis, aspergillosis, and coccidiosis.

Non-infectious poultry diseases can be caused by factors such as poor nutrition, environmental stressors, and management issues. Examples of non-infectious poultry diseases include ascites, fatty liver syndrome, sudden death syndrome, and various nutritional deficiencies.

Prevention and control of poultry diseases typically involve a combination of biosecurity measures, vaccination programs, proper nutrition, good management practices, and monitoring for early detection and intervention. Rapid and accurate diagnosis of poultry diseases is crucial to implementing effective treatment and prevention strategies, and can help minimize the impact of disease outbreaks on both individual flocks and the broader poultry industry.

I am not aware of a medical term specifically referred to as "crows." The term "crows" is commonly used to refer to the bird species Corvus corone or Corvus brachyrhynchos, which are known for their black feathers and intelligent behavior. However, in a medical context, "crows feet" is a slang term that refers to the fine lines and wrinkles that can form around the outer corners of the eyes, often due to aging or repeated facial expressions.

If you meant something else by "Crows," please provide more context so I can give a more accurate answer.

Phylogeny is the evolutionary history and relationship among biological entities, such as species or genes, based on their shared characteristics. In other words, it refers to the branching pattern of evolution that shows how various organisms have descended from a common ancestor over time. Phylogenetic analysis involves constructing a tree-like diagram called a phylogenetic tree, which depicts the inferred evolutionary relationships among organisms or genes based on molecular sequence data or other types of characters. This information is crucial for understanding the diversity and distribution of life on Earth, as well as for studying the emergence and spread of diseases.

Species specificity is a term used in the field of biology, including medicine, to refer to the characteristic of a biological entity (such as a virus, bacterium, or other microorganism) that allows it to interact exclusively or preferentially with a particular species. This means that the biological entity has a strong affinity for, or is only able to infect, a specific host species.

For example, HIV is specifically adapted to infect human cells and does not typically infect other animal species. Similarly, some bacterial toxins are species-specific and can only affect certain types of animals or humans. This concept is important in understanding the transmission dynamics and host range of various pathogens, as well as in developing targeted therapies and vaccines.

"Spheniscidae" is not a medical term, but a taxonomic category in zoology. It refers to the family of birds that includes penguins. The misinterpretation might have arisen because sometimes common names of animals are mistakenly used as scientific terms in a medical context. However, it's essential to use the correct and precise scientific terminology for accurate communication, especially in fields like medicine.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Reptiles" is not a medical term. It is a term used in biology to describe a class of cold-blooded, scaly-skinned animals that include snakes, lizards, alligators, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises. They are characterized by having lungs for breathing, laying eggs on land, and having a three-chambered heart. If you have any medical questions or terms, I'd be happy to help clarify those!

Haemosporida is a biological order of parasitic alveolates that include several genera of intracellular parasites. These parasites infect the red blood cells of vertebrates, including mammals, birds, and reptiles, and can cause significant disease in their hosts. The most well-known Haemosporida are the genus Plasmodium, which includes the parasites that cause malaria in humans. Other genera include Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, and Polychromophilus, which infect various bird and reptile species.

The life cycle of Haemosporida involves both sexual and asexual reproduction and requires both an invertebrate vector (typically a mosquito or tick) and a vertebrate host. The parasites are transmitted to the vertebrate host through the bite of an infected vector, where they infect red blood cells and undergo asexual replication. This can lead to the destruction of large numbers of red blood cells, causing anemia, fever, and other symptoms in the host.

Overall, Haemosporida are important parasites that can cause significant disease in both human and animal populations. Prevention and control efforts typically focus on reducing exposure to infected vectors through the use of insecticide-treated bed nets, indoor residual spraying, and personal protective measures such as wearing long sleeves and using insect repellent.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "poultry" is not a medical term. It is a agricultural and culinary term that refers to domestic birds (such as chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys) that are kept for their eggs, meat, or feathers. The study and care of these birds would fall under the field of veterinary medicine, but "poultry" itself is not a medical term.

Palaeognathae is a clade or superorder of birds that includes flightless birds such as ostriches, emus, rheas, cassowaries, and kiwis, as well as the more recently flighted tinamou species. The name "Palaeognathae" comes from the ancient Greek words "paleos," meaning ancient or old, and "gnathos," meaning jaw. This name refers to the fact that these birds have a distinctive feature in their jaw structure called the palatine process, which is an ancient characteristic that sets them apart from other bird groups.

Palaeognathae species are characterized by several unique features, including:

1. A highly reduced keel on the sternum (breastbone), which makes flight difficult or impossible for most members of this group.
2. A unique jaw structure with a palatine process and a relatively unspecialized beak that lacks the keratinized sheath found in many other bird groups.
3. A simplified brain structure, particularly in the cerebellum, compared to other bird lineages.
4. A kinetic (movable) pelvis, which is not fused to the vertebral column as it is in most birds.
5. A single ovary and functional left testis in females and males, respectively.
6. A clutch size of one to a few eggs, with extended incubation periods that can last for several months.

Palaeognathae species are primarily found in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly in Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and South America. The tinamou species are an exception, as they inhabit Central and South America. These birds occupy a wide range of habitats, from deserts to forests, grasslands, and wetlands. They play essential roles in their ecosystems as seed dispersers, scavengers, and prey for other animals.

Feeding behavior refers to the various actions and mechanisms involved in the intake of food and nutrition for the purpose of sustaining life, growth, and health. This complex process encompasses a coordinated series of activities, including:

1. Food selection: The identification, pursuit, and acquisition of appropriate food sources based on sensory cues (smell, taste, appearance) and individual preferences.
2. Preparation: The manipulation and processing of food to make it suitable for consumption, such as chewing, grinding, or chopping.
3. Ingestion: The act of transferring food from the oral cavity into the digestive system through swallowing.
4. Digestion: The mechanical and chemical breakdown of food within the gastrointestinal tract to facilitate nutrient absorption and eliminate waste products.
5. Assimilation: The uptake and utilization of absorbed nutrients by cells and tissues for energy production, growth, repair, and maintenance.
6. Elimination: The removal of undigested material and waste products from the body through defecation.

