A plant genus of the family SIMAROUBACEAE. Members produce quassinoids.
A plant species of the genus ARTEMISIA, family ASTERACEAE that has been used in ABSINTHE. The oil contains neurotoxic 1-thujone and d-isothujone.
(1 beta,2 alpha,11 beta,12 alpha,15 beta(S))-11,20-Epoxy-1,2,11,12-tetrahydroxy-15-(2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1-oxobutoxy)picras-3-en-16-one. A quassinoid (Simaroubolide) from Simaruba glauca, a tropical shrub. It has been used as an antiamebic agent and is found to be cytotoxic. It may be of use in cancer chemotherapy.