The toothlike process on the upper surface of the axis, which articulates with the CERVICAL ATLAS above.
The first cervical vertebra.
The joint involving the CERVICAL ATLAS and axis bones.
The point of articulation between the OCCIPITAL BONE and the CERVICAL ATLAS.
In anatomy, 'axis' is a term used to describe a real or imaginary line around which something rotates or along which it aligns, such as the second cervical vertebra, also known as the axis bone, which provides the pivot point for the rotation of the head.
Broken bones in the vertebral column.
Specialized devices used in ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY to repair bone fractures.
The first seven VERTEBRAE of the SPINAL COLUMN, which correspond to the VERTEBRAE of the NECK.
Acute and chronic conditions characterized by external mechanical compression of the SPINAL CORD due to extramedullary neoplasm; EPIDURAL ABSCESS; SPINAL FRACTURES; bony deformities of the vertebral bodies; and other conditions. Clinical manifestations vary with the anatomic site of the lesion and may include localized pain, weakness, sensory loss, incontinence, and impotence.
Operative immobilization or ankylosis of two or more vertebrae by fusion of the vertebral bodies with a short bone graft or often with diskectomy or laminectomy. (From Blauvelt & Nelson, A Manual of Orthopaedic Terminology, 5th ed, p236; Dorland, 28th ed)
Tomography using x-ray transmission and a computer algorithm to reconstruct the image.