Feeding behavior is regulated by a complex interplay between neural, hormonal, and psychological factors that help maintain energy balance and ensure adequate nutrient intake. Disruptions in feeding behavior can lead to various medical conditions, such as malnutrition, obesity, eating disorders, and gastrointestinal motility disorders.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "seasons" is not a term that has a medical definition. Seasons refer to the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn or fall, and winter) based on the position of the earth in its orbit around the sun. If you have any questions related to health or medicine, I'd be happy to try to help answer those!

Biological evolution is the change in the genetic composition of populations of organisms over time, from one generation to the next. It is a process that results in descendants differing genetically from their ancestors. Biological evolution can be driven by several mechanisms, including natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow, and mutation. These processes can lead to changes in the frequency of alleles (variants of a gene) within populations, resulting in the development of new species and the extinction of others over long periods of time. Biological evolution provides a unifying explanation for the diversity of life on Earth and is supported by extensive evidence from many different fields of science, including genetics, paleontology, comparative anatomy, and biogeography.

An "ecosystem" is not a term that has a specific medical definition, as it is a concept that is more commonly used in the fields of ecology and environmental science. However, I can provide you with the general ecological definition of an ecosystem:

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with each other and their non-living environment, including both biotic factors (plants, animals, microorganisms) and abiotic factors (climate, soil, water, and air). These interactions create a complex network of relationships that form the foundation of ecological processes, such as energy flow, nutrient cycling, and population dynamics.

While there is no direct medical definition for an ecosystem, understanding the principles of ecosystems can have important implications for human health. For example, healthy ecosystems can provide clean air and water, regulate climate, support food production, and offer opportunities for recreation and relaxation, all of which contribute to overall well-being. Conversely, degraded ecosystems can lead to increased exposure to environmental hazards, reduced access to natural resources, and heightened risks of infectious diseases. Therefore, maintaining the health and integrity of ecosystems is crucial for promoting human health and preventing disease.

Dinosaurs are a group of reptiles that were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for over 160 million years, from the late Triassic period until the end of the Cretaceous period. They first appeared approximately 230 million years ago and went extinct around 65 million years ago.

Dinosaurs are characterized by their upright stance, with legs positioned directly under their bodies, and a wide range of body sizes and shapes. Some dinosaurs were enormous, such as the long-necked sauropods that could reach lengths of over 100 feet, while others were small and agile.

Dinosaurs are classified into two main groups: the saurischians (lizard-hipped) and the ornithischians (bird-hipped). The saurischians include both the large carnivorous theropods, such as Tyrannosaurus rex, and the long-necked sauropods. The ornithischians were primarily herbivores and included a diverse array of species, such as the armored ankylosaurs and the horned ceratopsians.

Despite their extinction, dinosaurs have left a lasting impact on our planet and continue to be a source of fascination for people of all ages. The study of dinosaurs, known as paleontology, has shed light on many aspects of Earth's history and the evolution of life on our planet.

"Coturnix" is a genus of birds that includes several species of quails. The most common species is the Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix), which is also known as the European Quail or the Eurasian Quail. This small ground-dwelling bird is found throughout Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa, and it is known for its distinctive call and its migratory habits. Other species in the genus Coturnix include the Rain Quail (Coturnix coromandelica), the Stubble Quail (Coturnix pectoralis), and the Harlequin Quail (Coturnix delegorguei). These birds are all similar in appearance and behavior, with small, round bodies, short wings, and strong legs that are adapted for running and scratching in leaf litter. They are also known for their cryptic coloration, which helps them blend in with their surroundings and avoid predators. Quails are popular game birds and are also kept as pets and for ornamental purposes in some parts of the world.

"Influenza A Virus, H5N1 Subtype" is a specific subtype of the Influenza A virus that is often found in avian species (birds) and can occasionally infect humans. The "H5N1" refers to the specific proteins (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase) found on the surface of the virus. This subtype has caused serious infections in humans, with high mortality rates, especially in cases where people have had close contact with infected birds. It does not commonly spread from person to person, but there is concern that it could mutate and adapt to efficiently transmit between humans, which would potentially cause a pandemic.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "starlings" is not a medical term. It is a common name used to refer to a type of bird, specifically the species Sturnus vulgaris, also known as the European Starling. If you have any questions about medical terminology or concepts, I would be happy to help with those!

"Animals, Zoo" is not a medical term. However, it generally refers to a collection of various species of wild animals kept in enclosures or exhibits for the public to view and learn about. These animals are usually obtained from different parts of the world and live in environments that attempt to simulate their natural habitats. Zoos play an essential role in conservation efforts, education, and research. They provide a unique opportunity for people to connect with wildlife and understand the importance of preserving and protecting endangered species and their ecosystems.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "geography" is not a term that has a medical definition. Geography is a field of study that deals with the location and distribution of physical and cultural features on Earth's surface, as well as how humans interact with and affect those features. It is not a concept that is typically used in a medical context. If you have any questions related to medicine or healthcare, I would be happy to try to help answer them for you!

Population dynamics, in the context of public health and epidemiology, refers to the study of the changes in size and structure of a population over time, as well as the factors that contribute to those changes. This can include birth rates, death rates, migration patterns, aging, and other demographic characteristics. Understanding population dynamics is crucial for planning and implementing public health interventions, such as vaccination programs or disease prevention strategies, as they allow researchers and policymakers to identify vulnerable populations, predict future health trends, and evaluate the impact of public health initiatives.

Mammals are a group of warm-blooded vertebrates constituting the class Mammalia, characterized by the presence of mammary glands (which produce milk to feed their young), hair or fur, three middle ear bones, and a neocortex region in their brain. They are found in a diverse range of habitats and come in various sizes, from tiny shrews to large whales. Examples of mammals include humans, apes, monkeys, dogs, cats, bats, mice, raccoons, seals, dolphins, horses, and elephants.

'Homing behavior' is not a term typically used in medical definitions. However, it is commonly used to describe an animal's innate ability to return to its home territory or nest after traveling large distances. This behavior has been observed in various species including birds, insects, and mammals. It is not a medical condition or disease.

In medical terms, "wind" is not a widely used or recognized term. It might be used informally to describe symptoms such as abdominal bloating, rumbling, or the sensation of gas moving within the intestines. However, these sensations are more accurately described as related to bowel function and gas in the digestive tract. If you're experiencing persistent or severe symptoms that you're describing as "wind," it would be best to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation.

In medical terms, "fossils" do not have a specific or direct relevance to the field. However, in a broader scientific context, fossils are the remains or impressions of prehistoric organisms preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock. They offer valuable evidence about the Earth's history and the life forms that existed on it millions of years ago.

