Infection with roundworms of the genus ANISAKIS. Human infection results from the consumption of fish harboring roundworm larvae. The worms may cause acute NAUSEA; VOMITING; or penetrate into the wall of the DIGESTIVE TRACT where they give rise to EOSINOPHILIC GRANULOMA in the STOMACH; INTESTINES; or the OMENTUM.
A genus of nematodes of the superfamily ASCARIDOIDEA. Its organisms are found in the stomachs of marine animals and birds. Human infection occurs by ingestion of raw fish that contain larvae.
Infections by nematodes, general or unspecified.
A superfamily of polymyarian nematode worms. An important characteristic of this group is the presence of three prominent lips around the mouth of the organism.
The presence of parasites in food and food products. For the presence of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in food, FOOD MICROBIOLOGY is available.
The fold of peritoneum by which the COLON is attached to the posterior ABDOMINAL WALL.
Immunoglobulins produced in a response to HELMINTH ANTIGENS.
Marine fish and shellfish used as food or suitable for food. (Webster, 3d ed) SHELLFISH and FISH PRODUCTS are more specific types of SEAFOOD.
Pathological processes involving the STOMACH.
Wormlike or grublike stage, following the egg in the life cycle of insects, worms, and other metamorphosing animals.
Pathological processes in the COLON region of the large intestine (INTESTINE, LARGE).