Paleopathology is a subfield of paleontology that deals with the study of diseases in fossils, which can provide insights into the evolution of diseases and human health over time.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "trees" is not a medical term. It is a common term used in various fields, including biology, ecology, and dendrology, to refer to a woody perennial plant with a single stem or trunk that supports branches and leaves in most species.

If you have any questions related to medical terminology or health-related topics, please provide more context so I can offer an accurate and helpful response.

The conservation of natural resources refers to the responsible use and management of natural resources, such as water, soil, minerals, forests, and wildlife, in a way that preserves their availability for future generations. This may involve measures such as reducing waste and pollution, promoting sustainable practices, protecting habitats and ecosystems, and engaging in careful planning and decision-making to ensure the long-term sustainability of these resources. The goal of conservation is to balance the needs of the present with the needs of the future, so that current and future generations can continue to benefit from the many goods and services that natural resources provide.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Radar" is not a medical term. Radar is an acronym that stands for Radio Detection and Ranging, which is a technology used in detecting the range, angle, or velocity of objects using radio waves. It is commonly used in various fields such as aviation, navigation, meteorology, and defense. If you have any medical terms you would like me to define, please let me know!

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "population density" is actually a term used in population geography and epidemiology, rather than medical terminology. It refers to the number of people living in a specific area or region, usually measured as the number of people per square mile or square kilometer.

However, understanding population density can be important in public health and medicine because it can influence various factors related to health outcomes and healthcare delivery, such as:

1. Disease transmission rates: Higher population densities can facilitate the spread of infectious diseases, particularly those that are transmitted through close contact between individuals.
2. Access to healthcare services: Areas with lower population density might have fewer healthcare resources and providers available, making it more challenging for residents to access necessary medical care.
3. Health disparities: Population density can contribute to health inequities, as urban areas often have better access to healthcare, education, and economic opportunities than rural areas, leading to differences in health outcomes between these populations.
4. Environmental factors: Higher population densities might lead to increased pollution, noise, and other environmental hazards that can negatively impact health.

Therefore, while "population density" is not a medical definition per se, it remains an essential concept for understanding various public health and healthcare issues.

"Canaries" is not a term that has a specific medical definition. It is most commonly known as the name of a type of small songbird, and can also refer to people or things associated with the Canary Islands or the color yellow, which is associated with the bird due to its plumage. If you have any confusion regarding a particular medical context where the term "canaries" has been used, I would recommend seeking clarification from the source.

Reproduction, in the context of biology and medicine, refers to the process by which organisms produce offspring. It is a complex process that involves the creation, development, and growth of new individuals from parent organisms. In sexual reproduction, this process typically involves the combination of genetic material from two parents through the fusion of gametes (sex cells) such as sperm and egg cells. This results in the formation of a zygote, which then develops into a new individual with a unique genetic makeup.

In contrast, asexual reproduction does not involve the fusion of gametes and can occur through various mechanisms such as budding, fragmentation, or parthenogenesis. Asexual reproduction results in offspring that are genetically identical to the parent organism.

Reproduction is a fundamental process that ensures the survival and continuation of species over time. It is also an area of active research in fields such as reproductive medicine, where scientists and clinicians work to understand and address issues related to human fertility, contraception, and genetic disorders.

Biodiversity is the variety of different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms that live in an ecosystem. It also includes the variety of genes within a species and the variety of ecosystems (such as forests, grasslands, deserts, and oceans) that exist in a region or on Earth as a whole. Biodiversity is important for maintaining the health and balance of ecosystems, providing resources and services such as food, clean water, and pollination, and contributing to the discovery of new medicines and other useful products. The loss of biodiversity can have negative impacts on the functioning of ecosystems and the services they provide, and can threaten the survival of species and the livelihoods of people who depend on them.

Strigiformes is a biological order that consists of around 200 extant species of birds, more commonly known as owls. This group is placed within the class Aves and is part of the superorder Coraciiformes. The Strigiformes are divided into two families: Tytonidae, also known as barn-owls, and Strigidae, which includes typical owls.

Owls are characterized by their unique morphological features, such as large heads, forward-facing eyes, short hooked beaks, and strong talons for hunting. They have specialized adaptations that allow them to be nocturnal predators, including excellent night vision and highly developed hearing abilities. Owls primarily feed on small mammals, birds, insects, and other creatures, depending on their size and habitat.

The medical community may not directly use the term 'Strigiformes' in a clinical setting. However, understanding the ecological roles of various animal groups, including Strigiformes, can help inform public health initiatives and disease surveillance efforts. For example, owls play an essential role in controlling rodent populations, which can have implications for human health by reducing the risk of diseases spread by these animals.

Alligators and crocodiles are large, semi-aquatic reptiles belonging to the order Crocodylia. They are characterized by a long, broad snout, powerful tail, and sharp teeth designed for grabbing and holding onto prey. Alligators and crocodiles are similar in appearance but can be distinguished by their snouts: alligators have a wider, U-shaped snout, while crocodiles have a more V-shaped snout.

Alligators (family Alligatoridae) are native to the United States and China, with two living species: the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) and the Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis). They prefer freshwater habitats such as rivers, lakes, and marshes.

Crocodiles (family Crocodylidae) are found in tropical regions around the world, including Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. There are 14 species of crocodiles, including the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus), the Saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), and the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus). Crocodiles can tolerate both freshwater and saltwater environments.

Both alligators and crocodiles are apex predators, feeding on a variety of animals such as fish, birds, and mammals. They are known for their powerful bite force and have been reported to take down large prey, including deer and cattle. Alligators and crocodiles play an important role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems by controlling populations of other animals and helping to keep waterways clean.

While alligators and crocodiles are often feared due to their size and predatory nature, they are also threatened by habitat loss, pollution, and hunting. Several species are considered endangered or vulnerable, and conservation efforts are underway to protect them and their habitats.

Cockatoos are a group of parrots that make up the family Cacatuidae. They are characterized by their distinctive crest on top of their heads, which they can raise or lower depending on their mood. Cockatoos come in a variety of sizes and colors, with some species having black, white, pink, or gray feathers.

Cockatoos are known for their intelligence and ability to mimic human speech, although not all species have this ability. They are also known for being social birds that form strong bonds with their mates and families. Many cockatoo species are popular as pets due to their friendly and affectionate personalities.

In terms of medical concerns, cockatoos can suffer from a variety of health issues, including feather-plucking, obesity, and behavioral problems. They require a balanced diet, plenty of mental and physical stimulation, and regular veterinary care to maintain their health and well-being.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "Hawks" is not a commonly used medical term. It is most frequently associated with the bird of prey or a sports team name. If you have encountered this term in a medical context and are unsure of its meaning, I would recommend checking the source again or consulting with a healthcare professional for clarification.

Clutch size is a term used in biology and ecology, particularly in the study of birds and reptiles, to refer to the number of offspring that a female produces at one time. It is called a "clutch" because the offspring are typically laid or born together and remain together for at least a portion of their development.

For example, a bird that lays four eggs in a single nesting attempt has a clutch size of four. Similarly, a reptile that gives birth to six young at one time has a clutch size of six. Clutch size can vary widely among different species and even within the same species, depending on factors such as the availability of food, the age and experience of the female, and environmental conditions.

Understanding clutch size is important for studying the reproductive biology and life history strategies of animals, as well as for conservation efforts aimed at protecting threatened or endangered species.

I'm sorry for any confusion, but "parakeets" is not a medical term. It is a common name used to refer to certain types of small to medium-sized parrots, particularly those with long tail feathers. The term is not associated with medical terminology or healthcare. If you have any questions related to animals or pets, I would be happy to try to help with those!

"Molting" is not a term typically used in medical contexts. It is primarily used to describe the shedding and replacement of feathers, hair, or skin in animals, including birds, reptiles, insects, and other invertebrates. In humans and other mammals, this process is more commonly referred to as "shedding" or "growing new hair/skin."

However, if you are referring to the medical term "molt," it is a rare genetic disorder that affects the skin's pigmentation and causes it to shed in patches. It is also known as "congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma" or "non-bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma." The condition is present at birth, and affected individuals have red, scaly skin that sheds in a pattern similar to snake skin. Molting is not contagious and has no known cure, but various treatments can help manage its symptoms.

In medical terms, "wing" is not a term that is used as a standalone definition. However, it can be found in the context of certain anatomical structures or medical conditions. For instance, the "wings" of the lungs refer to the upper and lower portions of the lungs that extend from the main body of the organ. Similarly, in dermatology, "winging" is used to describe the spreading out or flaring of the wings of the nose, which can be a characteristic feature of certain skin conditions like lupus.

It's important to note that medical terminology can be highly specific and context-dependent, so it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional for accurate information related to medical definitions or diagnoses.

Sexual behavior in animals refers to a variety of behaviors related to reproduction and mating that occur between members of the same species. These behaviors can include courtship displays, mating rituals, and various physical acts. The specific forms of sexual behavior displayed by a given species are influenced by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors.

In some animals, sexual behavior is closely tied to reproductive cycles and may only occur during certain times of the year or under specific conditions. In other species, sexual behavior may be more frequent and less closely tied to reproduction, serving instead as a means of social bonding or communication.

It's important to note that while humans are animals, the term "sexual behavior" is often used in a more specific sense to refer to sexual activities between human beings. The study of sexual behavior in animals is an important area of research within the field of animal behavior and can provide insights into the evolutionary origins of human sexual behavior as well as the underlying mechanisms that drive it.

"Body size" is a general term that refers to the overall physical dimensions and proportions of an individual's body. It can encompass various measurements, including height, weight, waist circumference, hip circumference, blood pressure, and other anthropometric measures.

In medical and public health contexts, body size is often used to assess health status, risk factors for chronic diseases, and overall well-being. For example, a high body mass index (BMI) may indicate excess body fat and increase the risk of conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Similarly, a large waist circumference or high blood pressure may also be indicators of increased health risks.

It's important to note that body size is just one aspect of health and should not be used as the sole indicator of an individual's overall well-being. A holistic approach to health that considers multiple factors, including diet, physical activity, mental health, and social determinants of health, is essential for promoting optimal health outcomes.

Psittacosis is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci, which is typically found in birds. It can be transmitted to humans through inhalation of dried secretions or feces from infected birds, and less commonly, through direct contact with infected birds or their environments. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle aches, cough, and pneumonia. In severe cases, it can lead to respiratory failure, heart inflammation, and even death if left untreated. It's important to note that psittacosis is treatable with antibiotics, and early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for a favorable prognosis.

West Nile Virus (WNV) is an Flavivirus, which is a type of virus that is spread by mosquitoes. It was first discovered in the West Nile district of Uganda in 1937 and has since been found in many countries throughout the world. WNV can cause a mild to severe illness known as West Nile fever.

Most people who become infected with WNV do not develop any symptoms, but some may experience fever, headache, body aches, joint pain, vomiting, diarrhea, or a rash. In rare cases, the virus can cause serious neurological illnesses such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or meningitis (inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord). These severe forms of the disease can be fatal, especially in older adults and people with weakened immune systems.

WNV is primarily transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes, but it can also be spread through blood transfusions, organ transplants, or from mother to baby during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. There is no specific treatment for WNV, and most people recover on their own with rest and supportive care. However, hospitalization may be necessary in severe cases. Prevention measures include avoiding mosquito bites by using insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants, and staying indoors during peak mosquito activity hours.

West Nile Fever is defined as a viral infection primarily transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. The virus responsible for this febrile illness, known as West Nile Virus (WNV), is maintained in nature between mosquito vectors and avian hosts. Although most individuals infected with WNV are asymptomatic, some may develop a mild, flu-like illness characterized by fever, headache, fatigue, body aches, skin rash, and swollen lymph glands. A minority of infected individuals, particularly the elderly and immunocompromised, may progress to severe neurological symptoms such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), meningitis (inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord), or acute flaccid paralysis (sudden weakness in the limbs). The diagnosis is confirmed through laboratory tests, such as serological assays or nucleic acid amplification techniques. Treatment primarily focuses on supportive care, as there are no specific antiviral therapies available for West Nile Fever. Preventive measures include personal protection against mosquito bites and vector control strategies to reduce mosquito populations.

The proventriculus is not typically referred to in human anatomy, but it is a term used in veterinary medicine and physiology. It is the first chamber of the stomach in some animals, including birds and reptiles. The proventriculus is responsible for secreting digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid to help break down food before it enters the gizzard (the second chamber of the stomach) for mechanical grinding.

In human anatomy, the equivalent structure would be the cardiac portion of the stomach, which is the upper part of the stomach near the esophagus. This region contains glands that secrete gastric juices, including hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes, to initiate the digestion process.

The term "crop" in the context of avian anatomy refers to a thin-walled, expandable portion of the digestive tract that functions as a storage site for food. It is located between the esophagus and the stomach (proventriculus) in birds. The crop serves as a temporary reservoir where ingested food can be stored and softened by the addition of water and digestive enzymes before being passed on to the proventriculus for further digestion and absorption. This allows birds to consume large quantities of food at once, which can then be gradually processed and utilized over an extended period.

Bornaviridae is a family of viruses that includes the Borna disease virus (BDV) as its type species. These viruses are enveloped, negative-sense, single-stranded RNA viruses that primarily infect mammals, including humans. The name "Bornaviridae" comes from the town of Borna in Saxony, Germany, where an outbreak of a neurological disease in horses, now known to be caused by BDV, was first described in the 19th century.

The genome of Bornaviruses is composed of six genes that encode for structural and non-structural proteins. The viral RNA is encapsidated in a nucleocapsid protein (N) and associated with the large (L) and phosphoprotein (P). The L protein functions as the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, while the P protein acts as a cofactor for the L protein.

Borna disease is a rare but serious neurological disorder that affects horses, sheep, and cattle, causing symptoms such as behavioral changes, loss of coordination, and paralysis. In humans, Bornaviruses have been associated with several neurological disorders, including encephalitis, but the exact role of these viruses in human disease remains unclear.

Prevention and control measures for Bornavirus infections include good biosecurity practices, such as wearing protective clothing and equipment when handling infected animals, and implementing strict quarantine procedures for infected herds. Currently, there are no vaccines or antiviral treatments available for Bornavirus infections.

  • The federal government says the H5N1 virus has been found in commercial and backyard birds in 29 states and in wild birds in 34 states since the first cases were detected in late 2021. (medscape.com)
  • There are genetic and antigenic differences between the influenza A virus subtypes that typically infect only birds and those that can infect birds and people. (cdc.gov)
  • Although all strains of influenza A virus naturally infect birds, certain strains can infect mammalian hosts such as pigs and humans. (medscape.com)
  • Bird flu is caused by several strains of influenza A virus that normally infect wild birds. (msdmanuals.com)
  • I've got a new post up at 10,000 Birds on a study looking at changing populations of several hundred common species of birds in Europe and North America (mainly the US). (scienceblogs.com)
  • All of the species of birds we have today are descendants of one lineage of dinosaur: the theropod dinosaurs. (livescience.com)
  • Focusing on 83 species of birds that have traditionally bred in New York state, the researchers compared data collected in the early 1980s with information gathered between 2000 and 2005. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Over 250 different species of birds have been spotted at Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens! (nps.gov)
  • Different species of birds see the world in different ways as a result of their different lifestyles. (lu.se)
  • For example, smaller birds, such as finches, jays, and sparrows, usually flock toward taller baths because they offer a better viewpoint and allow them to see any oncoming predators. (bobvila.com)
  • In the morning he clears up fifty dead robins , finches and other small birds. (wikipedia.org)
  • Note: All young birds are closed banded with (2011), except for the Parrot Finches. (tripod.com)
  • From acorn woodpeckers to zebra finches, Birkhead examines bird habitat, behavior, cultural meaning, and physiology in species around the world. (princeton.edu)
  • H5N1 is typically a highly pathogenic virus in birds, resulting in severe disease and death. (medscape.com)
  • These viruses occur naturally among wild aquatic birds worldwide and can infect domestic poultry and other bird and animal species. (cdc.gov)
  • with strains of influenza virus that normally occur in wild birds and domestic poultry. (msdmanuals.com)
  • The country is home to more than 500 different species of bird. (worldatlas.com)
  • Fourteen genera, representing about 19 species, of Mallophaga are reported for 20 different species of bird hosts. (dictionary.com)
  • Avian influenza A viruses have been isolated from more than 100 different species of wild birds around the world. (cdc.gov)
  • Five years later, Congress passed the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 , one of the first environmental protection laws in the country. (sierraclub.org)
  • A century later, the National Geographic Society published The Splendor of Birds as part of a year-long celebration of 100 years of federal protections for nearly 1,000 species of migratory birds. (sierraclub.org)
  • Just last April, the Interior Department released a new legal interpretation of the enforcement of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which could lead to the unchecked death of millions of birds each year. (sierraclub.org)
  • The birds that travel to and from our park throughout the year are called migratory birds . (nps.gov)
  • This is an excellent bird book that all Australian birders simply need to have. (scienceblogs.com)
  • Most birders were just watchers of bird behavior. (adobe.com)
  • In a primitive bird from Japan called Fukuipteryx - a 120-million-year-old avian that Imai described in November 2019 and the earliest known bird with a pygostyle - the preserved structure closely resembled the pygostyle of a modern chicken, Imai previously told Live Science. (livescience.com)
  • The earliest known bird is Archaeopteryx ("ancient wing"), which lived around 150 million years ago in what is now southern Germany. (livescience.com)
  • Archaeopteryx is the earliest-known bird. (enchantedlearning.com)
  • A farmhand, his family and community come under lethal attack from flocks of birds. (wikipedia.org)
  • One day in early December, he notices unusually large flocks of birds behaving restlessly, and he muses that they have received a message that winter is coming. (wikipedia.org)
  • Across the country massive flocks of birds gather, acting purposefully to force entry into buildings. (wikipedia.org)
  • THROUGHOUT MUCH OF THE UNITED STATES, flocks of yellow-rumped warblers are conspicuous birds during the winter months. (nwf.org)
  • Mary's an enthusiastic person so when she sees something, like Monday morning, when the birds were flying back and forth here in large flocks right in front of the house, she got so excited,' he said. (cbc.ca)
  • with its federal, state, local and industry partners to quickly respond to any Surveillance of flocks that are nearby or linked to the infected flock(s) bird flu findings. (cdc.gov)
  • Bird flu A(H5) or A(H7) virus outbreaks in poultry, where and quarantine of exposed flocks with culling if disease is detected, are depopulation (or culling, also called "stamping out") of infected flocks is the preferred control and eradication methods. (cdc.gov)
  • Egg-laying hens can no longer roam as freely, as farmers are temporarily keeping flocks inside during lethal outbreaks of bird flu. (medscape.com)
  • HPAI A(H5) and A(H7) virus infections in poultry also can spill back into wild birds, resulting in further geographic spread of the virus as those birds migrate. (cdc.gov)
  • While some wild bird species can be infected with some HPAI A(H5) or A(H7) virus subtypes without appearing sick, other HPAI A(H5) and A(H7) virus subtypes can cause severe disease and mortality in some infected wild birds as well as in infected poultry. (cdc.gov)
  • Domesticated birds (chickens, turkeys, ducks, etc.) may become infected with avian influenza A viruses through direct contact with infected waterfowl or other infected poultry, or through contact with surfaces that have been contaminated with the viruses. (cdc.gov)
  • No human bird flu infections have been reported from proper handling of Bird Flu in Poultry poultry meat or from eating properly cooked poultry or poultry products. (cdc.gov)
  • The man was helping kill poultry that probably had the H5N1 bird flu. (medscape.com)
  • Many different strains of bird flu are present in China, with some sporadically infecting people, typically those who work with poultry. (medscape.com)
  • In this case, the giant insects are praying mantis, and the dinosaurs are hummingbirds and other small birds. (scienceblogs.com)
  • In some cases, maybe most cases, this involves small birds like hummingbirds being taken at nectar sites (natural or otherwise) by introduced species of praying mantis in the US. (scienceblogs.com)
  • Many of our small birds eat insects, and larger birds at the top of the food chain prey on small birds or mammals. (massaudubon.org)
  • From classic pedestals to colorful glass hangers, these bird baths are sure to bring a little more life to your backyard. (bobvila.com)
  • Which is why they are called "warblers" instead of "colorful little birds. (scienceblogs.com)
  • You can find affordable field guides that will tell you where to find the birds and when they're most colorful for mating season. (adobe.com)
  • Cite this: Climate Changes are Making Some Bird Feathers Less Colorful - Medscape - Jul 22, 2022. (medscape.com)
  • Avian influenza refers to disease in birds caused by infection with avian (bird) influenza (flu) Type A viruses. (cdc.gov)
  • The term avian influenza used in this context refers to zoonotic human infection with an influenza strain that primarily affects birds. (medscape.com)
  • Bird Flu in Wild Birds used to treat people who are sick from human seasonal flu virus infection. (cdc.gov)
  • Wild water birds (like ducks and geese) can be infected with avian (bird) surfaces are thought to be at very low risk of infection. (cdc.gov)
  • Out of 2500 people exposed to birds infected with H5N1, only this one case of human infection has been confirmed. (medscape.com)
  • China had previously recorded the first known human infection with the H3N8 strain of bird flu. (medscape.com)
  • The infection can spread to domestic birds. (msdmanuals.com)
  • They have had contact with birds in an area where birds are known to carry the infection. (msdmanuals.com)
  • Psittacosis is an infection caused by Chlamydophila psittaci, a type of bacteria found in the droppings of birds. (medlineplus.gov)
  • I had been looking for rabbits lately, because of this: the cat had switched to hanging out by the upstairs window, the better to observe the just arriving Juncos (snow birds, it is fall). (scienceblogs.com)
  • Join DNR educator Katie McGlashen from Waterloo State Recreation Area to connect with nature and learn more about local birds, how to observe them and ways to identify them using simple tools. (michigan.gov)
  • The study compared data collected during the state Department of Environmental Conservation's Breeding Bird Atlas census, which engaged thousands of citizen volunteers to observe and report the birds they could identify. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Observe the bird for a couple of hours. (massaudubon.org)
  • Regular access will be needed to gardens where birds actually breed for scientific monitoring but this will be arranged to suit you and you are actively encouraged to observe and take part! (reading.ac.uk)
  • Information about recent U.S. outbreaks of avian influenza in birds is available from USDA's APHIS webpage . (cdc.gov)
  • Outbreaks of bird flu happen among birds from time to time. (cdc.gov)
  • Shorter baths, like ground baths or shorter pedestal baths, typically attract larger birds that are more comfortable on the ground, such as ducks, quail, owls , and doves. (bobvila.com)
  • Zuckerberg said similar changes were found in birds that breed in forests and those that inhabit grasslands, in both insectivores and omnivores, and even in new tropical migrants that are typically seen in Mexico and South America. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Juvenile birds in altricial species typically acquire these specializations close to fledging and leave the nest with some flight capability. (bvsalud.org)
  • Results of search for 'su:{Influenza in birds. (who.int)
  • Alexander uses relatable examples to draw in readers even without a natural interest in birds, bees, and bats. (scienceblogs.com)
  • It was time to talk to the boy about the birds and the bees. (dictionary.com)
  • Wild aquatic birds can be infected with avian influenza A viruses in their intestines and respiratory tract, but some species, such as ducks, may not get sick. (cdc.gov)
  • They do not have ear tufts and most are highly nocturnal woodland birds. (wikipedia.org)
  • As the only urban wetland in the nation's capital, the park manages habitat for ground nesting, aquatic, and woodland birds. (nps.gov)
  • The park manages habitat for ground nesting, aquatic, and woodland birds.Join us on Tuesday mornings from 8:30-10:00am for a weekly bird walk. (nps.gov)
  • As Jonathan Baillie, chief scientist of the National Geographic Society, notes in the foreword of The Splendor of Birds , hundreds of bird species face imminent risk of extinction, while many more face unprecedented challenges to their populations. (sierraclub.org)
  • In theory we expect that putting out food will not only increase bird populations but also increase the breeding success of these birds. (reading.ac.uk)
  • In a 15-year study of two populations of blue tit birds in the South of France, it was found that the bird's striking blue and yellow plumage is declining in vibrancy . (medscape.com)
  • Western dishes get a Sichuan twist at Birds of a Feather. (timeout.com)
  • Descended from birds, the three-eyed, feather-covered creatures lived on a frigid planet with a methane-based atmosphere and gravity 11 times stronger than that on Earth, which, according to 2951 documentation, was now a planet called "Terra. (dictionary.com)
  • Neotropical birds in the genus Ciccaba are sometimes included in Strix . (wikipedia.org)
  • In addition to berries during winter, fall fruits also are vital to birds, especially neotropical migrants that must travel hundreds, even thousands, of miles during the season. (nwf.org)
  • In Birds and Us, award-winning writer and ornithologist Tim Birkhead takes us on a dazzling epic journey through our mutual history with birds, from the ibises mummified and deified by Ancient Egyptians to the Renaissance fascination with woodpecker anatomy-and from the Victorian obsession with egg collecting to today's fight to save endangered species and restore their habitats. (princeton.edu)
  • This is just a pointer to my latest post at 10,000 birds on a tool using crow from Hawaii, as well as recent climate change related threats to the birds of that island state. (scienceblogs.com)
  • Bird-friendly landscaping provides food, saves water, and fights climate change. (audubon.org)
  • Make your yard or patio a safe haven for birds in the face of climate change. (audubon.org)
  • Researchers at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) have documented that a variety of North American bird species are extending their breeding ranges to the north, adding to concerns about climate change, according to a study published by the journal Global Change Biology . (sciencedaily.com)
  • In a study published on the journal's web site, the SUNY-ESF researchers state the change in the birds' breeding ranges "provides compelling evidence that climate change is driving range shifts. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Woods said the innate mobility of birds made them an excellent animal to study in connection with adaptation to climate change. (sciencedaily.com)
  • This is a summary of the article, "Research suggests that change in bird coloration is due to climate change," published by The American Naturist on July 14. (medscape.com)
  • Most prey on small mammals , birds, and reptiles . (wikipedia.org)
  • Birds are living dinosaurs, just as we are mammals," said Julia Clarke, a paleontologist studying the evolution of flight and a professor with the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. (livescience.com)
  • Mammals have no mitochondria in their red blood cells, but birds do, and according to the research team from Lund and Glasgow this means that the blood can function as a central heating system when it is cold. (lu.se)
  • However, avian influenza A viruses are very contagious among birds, and some of these viruses can sicken and even kill certain domesticated bird species, including chickens, ducks and turkeys. (cdc.gov)
  • [ 4 ] A reassorted H5N1 virus has been reported in the United States among wild birds but is not considered a threat to humans. (medscape.com)
  • H5N1 and H7N9, which cause most cases of bird flu in people, have similar effects. (msdmanuals.com)
  • If you want photographs of birds perched, sitting in nests, or standing in water, you can get better photos with a tripod. (adobe.com)
  • They lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species, according to the Max Planck Society in Germany, tricking other birds into thinking the cuckoo eggs are theirs. (livescience.com)
  • Birds living in urban environments often use cigarette butts to line their nests. (newscientist.com)
  • To see whether cigarette butts might have a similar effect in urban birds' nests, Constantino MacĂ­as Garcia from the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City and colleagues lured parasites to these nests. (newscientist.com)
  • Does that mean birds line their nests with cigarette butts to repel parasites? (newscientist.com)
  • Birds can distinguish between the two by their smell, and if they prefer to line their nests with spent butts, that would suggest they are aware of the butts' ability to deter parasites. (newscientist.com)
  • As for the birds' preferred brand, the nests contained more Marlboro Red butts than any other brand. (newscientist.com)
  • Moreover, moving water helps deter insects and algae, making the bird bath easier to maintain and keep clean. (bobvila.com)
  • Birds need a safe source of water to survive and thrive in any habitat. (bobvila.com)
  • In most cases, she adds, native berries contain more of the fats, carbohydrates and nutrients that birds need to survive the cold months. (nwf.org)
  • Research shows that in many species, fewer than 50 percent of baby birds survive to adulthood. (massaudubon.org)
  • The food we supply helps many birds survive tough environmental conditions. (reading.ac.uk)
  • House of Mountain Birds / Chaoffice" 29 Jun 2022. (archdaily.com)
  • The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) had warned in early 2022 that the current wave of bird flu had a greater risk of spreading to humans owing to the high number of variants. (medscape.com)
  • Trending Clinical Topic: Bird Flu - Medscape - May 13, 2022. (medscape.com)
  • Infected birds can shed avian influenza A viruses in their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces. (cdc.gov)
  • Infected birds have virus prolonged, unprotected exposure with infected birds or contaminated in their saliva, mucous and droppings (feces). (cdc.gov)
  • Some of the main targets for cuckoos include dunnocks ( Prunella modularis ), meadow pipits ( Anthus pratensis ) and reed warblers ( Acrocephalus scirpaceus ), researchers reported in 2009 in the journal Bird Study . (livescience.com)
  • Like other indigenous plants, native bayberries are better for birds than exotics. (nwf.org)
  • The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation. (audubon.org)
  • However, a study on bird-fruit interactions published recently in Biological Conservation shows that, even when exotic fruits are more abundant, "birds usually prefer and seek out native fruits," says lead author Amanda Gallinat , a postdoctoral researcher at Utah State University. (nwf.org)
  • But a pioneering conservation program launched by island residents in 1980 rescued the birds at the very last moment, raising their numbers from 17 to nearly 300. (nwf.org)
  • This project will form a major part of Dr Hugh Hanmer 's PhD thesis on the Conservation of Urban Birds. (reading.ac.uk)
  • From the first case of H5 avian influenza in humans in the United States to reports of ongoing, widespread disease in birds , the potential of a possible pandemic variant has many keeping a watchful eye on the disease. (medscape.com)
  • During the late spring and summer many baby birds leave the nest prematurely. (massaudubon.org)
  • When it comes to raising their young, these birds don't need to build a nest, protect their eggs or feed their offspring. (livescience.com)
  • If a female cuckoo is spotted laying her eggs in the wrong nest, or the bird becomes aware that one egg is different, cuckoo eggs can be attacked. (livescience.com)
  • The host bird pierces the shell of the imposter egg and throws it out of the nest, according to The University of Illinois of Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) . (livescience.com)
  • We plan on providing bird feeders, bird food and some nest boxes to our volunteers so we can then monitor breeding activity in real suburban and urban gardens. (reading.ac.uk)
  • Using nest monitoring and bird ringing to compare different feeding setups we hope to shed light on this overlooked area. (reading.ac.uk)
  • The whole experiment is expected to last from early March to late July with the majority of the research effort focused on mid April to mid June when most garden birds nest. (reading.ac.uk)
  • The bald eagle is a large bird of prey and a symbol of the USA. (enchantedlearning.com)
  • The bald eagle is a large bird of prey. (enchantedlearning.com)
  • A sick or injured bird will become prey for another animal, helping to assure the predator's survival for another day or two. (massaudubon.org)
  • Only some avian influenza A(H5) and A(H7) viruses are classified as HPAI A viruses, while most A(H5) and A(H7) viruses circulating among birds are LPAI A viruses. (cdc.gov)
  • Deck-mounted, wall-mounted, or hanging baths likely will attract these types of birds. (bobvila.com)
  • To draw particular types of birds, choose one of the tree species they prefer. (psychologytoday.com)
  • Avian influenza is a slightly misleading term, as influenza is among the natural infections found in birds. (medscape.com)
  • The injectable-hyclate formulation labeled for intravenous use in humans in the United States is not suitable for IM use in birds because severe tissue reactions will occur at the site of injection. (cdc.gov)
  • Members, who are grouped by their immediate neighborhoods, use the app to report bird sightings and alert others about missing pets. (dictionary.com)
  • Wild aquatic birds, especially dabbling ducks, are considered reservoirs (hosts) for avian influenza A viruses. (cdc.gov)
  • susceptible hosts, such as game birds. (cdc.gov)
  • This article will discuss some of these native birds and their physical characteristics, habitat and range as well as their current status. (worldatlas.com)
  • Susceptible birds become infected when they have contact with the virus as it is shed by infected birds. (cdc.gov)
  • The earliest birds shared much in common with their theropod relatives, including feathers and egg-laying. (livescience.com)
  • However, primitive birds still had much in common with non-avian theropods, said Jingmai O'Connor, a paleontologist specializing in dinosaur-era birds and the transition from non-avian dinosaurs, at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthroplogy in Beijing, China . (livescience.com)
  • Among the species moving north are the Nashville warbler, a little bird with a yellow belly and a loudly musical two-part song, and the pine siskin, a common finch that resembles a sparrow. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Birds moving north from more southern areas include the red-bellied woodpecker, considered the most common woodpecker in the Southeastern United States, and the Carolina wren, whose "teakettle, teakettle, teakettle" song is surprisingly loud for a bird that weighs less than an ounce. (sciencedaily.com)
  • Whether common birds or rare species are your goal, research the birds you hope to photograph. (adobe.com)
  • Until now, the common perception has been that birds keep warm by shivering with their large pectoral muscles and fluffing up their feathers. (lu.se)
  • Methods: Common bird species were targeted for blood sampling during two southern hemisphere summers. (who.int)
  • While birds have received the majority of attention from flight researchers, Alexander pays equal attention to all four groups of flyers-something that no other book on the subject has done before now. (scienceblogs.com)
  • Bird researchers note a bird's heartbeat, breathing rate, metabolism, body temperature and amount of food eaten as markers of this effort. (startribune.com)
  • Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered that bird blood produces more heat in winter, when it is colder, than in autumn. (lu.se)
  • The researchers took blood samples from the birds and isolated the red blood cells. (lu.se)
  • However, the work was not to produce more energy, something the researchers had assumed since birds have a much higher metabolism in winter. (lu.se)
  • The researchers will now investigate whether cold weather is the whole explanation for the birds' blood producing more heat in winter. (lu.se)
  • In A Sky Full of Birds , poet and nature writer Matt Merritt shares his passion for birdwatching by taking us to some of the great avian gatherings that occur around the British isles - from ravens in Anglesey and raptors on the Wirral, to Kent nightingales and Scottish capercaillies. (penguin.co.uk)
  • however, because other bird flu viruses have infected people, it is possible that human infections with these viruses could occur. (cdc.gov)
  • The bird flu virus rarely spreads from animals to people (spread to people may occur if the genetic material of the virus mutates). (msdmanuals.com)
  • Build your skills with these bird photography tips from expert wildlife photographers. (adobe.com)
  • For his bird photos, wildlife and landscape photographer Joseph Filer uses a DSLR camera with an 800mm lens. (adobe.com)
  • If a bird is really injured, consider contacting a licensed wildlife rehabilitator who can make an informed judgment about whether additional care is possible and advise on next steps. (massaudubon.org)
  • If you're unable to contact a wildlife rehabilitator, place the bird out of sight with as little handling as possible and let nature take its course. (massaudubon.org)
  • Additional information about avian influenza surveillance in wild birds is available at the USGS National Wildlife Health Center . (cdc.gov)
  • This strain has drawn more attention than other HPAI strains because of ongoing reports of bird-to-human transmissions that result in severe disease in the human host. (medscape.com)
  • Visit our Reducing Collisions page to learn more about protecting birds from collisions with glass. (audubon.org)
  • The shape of its forelimbs and feathers also suggests that Archaeopteryx was capable of powered flight, a trait associated with most modern birds. (livescience.com)
  • Alexander also delves into wing-origin theory and explores whether birds entered the skies from the trees down (as gliders) or from the ground up (as runners) and uses the latest fossil evidence to present readers with an answer. (scienceblogs.com)
  • This manuscript explores how juvenile birds achieve high levels of locomotor performance in the absence of flight specializations, by synthesizing work on two groups of precocial birds with very different developmental strategies . (bvsalud.org)
  • Are Birds Dinosaurs? (livescience.com)
  • In some birds, like this cassowary, the resemblance to extinct theropod dinosaurs is easy to see. (livescience.com)
  • But are birds still considered to be true dinosaurs? (livescience.com)
  • And many theropod dinosaurs that were not birds had true feathers, "which are feathers that have a central part down the middle and branching barbs," according to Clarke. (livescience.com)
  • These guides are unique in the way the birds are depicted, giving you views of the birds as they actually look in the wild, including really far away or hiding in the bushes, or all the other things birds do. (scienceblogs.com)
  • Early in the 20th century, birding (the practice of observing wild birds) grew in popularity. (adobe.com)
  • Exactly when the transition to modern domestic creature took place, for a bird that is wild to this day, is controversial. (dictionary.com)
  • Most avian influenza A viruses are low pathogenic and cause few signs of disease in infected wild birds. (cdc.gov)
  • This vaccination program can help prevent the bird flu virus from spreading from wild birds to domestic birds. (msdmanuals.com)
  • If you want to capture flying birds or birds moving quickly on the ground, camera stabilization is key, but a tripod may be too unwieldy. (adobe.com)
  • After stabilization with oxytetracycline treatment, the birds should be switched to another form of treatment to reduce the muscle irritation that is caused by repeated oxytetracycline injection. (cdc.gov)

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